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July 2024

One More Thing: Battering Ram

This agent of chaos is little more than an alchemically enhanced beast of burden, but it will certainly put a dent in your castle walls.

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Concussive Crown

Ramming yourself head first into your problems is a tough way to solve things, but at least with this helmet you might have a bit of protection.

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Bartuk's Booster

Those goblins are always creating solutions in search of a problem and this time is no different. That said, I could see the use here if you get away in time.

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Up, up, and away you'll go with this convenient saddle made to fit any mount. You'll be soaring the skies in no time. Just make sure you inform your companion before.

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Ready to get wet this summer? Well this thing will definitely get that job done, and it just might send someone flying across the room!

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June 2024

June 2024 Wrap Up (All of June's files in one download)

One More Thing: Garden Matron

Tending to gardens most royal, this elemental is the perfect tender for anything you wish to see grow healthy and strong.

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Some armor that will really grow on you. Whether you need mobility in the moment or protection, this suit has exactly what you need. A gift from the matron.

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Fungus is certainly among us with this glove that can grant a semblance of life to those that have left this mortal coil. A terrifying prospect.

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Centifolia Circlets

These magically enhanced, grass-fed, organically grown chakrams may just be the mobility you need to get into the fray.

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Finding your path is an adventure all its own, but with this knife you may just be able to track down your query and know what's coming.

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May 2024

May 2024 Wrap Up (All of May's files in one download) 

One More Thing: Hullbreaker Shark

A terrifying amalgamation of ship and shark, this creature is patient beyond all measure, waiting to draw in potential prey and striking when they approach.

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An oddly crafted mix of flesh and wood, this greatsword is made to latch on and not let go without leaving a mark.

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Tentackle Box

Being an adventurer means being prepared, but you can't solve for every issue if you've never seen it. Now you'll have a convenient shop nearby for your basics.

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Scrollkeeper's Case

Those who trade in magical paper are so behind the times. It's about time these wizards got with the trends and moved over to magical storage, wouldn't you say?

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Brimstone Brooch

Sparkling in a reddish hue, this brooch is sure to draw attention to any that have it on their lapel, whether for its beauty or for its potential combustability!

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Freeze Greaze

The icy cold blast from this little tin will aid in your adventures whether you need to cool off a hot-headed monster or simply apply some aid to a friend in need.

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April 2024

April 2024 Wrap Up (All of April's files in one download) 

One More Thing: Fissure Crab

Residing in the volcanic vents of deep underwater areas, these crabs are especially thick shelled and come with terrifyinging hot pincers that just might leave you in a pinch.

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Molten Chelae

Crafted from the still moving claw of a fissure crab, this dagger is sure to cause a fiery response when plunged into someone's back. You could even say it would be a sick burn.

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Water is not something to take lightly as it can have far more current than you know hidden underneath. This glistening sword will let you harness the power of the waves and set up your friend for a shocking experience.

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A solar eclipse can be a magical sight that some only get to get upon but once in their life. With this cloak, you can be a walking eclipse for the world around you. Just maybe think about it before you darken everything.

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Bait & Switch

If you prowl around the right seedy neighborhoods, you just might find a treasure that you didn't expect. It's wondrous what ingenuitive schemes they cook up in the nefarious parts of the world. Personally, I find their ingenuity ingenious.

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March 2024

March 2024 Wrap Up (All of March's files in one download) 

One More Thing: Maxolotl

Inhabiting the coastlines of tropical locales, these friendly, aquatic agriculturalists seek to grow and sustain thier pods. Though they are cautious at first, many remark on what wonderful friends they are should you be accepted into their fold.

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The Maxolotl are a friendly sort, seeking to forge alliances with those that they share the coast with. If you're of the right cut, they may even offer you a gift you may not expect, the ability to utilize their own regenerative powers.

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While it had long been postulated that it was possible to split magics much in the same way one can split light, it was never thoroughly tested with all manner of crystals. Well, it seems someone has finally found the right crystal and strapped it to this shield. How convenient.

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Patagia Panoply

While others may tinker and toil at creating the perfect way to not fall, we thought it would be better to just accept the fall, but do it with style. With this graceful sugar glider themed wingsuit, may you hit the ground softly.

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Pocket Pitfall

Finding the right place to set up a trap is always so laborious with the planning and working, digging and camouflaging. Isn't it about time that we had something easier? Well with this convenient piece of parchment, you get get a pitfall in a hurry.

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February 2024

February 2024 Wrap Up (All of February's files in one download) 

One More Thing: Brinerot

A creeping terror of the seas, brinerots are know to squeeze through any gap they can and make life hell for those that call the oceans blue their home. While their true origin is mysterious, many consider them to be a side effect of magical and alchemical experimentation.

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Deckhand's Dance

Drunken sailors sometimes need a little help keeping their footing on the rolling waves of the ocean. It doesn't hurt that a little stability can also give them a little defense in their greatest time of need. Just mind the hardwood.

