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Here's a sequence featuring both Black*Star and Soul Evans from Soul Eater. The idea was suggested by Shin. I dont get these characters suggested that often so I couldn't help myself. ;u;

"This one isn't holiday related! BlackStar and Soul are scheduled to take on a tough mission and both decided to train for it! BlackStar throws himself into it, working out as much as he can and watching what he eats while Soul takes a more laid back and cool approach, doing lighter work outs. Despite this, Soul swiftly outclasses BlackStar, the excitable ninja getting more and more frustrated with every passing day as his efforts aren't rewarded on the same level that Soul's are, the smug weapon not missing any opportunities to tease his friend about it, from verbally calling him out to pressing him against walls with his bulk. By the time the day of the missions arrives, Soul is able to just tuck BlackStar between his pecs (or in other places) and just take care of everything himself, reaping the reward of all those souls... which of course just fuels his growth even more, Black*Star feeling increasingly insignificant against the pale plane of his friend's mountainous muscles!"

1. Both Black*Star and Soul are assigned to get as strong as possible, as a vortex leading to a whole dimension ruled by rogue souls, who are threatening the rest of the world. Both boys agreed, Star excited to become stronger, and Soul just non chalantly accepting it as a chore.

2. Black*Star put his all in the gym to beef up, while Soul took some...lazier methods, just relaxing watching TV and eating snacks...then going to a shady alleyway to get something else.

3-4. Black*Star was pretty happy with his results, having successfully bulked up greatly in just one day!...but his feeling of accomplishment was soon demolished by Soul, who showed up, his shadow towering over Star's parade...Literally! Somehow, he's grown much bigger and taller than Star! And made sure to show it off and tease the smaller Star about it. Seems like Star will have to do better...

5-6. It was impressive that Black*Star not only was getting bulkier, but taller too! Seems like he was getting bigger all over~...But seems like someone else was still FAR ahead of him, as Soul rudely shoved his massive body into Star to pin him into the wall! The smaller young man unable to budge out, Soul's mass was too dense and strong to escape;; Yet another sign that he needs to try even harder...

7-16. Black*Star was trying to figure out what was he doing wrong that Soul kept getting ahead of him in size...And he seemed to have figured it out! Food! He definetly hasnt eaten enough for his body to have enough fuel to bulk up even further! He decided to order a bunch of take out, and sit down at the kitchen to eat it all. And if his body directly answered his questions, he seemed to grow bigger with each piece of food he ate! Seems like he'll finally be able to catch up...

SLAM A massive hand interrupts his meal, stealing just the sandwich that Star was about to eat. Angry, he looked back at what was the deal with this guy...Only to find his point of view completely overtaken by a massive, pale orb...he tried to look further up...and it was Soul! His massive belly aggressively growling as he easily shoved the whole sandwich up his mouth, seeming to protest for more food... Soul somehow was even bigger than before, and FAR bigger than Star still! He seemed to have been eating a bunch of something...but was still hungry.

Soul, playing as if he was asking for just a small snack, grabbed the whole table, and lifted easily lifted it! Greedily letting all the food land into his maw, swallowing every single piece of food that was supposed to be eaten by Star...who was too confused at the whole situation to react...only to find himself pushed away by Soul's belly, which seemed to pulse bigger with each piece of food that Soul ate!

Once Soul finished, he put down the table, rudely shoving his belly into Star, and let out a MASSIVE belch! His muscles and body growing in size in the proccess, all that food going directly into his size...

17-20. Soul leaving the kitchen with no food left, Soul seemed uninterested to stay, seemingly looking for something else...As he left, he left a massive whole on the wall to make his way out as if it was nothing, as each step made the whole building shake. And to add salt to the wound, he decides to say goodbye to Star by calling him "Lil' TWINKle Star"...This was far too far...A fiery flame ignited inside of Star, full of energy to show Soul who's boss!

He decided to head to the gym, carbing up with any food that he found in his way, and putting his 1000% percent into the workout...his body seeming to be fully in sync with his body, as he was growing and bulking up INMENSELY after each rep! Soon the heaviest weights were nothing to him, leading to him having to lift people and whole machinery to bulk up even further!

Until his body grew enough that his head bumped into the roof...He was ecstatic with his gainz, happy with the fact that he could barely fit in the gym, and how everyone else looked so small.. He could NOT wait to see Soul's reaction to his growth...but as if was a direct response, a MASSIVE earthquake seemed to move the whole gym!

BlackStar looked out of the building...only to find his view being overtaken by a massive, toothy grin...a grin taht he was all too familiar with. It was Soul yet again!...Except...he's become even more massive, bigger than ANY building in the city! Star was pretty happy with his gainz...but got inmediatedly humbled by the gigantic Soul that easily had the gym lifted with one hand...And of course, Soul HAD to find a way to tease Star even further...

21. The day of the mission arrived, and so the two boys were sent away into this suspicious vortex. They seemed to be ready for action...one more prepared that's for sure...And just when Star thought that Soul was done teasing, he got suddenly snagged by Soul's massive hand, and was snuggly placed between his massive, pilowy pale pecs...as if things werent bad enough for his ego by now...

As Soul entered the vortex, they found themselves in a field of rugged mountains...amd the floor was filled of these creatures that seemed to have formed a whole army to invade the overworld! Except, that this army of countless members..seemed like a bunch of insects! Soul lifted one foot, and SLAMMED it into the army, easily taking out a whole chunk of it! Their souls flying to the air...As Soul, somehow, directed them to fly directly into his mouth!

Having a taste of it, he knew quite well what to do...As he steamrolled through the army, he also took fool handfuls of these creatures, and crushed them in his hands! Having all these souls fly into his mouth. After hundreds of souls had been consumed, it seemed to trigger yet another growth spurt...

As Black*Star could only watch, he was soon interrupted by the surrounding pecs trembling...and soon pulsed bigger...And Bigger...And BIGGER! His already big body easily being swallowed further deeper into the between pecs crevice...Soon to be lost in the massive canyon!

As Soul was busy eating and growing, he noticed that the blue speck was missing between his pecs. He found it hilarious, and filled his ego even further with how, a decently big human being could easily get lost in his body. But also, seems like he'll have to send out his friends to go into an expedition to look for him after the mission is over...which was FAR from over, as he had a whole dimension to destroy...AND consume~

Hope you like it!



Haphazard Perry

So beeg~ Don't worry, Star, you're still big and super buff 🫂