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Here's a picture featuring both Joe Tazuna and Shin Tsukimi from Your Turn to Die. The idea was suggested by HyperCole.

"Joe Tazuna and Shin Tsukimi in a thanksgiving party with the main character Sara, but they're huge in height and muscle, their heads are hitting the ceiling as their bellies cover most of the table"

(male)Sara decided to bring both Joe and Shin to a restaurant that recently opened close to the neighbourhood in order to celebrate thanksgiving. Being excited about the food, both boys couldn't refuse the kind invitation.

Once they got there, they were greeted by a kind waiter who lead them to their table, and offered them the Thanksgiving special, which consisted on an All-you-can-eat buffet! What a better way to celebrate the holiday than with a hearty meal~ Joe and Shin accepted inmediatedly without even asking if Sara was okay with it, who's even the one that's paying the bill today...

Once the ordered was taken, a bunch of waiters bursted out of the kitchen, leaving plate after plates on the table, each featuring a huge, delicious meal. Both Joe and Shin's mouths started watering, their eyes shining, and bellies growling, almost hypnotized by the food in front of them, excited to start digging in.

Once the waiter said the words "Bon Appetit~", both Joe and Shine started to snarf down the food, Sara flinching at how hungry they seemed to be. Sara was happy that they were enjoying the meal, but something about their behaviour seemed to be a bit too...feral. Both boys were too focused on shoveling food inside their mouths, barely chewing the food, and just swallow huge lumps of food down their thoats. Sara was surrounded by very loud slurps and burps, so much that he kinda lost the appetite already, so might as well let the other boys eat the rest of the food with how hungry they are.

Before he could just lay back and relax, something was off...the shirts on both humgry boys were getting tighter, to the point that very visibly tears started to appear on the back of their shirts, audibly tearing up further with each gulp of food they swallowed. It was almost like they were growing with each meal they ate...It became even more obvious the more plates they cleaned. Both boys growing to bodybuilder proportions, leaving any other boy of their age to shame with their toned bodies.

Sara tried to tell them that something was off with their bodies, but his warning landed on deaf ears, both hungry boys kept on biting and swallowing their meals, determined to eat anything in front of them.

Things started to get scarier, as now the boys not only were getting bulkier, but also taller! Sara could see how both his friends kept on surging upwards until their heads started to dent the roof! Now their bodies being as bulky as the biggest bodybuilders was an understatement, they were big enough to take on a whole football team on their own! 

They kept on digging into the seemingly eternal food source. They were eating so much so fast, that their abs started to distent, forming huge, meaty orbs that were their bellies, surging bigger with each gulp. THey were becoming so huge so fast, that Sara didn't have a chance to react to get out of there, ending up trapped between the two titan boys.

Finally, they were able to finish all the food that was served...both boys finishing with huge, loud belches that made the whole building shake! Sara was a little relieved that it was finally over...but seems like the boys were still hungry. They seemed to be looking for more food around, but there was nothing...until Shin gave a scary look towards Sara, which gave him chills the moment those intimidating orbs landed their sight on him...just what was he plotting?

Hope you like it!




Interesting take on Sara, and the story was cool, too 👍