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Greetings adventurers!

In the shadowed corridors of castles, one force of light stands strong. The Lamplighters of old, those that would bring clarity to the murk and push away the darkness with their nightly rounds. Over time, nobility grew to rely on the Lamplighters for more than just setting candles ablaze, training them to protect their homes from threats that lurk in the dark. Known for their flaming flails, they now stand as a force of good within their kingdoms and seek to snuff out evil wherever it may lurk.

Our patrons get early access to all of these items as well as additional formats that are easily usable in both physical and online play for D&D and Pathfinder 2E. Additionally they get high-res art exports, easy to use text exports, behind the scenes updates, and a lot more.

If that strikes your fancy, consider becoming a Patron

Design notes from Matthew:
I’ve always thought flails were extremely underrepresented in the fantasy scene and I have no idea what that’s the case. Of course they’re not as exciting to some as swords, but look at these things. There’s so much that can be done with the flail aesthetic, it’s blown my mind to not see more of them in various fantasy media. As with anything, when I notice a deficiency, I try to correct it in some way. With this one, I just set out to make a cool flail and however I got there, was secondary.

I had an idea for an item a few months back that had some oil and fire properties, but it never worked out quite how I wanted. Never one to throw away an idea, I brought it back here. At first I was thinking of a build up and pay off mechanic, but the problem with those is often just tracking where you are with the build up. Don’t get me wrong, I love that kind of mechanic and will definitely be making more of them in the future, I just wanted to put forth something a little different to that here.

The idea of a two state weapon came to mind early on and I knew where I had to go with it. Seeing the cycle between set up and payoff is always a fun one two punch and it promotes strategic thinking on the battlefield. There was a natural method to limit it as well as it needs to be supplied with oil to work. I always love when a limiting mechanic just works itself out like that!

Now that PAX is behind us and we’re back into dev mode, you can expect us to continue with our weekly items. We do our best to never miss a release and I’m proud to say we’ve now been around for 2 years without ever missing a single weekly item release. We hope that means you’ve found yourself some great value in being a patron.

We highly encourage you to join our Discord server where you’ll get access to exclusive channels that have sneak peeks, behind the scenes chatter, and more.

Rewards for Patrons!

Kraken's Kohorts ($3 tier)

Kraken's Kompanions ($6 tier)

Kraken's Kollaborators ($10 Tier)

Light it up,

- Fernando & Matthew




As someone who believes Flails are highly underused, I appreciate this a lot and will be running it by my DM as my current Magical Flail is veerrrrry close to this minus the oil mechanic, awesome item!


Heeey Seth, so glad we could make something you enjoy. Flails are criminally overlooked in my experience. Such a fun thing to design for and I'm glad it could make its way into your game!