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Hello! Wanted to give yet another update.

Sorry, once again, for the lack of activity, this time I want to be more transparent with the reasons of my lack of activity.

- Finals are coming, and we have pretty much weekly group assignments, and I've been having to deal with groups that love to take their sweet time to answer messages and do their part, so it makes me anxious when I don't get a response right away, so I end up finishing most of the assignment.

- I've had awful sleep lately. We got a new neighbour that LOVES to listen to music at max volume during most of the day, including some nights until 3 am...in the middle of the week. Our houses are connected by a wall, and my room is right next to that wall, so I can hear all the noise she makes from my room. I've reached the point that, I have to go sleep to the living room (where I still can listen to the noise), or if there's silence, I've become paranoid thinking "She's going to start the music at any time...". We've tried talking to her, but she either doesn't listen, or she curses at us through text for asking her to lower the volume. THis is the first time we've had to deal with such a troublesome neighbour.

- With the lack of energy, and the constant assignments, it's been hard to feel motivated or with energy and time to work on pictures and sketches. I've been advancing little by little with sketches, commissions and Patreon pics, but I've been really feeling the toll of "mass producing" pictures with different versions until I get sick of being stuck in just one picture. SO that also adds up to the lack of motivation.

Those are the main reasons I've been really unactive and stressed lately, hope you understand, but yeah, I've still been working on stuff.

Here's the WIP for the Jack Frost picture from last December, it's just a peek to not spoil everything:

Also, about this month's sketches, since the new Pokémon Games have been announced, and I really, REALLY need to draw some self indulgent pictures for me, I decided that this month's theme will be fanart based on some of my favorite characters, so this month I'll be posting of a bunch of my favorite Pokémon characters. I hope you like them when I start posting them. hehe

That's basically it, sorry and hope you understand.



Walter King

Could you not file a noise complaint with the police? (Not sure the minutia of laws where you live.)


We did, but when they went to talk to her, she didn't open the door, and when the police left, she started playing the music even louder. BUt yeah, the police told us to keep on calling them in case it keeps happening.