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Greetings adventurers! 

Those goblins will get up to something given the tools and the time. I will say, though I’ve commissioned them a number of times, it’s rare that I find something I would actually use from them. Most of the time I just enjoy the wild contraptions they put forth, but this one is a bit special to me. I’m not sure if it pulls on my nostalgia of chasing friends with homemade water guns when I was young, but regardless I can see the use cases. You just have to get a little creative and maybe use a little imagination.

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Design notes from Matthew:

Sometimes it’s all about letting nostalgia takeover for me. I don’t try to fight it anymore. There would have been a time I might have rejected this idea for being a bit too silly, but from what we’ve learned over the years, people like silly things sometimes. I mean, it makes sense in that we’re playing in magical fantasy realms with fey and all other manner of weird things flitting about. It only stands to reason that sometimes you can step outside of the serious roleplay and just let the game be the game. That was the case here.

These were very different design exercises for the two versions. In the 5E version, I mostly had to work on limiting the charges in a way that made sense. Typically charged based items reset daily at dawn, but that didn’t make a lot of sense for an item like this that is mostly focused on pulling in and dispersing water. I went with fully submerging it as deeper water isn’t something that will always be present. From there it was just a matter of writing out the abilities I had in my head.

In PF2E there was an additional struggle in that “charged” items are typically reserved for staves, but I found a few examples of items that allowed you to use an action to then expend charges on certain items. It was enough to latch onto in order to create this item the way I initially wanted to. I think playing with weakness/resistance is one of the most fun parts about PF2E so when it makes sense, I love weaving that in and the electricity weakness just made total sense to me.

I’m all about those summer vibes right now and nothing is quite as nostalgic as running around with water guns with your friends to beat the summer heat. I remember more than a few days spent with water balloons and the like. It’s exciting to bring a bit of that summer fun to the games I play now as well.

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Everything’s hotter under de water,

- Fernando & Matthew



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