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EDIT: Added a belly version!

Here's a picture featuring Death Emizel from Disgaea 4. The idea was suggested by Robin Hafner.

"Death Emizel from Disgaea 4, since he's the new President of Hell, becoming bigger and stronger as more people celebrate halloween. Or maybe he's deciding to tax all of the Netherworld for their Halloween candy, and starting to grow from all of it!"

Once Emizel became the new President of Hell, he made sure to change things up, for the best or for the worst, he wanted to make sure he was a different and better president than the last. Fairer rules, fairer taxes...at least from his point of view. For example, insteadd of paying taxes with money...he demands to be paid with candy! And not any candy, it has to be home made, and made with some of the cook's own magic. He says that that makes them tastier, but that ingredient also adds up to his own strength. Not just magic power, but physical power too, to the point that the more time has passed since he changed the tax method, he's been  slowly, yet steadily becoming bigger. From the little imp he was, he's become just as big as his huge palace, so big that he uses his own palace as a throne of sorts.

So here's him sending off ghost servants to go charge the candy tax in the middle of Halloween. With each bunch of candy, he grows a little bigger, his body growling ominously as his mass expands, making the whole palace and surroundings tremble by the growing weight of his body. He loves the candy so much, that he doesn't notice when he accidentally swallows his ghost servants too, adding even more power to his growth spurts. Seems like he'll be needing a new throne pretty soon...probably one that's as big as a city for next time.

Hope you like it!



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