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Chapter Seven: Nami

The day was finally upon them.

Nami, the temporary Navigator of the newly-reformed Kuja Pirates, stood alone at the front of the Kuja’s mighty ship. One hand held tightly to the railing as she looked off to sea, carefully watching for the first sight of an island. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, filled with a strong anticipation. She was nervous. And it was not because of the two huge snakes at her side. The huge, venomous Yuda that pulled the ship through the water were certainly fearsome. But she’d grown accustomed to them from her time on the ship.

She was nervous because today was the day that would decide her fate. Any minute now they’d see the small dots of the islands that formed the Conomi Archipelago. The place that held both Cocoyashi village, her beloved home, and Arlong Park, her worst nightmare. She only ever imagined returning with the bags of treasure and gold needed to pay for her village. Now, instead, she brought a band of pirates.

A strong, powerful crew of warrior women rushed around the deck behind her, preparing weapons and ammunition for the battle ahead. They were unbelievably strong, that much she knew, but were they strong enough? She had her doubts. The tyranny of Arlong was something ingrained into her very bones. Instilled in her for most of her life as something unstoppable. But this was her very best chance. If a mighty Warlord of the Sea could not bring him down, then who could?

Just as she thought that, stewing in her worries. She felt him approach. She heard the tell-tale slapping of his sandals before he even came up behind her. But she didn’t react. She stood frozen until he grabbed her from behind, wrapping his strong arms around her slender waist, and pulling her into his firm chest.


She shivered under his touch and looked up at him. She really was too cute. With big brown eyes, and soft features. Even with a desperate, worried look on her face, she still had that cutesy charm that stole his heart immediately.

So he squeezed her smaller form tight and silently promised to make it all better. If only to see that bright, mischievous smirk on her face one more time.

Then his hands wandered higher, coming up the soft cotton material of her tight sailor top until it reached the cusp of her pillowy breasts. She shivered under his touch but didn’t shy away, even as he grabbed her two soft titties in his hands. He squeezed them gently, and held her close.

She let out a soft moan and silently shivered in his arms. She’d grown accustomed to this kind of thing as well, from her short time on the Kuja Ship. Luffy was very physical with his crewmates, and that included her. She never let him take that final step, nor had she even let him taste her lips. She kept strict to the deal, only giving him free access to her sweet, delectable boobies. She’d gotten used to the feeling of his hands on her waist, her hips, her boobs, and even her cute little tush. It would always leave her with weak legs, and a fire in her core. Usually, she wouldn’t be seen for the rest of the day, buried deep in the covers of her bed with her hand sliding into the slick crevice between her soft thighs.

She’d been teased so relentlessly this past week, to the point of almost breaking. Every day she endured it. From mealtimes in the dining hall to training in the afternoon... Even the Kuja bath wasn’t safe! It seemed like everywhere she went on the ship there was a horny Kuja there, waiting to tempt their Captain to jump their bones. She’d always have to run away because it only took an instant for clothes to be tossed aside, and a heated, passionate fucking to break out right there in front of her. This horny Captain of hers really had no shame at all.

And just when she thought she was safe, in a place alone on the ship, he’d find her there, always. Then he’d take the ‘payment’ she offered him, greedily partaking in her soft, nubile body. Groping, licking, sucking, and even fucking her cute, bouncy titties. Even her room wasn’t safe, because even when she holed up alone, she couldn’t trust herself. She would only end up face-down ass-up in her bed. Always furiously plunging her fingers into her needy sex, desperate to ease the itch in her core.

Today was even worse. Now cradled in his arms like a lover, knowing that it might be the last time they’re together, depending on how this day ended. It was making her whole body extra sensitive. Her womanly curves shivered from the smallest fleeting touch her Captain gave her, and she was feeling a strong urging in her heart. So she seized what might be her last chance, and stood up on her tippy toes. She kissed him, pressing her soft glossy pink lips against his for the first time.

He responded with a growl, firm hands reaching down to grab two handfuls of her sweet, juicy ass. His lips pressed into hers firmly, staking his claim on her. She moaned throatily and felt his tongue slide into her mouth. His taste, his scent, his firm body pressing against hers, it was all too much for her. Her eyes were dazed and glassy, and her cheeks were flushed with a strong heat surging through her body.

