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Here you can post a comment with a suggestion(s) for me to draw for June/July 2024 Sketches.

Chosen suggestions can end up being drawn as Sequences, Comics or even Short Animations!

No specific theme this month! Suggest any kind of theme you want!

- I'll keep the suggestions open for the whole two months (June and July 2024), but I suggest you suggest something by the first month.

- PLEASE keep your suggestions in the same post.

- Don't be afraid to post more than one idea. The limit of ideas is 3. If anything, it helps me to have more options to choose from the ideas you suggested, and in some cases, I may draw more than one of them, or all of them!

- The fixed number of monthly sketches is now 8, but there can be more depending if I like some additional ideas.

In case you need a reminder for suggestions: Suggest a character you're interested in (Mainly from shows, movies or games, or any of my OCs), and, if you have any idea with them, also include that in your suggestion. You can also suggest a situation by itself in case you don't have a character in mind! I can't promise I'll be drawing an "alt version" if you ask for one.



Happy Pride Month! Excited for this month so I’m gonna slap down three ideas! Rh6 suggest 1. Beelzemon from Digimon is my first suggest. Being that Digimon are primarily made out of data, and that Beelzemon is one of the Seven Demon Lords in the canon of the series. Being the demon lord of Gluttony could make him really hunger to eat his enemies after he beats them up, absorbing their data, and growing huge from it! So I was thinking that a Beelzemon ended up in a fight with a bunch of other Mega Digimon, but one by one, he took each of them out, absorbing their data from incapacitating them before having them as a sweet desert! It could even end up with him outgrowing the digital world and looming over the Human World, smothering it under his mass~! 2. Boothill from Honkai Star Rail. He’s a really hot and fun new guy, but I don’t have a super in depth idea for him in particular. I mainly thought about him making a scientist friend who wants to help his body stay all in tip top shape. However, he decides to use nano machines for that, but doesn’t exactly put a good idea of ‘tip top shape’ in their head, and they instead use that to make Boothill grow bigger and bigger! To the point he doesn’t even fit on his home planet anymore! At least he can replace the train that the others use to travel from planet to planet with how huge he gets~! 3. My third idea is kinda like a continuation of the Red Velvet Cookie idea I suggested a while back, or you can make it a new thing. I still like him a lot though. Basically after snatching up the amulet, and getting real huge, he decides to take matters into his own hands to take over the Cookie Kingdom! After all, being seen as the outcast for so long due to his monster arm left him a little jaded, but still happy to take care of those less fortunate than him. There’s not particular ruler of the kingdom, however, he does get to have tons of sweet treats that can help him grow huger and more powerful with each meal!


