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Here's a picture of Auron, my Aurorus/Froslass gijinka.

Auron is a stylist, and takes his job very seriously. He grows from satisfaction, both the satisfaction of others and his. In order to control his growth, and for it to not get in the way of his job (like accidentally growing in the middle of a haircut), he hides his sails under his clothes, which helps him not grow even if he receives satisfaction, but only to a certain degree, you can still notice his clothes getting slightly tighter throughout the day. But once he releases his sails, he can let his body grow as much as he likes, the most satisfaction he's received, the bigger the growth limit.

One issue that can get in the way of his job though, is that he can get a bit too attached to some of his customers. Either because he's really proud of how they're coming out thanks to his services, or because he likes them. In those cases, he can get from being really friendly and talkative, to creepily attached to these people. He makes sure to know everything about them, specially things they like, and likes to invite them over to his place and give them whatever they want. There's also the chance that he starts to thirst their blood if he likes them too much, since his Froslass part developed into a vampiric-like taste for blood. He usually satiates that thirst by drinking wine, since he really likes it...a bit too much. But yeah, if he ever gets to drink someone's blood, he never goes too far with it, making sure his drinking doesn't leave any mortal consequences.

But once they also get attached to him, he starts to demand for THEM to service him too, like giving him massages, cooking for him or even give him baths. In those rare cases, the people he likes turn into his own private butlers/slaves, I guess it's his way to keep them around since he likes them...But he's been known to let them go if the other person doesn't like this.

So yeah, in this picture, the guest doesn't know what to do, since Auron really likes him, and also he's really, REALLY drunk...

In his house, he has a room dedicated to his favorite people, for either him doing a great job thanks to his services, or because he liked them a lot. He has ice statues for each one of them. Nobody knows if they're statues, or if they're actually the people themselves that he froze to keep them around forever...

Hope you like it!




ooooof those pecs <3 <3