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(This set only includes the Safe and Naked Versions)

Here's a picture featuring Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7.

After many tries, Cloud and the rest of his pary couldn't beat the Weapon superbosses, no matter how many different strategies they tried. So they decided to regroup in the Highwind and plan things through. They already tried getting the best equipment, and they also already tried leveling up, so the only option that was left was to experiment some with the Materia they had in hand.

Everyone called it a day after discussing things, but not Cloud. He was determined that he'll beat all of those Weapon menaces no matter what, so he kept on experimenting and researching their Materia. No matter how many combos he made, they didn't have much of a relevant effect that would help him out in the battle against those fearsome foes. That's when he decided to take drastice measures.

Since everyone was asleep, Cloud had to be very quiet while walking through he hallways of the Highwind. He sneaked his way through until he reached the lab, where Cid spent most of his time when  he's not piloting the ship. In there he had a bunch of weapons he's been working on developing, but Cloud had his mind set on a specific item, which Cid kept safe in the lab. He headed to Cid's desk, and opened one of the shelves. In there was the item that CLoud was looking, a piece of Materia inside a vial. But it wasn't any kind of Materia, it was one that Cid was developing for it to give the ability to absorb Mako Energy. With it, they would be able to drain the Mako from Shinra, and return it to the World...but it was still experimental, and quite unstable.

Even though it was a risk, Cloud thought it was their only option to to fight these menaces. He headed out of the ship, and decided to open the vial...but the moment he did, the piece of Materia bursted out of the vial, and started hovering around Cloud. Cloud tried to catch it, but the piece kept on avoiding his hands. Too focused on trying to catch it, he didn't notice that the rest of the Materia he had in his pockets started to hover around too. Cloud, confused at what was going on, saw how all of the Materia started to fuse together, forming a blinding light orb. Cloud had to cover his eyes from the blinding light. Once all of that energy settled, it flew right into Cloud, pushing him into the ground. He started to examine his chest, which was where the orb landed, to see if there were any wounds or bruises, but nope, everything seemed fine. He slowlly got up, and sighed, leaning on the Highwind.

"Man...how am I going to explain this to everyone...huh?" He said as he saw how a bunch of wisps of light came straight out of the Highwind, and inmediatedly were absorbed into his body. "What the hell?!...GAH!" He shouted feeling a sharp pain throughout his whole body. He grabbed his stomach in response, not knowing what to do to calm this pain, but the lghts kept on  being absorbed into his body, making the pain even more intense.

Between the pain and blinding lights, Cloud didn't notice that all that energy was causing changes on his body. His built worth of an ex-soldier was becoming much bulkier, filling his clothes slowly but surely. His boots were feeling pretty cramped, until his big stompers bursted out of the tough material that his boots were made of. His baggy pants became sking tight in a matter of seconds. The pain was slowly lowering, or more than lowering, it was transforming into a different feeling...one closer to pleasure. Cloud was able to breath more easily after the pain was gone. He was still breathing pretty heavily...but it was from the growing pleasure he was feeling.

His clothes were finally starting to be unable to contain Cloud's growing mass, until he finally stood straight and flexed his upper body almost instinctively from the rush he was feeling, leaving the rest of his clothes into flying shreds from the growing mass that was his body.

The light stopped appearing from the ship, it was like it was fully drained of energy...but next to it, there was a gigantic beast that almost reached the top of its height. Once the growth settled, Cloud's spiky head was was able to surpass the Highwind's height. Cloud was finally able to calm down, and finally noticed what was actually going on around him..and ON him! Surprised by his changes, he looked down at his massive body. He already had a little trouble looking down, his his massive, pillowy pecs were getting in the way, but with the help of his hands, he could explore every nook and cranny of his body. His massich thighs were big enough to crush any tank that would get in his way, his abs were big enough to serve as a play field for a bunch of Chocobos, his arms were so incedibly big, that he was sure that at the sole sight of his pythons, any enemy would run away intimidated. With this new size, there was no soldier that could match his size OR strength...not even the Weapons should be able to dent his new fortress of a body! Easily realizing that he absorbed the energy from the ship, he figured that him and his party wouldnt be able to use the Highwind for a while...and well...not that he would be able to fit in there anymore, but he was hella sure how he'll be able to get even stronger!

He slightly knocked into the ship, which sounded like huge impacts for everyone inside, to wake everyone up. They quickly got out worried what was going on outside...only to find themselves in front of a massive behemoth sized person towering over them, and behind the massive pecs of that giant, they couldd see CLoud's serious face, even though they could tell there was a slight smirk on his face. "I'm more than ready to fight some Weapons, wanna join?" He said in his deep, loud voice which made the whole ship shake, even if he wasn't talking too loudly. All of the party agreed, and were about to head inside. "No point on going in there, here, I'll give you a ride." He said as he landed his massive hand in front of them, which was big enough for all of them to get on. He softly scooped them in, and proceeded to head to the closest Weapon boss, causing strong earthquakes with each step, leaving huge footprints even on the strongest of rocks.


After this power-up, fighting the Weapon boses were almost a joke. None of them were able to do any damage to Cloud's armor-like muscles, repelling any physical or projectile attack by bouncing and flexing his muscles. As for his attacks...he easily pierced through their armors with his bare hands and feet, easily scrapping their bodies with just a few punches and kicks. With each Weapon defeated, Cloud absorbed their energy, andd grew even larger, dwarving his team mates even more, and surpassing the size of any building or mountain that got in his way, making it even easier to travel from town to town...country to country...continents to continents. As a way to keep the power of the Weapons, and to keep them as trophies, he made sure to give them a nice use fitting to their title...he took a piece of each Weapon Boss, and with he help of Cid, they were able to design a massive sword fitting for Cloud's growing size, using the scraps of the defeated weapons.

With all the energy he absorbed, he had become a towering, moving mountaing, his head hovering above the clouds. There was so much energy inside him, that with each step he took, not only he left huge, meteor-impact sized foot prints, but also a bunch of plants and vegetation grew from the ground he stepped on, leaving rich forests behind with each step he took. He was also very in touch with the PLanet's Lifestream, him being able to directly hear and communicate with the many souls that went through it in his sleep. 

In one of his dreams, he could could have sworn that the spirits told him that they have trusted him their power, knowing that it was on good hands, and knew that he had a good heart in him.

He was so massively powerful in size, power and miraculous vegetation, that people started treating him as a Guardian Deity. To the point that whenever he was near a town or city, people would gather food to pay tribute for the wandering god...which he didn't mind, since his appetite grew just as massive as his size.

So here he is, paying a visit to a city, to look out if there are any threats menacing this place. His towering form piercing the clouds surrounding the city, and intimidating both the townsfolk and any creature that was planning to attempt attacking the city.

Hope you like it!




Nice Cloud ☁️