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Here's a sequence featuring Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts. The idea was suggested by Ren G.

"How about Sora and Riku from kingdom hearts 3 try to go to Christmas town, but take a wrong turn and end up in Thanksgiving town, where they have to fight a bunch of food themed heartless"

1. Sora and Riku were notified that there was a horde of heartless invading Christmas Town all of a sudden. Sora, being the one that has more experience exploring Halloween Town, decided to lead the way. But while he was distracted talking to Riku about his adventures in this bizarre world, Sora accidentally went into a Turkey shaped door instead of the CHristmas tree one. Riku, trusting Sora, just went ahead and followed him.

Once they arrived to their destination, Riku was a little confused with how much...food there was around for a Christmas based world. They accidentally got into the Thanksgiving World! Sora, now noticing the shape of the door, looked back at Riku with an embarrassed face, and explained things to Riku. But while he was explaining things, they got interrupted by some weird noises surrounding them...Turns out, that all the food around them were a bunch of food-based Heartless preparing to attack! Too bad they mistook their destination, but good thing they're there to rid that world of the Heartless! Both of them summoned their Keyblades and prepared to fight.

2. Since they already had some experience, this Heartless weren't particularly tough to fight, but what lacked in skill, they compensated it in numbers, they seemed to be endless! Both boys kept on fighting together, ending up all covered in cream from the Heartless' defeats. Sora was a little too curious and tried a bit of the cream...to his surprise, it was pretty tasty! "Oh hey, this stuff is edible!" Sora exclaimed to Riku, who looked back at Sora, who for some reason had a shocked face. "Sora! Your body! You're...growing?!" Riku told Sora, who inmediatedly looked down at his body, which indeed, was getting bigger! His loose clothes got tighter, being filled by his growing body, which was bulking up both in size AND muscle! Riku, seeing the results, assumed that these Heartless were edible...so he put away his Keyblade and dug his teeth into the cupcake Heartless he was fighting! Which seemed to be extremely weakened by Riku's bite! It seems like these creatures were far more vulnerable against bites than their Keyblades... Both Sora and Riku looked at each other, and nodded with determination, the contest on who eats the most Heartless begins!

3. Both boys have grown inmensely from their big feast, both of them being able to easily grab Heartless with their own hands, and shoving them up their mouths, growing even bigger with each gulp filled with Heartless goodness. But no matter how much they ate, more and more Heartless came their way!

4. The Heartless numbers finally started to dwindle...mainly because they were running away from fear! Both Keyblade holders grew to such massive proportions, that they were as big as mountains! Their massive muscles putting Hercules' body to shame. Heck, even Behemoths wouldn't be able to match their size, only being able to reach the size of one of the boys' soles! The scaredy, fleeing Heartless looked like small ants compared to the young titans. Meanwhile, both Sora and Riku sat down to take a break, feeling victorious after being able to scare off the Heartless, AND pretty proud and satisfied with how big they've become! Wait until the rest see how much bigger they've grown since the last time they saw them~...But it wouldn't hurt to stay a little longer, besides, there were still a few more Heartless to eat...I mean, take care about~

Hope you like it!



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