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Half-intimacy? An ol' fashioned?? What's a SWF file? Anyway, ToonPimp found an unexpected time to emerge from the shadows for intimate engagement, this time with a Cinderace! She gets completely dominated, because hey, powerlessness simply gets a girl off sometimes!! Board room meetings and baby showers, here she comes!

This was a higher-than-average commission, requester to remain anonymous, but lemme tell ya, they loved that ol' squash n stretch animation I used to do in Flash! If you dug any of that, you can request things of a similar nature to me but with more original characters. If you can't, we'll see if I don't come to resolution, as happened here. The catch here is that these two will be in a stage/an upcoming one. To be decided later.

DOWNLOAD ANIMATION HERE (Just an ol'-fashioned swf file! Run with a Flash projector/Ruffle.)
If tapping the link doesn't work, right-click, copy the link or address and add HTTP:// to the search URL.

Check out our Discord forums, where most of these tier subscriptions will gain you a nice role. And, since this site won't allow more fetishy things I've done, hit up my Subscribestar!!
That's https://subscribestar.adult/set--
It contains games/content familiar to this one with similarly younger, and cuter protagonists!--
I also have joined the web 2.0 in-crowd with game dev streams and Q&A, often with my mic turned on! Come on inside, at POMF.TV/stream/toonpimp! I stream almost every day at random times between 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM MST, but our Discord will alert you to whenever a stream occurs. We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you massively to the obvious donors here, but also the ones with the wild requests jumping at me like the last thing you'd expect to find before a Cheetos Cheetah molested you with a gleam in his sunglassed eye. Without your support, Cinderace would not be utterly fuck-ed in her brains by TP over here. We'll be back on the other gaming projects, but you never know. If this being out of left field was too odd, lemme know, but I like to say that was an ok variety this time around. Later keeping on, fellerxzs!



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