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Here's a picture featuring Ash and Goh from Pokémon. The idea was suggested by Brian Yip.

"Ash and Gou got a present 🎁 on Christmas 🎄 and they got a Macho Belt"

During their travels, Ash and Goh decided to stay at Circhester, the snowy city of the Galar region. THey thought it was the best place to stay in during the holidays. Once they settled in one of the city's hotels, they were received by a big Christmas Tree in their room, the staff of the hotel making sure that their customers are well received with Christmas Spirit.

Both boys were pretty tired from their travels, so they just went ahead and called it a night, both of them sharing the same room with separated beds, both of them falling asleep seconds after they laid down on bed. 

While they were sleeping peacefully, some snowy sparkes started to appear out of the chimney...until a Delibird appeared! What they didn't know, is that this one Delibird liked to travel all around Galar to leave gifts for all people in Galar, and by some mysterious power, its able to read people's minds, and know exacly what material thing they want.
He looked at the two sleeping boys, using its analysis powers...until it figured out what the wanted! It lifted its two stubby wings, and a couple of gifts appeared on each of its limbs. Delibird left the two gifts under the Christmas tree, and swiftly left through the chimney. Wonder what was it that they two travelers wanted...

Once the morning sun shined upon Ash and Goh's faces, both of them yawned loudly as they stretche when they woke up. Once they got up, they could see a certain shine from the bottom of the Christmas tree...it was shiny ribbons from the gifts left by Delibird! Not expecting any gifts at all, they leaped out of their beds, not even bothering changing from their pajamas, and rushed towards the gifts! THey figured it was just some gifts from the hosts for the holidays. But they were even more surprised once they found out what was in the gifts...they were a couple of Macho Belts!

With how experienced they were with Pokemon lore, they inmediatedly knew these two belts looked just like the ones Machokes wear to control their strength! They looked like exact replicas...except that they were juuust the right size to fit both boys! Excited to try, both of them put them on, and they actually did fit them perfectly. Both boys started to flex their muscles jokingly, playing that they're a couple of Machokes holding a flex off...until they were interrupted by an audible, tearing noise.

The noise came from both of their backs, the backs of their pajamas were starting to tear up! I mean, with all the traveling and trekking they've done in their journeys, they've ddefinetly trained their bodies well...but their pajamas were pretty loose last night. In fact, now their pajamas fit their bodies quite snuggly! To the point it looked skin tight. Not only that, but some pretty notable pecs and abs could be seen on their torsos.

Both of them were pretty confused with this situation, but out of curiosity, Goh went ahead and flexed once again to see what happens. And to their surprise, he inched even bigger! His slight muscles became even more pronounced, his built becoming like one of a beginner bodybuilder. Goh, seeing his growth, couldn't help but to smile and look at Ash with starry eyes. Almost like it was a sign, Ash proceeded to do the same, growing bigger with the flex. The kept on flexing their muscles over and over, trying different kinds of poses, each making their muscles surge in power and size each time they flexed. Their pajamas not being able to hold their growing muscles anymore, exploded into shreds after both boy became just as big as a couple of Machamps!...but that wasn't enough, they kept on flexing even more! THey didn't know if these changes would be permanent or not, but they've never been able to experience this before, and was probably was a chance in a lifetime! So might as well get the most of it~ Both of them kept on flexing even more, their round, huge muscles growing thicker, looking like they could stop and lift a whole heard of Tauros with one hand...Soon they would be filling up the whole room, hopefully they won't outgrow the whole hotel...

Turns out, that the Delibird that left the gifts, could see that both boys wanted to become "stronger" trainers...but seems like it took their wishes a bit tooo literal. haha

Hope you like it!



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