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Gorshun's Gaze

I'm not going to question exactly how someone was able to pluck a living eyeball from a demon. I'm not even going to question why they put it in an eye patch to wear around. I'm only going to question how much they want for it.

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Death's Door

The line between life and death can be a blurry one, especially when someone has ripped the door to such a portal from the hinges and fashioned it into a shield made to summon forth undead minions for your command.

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Humble Pie

A baked treat can be revitalizing to the mind, body, and soul. In this case, this tasty confection can also provide you with some much needed healing even in the most desperate of times, so long as you don't need it yourself.

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A sickly torch that will light the way, but might just be a bit unpleasant for the olfactory system. You can bet that when you need to unleash a plague, this flaming skull will let you do it at a moment's notice.

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January 2024

January 2024 Wrap Up (All of January's files in one download) 

Pathfinder 2E Library Conversions - Batch 1

One More Thing: Springfoot Ancestry

The Springfoot are an ancient culture living far away from the reaches of more modern societies and preferring to live their lives as simply as possible. Some may choose a life of journeying out from their communities. Now you can play as one.

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The light of the moon is just enough to cast a shadow and you're just the person to use that to your advantage. This sickle will reap more than hay in the right hands and will make you a nightmare to track in the dark.

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Brawler's Brew

In the mood for a scrap but in the totally wrong place for it? Well now you don't have to worry as you can bring the fight to anywhere you want with this convenient brawler's brew. Just don't open it in a crowded market please.

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Vexing Cube

I'm not sure what goes on in the mind of puzzle makers, I have to assume it's just the desire to cause pain upon someone else. This little box is sure to make someone want to rip their hair out while you take care of whatever nefarious deeds you're working towards.

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The most dangerous one in any ring is the one who is there of their own free will. Tap in to your animal instincts with this helm made for combat. Go ahead, let out a shout. We wouldn't fault you for it.

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December 2023

December 2023 Wrap Up (All of December's files in one download)

One More Thing: Springfoot

Reclusive creatures that seek only to practice their devotion to the Way of the Tail, the Springfoot live simple lives in their communities. While some would seek outside adventure, revealing the locations of their homes is not something that comes lightly.

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Springfoot's Spirit

The greatest gift a Springfoot can bestow on an outsider from their society, this coat is not just a magical item, but a thank you from the community that gifts it to you. Also it gives you a pretty sweet tail which is always welcome.

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Easy Back Oven

Probably the most convenient kitchen component one could dream up as it allows you to take the very heart of the home with you wherever your adventures may wander. Just because you're on the road doesn't mean you shouldn't have some lovely grub as well.

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There are many beautiful things to love in this world, but for some, they only find what they desire most looking back upon themselves. At least with this violin, they can still get out in the world while keeping what they value most near.

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The ancient order of the lamplighters began as simple servants that lit the braziers and lanterns of darkened corridors, but over time they grew to be some of the nobility's fiercest defenders. They swear an oath to bring light where there is dark and fight back the forces of evil wheresoever they reside.

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November 2023

November 2023 Wrap Up (All of November's files in one download)

One More Thing: Altumantis

A terrifying stalker from the deeps rises to find its prey, visiting them time and again to learn what they want most and exploiting it for their own gain. Go ahead, have a quick chat, I'm sure nothing could go wrong with that.

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While some would toil and scheme and plot to find what it is you desire most. It's much more simple if you just give someone a bonk and well there that is in your head forever. Just be careful of what prolonged exposure to psychic magic may do to your brain.

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The fae are known to be big on gardening, but most of the time it's with some foul purpose or trick behind it. This one though seems to be the craft of some benevolent nature lover out to simply take something beautiful and make it even better.

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While you may at first consider it something silly, I can assure you that this spirit of the capybaran adventurer means business. Should you do a boon for him, you'll gain a powerful ally that you can rely on in your moment of need. Even if he looks bored doing it.

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While others may spend hours tending to their blades after a battle, you only needed a moment to keep yours right in line. It might be a little intimidating to stare menacingly while sharpening it mid-battle but that may be what you're going for.

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This shield has ability to provide benefits whether you're mobile or not. Dip in, dip out, and ride the wave to a better position on the battlefield. Just be sure to save some room for pizza afterward. Never fight on an empty stomach.

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October 2023

October 2023 Wrap Up (All of October's Files in one download)

One More Thing: Acerbak

A brutal creatures from deep below the surface, the acerbak hunts in packs using its acidic saliva to rend both flesh and armor alike. It's no wonder that the Dwarves prefer to stay away from these territorial predators.

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Acerbak's Bite

Some enterprising individuals saw fit to extract the acid gland of an Acerbak and seems to have kept it alive by some magical means only to strap it to a pointed bracer. I sometimes question the ethics, but admire the dedication.

