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Here's a picture featuring Venti from Genshin Impact. The idea was suggested by Amaranth Anhrefn.

"How about Venti from Genshin Impact, in his Barbatos form, being a big soft lovable guant bard and singing a love song to a special someone, maybe even lifting them up into the air with his Anemo power as his body involuntarily flexes and swells. Maybe some others are climbing around on him transfixed by his serenade."

Using is full Barbatos power, Venti grew to mountainous proportions in a matter of seconds, so he could hold a concert that everyone on Mondstat could enjoy no matter what! Meanwhile, the ones that were closer to him during the show, like Aether, were lifted by Venti's wind magic so they could enjoy the show more close and personal~

Hope you like it!



Robin Hafner

I really like Venti's expression here, and the perspective is *really* nice.