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Here's a picture of Marshall, my Marshadow gijinka.

Since he's from kind of a rich family, his parents contracted a personal butler for him, called Durman, he's a Dusclops gijinka. Durman is able to send his gloved hands flying to reach far or high places. He's always worried about his master's well being, so tries to take any chance to sneak around Marshall, so he's always there whenever Marshall needs him...even though Marshall barely asks for anything from Durman. haha

...He also likes wearing a fake moustache, since he feels like it's fitting for a butler, but yeah, he's around the same age as Marshall. haha

When Marshall gets really big, since people can get in his body easily, and inside of him, people can swim around in a dark-green water-like mass, Durman always makes sure to take the chance to be inside of him, so he can just pop out whenever Marshall needs him.

So here's Durman popping out of Marshall's butt, thinking that he was being called, but all he got was Marshall's weirded out face, since he's never used for Durman to pop out of him....but for some reason, Durman really likes hanging around Marshall's butt or pecs...who knows why... hahaha

Hope you guys like it!



Robin Hafner

Always happy to see more Marshall!