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The creepies and crawlies that inhabit this rotting staff are repulsive to some. To others, there's beauty to be found in the harmonious community that they all create together. It also doesn't hurt that they come with magical benefits.

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The oddball that sought to strap a condensed air elemental to a crossbow isn't necessarily someone I would want to meet, but you can't deny that it makes for an interesting concept. Just don't point it at your face.

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Depth Charm

The clans of Depth-Wreck Guards that defend their chosen shipwrecks are difficult to befriend, but should you come to know them, they aren't all bad. Though it is a little odd that they may gift you a fallen allies' skull.

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Additional Content:

Depth-Wreck Guard by The Fluffy Folio

Sunken Ship by James' RPG Art

Coral Reef Shipwreck by Limithron

September 2023

September 2023 Wrap Up (All of September's files in one download)

One More Thing: Drudgework Observer

Ruling the skyways with their massive beating wings and enhanced means of sight, the Drudgework Observer is sure to make you feel perceived. While they're not much of an offensive force, they can be a menace in the air.

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Observer's Cowl

Fashioned from the specialized crystalline optics of the Drudgework Observer, this headpiece will make sure that you can see any danger coming your way. I won't say it's the most fashionable thing, but maybe you're into mech birds.

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Disarming Sword

Some say the best offense is a good defense, but I'd wager that removing the enemy's offense is just as good of an option. For the right duelist out there, this tricky little sword could spell the difference between life and death.

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Spiking Spear Sparrows have made themselves quite the menace of the skyways, using their powerful and razor sharp beaks to dive through balloons and sails alike. It seems someone got a bit tired of their mischief and fashioned a beak to a spear.

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Additional Content:

Airship by James' RPG Art

Spiking Spear Sparrow by The Fluffy Folio


This bulbous scepter is home to a little forgetful friend to take along on your adventures. Just know that she may make others a little forgetful too if you aren't too careful. Wait, what was I saying again?

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August 2023

August 2023 Wrap Up (All of August's files in one download)

One More Thing: Drudgemother

The core of the entire Drudgework network, it sees and knows all within its domain. With an insatiable lust for knowledge, it has been secretly curating a vast database of arcana and now it wants to know more from you.

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Drudgelord's Lash

The mighty core of a Drudgemother construct, split and fashioned to a terrifying flail. It seems that someone was not so fond of what the constructs represented and decided to take a stand of their own.

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When it rains, it pours, but unlike most umbrellas this one can keep you safe from more than just a drop or drizzle. A rain of arrows? Well they'll have to get through this magical darkness as well. Just make sure you keep a grip on it in the winds.

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Watchful Seal

High society with all its trappings and fineries has many avenues to exploit for those looking for information. This sealing kit has everything you need to create a bit of espionage and they'll never be the wiser.

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The paladins of old relied on their faith, but then they learned that sometimes steel is needed more. When methods were devised for imbuing the power of their divine belief into their defense, a new height was achieved.

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Larry N.

This chattering little friend with an arrow plunked firmly in his skull would be happy to lend a hand if he had one. Instead he'll merrily rattle away with his fluttering thoughts of the day. You just might find something useful locked away in that mind if you listen long enough.

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July 2023

July 2023 Wrap Up (All of July's files in one download)

One More Thing: Drudgework Chariot

Transportation as cities grew was a difficult challenge to tackle, but some enterprising inventors found a way to make a network of interconnected vehicles to get people from A to B.

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Man O' Wheel

Sometimes you just need to get around a city and what better way to do that than in style? I mean, you need to make an impression right? Might as well do so with a big two wheeled contraption!

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A sword made to lock away the most unruly and most wicked individuals around. Just be careful as actions so hostile could eventually turn their ire towards you. Who cares though if you get some temporary power along with it... right?

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Casuist's Pipe

The halflings might look like they have a casual life of rest and relaxation, but there's a complex network of social cues and misdirection to be learned within their language. This runed pipe may just save your social life.

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Death Grip (Mark Drummond J Collab)

They cling to their mortal coil while you rip it away for your own bidding. I'm sure that kind of dark power can't come with any hidden consequences now could it? I'm sure this gauntlet is safe to wear.

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Additional Content:

Blood Library by Mark Drummond J

Water Log

The depths holy many a secret that lead some to dive them and others to dredge them. It seems that it occurred to some enterprising individual to just simply ask them instead.

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June 2023

June 2023 Wrap Up (All of June's files in one download)

One More Thing: Drudgework Cleaver

Originally created for the forestry industry, these powerful constructs have come to make themselves a necessity in construction and other fields. Their ripsaw jaws are an especially pointy reminder of their purpose.

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Many a useful thing can be given a fling with this backpack forged from the hopper and tail of a powerful Drudgework Cleaver. A useful tool for getting around, combat, or just for taking a swim!

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Caldera (James' RPG Art Collab)

The intense heat of an active volcano brought to a helm made for those with a penchant for rage. Be careful as you use this fiery helm. We wouldn't want you to blow your top!

