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Here's a picture featuring Kayn and his Shadow Assassin form. The idea was suggested by TPoN.

"The idea I got this time involves Kayn from LoL, along with his Shadow Assassin form and Rhaast! Kayn and SA are tired of being pushed around by Rhaast, so maybe both of them get some special potions to grow, and smush Rhaast between their pecs? Not a crazy suggestion but hey! It can be a fun one!"

Kayn has been struggling having full control of his body, Rhaast taking it over way too often, to the point he's been getting nightmares of being totally dominated by RHaast. He had enough of this, so he decided to take drastic measures.

He decided to ask (demand) help from a magic user, (!Male)Lulu. He asked if he could do something to "exorcise" Rhaast out of his body. Lulu didn't specialize in this kind of magic, but Kayn wouldn't leave him alone until he did something about it. Being too annoyed to ponder about the consequences, he browsed through his books to look for a spell that could do something about this situation. Once he found it, he asked Kayn to go along with her towards the closest fighting arena.

Once they were there, he asked Kayn to stand right at the center of the arena. Kayn, desperate to do something about Rhaast, obeyed Lulu's orders, and stood in the middle of the field. Silently reciting some words, Lulu started casting the spell, raising his staff, he shot a shinin lightning bolt towards Kayn, who received it firmly, not afraid of the consequences. Once Kayn was struck, he got surrounded by clouds of dust, covering most of the area surrounding him. Once the clouds cleared, Kayn was still standing up like nothing happenedd...but once the clouds kept on clearing, two other figures were revealed around Kayn! They were none other than Rhaast, and Kayn's Shadow Assassin form.

THe three of them confused of what was going on, didn't know what to say at each other, until RHaast broke the silence "Were you trying to get rid of me?! I'll make sure to teach you a lesson on who's really in charge" Exclaimed while preparing to strike. Kayn, looking back at the Shadow Assassin, who knew quite well how Kayn felt about RHaast, nodded at Kayn, showing that he was willing to fight along him to finally put RHaast in his place. They proceeded to shake hands to confirm their alliance...but the moment they did, a bunch of sparks shined from them touching each other, having some magnetic effects, not letting them let go of each other! While they were stuck like that, the sparks coursed through their whole bodies, covering every nook and cranny of their athletic builds.

Rhaast was about to attack, seeing this a chance to attack them while they were weak. Until the sparks produced a huge wave of energy that pushed Rhaast away! Making him fall to the ground. "What the hell is going on?...Huh?!" Rhaast backed off after seeing what was going on with both Kayn and the Shadow Assassin...they were both growing! It seems like the mix of the division spell, plus Lulu's powering up abilities, made it so the moment two of them touched each other, they would power each other up!

Once they understood what was going on, and grew several times their original sizes, they were able to let go of each other, having more control over this power. Both of them were checking themselves out, the two of them with cocky smirks on their faces seeing how huge they've become thanks to their newfound power...and also touching and examining each other's muscles, not being able to help it with how thick, plump and huge their muscles have become. 

Once they were done checking themselves out, they went back to the main reason of this occassion...Both of them looked down at Rhaast, glaring intimidatingly, while having mischievous smiles on their faces. Rhaast, both confused and intimidated by the colossal titans were previously under his control, started to back away even further. But he was easily stopped my Kayn's huge hand, who raised Rhaast up to his face. "Now then...who's in charge NOW?!" He exclaimed, Kayn's warm breath covering Rhaast face. Before Rhaast could say anything, he was muted by Kayn shoving Rhaast up his plump pecs, which were so deep, that Rhaast got stuck the moment he was shoved in. Kayn looked at the Shadow Assassin, and almost instinctively, knew quite well what Kayn wanted. THe Assassing slammed his thick pecs right into Kayn's, "sandwiching" Rhaast in the middle of both titan's huge cushions!

Rhaast, not liking this one bit, kept on protesting and attempting to escape, but to no avail, the more he struggled, the more Kayn and the Assassin's pecs were growing. It seems that only Kayn and the Assassin had full control of this newfound power...because they were both powering each other up every single second they were having skin contact with each other, and also absorbing the strength of RHaast! It seems like the tables have turned on how things work between Kayn's many forms....meanwhile, Lulu was having some popcorn while watching the whole spectacle~

Hope you like it!



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