She squirmed against him, squeezing her fat tits against his chest hard enough to feel her sensitive nipples poke through her top. She grinded up against him, and as she felt a large, hot bulge from his shorts… she almost snapped. She let out a horny mewl, more worked up than she’d ever been in her life. Her heart was hammering like thunder in her chest. But as she leaned deeper into his arms, licking, sucking, and kissing him like the needy little minx she was… it finally happened.

The lookout finally cried. The first island had been spotted, and Luffy pulled away from her. Licking his lips to savor her taste, he gave her a wide, confident smile. Then he turned his head and spoke clearly, “Let’s go! To Arlong Park!”

His crew, the mighty Kuja Warriors, all let out a proud cry as they prepared for battle. Meanwhile, Nami stared at Luffy the entire time. His powerful muscles, his intoxicating charisma, the commanding presence he exuded around the Kuja. She was entranced… and she couldn’t take much more.


“Shahahaha!” The loud, boisterous laugh of the leader of the fishermen rang throughout Arlong Park. He wore a wide, malicious grin, his razor-sharp teeth gleaming menacingly, “It won’t be long now… Until Nami returns!” He howled out, and his crew let out their own laughs and hollers.

There were a few still distrusting of the human girl, even after many long years of work.

Kuroobi was one of the loudest among them and voiced his doubts, “Captain, are you certain she’ll return..? This is the longest she’s been gone since-”

“Shahaha!” Arlong brushed off his subordinate’s concerns, insignificant as they were, “There’s no need to worry.” He said with a dark smile, “Not while her precious village still remains..! Nami will always come back to us.”

Of that much he was confident. Arlong could never imagine Nami breaking away from the hold he had over her. After all, she’d been his loyal map maker since she was a child. It was all she knew. And with her sister and the friends she had among the villagers still here, there was no chance she’d think about abandoning them.

The thought made Arlong laugh again, and while he was internally gloating, he heard a loud confused voice from across the courtyard.

“Hey! I don’t recognize that ship..!” Suddenly the Arlong Pirate’s lookout cried, catching the attention of quite a few fishmen, including Arlong himself. But before the man could get out another word, the tower he was perched on exploded.

Arlong’s eyes went wide with astonishment as the fishman flew from the tower like a cannonball, crashing into the walls of the Park hard enough to shake the ground. The area went dead silent as they all stared. That lookout was pinned to the wall, pierced clean through by a giant harpoon.

Then it erupted into chaos. The sudden and unexpected attack had every fishman there completely caught off guard, and for a moment they panicked. Then they reacted, Arlong barked an order, and half a dozen fishmen dove into the water, to destroy whatever foolish ship had dared to attack them.

Then, hardly a few seconds later, the surface of the water broke, and that half-dozen fishmen came surging back out, bitten and torn apart by a giant sea creature. It rose from the water, baring its deadly, snake-like fangs, dripping with a deadly toxin. The fishmen recognized it, and were horrified. It was a Yuda, one of the most dangerous creatures on the sea, strong, fast, and venomous enough to hunt even the largest Sea Kings.

“Fish-man Karate..!” Arlong’s commander, Kuroobi, recognized the threat at once, and dove forward, ready to crush the snake’s neck before it could kill any more of them.

“Don’t you dare..!” A strong, commanding voice cried out, and a black form shot over the gate leading into Arlong Park, it’s trajectory matched Kuroobi perfectly, but it’s speed was much faster. It fell upon him like a cannon blast, and a powerful fist plunged Kuroobi back down to earth like a bullet.

The concrete of Arlong Park exploded as the fishman was crushed into it. He laid there, deadly still.

“Who…” Arlong’s voice trembled with rage, his eyes bloodshot with fury, “Who dares?!”

The attacker stood up proudly, a black cloak hanging from his shoulders. He wore the mark of an unfamiliar crew. A skull wearing a silly straw hat, with a dozen snakeheads behind it. It was the mark of the reformed Kuja Pirates. And their Captain stood there over the body of Kuroobi, cracking his knuckles.

“Monkey D. Luffy!” He declared standing fearless, alone right in the center of the fishmen base. His voice was loud and almost cheerful, but his eyes were deadly serious, “The man who will be King of the Pirates! Now, which one of you is Arlong?!”

Arlong rose from his chair, his grip on the armrest so furious that it crushed the stone to bits. It was a display of a fishman’s absurd strength, but Luffy didn’t flinch. Arlong growled, “Do you know who you’re messing with boy?! A mere human doesn’t stand a chance against a fishman!”