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Additional Content

Volcano Cavern by James' RPG Art


A lovely time of year to celebrate the diversity that makes us all so interesting. Bring together those around you and throw a raucous celebration with this wonderfully colorful cloak.

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Soaring Waltzling (The Fluffy Folio Collab)

Usually one to dance and spin, this fiendish Waltzling was locked within a cage of bone and flesh. Worry not though, it's still ready to unleash hell itself on an unsuspecting target.

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Additional Content:

The Waltzling by The Fluffy Folio

Figment Pigments

Creativity is a thing to be celebrated and cherished all the year round. With these magical paints, you can set to creating the beauty you want to see in the world with a little backup from this handcrafted kit.

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May 2023

May 2023 Wrap Up (All of May's files in one download)

One More Thing: Drudgework Skitterer

Scrambling around complex clockwork machinery, these constructs are suited well to their tasks of maintenance and repair. Controlled by a central network of telepathic communication, the Drudgework constructs are the peak of efficiency.

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Dipolar Gages

Magic isn't the only unseen force in this world we traverse, though some would call magnets magical in their properties. These gloves, outfitted with powerful electromagnets from a Drudgework construct may prove them right.

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Pocket Abby

There are lots of scary things you'll find when delving into dungeons far and wide, but if you keep this cuddly thing close, Abby will stand by you the most. Oh, and you can summon a big scary octopus.

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Powder Keg

A little more bang for your slash is good any all, but sometimes you just need to make some big noise. Luckily this little scabbard can do both in your times of needs. Just stay away from open flames.

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While they feel safe behind their walls, little do they know there's someone watching. Distance provides its own layer of protection for those who use this intricate bow.

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April 2023

April 2023 Wrap Up (All of April's files in one download)

One More Thing: Trailblazer's Tome

Charting the way and finding new things to explore is part of the nature of adventure. Just because you're a book loving wizard, doesn't mean you can't understand the importance of discovery.

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Runerite's Chisel

The tinks and pings of the runerite's chisel is a negotiation in the language of the stones. A telling of tales and embedding of magics within. How you want to use that is up to you.

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While some events may be locked away for exclusive access, luckily you've got this golden little ticket. Just don't make too much of a scene. Even magic can't save you from yourself.

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While you may not control the winds, you can seek to form a bond with them. With the right reverence, you may even ask them to come to your aid with with beautifully painted hand fan.

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Legend foretold that one day a worthy heir to the throne would arrive to a small hamlet and be the first to prove true of heart enough to pull the sword from the stone. Well, that isn't you, but you took the sword and stone anyways.

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March 2023

March 2023 Wrap Up (All of March's files in one download)

Boldin's Beard Oil

If you ask a dwarf what their most prized possession is, many will tell you it's their hammer or their axe, but the wisest will tell you it's their luxurious beard. Boldin knew that when he formulated this special oil.

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Sacrifice is one of the most noble acts that one could take. Are you willing to push yourself to save someone you care about? This little trinket has much to offer for those who care greatly.

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The echoing hymn of this victorious horn blares forth rallying all to a glorious victory. With this handy little instrument, you'll have a way to help your friends and also a way to show off just how important you are.

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Stitch in Time

While some toil with the nature of time and debate its linearity, others understand that the weave of time itself is much more complex than conventional thinking would allow, and furthermore that weave can be altered.

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There are those that frown upon magics used to bind souls together, but those who are sticklers for rules are often scared of what they don't understand. There is great power to be found in magics like these.

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February 2023

February 2023 Wrap Up (All of February's files in one download)

One More Thing: Hellsmith

The fearsome Hellsmith is the engine behind the armies of the hells. Forging their weapons and armors, they keep their units on the attack and supply them with the terrible tools needed to ply their deadly trade.

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Amorphous Alloy

The malleable steel of the Hellsmith's craft is remarkably capable of holding and building heat. This is the perfect weapon for those that know that flexibility is imperative on the battlefield.

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Tiny House

They say that home is where the heart is, but what about folks that carry their heart on their sleeves?  Well now you can take both phrases overly literally and wear your home wherever you want.

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Lover's Vow

A word kept true to the one you love will always carry with it a power of its own. This special piece of separable jewelry is made specifically for those inseparable couples of the world.

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We all need a friend in life sometimes. Sometimes that friend comes in the form of a tiny mechanical crab powered by a magically infused crystal that you can cast spells from while they crawl around the walls.

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January 2023

January 2023 Wrap Up (All of January's files in one download)

One More Thing: School of Resolutions

While some seek to adapt and overcome, others try to prepare for any eventuality. Wizards of the School of Resolutions look ahead to know what they should ready themselves for.

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Forsworn Bangle

Unlock the powers of those long since past whose bloodlines course with the same magical energy as yours. Though the voices whisper you their guidance, perhaps one day you will have to join them.

