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Hey, thought I should at least post an  update about how things were going from my side.

Well, in the first place, sorry for the lack of content. I've been on vacation at a beach for the last three weeks. And since I was around family almost at all times, it was kind of really hard to work on things by myself, specially since we were in a kind of small apartment, where the only decent place to work on was at the dining/living room. haha

So yeah, since now I'm back home, I'll try to finish the pending sketches as soon as possible, and will start the next Character Suggestion Box on this wednesday

Also, here's a glimpse to the next Patreon picture I've been working on, it'll feature FLaire, a previously unused Feraligatr gijinka of mine, and Ben Tennison from Ben 10.

It's kind of refreshing to work on a character with facial hair. haha And I'll probably make him hairy in a few other places. mwaha

But yeah, hope you have a nice start to March.



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