Luffy’s expression didn’t waver, set in grim determination. He locked on the speaker, and identified him as Arlong. He planted his feet, and rushed across the concrete. He threw a vicious first blow to Arlong’s jaw.

The fishman’s eyes nearly popped out with shock as he was struck with the force of a cannon, and sent flying into the massive stone wall of the park.

As Arlong went down, the dozens of fishmen all reacted with fury. Together they charged Luffy, but just as he stood his ground, and raised his guard... The gates to Arlong Park buckled under a massive blow. The sound and impact resounded throughout the park, causing a few to stumble with the tremor. Then it gave, bursting open as another Yuda, just as massive and menacing as the last broke through, and with it sailed a massive red ship.

“Begin the attack!” An elegant, refined voice commanded sharply, her strong and noble voice carrying across the entire park.

“Yes, Empress!” A crew of dozens of deadly, beautiful women cried out and raised their bows in unison. They released a fast, first volley.

Arlong Park descended into madness. Arrows rained down with stronger force than cannon blasts, breaking apart solid concrete and tearing through fishmen like paper. Those that survived rushed at the only target in their sight. Luffy.

“No chance!”

“Don’t touch him!”

A flash of black and green landed in front of him, slicing down fishmen with a three-sword strike.

Just a step behind, a small, dainty hand was placed on the concrete, and a pair of slender, long legs spun in the air. Fishmen were blasted back by a series of unbelievably powerful kicks.

Zora and Sanju stood at his side, fiercely protective of their precious Captain and lover.

Luffy cracked his knuckles, and stepped up past them, eyes locked on one fishman alone, “Arlong’s mine!” He declared.

“As you say, Captain.” Zora agreed, her sharp emerald eyes tracing her next target.

“Leave the scraps to us,” Sanju said sweetly, before popping a cigarette between her lips. Her eyes turned vicious, “I’ll make them pay for what they did to our sweet little Nami…”

And just like that, the battle had begun in full. With the mighty Kuja firing volleys of unsurvivable arrows from their towering ship, and Zora and Sanju cleaning up the rabble, the Fishmen ranks were torn to pieces in mere minutes.

Meanwhile, Arlong pulled himself out of the rubble, and charged at Luffy with a furious howl. Luffy met him halfway, and their deadly battle began. The fishman was strong. Remarkably so. If it were back on Dawn Island where he reigned supreme among the thugs, pirates, and thieves of the slums, Luffy was certain Arlong would be unrivaled, even there. With his inhuman strength, he could easily seize control.

If he was still as he was before he set out on this journey, perhaps he may not even stand a chance. But he was stronger now. Through diligent training with the Kuja Pirates, his powerful wife teaching him the secrets of the world, he grew at an extraordinary rate.

But there was something deeper going on here, Luffy realized. He met Arlong blow for blow, and one might say they were matched- But it wasn’t so clear. Every strike he threw, Arlong buckled beneath the force, and was quickly forced on the defensive. Power thrummed in Luffy’s core, surging stronger and fiercer than ever before. And when he looked into the bloodshot eyes of this man, the same man that tortured and tormented Nami for years, his anger surged, and his strength surged alongside it.

It only took one good strike to settle the match. Luffy’s powerful blow finally broke through Arlong’s guard, sending him crashing through the walls of his own tower. Then Luffy stomped in after him, and rampaged within. The entire tower shook and trembled from his attacks, and when it went silent… the entire thing started to topple down.

Luffy stalked out of Arlong’s headquarters, fists dripping with fishman blood. The tower collapsed behind him, leaving Arlong buried in the rubble.

He looked around, his hardened eyes scanned the battlefield. All around him were destroyed fishmen, and his gathered crew. All of them were watching him now that their own battle had finished.

Luffy didn’t quite realize it yet, but something had changed within him. He’d satisfied something deep within himself, defending his precious prize, Nami. He’d beaten down her tormentor, and protected his crewmate. His muscles sang with pleasure, while his face was cut in grim contemplation. It was the most serious expression he’d ever worn, deeply considering what had occurred today.

Then he raised his eyes to his crew, and his expression brightened up.

All around him his pirate crew were watching him. All of them wore the same, awe-stricken, flushed expressions. They were staring at him reverently, like they’d just seen something unforgettable.