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Static Steps

While they were intended for the highest of fashion, these sparking steppers are far from the safest mode of transportation. That said, sometimes a little danger is exactly what you need.

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Ferrous Fists

Decay is part of the natural order, for something must fall apart for something new to come together. Now, you can choose what exactly needs to fall apart so your victory can come together.

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Keeping something up your sleeve is a great way to insure you have the upper edge in any fight. Well, now you don't even need sleeves as you can proudly wear your secret defense on your wrist.

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December 2022

December 2022 Wrap Up (All of December's files in one download)

One More Thing: Boreal Crowns

Deep in the frozen recesses of the far ends of this world, old fortresses of radiant ice lie below a colorful, dancing sky. Within them lives the royalty of the old lines and on their heads, crowns that grow with their wearer.

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While the original functionality was to preserve, the modified version of this frosty weapon is decidedly more on the side of destruction. It's a surefire way to tell someone to chill out.

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Hide Away Sleigh

Oh what fun it will be to ride in this no-horse, snow generating sleigh. Especially useful if you want to run away in a hurry or if you're just a traveler on the go in need of transportation that you can pack away.

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Beyond the reaches of this earthly realm lie many mysteries to be found. This sword contains the remnants of a once powerful star, now contained and brought to be a weapon of destruction for its wielder.

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The power to move earth and shape it to your will is not something to be taken lightly. The same magics that course through these gloves give power to Marching Citadels, albeit at a smaller scale here.

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Hoot Suit

Sure it might look cute and cuddly to the outside observer, but those who choose to wear something like this have little to fear. While some may point and laugh, they know the power this suit holds.

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November 2022

November 2022 Wrap Up (All of November's files in one download)

One More Thing: Marching Citadel

Walking the lands in search of whatever their master commands, these gargantuan constructs head the words of their creator. What do they seek and who created them? Well that's a mystery I leave to you.

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Raincaller's Horn

Hearing the sound of the raincallers horn brings hope for a future of good harvests and comfortable living. Revered for their service to the land, those who carry this ancient artifact also bare a burden to the people.

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Cloak of Daggers

A mysterious cloak for mysterious people. This is made for the rogues that always need to have something sharp close to them because you never know what kind of situation may arise.

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Honor & Poise

These sister blades were forged from metals of the same Elven source, perfectly matched to work together as one. For the elves that used them, they knew that both offense and defense are necessary to survive.

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Pit Fiend's Pendulum

A massive axe that was once wielded by a fearsome foe from the pits of a realm best left unnamed, this fiendish weapon packs a massive punch for any that get in your way. Learn to wield its weight.

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October 2022

October 2022 Wrap Up (All of October's files in one download)

One More Thing: Stained Luminary

A divine construct set to a task of keeping safe the holy sites and relics of their domain. They care little for the nature of intruders for the power of the places and things they protect must not fall to evil.

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Headsman's Hood

The headsman was feared for their ruthless hand. Whether you believe they dispensed justice or tyranny, they used a hood to hide their face all the same. Perhaps there was more to it than that.

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Stained Bulwark

Forged from the husk of a felled Stained Luminary, this shield can bring light to the dark and protection from the evils that dwell in it. Remember to shine boldly so that all may find you.

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A little friend to help you find your way and save you should gravity betray. Just make sure you keep it fed, or it might decide its better with someone else instead. The pack does have quite the sweet tooth.

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Deadman's Chest

Though this armor may be off-putting to many, some can't help but be curious of the power it could hold within. Death is always around the corner, do you dare take a risk with your life.

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September 2022

September 2022 Wrap Up (All of September's files in one download)

Duelist's Grace

While some choose to fight with power and strength, others know the value of an agile defense and hone their art of misdirection and movement into a finely sharpened tool of combat.

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A haunting whisper calls to you to seek power from those you oppose. Will you give in to their whispers and seek glory or will you throw away your chance to become greater than you ever imagined?

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Miragic Cube

At the intersection of real and reflection, some confusion may lie. When you touch the mirror, are you the real or the reflection? Perhaps that's a question you can use to your advantage.

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Loyal Tea

Sharing tea with others is a time honored tradition used to forge new bonds and strengthen old ones. For those that samples the wondrous tea made from this kit, their friendship is woven ever tighter.

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Flint & Steel

A brutal combination of flamethrower, axe, and throwable flamethrower, this little item could make someones day if they're into chopping and fire. It could also ruin someone's day if they're on the receiving end.

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August 2022

August 2022 Wrap Up (All of August's files in one download)

One More Thing: Span Hunter

Stalking across space and planes, the Span Hunters seek their prey no matter where they might hide. Once one of these highly intelligent hunters are on your scent, you'll have a terrible time getting away.

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Butterfly Effect

They say the slightest change can send ripples through the world altering the course of time and space. Whether that's true or not, this otherworldly dagger seems to possess the ability to inflict more pain over time.

