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Here's a picture featuring Jeremy from Phineas and Ferb. The idea was suggested by HyperCole.

"An idea i've though up recently: Jeremy Johnson from phineas and ferb working at the mall and trying to put a star on top of the mall's giant tree. His body is a bit cramped in the mall due to his massive size and muscles, his head bumping the ceiling. Other than that he puts it on easily, but the tree is curved to the side cause his massive belly is pushing it away from him!"

The staff of the local mall have been thinking about new tactics on how to appeal more to the costumers, and also augment the productivity in the mall. After consulting with experts in marketing, they've gone to the conclusion that the staff members themselves should be more appealing to the public in order to make the mall feel more appealing. Most of the staff members were already pretty good at treating customers, so what else was to be improved...then the head of the mall got it! The looks of course! He's going to get all the staff members into a special training to train their bodies, will improve their looks AND health, win win situation~

During that same meeting with the "expert", he suggested his own product, a protein shake that helps the increase of muscle mass for men. The boss was a little suspicious about it, but the expert said he was going to give them a whole gallon for free for them to try it. The moment the expert heard "free", both of them shook hands and sealed the deal. While the expert was leaving, he just remembered that only one glass was enough of a dose for one person...he just shrugged it off, and left.

Once the boss explained their plan to make workout sessions for all staff members, most of them were fine, even excited to start. Specially Jeremy, him being athletic already, he was excited to have another nice reason to have fun in his job. Once that was explained, the boss showed the gallon of protein shake, telling them it was quite tasty and healthy for everyone...that's when their excitement ended, nobody has seen that brand before, and it looked quite shady...

The boss got a little nervous seeing that nobody wanted to give it a try. "Uuh...Any volunteers?" He said while being concerned...until he saw a hand raise! It was Jeremy! He was pretty much the only one of the staff members that still seemed pretty excited about the whole thing, even the protein shake. THe boss invited him to have as much of it as he wanted, not even bothering reading the isntructions for it. Jeremy started with just a class...He liked it so much, that he asked if he could have some more, the boss inviting him to just go ahead and keep on drinking. Another one...two more...five more...Then he grabbed the whole gallon and started to chug it down! The boss was too late to react and take it off Jeremy's hansd, since once he did, Jeremy hadd already drank all of the gallon's contents. Jeremy patted his bloated belly full of proteing shake, and let out a loud burp that was heard by everyone in the room. "Whoops! Excuse me, I guess I got a little carried away~" He said with a sheepish smile. THe boss was a little concerned about Jeremy's health with all taht proteing, but at least he was able to get rid of that proteing shake, and all that was left was to see the results of these new workout sessions.

Jeremy was always the first one to his the new gym for staff members, healreayd had some experience with gym equipment, so for him it was a breeze to workout with them. Each day that passed, everyone could see that he got a little bulkier each day, his loose gym clothes getting tighter each day. But the changes got exponentially bigger the more time that passed. His built went from an athletic teenager's to a beginner bodybulder's, his height increased in just a few centimeters to dozens of them. In jsut a few weeks, he dwarved all the other staff members both in height and muscle mass. It seems like the protein shake was taking its time be processed byJeremy's body...but when was it going to stop?

Weeks kept on passing, and in just a single day, Jeremy would explode in size, instead of centimeters, he grew meters wider AND taller! Barely able to enter the mall doors, the boss having to order the making of a custom, giant door for Jeremy himself...and at the rate he was growing, that door was already getting too tight for him! 

But no matter how much bigger he's grown, Jeremy never lost his nice and charming personality, always receiving customers with a big smile, and being able to receive any shipments and packages, and easily move them around, wether it was for a certain shop, or for a truck to ship products....heck, he even offered to do the shipments himself! Him being much faster than a truck, he easily carried the packages throughout the city, making sure he doesnt step on anything or anyone. For the boss, this wasn't the turn out he expected...but it was more than welcome~ Both productivity and popularity increased! Thanks to Jeremy's ease to move things around, an dhis charm and muscles that attracted all kind of public~

So here's him about to put the star on the Christmas tree, while welcoming you to the mall.

Hope you like it!




There's something about this one I can't put my finger on that works really well. Maybe the amount of the pic he's taking up?


I really love the facial expression you gave him, feels really accurate to his character!