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Greetings Adventurers,

We asked last month after the release of our Springfoot creature if people would be interested in a playable ancestry and what we heard was "yes absolutely", so we set out on an adventure to bring you something we haven't made before. This month's One More Thing is something we're very proud of and bringing you this playable option for your games is the culmination of a lot of work from Fernando and I to bring it together. We really hope you love getting to play as these furry bouncy critters!

As with all of these One More Thing releases, it's exclusive to patrons. If you're not a patron and want this release, please consider supporting us here. For patrons, you'll have to grab the files from your master post (linked below) to see the stats. We hope you enjoy it.

Design notes from Matthew:
This was an entirely new journey for me as a writer. I've made player options before, but this was my first full stab at a playable ancestry for 5E and PF2E. I have to say, it was a challenge to get it right, but in the end I think we hit something we can be really proud of. Most of the challenge with writing this kind of thing comes from it being just a bit hard to get the theming perfect. You really have to set a strong precedent and follow through.

How I ended up approaching this is that I went back to basics and just listed out their physical traits as well as how there society functions in very basic terms. I'm talking "strong legs for jumping" level of basic. That helped me get a view from 10,000 feet about what really mattered for their possibly traits and feats. It also helped me get a really clear picture of what these critters were capable of. I always recommend to folks that if you're feeling stuck up against a seemingly insurmountable wall, just go back to basics. When you break things down to their simplest form, you have an easier time adding back in complexity.

Once I had the absolute basics, I just started writing abilities for 5E and PF2E that gave each of those basic properties some additional flavor and expended them into actual mechanics that could be used within. Once you have a list of mechanics down, it's just about applying them at the right places, balancing, and providing flavor. The flavor was my favorite part of this as it's just worldbuilding and that comes naturally to me.

One of our favorite things about AB is that it has pushed Fernando and I to do things that our outside of our comfort zone. It's made us try new things and push ourselves in ways we haven't before. That's great for us as Fernando and I are big on personal growth as creators. We hope you love this playable option as much as we do.

If you're not a patron and would like access to these exclusive releases, click this link and check out our tiers. Every patron gets full access to these "One More Thing" releases each month.

To get all of your rewards click the appropriate tier below to go right to your master post where you can download them all.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Hop to it!

- Fernando & Matthew



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