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Here's a small comic featuring Teddie from Persona 4. The idea was suggested by HyperCole. Sorry if I took a few liberties with your suggestion.

"Teddie from Persona 4 working at Junes and finding some new food that makes him grow both his muscles and his belly, outgrowing the store as Yosuke freaks out."

During a hot day at Inaba, it was a really busy time at Junes. Specially for Teddie, who was working as the mascot of the place, but also attending some people, since Yosuke was late for work, not arriving yet.

Once some coworkers noticed how exhausted Teddie was, they told him to take a break while they dealt with the customers. Teddie gratefully accepted their invitation, and went straight to the changing room to takea breather.

Once there, he took off the head of his costume, taking a sigh of relieve, and whiping the sweat off his forehead. He wasn't wearing any upper body clothes, since it was hot enough being constantly in that costume. He really could have a nice drink right about now...when he suddenly noticed a can of soda right in front of him. He didn't notices it before, because it really wasn't there before, it suddenly surged from the table it was on...But Teddie was a bit too naive to question the situation.

He went ahead and opened the can to take a sip...a sip that turned into a whole chug. The soda was so tasty and refreshing, that he chugged it down in a few gulps. Once finished, he let out a satisfied sigh, his energy totally replenished!...until his body started shaking, his right hand letting go of the can of soda.

Teddie was confused, he wasn't used to this feeling, so it was quite worrysome...until his right arm exploded in size! Becoming almost as wide as his torso, filled with muscle. Before he could react, his left arm followed. It being covered by his costume, his left arm bursted out of it, tearing the sleeve to shreds, revealing a huge arm, which was just as big as his right arm. Then his chest followed, each pec pushing outwards, until they reached the size of big, plump pillows. Teddie didn't know what to do...but it didn't stop there...his legs also shot up in size, both his thighs becoming as thick as a tree trunk. This time it wasn't just muscle, but also his height increased! Hitting his head in the proccess. 

He kept on growing and growing, his whole mass breaking out of the changing room...and then filling out the rest of the mall! THankfully, the coworkers did a good job exacuating all the people out of the mall before it was filled by Teddie's mass...


Yosuke, having crashed with a few obstacles on his way to Junes on his bike, finally arrived at the mall. He was already dressed up to start working. While parking his bike, he was seeing if anything else was left to prepare while walking to the main door...until a huge shadow loomed over him...

He slowly turned head upwards to see what was going on, until he finally found the source...a massive, behemoth-like upper torso was towering over him. He gasped in fear, falling on his butt, and crawling backwards...until he was finally able to recognize the face behind those huge, pillowy pecs...It was Teddie! Who had filled up the whole mall, to the point he bursted out of the ceiling of the whole building!

Teddie,, nervous about Yosuke's reaction..and slightly embarrassed with how huge and naked he's become, was trying his best to explain to Yosuke. This will make up for an interesting story to tell his friends once they reunite once again...and would help to explain Teddie's new size.

Hope you like it! Teddie is one of my favorite characters, and since there arent that many muscle pictures of him, wanted to do him justice. So thank you for giving me the chance with this suggestion!



Robin Hafner

Damn, it's rare to see Teddie art. Absolutely love it - there definitely needs to be more of him! All of the good ideas this month is gonna make it hard to vote when that comes up ;w;


Woah, totally wasnt expecting a comic, it looks great, choosing one for this months gonna be hard, theyre all awesome


More Persona kink stuff? 👀 Superb!