He hadn’t realized it but they’d finished up well before him, and they’d seen it all. They watched with hitched breaths and rapidly beating hearts as he beat down Nami’s tormentor. Their cheeks flushed, and their eyes were wide and unblinking, locked on his every move. Every flex and contortion of his powerful muscles. They closely watched his grim expression, as he confidently, effortlessly destroyed the enemy that dared to harm one of their crewmates.

He was so engrossed in the battle, that he hadn’t even realized it… but he’d let his Devil-Fruit run wild. The powerful aura of his lust, manifesting in a fiercely protective desire washed over his crewmates like a thick fog. Now they all stood frozen, staring star-struck as their god-like, powerful Captain walked out of a broken, collapsing building. His enemy’s blood dripped from his hands as he walked out a hero.

Now the girls all trembled in unison. Their feminine instincts went crazy at the sight of him. They all took in shuddering breaths, holding hands to their huge breasts in a vain attempt to calm their beating hearts. Bright pink hearts pulsed in their irises, showing just how deeply they’d fallen into his spell. Their plush, thick thighs squeezed together almost painfully, with a desperate, burning desire in their soaking wet pussies. Their knees went weak, almost knocking together as they struggled to stand on shaky legs.

All of them were completely in heat. Desperate to get the relief they needed from their masculine, stud of a Captain. They were all one step away from jumping him on the spot, throwing him down and bouncing on his legendary cock until they were pumped full and satisfied. But they didn’t dare. It was not their place to decide where and when they were pushed down and fucked. No, that was something that only their Captain could decide.

So they all stood frozen, gawking, drooling, and sending him the neediest, horniest bedroom eyes they could muster. He realized what’d happened at once, and quickly reigned his power in, but it was too late. They were beyond stopping now. The only cure for their desperate heat was a hot and heavy fuck.

As his eyes looked over the group of gathered, lust-drunk Kuja, he looked up to the railing of the Kuja ship, and finally saw her there.

Nami was leaning against the railing, bracing herself with both hands. A look of awe, shock, and complete disbelief overtook her features. Then it all came crashing down on her. Of all the women gathered there, she caught it worst of all. Watching as Luffy valiantly struck down the source of all of her pain, all because he cared about her… It was too much.

Her eyes were swirling with a powerful, dazed lust. Her hands, knees, and legs all shook as she struggled to support herself. Then finally, it all caught up to her. All the teasing, the groping, the full week of built up frustration. It was finally her tipping point. Her legs gave in, and so did her resistance. She finally snapped.

The stark silence of the battlefield was broken as Nami fell to her knees, huffing and panting in heat. Her entire body trembled as her thighs clenched together, then her soaked cunt clenched tightly, and a stream of juices exploded from the tiny orange pair of panties she wore beneath her skirt, staining the deck beneath her. She trembled through a powerful orgasm, without even being touched by the man himself. She let out a loud, wanton shriek.


Luffy sighed in relief, feeling impossibly smooth, nimble fingers gliding across his skin. Diligently washing away the dirt and grime of the battle, and carefully massaging gentle care into his exerted muscles.

He opened his eyes, and admired the pale, snowy white mountains of his lover Hancock’s huge breasts. She pushed them delightfully into his side, pressing herself against him as she washed his body with her delicate hands. They sat together on the edge of the bath, hardly touching the still water at all, so there was no discomfort in his body.

Hancock didn’t speak a word, she simply kept a loving, brilliant smile on her face as she washed his muscles clean. She softly cooed and breathed in his ear, making his body stir with desire. Her slender fingers trailed down his firm abs until they ghosted around his groin. Never once touching his huge, impatiently throbbing cock.

He growled in desire, wrapping an arm around Hancock’s slim waist to dig his fingers into her wide plush hips. He tugged her closer, but she resisted, slipping away from him teasingly.

“You can’t…” Hancock whispered soothingly into his ear, “You don’t want to spoil the celebration, do you my dear? Just hold on a while longer… and you’ll get all the relief you deserve…”

He closed his eyes and his face contorted with displeasure. His cock was already twitching in impatience, hungry to sink into the closest pussy it could find. He was unbelievably worked up, lust overflowing from his body. All because of the dozens of women he could feel just a few doors away. Their ripe, fertile bodies still overflowing with the unquenchable desire for him. Every fiber of his being was telling him to go rush over to that group of women, and ravish them until they were all passed out, exhausted and satisfied.

