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Here's a picture featuring Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5. The character was suggested by Rhor.

During Ryuji's huge growth spurt that he went through thanks to Ren's gift ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/september-2020-42302964 ), Halloween happened. Most of the group were thikning that they were a little to old to go trick or treating...but Ryuji's eyes gleamed in excitement the moment he heard the word "Halloween". He really liked finding different excuses to show off his new, growing body, so this was the perfect opportunity to go from door to door to show off, and also get some nice treats on the side to feed his growing hunger~ Whether they liked the idea or not, Ryuji wouldn't receive a "no" for an answer, and with how huge he was...it was kinda hard to refuse to any of his demands. So in the end, Ren and Yusuke ended up following Ryuji to trick-or-treat together.

Ren decided to go as a wizard, Yusuke took some nice time designing his ghost costume, and last but not least, Ryuji went as a pirate...at least, the hat and eye patch showed that, since the rest of the clothes were all shredded while he was putting them on his massive body, which just added up to his growing pride of showing off his body.

For this night, Ryuji was definetly the one in charge, instead of Ren. He was the one leading the other two from door to door, greeting the home owners with a huge crab pose while trapping his friends between his massive arms and pecs, shouting outloud "Trick or Loot"...Ren and Yusuke though it was a little embarrassing how he was getting a bit too much into character...but they decided to just go along with him, mainly because they dont want to make their gargantuan friend mad at them...but also it was kind of wholesome to see Ryuji having so much fun during the night. Besides, after many houses, they were kinda getting comfy between Ryuji's muscles with how cold the night was getting.

They were gathering quite a huge loot, but Ren and Yusuke were quite sure what was going to happen to it...most, if not all of it was going to go to the Captain's gullet, adding even more power to his growth spurt.

Added a patchless version since I kinda liked how he looked without the patch too. haha

Hope you like it!




Their Halloween costumes in the dancing games are so funny. 😂 Also bless you for more Ryuji content. 🙏 ♥