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Here's a picture featuring Taichi from Digimon Adventure Tri.

Lately both Tai and Matt have been going to the gym together, they really wanted to start supporting each other to bulk up. But no matter how much they tried to stick to the routine, they couldn't see any progress...

After finishing up for the day, each of them headed to their place, exhausted from all the training, and frustration at not seeing any development on their bodies.

Taichi plopped down on top of his bed, grabbing his Digivice to play with Agumon for a bit. As he kept on playing, the more his eyes started to close on their own, until he fell asleep. The moment he did, his arms fell down, making his hand press on some buttons on the Digivice. By doing that, he activated a feature he's never activated before, the "Co-op Training Mode"...

Meanwhile, Agumon was assisting to some kind of combat tournament in the Digi-World. Just the usual kind of tournament, the one that gets to win all battles, gets both a trophy andd cash prizes! Agumon fought his way through easily, with the experience he had battling along Taichi and the rest of his friends. He was getting so much experience, that was evolving on his own, making the fights easier with each victory. The Tournament seemed to be a breeze for him!

While Agumon kept on winning battles, Taichi kept on shifting around in his bed, sweating heavily for some reason. Turns out that all the experience that Agumon was winning in the Digi-World was being also transfered to Taichi in the Real world. After many battles won, Taichi's body started to change. His skinny body started to become more toned, something only months of hard excercise would be able to achieve...but it didn't stop there, in fact, his body kept on continuosly grow. Each battle Agumon won, Taichi would go through another growth surge!

*fwomph! Fwomph! FWOMPH!* His body audibly and phisically showing constant growth,  quickly filling up his student uniform. His growth kept on going until his shirt only reached up to the middle of his extremely toned abs, sleeves raising up because of the sheer mass of his arms, and his pants becoming skin tight. It seems that during that night, both Agumon and Taichi were winners~

The next morning, Taichi woke up, sitting up, raising his arms and letting out a looooud yawn. The shifting weight from him sitting up and stretching was so strong, that his already struggling bed finally gave out, and collapsed under the weight of the oversized young man.

"Huh...I guess I must be gaining weight with all the protein shakes I've been drinking with Matt..." Taichi concluded. He jumped out of the bed, slamming his barefeet on the floor with such force, that it made the whole house shake. "Man...I feel full of energy today!" He said feeling very energetic from all the experience he gained thanks to Agumon. He headed to the bathroom, straight to the shower, without bothering looking into the mirror, washed himself, went through the usual routine...enjoying washing his body a liiittle too much for some reason? He felt his body was particularly...enjoyable to the touch today. He got out of the bathroom, put on his clothes, making some buttons pop out without him even noticing, he was starving and wanted to head straight to the kitchen!

He ran down the stairs, his powerful feet making loud slapping sounds with each step, making the whole house tremble with each, and leaving dents on each step of the stairs.

Once he got in the kitchen, his belly growled loudly...he was really hungry, so he proceeded to prepare a feast worth that huge hunger. He prepared a dozen of eggs in one pan, prepared a bunch of pancakes with a lot of syrup on them, and prepared a whole gallon of Protein shake. He devoured everything in a matter of seconds, gulping down without even bothering to chew, his hunger was too much to bother stopping shoveling food into his mouth. What he didn't notice is that with each gulp, his body was growing slightly bigger! Seems like the Co-Op Training feature did something to how his body processes the nutrients from food...

"buuuuooOOOAARP!" Taichi let out a loud belch that made the windows shake, leaving the dirty dishes in the dish washer, he prepared himself to go to school! It was early enough to go to the gym with Matt for a few minutes, so he was really excited to meet him and go together~

But seems like he's a liiittle too unaware of his own changes...he's not aware enough to not accidentally bumping into people. And since his muscles are so powerful, he barely feels any of the people he crashes into, and his pecs make it a little too hard to notice who's below his view...So that's how Matt ended up being stuck in that place. Wonder how will Taichi react once Matt finally tells him the truth. One thing's for sure, Matt seems a little jelly about his friend's growth progress...

Hope you like it!



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