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Checkers' Pocket Striker

A little friend at your beck and call waiting in your pocket the share the secrets you've burned away before. He is your confidant and a friend for the road as long as his short life lasts.

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A ring for forge masters and tricksters alike, it's rare that you get this kind of versatility in one little package. Will you aid your allies, or aid your wallet. The choice lies with you.

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Ratty's Gutting Blade

One of the most devious devices we've ever laid hands on. This blade has all the marks of brutal efficiency coupled with magicked concoctions that simply astound and terrify. Now with RGB!

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Lightward's Focus

The power of light lies within its composition. All the colors of the rainbow available to you to manipulate to your heart's content. Those who choose to wield the light would do well to remember the power they hold.

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Pine Lute of Planning

Some people like to charge in head first, swords swinging and magic slinging, but others prefer to take their time. They think through the scenarios and consider their options. This is a lute for the latter.

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July 2022

July 2022 Wrap Up (All of July's files in one download)

One More Thing: Extra Magic Items & Gruuk Jit'Jit

From the twisted mind of a goblin inventor, we bring you the second half of our small goblin series of items. The Go Getter & Bangsnap Bracer are sure to make your foes question your sanity.

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Additional Content:

Gruuk Jit'Jit by Borough Bound

No-Fall Knapsack

Alright, it might look a little janky but we're sure that this backpack can keep you aloft. You just have to trust it while you leap from any high place. In fact, it might even be the trust that keeps it aloft.

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Breacher's Cuffs

A locked door is nothing more than an opportunity for those that know the tools to open it. These handy little cuffs keep everything in the perfect place for you to grab as you need. Get them for that busy rogue in your life.

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Cutting through earth and stone is often the job of a pickaxe or even explosives in some cultures. The dwarves, however preferred the heft and feel of a mighty hammer. So much so that they crafted one that could shape stone itself.

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High Roller

Care to play a little game? This dagger is tailor made for those that love the thrill of a dice roll. Where you choose to strike with it may just make the difference between life or death. Go on, give it a try.

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Hands of Resonance

Invisible to the eye, but felt by those that possess the senses for it, vibrations are constantly moving around us. These gloves tap into the subtle movements and give you a sense of what may be lurking.

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Hidden Hand

Sometimes we all need an extra hand with things in life, even if we're just using that hand to distract others from our more nefarious deeds. This little glove will do the trick no matter your needs.

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June 2022

June 2022 Wrap Up (All of June's files in one download)

One More Thing: Path of the Scarbearer

Learning from your mistakes is one of the most important traits an adventurer can have. Scarbearers embrace their injuries and know that each of them has honed their skills and readied them for combat.

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Clean Slate

No matter how much we try, we can't seem to dirty these gleaming white robes, but it seems to have the ability to absorb terrible things, keeping you safe from them until you unleash them on others. What an odd piece.

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Beast's Bludgeon

The writhing tentacle of a monstrous creature hardly seems ripe for a weapon, but some artificer just didn't know when to leave well enough alone and so this is the outcome. Well, good luck with it...

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An old king of ostentatious taste and a temper unrivaled commissioned this axe to show his loyal subjects he was in charge. All were in awe of its gaudy glory and certainly swore fealty to him without an eye roll.

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Timeflux Contraption

No one is really sure where this device came from or who invented it, but we know that it seems to allow a window back in time. What secrets could the past hold? Well that's anyone's guess.

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Mortal Hold

While the outward appearance looks completely awesome, it's probably obvious that this armor has something a little wrong with it. You can gain great strength from it, but is it worth the cost of your life?

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Pellar's Purse

When you're a busy wizard on the go, you don't have time for all of the hum-drum of copying spells into your spellbook. You've got much bigger dragons to fry! That's why you need the Pellar's Purse!

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Earthember (Night Owl Odysseys Collab)

An artifact for the ages, this spear holds within it the power of a magma elemental. An imposing weapon, it truly brings the heat. With this release you also get a fully adventure centered around the Earthember by the amazing crew at Night Owl Odysseys.

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Additional Content:

Chaos & Capybaras by Night Owl Odysseys

Ash & Dust

This brutal scythe culls those whose time has arrived, some of them in one fell swoop. The fates decide with each swing whether your enemy lives or dies, and as they get closer to the end, the scythe gets more brutal.

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May 2022

May 2022 Wrap Up (All of May's files in one download)

One More Thing: Salanek, Spirit of the Dunes

Stalking the ancient sands, a massive serpent stirs at the heart of a miles wide sandstorm. This gargantuan elemental is older than the cities that dot the dunes and cares little for the plight of their people. This is a new CR 21 creature that includes a statblock, art, lore, tactics, and tokens.

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Grovespirit's Fletcher

Rangers and druids often live at peace with the spirits of the woods, but occasionally one goes even further, becoming a true friend of these spirits. This quiver, blessed by one of the grovespirits, is a symbol of that camaraderie.