Instead, he was held here by the only woman that could bear his lust. His only match, Hancock herself. She diligently prepared him for the celebration to come, cleaning every inch of his body, and rubbing soothing creams and oils into his skin. Relaxing his muscles, and giving him the energy he would surely need.

Then once satisfied, she raised herself to her feet, and helped him to his. She smiled radiantly, “Are you ready, my love?” She gently guided him to the door leading into her private chambers.

Then she dressed him, presenting him with an elegant, intricately designed silk robe. It was a richly crafted, crimson-colored robe, with yellow sea serpents carefully woven into the cloth by Kuja’s best craftsman. It was left open, because Hancock did not dare try to cover Luffy’s legendary endowment.

Then she wrapped her own curves in a seductive red robe, carefully covering her most private parts. It was loose as a nightgown, clinging lightly to her bodacious body. Her stunning cleavage was so deep that she nearly flashed her puffy areola with every breath, but the robe never managed to slip down the curve of her massive tits.  For added insurance, she’d snuck small pasties beneath, covering her shy, inverted nipples for when they inevitably got excited enough to peek out. This was all to protect her own Kuja from her ‘curse’, as they believed one look at her bare body would be enough to turn them to stone. Once finished, she took his hand lovingly, and led him out of the room.

They entered the throne room, and instantly Luffy blew out a heavy breath through his nose. He inhaled the thick scent of heavy lust wafting from over thirty women all overcome with their own desire. On either side of the throne room, lined up against the walls in two rows, were his crew.

All of them locked onto him the moment he stepped out of the door, their eyes dropping down to stare at his giant throbbing erection. They all sucked in shuddering breaths, almost drooling at the sight of it, shifting impatiently as they imagined it plunging deep inside their needy pussies.

The gathered women were all kneeling on huge, plush pillows, their thick thighs pressed firmly together, and their hands held on their knees. Their huge racks, barely contained in their tight bikini tops, were rising and falling with every huffing, impatient breath. They shared the same, needy look of a bitch-in-heat, desperate to get any relief they could find. But not one of them dared to move to touch themselves. It was only the impressive will of the Kuja that kept their lusts contained.

Instead, seeing the form of their Captain emerge from his bath, guided to them by their beloved Empress. They all moved as one. Bowing low on their pillows until their foreheads touched the cushion, they showed their absolute subservience to him. Luffy looked at them all with a lustful, hungry expression. Their fat tits were flashing him plenty of sideboob as they bowed low, and he could see their huge asses almost thrust up in the air behind them. The tiny bikini thongs disappeared into the cracks of those huge butts. He let out a low growl, his fat cock throbbing at the sight of them.

Hancock smiled radiantly as her Kuja displayed their love for her husband, and gently guided him to the center of the room. The entire hall had been covered in so many soft cushions and pillows, that it was hard to believe they’d had these all stored on board. He was led to the center, and sat down in the middle of the hall. He reclined in the center of a large mass of pillows, with his robe still wide open, and every Kuja was sneaking peeks at his bare, muscular chest and huge, throbbing cock.

Then Hancock retreated, leaving Luffy alone in the center of his crew. She sat upon her throne, with her two sisters, equally overtaken with lust, at her side. She spoke clearly, in an authoritative voice that carried throughout the room, “Enishida. Send in the first.”

The blonde, petite Kuja, closest to the hallway leading to the Kuja dorms, bowed deeper for a moment then rose to her feet. She kept her eyes low to the floor, not daring to look toward Luffy, for fear of losing her restraint. Then she disappeared behind the door.

He watched it open again, moments later, and his eyes went wide with shock. A low growl escaped his throat, that sent a deep shiver down the spines of every woman present.

The woman that came out through the door was not Enishida, but Nami. Freshly bathed and dressed in a fluffy white robe, she walked into the hall on shaky legs. Her soft tits looked milky and fresh from the bath, almost shining in the light. Beneath the short robe, Luffy could see her thick thighs and long, smooth legs.  She looked up and saw him there, her eyes went wide… then completely unfocused. Little pink hearts throbbed in her pupils as her lust boiled over. She huffed in heat, and tugged at the sash keeping her modesty concealed… then froze.

For a second the light returned to her eyes as she looked around the room. Surrounding her were the thirty Kuja she’d gotten to know over this past week. The same Kuja that teased her with tales of their Captain’s virility, and vivid detail of his exploits. She always stubbornly refused their teasing, and now they were all watching her expectantly. Ready to see her finally give in to the temptation. For a moment, she almost resisted.

