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Here's a picture featuring Dimitril from Fire Emblem, based on the idea suggested by TPon. 

Dimitri, becoming more ruthless after the time-skip, greatly appreciates any kind of support to help his army to succeed in battle. So when Byleth, who's under Dimitri's command, finds out he's able to use channel the power of his ultimate weapons to powers others up, Dimitri inmediately knew what kind of new tactic he would use in battle.

The moment they engage in battle, Dimitri keeps Byleth right next to him, and the rest of the army faaaaaar away from them, while being on the lead, right in front of the enemy army. Then when Dimitri does a signal, Byleth starts to channel his energy towards Dimitri.

The first times he's done this, it was kinda painful for DImitri, feeling his body surge upwards, filling up with power, making his muscles burst out of his clothes...it was avery unnatural feeling. But the more times he did, the more he started to enjoy it, to the point he started to develop a wicked smile whenever it was time for Byleth to shoot waves of power at him. The more they did it, the bigger the size Dimitri wanted to reach.

He wanted to get big enough so that any other army would cower at the presence of his army...not...just HIS presence should be enough to cower them away. And if they don't run away, he could dispose of them with just his bare fists and feet.

Even thought Byleth was kind of scared with how power hungry Dimitri was becoming...he started to like it after a while...The idea of helping his commander become a gigantic, power hungry beast, was starting to make him feel kinda safe being under this titan's command...not to mention Byleth's nosebleed shows some other emotions going on while he channels his energy towards Dimitri. haha

Hope you like it!




And now three houses content tooooo. You really do spoil us RH ♥