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Her Embrace

This armor reminds you of home. Sliding it on is like slipping into your fondest memories. It tempts you with immense power should you just give a bit of yourself each time. Go ahead, indulge yourself. Nothing bad could happen.

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Protector of the Patch

Seemingly an innocuous doll with a pull string attached, this is actually a terrifying friend to bring along with you on your journey. Well, terrifying for everyone else.

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Bellum Rosis

Beauty can come in many forms, but few can argue the beauty of a rose. Though with every rose comes the thorns and so too does this greatsword have a dangerous bite. May you not be on the receiving end of its brutal blow.

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Crash & Ox

Mutualistic relationships are necessary for many creatures. They rely on the strengths of others to make up for their weaknesses. This shield celebrates one such pairing of the rhinoceros and the oxpecker bird.

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Weaver's Hoop

A little friend rests in its nest on the top of this ring, just wanting to stay close to its magically bound home. Maybe you can make friends with it as well.

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April 2022

April 2022 Wrap Up (All of April's files in one download)

One More Thing: Elixir

Elixir is an elegant alchemy system for D&D 5E intended to give you the option to push your luck and craft potions that go well beyond their base effects. It's intended to be a player focused module that they can run on their own in downtime without a DM needed.

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Verdant Sanctuary

Adventurers journey deep into some of the most dangerous places on earth. Sometimes when things get dire, what you need most is a comfortable place to rest. Imbued with the guiding powers of an emerald dragon, this oasis can be a home away from home.

Direct Download | Release Post

Bottomless Bottle

A tricky way to keep your precious liquids safe. This bottle allows you to store much more than you would expect within it and allows you to change what you're pouring with just a thought.

Direct Download | Release Post

Bow of Lucid Dreams

Deep within your sleep lies latent power just waiting to be tapped. Now with this bow, you can turn those vivid dreams into waking nightmares for your enemies with a single pluck of your bowstring.

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When artificers and alchemists come together they can truly create some wondrous items. They can also create things of questionable health benefits. Inhaling potions might not have been your first choice, but it is effective!

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Flask of the Golden Branch

This wondrous flask contains the tools you need to make a potion customized to your needs. Whether healing, spells, or or diseases this flask can take care of you. Just remember, restocking it might not be easy.

Direct Download | Release Post

Azimuth Chalice

Far away across the cosmos, massive stars twinkle as though they were little flames in the darkness. This chalice captures both the light and dark of space while also keeping you well on your path.

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March 2022

March 2022 Wrap Up (All of March's files in one download)

One More Thing: Oath of the Battle Hymn

For our Patreon exclusive "One More Thing" release this month, we're putting forward our first subclass offering in the form of the Oath of the Battle Hymn Paladin. Entertaining in social circles and deadly in combat, this subclass offers an option for those looking to embrace the rhythm of the skirmish.

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Staff of the Reefswarm (The Fluffy Folio, Mark Drummond J, and McRoMusic Collab)

Deep below the ocean's surface in a long lost temple to a forgotten deity, this staff sits serving a creature that guards it jealously. With great power, comes great opportunity. Just be wary of ending up on the wrong side of the mawlings.

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Additional Content:

Huntress Mindspear

A spear that feels like it's almost from another world, but adorned with the markings of this one and the other. This spear is truly unique and offers the ability to control, in a limited aspect, any creature to come against.

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This lovely little blossom can hear the beauty and betrayal in the world around it, all while being perfectly innocuous in any space of import.

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With this handy little hoppy hooded poncho you can make the world your very own hopscotch arena. In a pinch? Hop into some water and make a lily pad to chill out on until things calm down!

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Duality Circlet

A foot on either side of the conflict, in perfect balance with the gem that is placed at the front of it. Gain access to the holy and unholy while keeping yourself aware of what is around you.

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Luma Sacrosanct

A humble, but ornate bullseye lantern is so much more to those that know the holy magic it contains. This lantern has plenty of options for the user ranging from healing to crowd control.

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Fife of the Frostingale (Questiary Collab)

This flute can perfectly mimic the sounds of the majestic Frostingale, a bird whose wings can summon the winds of winter. Now a bit of that power can come to you in the form of this bardic instrument.

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Additional Content:

The Frostingale by Questiary

February 2022

February 2022 Wrap Up (All of February's files in one download)

Brambleroot Cleaver + The Dranik (Ori the Cartographer & Ivan Duch Collab)

A handaxe infused with the magics of the mythical Dranik itself, this weapon is perfect for those that want a throwable with properties allowing for its safe return. Also in this release is the feared Dranik statblock, lore, and more as well as additional content from Ori the Cartographer and Ivan Duch!

Release Post | Magic Item Download

Additional Content:

Dranik Download | Ivan Duch Soundtrack Download | Elder Woods Outpost by Ori

Billy the Club

He is very certain that he is a club although by all outward appearance he looks to be a mace. I wouldn't say that to his face though as I'm sure you'd be in for a bitey surprise and man does his bite pack a punch.