Then Hancock spoke, “Today we celebrate our new Captain’s complete victory. Arlong is defeated, his Park is completely destroyed, and his crew entirely wiped out. Our deal with Nami has been completed. It’s only right that she is the first among us to thank him for all that he’s done. He saved not just her, but her sister, and her entire island as well.”

Hancock’s words dug deep into Nami’s mind. And as she looked around, the Kuja women silently urging her on, she finally let go completely. That week’s worth of pent-up lust finally boiled over. That last piece of resistance in her mind snapped.

“Aaahhh~!” She let out a breathy moan, “I don’t care anymore…!” She stalked forward tugging at the sash of her robe, and pulling it open completely to flash the room with her naked body. Her eyes spun with crazed desire, and her cheeks were glowing with a blush as she bared it all. Thrusting out her naked curves like she wanted them to stop and stare.

Finally, Nami’s cute, womanly curves were completely bared to him , her new Captain, Luffy. Her delicious-looking E-Cup breasts, pale white and supple, with pointed, perky nipples. Her slim, tiny waistline, and her juicy, teasing hips. Even the tuft of orange hair above her cute little snatch was bared to them all, and she shivered under the gaze of the room. Her cheeks were red with embarrassed arousal, but she wore a crazed smile as they all drank in the sight of her bare body.

She let her robe fall to the floor and stumbled forward, eyes spinning with lust as she approached her new Captain. Completely naked, with dozens of women watching her intently, the situation was just too much for her. She was completely overwhelmed and by the time she got to him, she was desperate. She placed one slender hand on his bare chest and pushed him back on the pillows. Then she straddled him, already lining up that monstrous cock with her needy, untouched pussy.

Just feeling that hot crown ghost across her soaked lips had her hissing in pleasure, and she lined up his head with her tight entrance. When she’d first gotten a taste of this huge cock, she’d sworn there was no way it’d fit inside her tiny little pussy, but now she was about to take the plunge, without fear. In her lustful daze, nothing in the world seemed better than getting stuffed to the brim with his huge member. So she dropped her hips, and threw away her maidenhood.

The moment his cockhead pierced her virgin pussy, Nami’s eyes stretched open wide. Her already weak knees gave in, and she sank all the way down. His huge cock slid smoothly into the depths of her pussy. Feeling his monstrous member stretch out her walls sent a hot pleasure through her body. By the time she’d sank all the way to his hilt, her round ass slapping down on his thighs, she came like a firecracker. Throwing her head back in a room-piercing shriek, her tight pussy squeezed around his cock.

Then while she struggled to regain her senses, her powerful orgasm provided some clarity through the fog of lust. She started to regain herself, and her mind cleared up just enough that she finally started to hear the voices.

“So lucky~!” A woman said from her side, quiet enough to barely reach her ears, “To get the first taste of our Captain’s mighty cock~! He looks even bigger than usual… I bet he’s splitting her in half…”

“I wish it was me… My pussy’s been aching for so long~!”

“Easy girls… Let him break in our new recruit first… We should consider ourselves lucky. To see her cherry popped in person~!”

“Aaahh~! Just look at her… She looks so needy. Straddling our Captain just like that… I didn’t know Nami was so bold...”

“It’s not boldness~! She’s just as desperate as the rest of us. Taking that full burst of Luffy’s fruit, made her crazy for cock… and she doesn’t have the willpower we do~!”

Nami’s head was left spinning, already overloaded with the powerful lust overtaking her body. Now, hearing the Kuja girls whisper naughty things about her, feeling their eyes on her naked body, and knowing that they were watching her act like a total harlot… Nami’s entire body was tingling, burning up from an intense lustful heat.

All she could think about was slamming her hips down on the thick cock stuffed inside her aching pussy. She felt the gaze of dozens of girls watching her as she started to bounce her bubble butt on his lap. Her face was red all the way up to her ears, but she couldn’t even feel her embarrassment. Instead,  it was drowned out by overwhelming arousal. So she kept her eyes on Luffy’s face, planting her hands on his chest as she started to lift and drop her hips. Hot, horny gasps and moans escaped her lips every time his huge cock slid through her sensitive walls. Every slow movement sent a sparking, tingling pleasure through her body, more intense than anything she’d ever felt before.

