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Here's a picture featuring Spyke, my Scolipede gijinka/OC. THe idea was suggested by Lasciua Diaboli.

"people love love LOVE to drink and have parties on St. Patrick's day. What better boyo to get all tipsy fun huge and drink to have a party with than Spyke of the normal or swole variety?"

If you plan to have a party with lots of alcoholic drinks, and plant to invite SPyke...you've been warned, most, if not all those parties end up with the place blowing up with the sheer size of Spyke, drinking  every single litter of alcohol AND poison, becoming more uncontrollable the more drunk he got. He even ate all the snacks around...and most of the party goers!

And after drinking and eating all that, he's STILL thirsty! Trying to look out for his lil' buddy, Draken, who's stuck under Spyke's globular and wobbly belly, to see hi he can bring him even more drinks! Poor Draken can't even get out of that warm and musky prison...

Hope you like it!



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