Excited to finally be here!! Happy pride month and a pleasant summer to everyone c: Welp time to get the suggests out of the way, hope they're fun to read! #1 ~ Hitoshiki Zerozaki, from Zaregoto Since he's branded as a failure of a human anyway, he might as well embrace it and become a full monster! So rather than him just outright getting rid of his victims, he steals them away and toys with them day and night, feeding his natural sadism. It starts with the small guy picking on bigger men and forcing them to submit to him, when his body with its natural killer instincts reacts to his newfound fiendish nature, and grows on the spot! Obviously he doesn't mind, it comes with a great deal of pleasure to be so bulky and huge, and it just lets Hitoshiki torment his victims even more! With so much excitement brewing in him he can go on forever, sweeping through the streets and bullying anyone he comes across, growing huger until he's the one towering over everyone. And obviously that's still just the start, being such a large powerhouse he can trample on dozens at once! Flex on the tiny civilians and smother them until they're so overwhelmed they can't even imagine escaping anymore! It had been almost too easy for the human failure to take over the entire city, but Hitoshiki doesn't mind. He's ecstatic feeling his muscles in action, being a Giant walking all over the population...who knows what even more wicked schemes he'll come up with, his curiosity and creativity in being a big bad bully will determine the world's fate now! #2 ~ Kazuichi Souda, from Danganronpa The mechanic has been tinkering away all night on a Mechamaru, trying to make a model that resembles the beefiness of the real coach, maybe even make the robot larger than life! Unfortunately, just as much as he's talented with machinery, he's also addicted to soda pops, and in his silliness of working one-handed to hold a can of cola in the other, he managed to spill it right across the circuits! The fizziness of the drink was nothing against how fizzy he felt when he was suddenly blasted by an electric shock, turning the robot into scrap metal. Though in turn, all the beefiness seems to have transferred right to Kazuichi, evident by how he resembled more an Ultimate Bodybuilder now, stretching his jumpsuit thin! He was absolutely befuddled, his jittery body flexing a bit on his own...and he felt thirsty for more soda. So with massive muscles that now adorned the nerd's frame, he made his way around the island to look for sugary delight to chug! Nevermind how he had to squeeze through doors, bumped into anything with his head, and excavated the largest, deepest footprints into the sandy beach, he found a fridge stock full of cans and bottles to plunder! Kazuichi went to work, gulping soft drink after soft drink, barely breathing between each one and having to burp too, almost getting too high on sugar to realize that each sip gave him some hot immediate gains! The machinist was thrilled and flexed even more, getting a good feel on how to make those massive muscles dance and rip their way through the fabric into freedom! Guess he was meant to be big! The booty hunt simply had to continue, and all the island's vending machines were next. Nobody else should mind if Kazuichi gets all the drinks for himself, no? His fingers had gotten a bit too meaty for those small ass number pads, good thing he's a smart guy and knows all he had to do is whack the machine with his herculean strength! It made the entire loadout spill fresh into his hands, ready to be ravaged. He sat down on his bulbous butt and just held the bottles above his wide open maw, crushed them in his fists with no effort and let it flow right into his mouth. He wasn't sure what was more addicting, the taste of the sparkling nectar he never felt full enough of, or growing with so much unrivaled bulk that he'd have more brawn than brains soon! That entire drink dispenser looks so puny next to his wider and sturdier body, and he could lift it up entirely with just his pinkie! Then crush it flat between his arms to make aaaall the drinks flow into his mouth at once! Another sweet burp escaped him, but he's still not satisfied...Kazuichi is meant to get even BIGGER!! There's entire stores full of drinks on Jabberwock island just for his convenience! Hell, the restaurants, the bars, they all had a greedy gourmet to satisfy now! And he'd have the ultimate beach body to show off for it, a sexy form packed with mass, his soft dick alone outsizing any palm trees and potentially knocking them over if he's not careful enough! Now that's a thought for the horndog's fantasies...Kazuichi's so overpowered even the entire islands might not suffice as weights for him, and then he'd just outgrow them before he could even try! He's set on becoming a damn kaiju, a ginormous pink megalodon stepping through the sea from country to country, making them feed him their entire soda industries, and when that's not enough the oceans would be next... Hajime should be hella excited that he's got such a cool guy as his best friend now! Yeah, Kazuichi will impress and win over everyone else on Jabberwock now, no question! He'd be the one coaching Nekomaru now, and even fluster Gundham when he shows him the body of a true Overlord!! Nothing will beat it when he puts on such a show that they'll be begging to spend the summer all on his body instead, making more soft drinks and feeding them to him right off the tap! His popularity will freaking skyrocket! And his thirst too no doubt... #3 ~ Niko and Centaroth, your demon OCs Since it's pride month, could be nice to have the big avatar of pride himself return, and lay it on thick! All the pride in the air must be boosting Centaroth's powers tremendously, so if he doesn't just grow massive automatically anyway, being out there and parading his goods around all cocksure should do the trick! But obviously, making all the pride-goers swoon for him will attract some jealous eyes as well, especially of all the other demons that planned to thrive in these kinky times! Centa isn't the only guy that'd deserve to get all guys under the rainbow, Niko is just as much a cutie to fall for! So when the lil' incubus has all the men he bewitched stripped away from under his nose, why shouldn't he retaliate?! Just because he's a smaller man doesn't mean his ego has to be too. He has plenty to be proud about with his handsome looks and fun skills, such skills that he could use on himself for once! Licking over his own arms and chest, giving rise to his own shiny muscles, coating himself in his own growing effects, there's no better time to get unrestrained. Any audience would love a hot, cute, cocky guy kissing his own bulging muscles! It should take him no time at all to reach a size that can rival Centa's, though having someone to compete with should fire up the other demon plenty! Two whole huge demon hunks showing off their bodies and boasting about themselves, one proudly bragging and willing his body bigger, the licking himself as far as his tongue can reach, his abilities all for himself now! Who knows how their contest will end? They might compare their constantly growing sizes along how many worshippers they've claimed, or fighting over someone special and both trapping them between their thick pecs until it's decided. Or maybe they just recognize that they deserve each other the most, and just start fooling around together! Whatever fate these two have in store for the world, it's sure to be full of more lust, envy, greed, gluttony, and especially pride.


Hope you’re well! Here are some ideas for what you might want to draw this month in no particular order: 1. Playing with the “pride” in Pride Month, Vegeta (DBZ) agrees to a trial test for Capsule Corp’s latest technology designed to increase height. The technology works, and Vegeta becomes the same height as Goku. An unfortunate side effect is extreme hunger. An even more unfortunate side effect is how all food eaten is converted into more height and mass. The experiment results in the Saiyan Prince being larger than an Oozaru with a fierce hunger to match. 2. This isn’t a growth idea. It would be cool to see more enemy characters fused into one creature! I love your profile picture on Twitter of the Spikey and Dry Bones as one creature! If you have any more ideas of character fusions with enemy characters in the Paper Mario style, then I would be happy to see 😁 3. Yuma Kokohead (MDA: Raincode) I won’t go into full details, but basically this detective trainee travels through a mystery labyrinth with a God of Death to solve seemingly unsolvable mysteries. At some point during the game, the God turns into a giant and destroys all arguments in her path. What if the magic goes awry, and Yuma becomes the Titan instead? I’ll leave a video link to get a better idea of the concept, since I know it’s very niche. You’ll only need the first 30-60 seconds to grasp the concept I think. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T_79SM40l20 *P.S. I’ve had the last idea for a long time, but I was nervous to share it because of how strange the game is… I really loved playing it tho!


Happy pridemonth 1. Sho minazuki p4au Sho has a huge rivalry with yu and the whole last phase of p1 priz tournament end in them fighting and overcoming eachother back and fort 2. Yu and Yosuke due yosuke conflict feeling with himself and denial he start to train and yu help him to work out and yosuke and yu become giants overtime and yosuke admit he loves yu. 3. Hinata shoyo from haikyuu after tsuki become taller again he start to train to surprass him