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Here's a picture of Prompto, from Final Fantasy XV.

This is kind of a sequel for this sketch:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-2019-4-26998547 

After outgrowing the car, and not being able to travel by car anymore, Prompto has been able to keep up with his friends' car travels by just jogging behind them. Not much is different really, mainly that they got lots, LOTS more muscle going on for the party to deal with monsters.

I guess the first issue that came up was dealing with the food for Prompto, since he eats...double, or even triple the amount Gladio eats when he pigs out! And even that amount of food doesn't satisfy him. Doesn't help the fact that he also seems to grow slightly bigger after each meal, making his hunger even bigger. They had to start keeping monster parts to make big meals for him, which, with Ignis' cooking skills, ended up tasting pretty decent for Prompto. But another source of food is also available...In fact, this whole growth spurt for Prompto started from here. 

Since he loves Chocobos so much...he decided to give the Chocobo Food a try, and it does say that it's special fro Chocobos to gain weight...but it seems like it had a totally diferent effect on people. But yes! In exchange for some hunts and missions, the owner of the Chocobo Farm gives them all the Chocobo Food Prompto wants. He even lets him stay over at his farm sometimes, since he loves playing ith CHocobos, and also, he can't fit in a regular room. haha

So here's Prompto, staying at the farm, playing with Chocobos, and letting them play on his body too. haha

Hope you like it!




Cute! And Prompto's own personal heaven, too! XD

Robin Hafner

I love the little bit of stomach, too.