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Growth & Rot

Nature holds many beauties, but it can also be absolutely deadly. We celebrate that duality with these duel daggers meant to be used together. They create a deadly combination of powerful druidic magic, all in dagger form.

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Affection Confections

Just in time for Valentine's we give you a sweet treat for that special someone in your life. Now, whether you actually like the person is a different story. The big problem is, much like any box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

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The KraCan

Tentacles to latch and grab, to crush and kill, all in one convenient little can. The KraCan was one of our first humorous items and it's still one that I very much enjoy. Now you can get it in all of the new formats.

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Timewinder's Cuirass

Snatched from the plane of time itself, this chest piece imbues the wearer with a power like few others could hope for. You'll never be late for a date, you'll always be fashionable, and you'll know that time is certainly on your side.

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January 2022

January 2022 Wrap Up (All of January's files in one download)

Living Nephrite + Nephrite Prowler + Nephrite Mines (Tom Cartos Collab)

A small friend in the form of a living chunk of the mineral known as nephrite, he can come in handy whether you need help or hindrance. But retrieving it from the depths of the Nephrite mines will be a tall order as a Nephrite Prowler has taken up residence there.

Release Post | Magic Item Download

Additional Content:  Creature Download | Tom Cartos Battlemaps Download

Roksja's Husk

This chest piece was forged from the hide of a legendary basilisk and now a portion of the power still resides within. You'll be able to stop your enemies dead in their tracks and keep yourself self with this powerful armor.

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Heartbound Therimoire

Twisted magics and life altering spells serve to alter the very bodies we inhabit. This tome offers much in the way of gifts. You'll always have the right tool to reform a social or combat engagement to your liking. Just be sure to care for the heart as it is a bit fragile.

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Velika's Walking Stick

The nights are filled with evils of all types from man to beast. It pays to be prepared as you travel and none knew that more than the legendary monster hunter Velika. Her cane housed a nasty surprise for any that were foolish enough to come under her gaze. Now you can harness the power of this unique whipcane.

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Phoenix Loop

A ring worthy of wonder and awe, crafted in the shape of a phoenix and holding a heat like no other inside. This ring gives you the ability to rise once more should trouble come your way, but only once.

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Socialite's Guise

The world of the courts and social circles can seem like a closed network to those on the outside looking in. Gaining access to those inner machinations can be a boon to those looking to gain favor or find work. With this clever little mask, you'll never need to wonder again who is in charge. Though the bonds between them may pose more questions than it answers.

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December 2021

December Wrap Up (All of December's files in one download)

Strings of the Cloud Hall

Ringing through the halls of this cloud giants, this opulent harp will bring glorious music to the ears of friends and ruinous refrain to those that stand in your path. We created this item in concern with Minstrel's Tale and couldn't be happier with the outcome. We hope you'll love it.

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Monster Slayer's Holster

This leg pouch would be fit to serve anyone looking to hunt, track, and kill a monster of any type. With access to four different potions to fit the occasion, you'll never be without. Even if you did exhaust your resources, this little pouch has a trick for refilling, so long as you have a coin to toss.

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Tectonic Treads

Binding an earth elemental to a pair of boots is not an easy process, but when it's possible, the results are anything but rocky. These treads give you a few states to get around in as well as some really interesting abilities that should help you feel what's coming.

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Blade of the Battle Hymn

One of our first items that we ever created and one that we're still extremely proud of. This blade gives you command of the battlefield note by note as it swells from a quiet melody to a rousing hymn in your ears.

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Paean's Protector

The partner shield to the Blade of the Battle Hymn, it gives you the ability to share the benefits of the blade as well as offering some of its own boons along the way. A worthy pairing for the musically inclined martial masters.

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Fatebound Belts

A pair of belts seemingly mundane but bearing the mark of twins on the buckle. While two people are wearing them, they are inexplicably drawn to one another as if the world itself has willed it. A unique item in that it's made for two!

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Grips of Force

Fashioned out of a seemingly standard pair of thick leather gloves, these gauntlets pack a nasty punch. We wanted to convey how hard these could hit and really wanted to get across the impact they could lay on your foes. Also we love the idea of making unarmed strikes better!

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Other Rewards

Pre-Patreon Backlog

Before we launched our Patreon, we released several items across our social media. We made an easy to use post that has all of the categorized should you like to peruse them. Hopefully they bring you some joy.

Pre-Patreon Backlog Post

AbyssalBrews Discord

As a patron, you get access to exclusive channels on our Discord server where you can more directly interact with us. We love hearing from our supporters and would love the opportunity to get to know you better. Consider joining at the link below.

AbyssalBrews Discord Server



Dan Gragert

Seems like Totality's link goes to Bait and Switch at least as of 4/11/24! may just be me. tried clearing cache and such but it persisted.


Sorry about that Dan, it should be corrected now. You can also grab it from our Katalogue if you link your Patreon to that.