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*EDIT: Uuuh...don't ask why I didn't draw their hands before, probably I was to sleepy while uploading. haha But yeah, added them now.

Here's a picture of some new characters of mine, three Hydreigon siblings, a pair of twins, and one big brother.

The twins are very quiet and clumsy when they're separated, but when they're together, they can get really playful and mischievous. They like to wander the hallways of the castle where they stay in to play games with the guests of the castle. From innocent games like hide and seek or catch, to hugging and cuddling without wanting to let go. They can be kinda creepy, since they're always together holding hands while wandering the hallways or the dark streets of the town, and how they can follow up each other's dialogue almost perfectly.

Meanwhile, the big brother is the main guardian of the castle. He's really...energetic and a brute. haha

He likes breaking things for fun and training to get stronger. He likes to act beastly at all times. To the point he personally demanded the owner of the caste to make his room into a dungeon. And when they tried to serve him food with plates and all on the dinner table, he proceeded to just devour it without any kind of politeness, so instead, he likes his food to be served raw, and being lowered on a big lever towards his "dungeon" room, which is in the basement, so he truly feels like a beast and can devour the food in any way he likes. Since he likes to destroy things for fun, one of the servants of the castle uses his magic every morning to build a model of a town in the big brother's room, so whenever he wakes up, he can just go ahead and destroy it. It's no problem since the servant can always rebuild it with magic. He does like having an audience though, it gives him a boost to his ego while a smaller person watches him showing off his strength. As brute as he is, he always makes sure the "audience" stays safe from any remains of the things he breaks falls on them. Well, he can be a bit more forceful if he wants the audience to feel and worship his muscles, but yeah, he still doesn't hurt them badly.

All three of them grow by having fun, so yeah, they really enjoy being playful in their own ways. haha

So yeah, even though they're normally separated, they can fuse to be a "full" Hydreigon. So here they are encountering a clueless trick or treater, who had the bad(?) luck to encounter them while the Hydeigon brothers were wandering around the outskirts of the castle. haha

Hope you like it!



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