She rolled her hips sloppily, in an amateurish, drunken way. Barely able to control her trembling body as she tried to slide her pussy up and down on his mighty cock. She was desperate to quell the burning heat in her pussy, but the pleasure was too much for her to take. She could only weakly bounce her ass on his cock, trembling and moaning all the while. But then she felt it finally. Two firm hands grabbing her soft hips strongly enough to stop her in place. Her dazed eyes were confused, and she let out an almost pathetic mewl as she tried to grind her hips in place. Desperate to seek more of that sweet relief.

But his strong hands hoisted her off his cock like she weighed nothing. She couldn’t even stop him. She could only weakly clench her pussy and buck her hips as she was pulled off. But before she could protest she was suddenly spinning. The world turned upside down as she was flipped over, and pushed almost face-first into the fluffy mound of cushions and pillows. By the time she’d blinked her eyes open again, and gathered what bearings she could. She had just realized she was face-down ass-up, that same naughty position she’d used to finger-fuck herself to sleep every night. But this time something much bigger plunged into her aching sex. Her eyes went wide and she let out a lewd screech as her pussy was plugged once again by Luffy’s hard cock. This time it was thrust in roughly, by the man himself, aiming for the sweet spot that’d make her go crazy.

Her eyes nearly rolled back as she felt an intense orgasm spasm through her body. Feeling that stiff cock plunge through her hyper-sensitive pussy and strike at her sweet spots was exactly what she was aching for. She let out a loud, whorish moan, her face warped into a dopey smile as Luffy firmly grabbed her hips from behind and started to fuck her silly.

“Hn..!” Luffy grunted as he started to swing his hips, hard and fast. His powerful hips smacked into Nami’s soft, cute bubble butt so loudly that it silenced the Kuja’s whispers entirely. The only sound left in the room was the hot, needy panting of a few dozen horny amazons, and the sounds of Luffy giving Nami a proper crew inauguration.

Nami’s loud shrieks of pleasure filled the hall, following every heavy slap of Luffy’s hips into the soft cheeks of her big butt. It wasn’t quite how he imagined getting his first taste of Nami’s pussy… but seeing her writhe in pleasure beneath him, completely taken over by lust was making something stir in his chest. To think that he made the cute, innocent Nami go so crazy for his cock, that she’d stripped naked and straddled him right there in front of them all.

She couldn’t even speak anymore, just clench her pussy and throw her hips back, desperate to be pinned down and fucked hard by his thick cock. So he gave her what she wanted, watching her soft, cute rump tremble and quake from every sharp collision of their hips. The pillows beneath their knees were already getting sprayed. Completely soaked by the juices of Nami’s dripping pussy.

Luffy’s brow was furrowed in concentration. He was so zoned in on the hot, needy minx beneath him that he didn’t even hear them… But Nami somehow did. Through the mindless heat and mind-blowing pleasure she was drowning in, she still caught the voices as they began again. Her ears perked up, and her face flushed deeper as she heard them all talk around her.

“Oh… wow…” The first Kuja broke the silence with a soft awed tone. Watching Luffy as he pounded their newest recruit so powerfully.

“Look at him go…” Another joined in, and they all watched in wonder. Eyes locked on his every move. Every contortion of his powerful muscles, every thrust of his hips against Nami’s.

“He’s… amazing…” Another breathed with flushed cheeks.

“He’s so rough~!” One said hotly, shifting her thighs together, “That kind of harsh treatment is the best~!”

“I wish it were me~! I hope the Captain will get to us soon~!”

“Be patient!” Suddenly a stern voice snapped the girls out of their daze, and they saw Kikyo there, the oldest among them. She was holding up much more admirably than the others. Only her flushed cheeks and pointed, hard nipples showed her arousal, “She’s a virgin, remember?” Kikyo smirked, “She’ll be finished soon enough.”

That had the girls grinning, “I bet she only lasts another minute!”

“She couldn’t possibly last through one of Luffy’s huge loads. She’ll be a total wreck by then!”

Nami heard it all, and each word just fueled her lust higher. Knowing that she was being watched by them all, acting like a total slut and getting fucked so roughly in front of them. It drove her crazy. But she was past the point of stopping herself, so she gave into the depravity, throwing her hips back to meet Luffy’s with every thrust.

Luffy was still pounding into her, even while the Kuja started to talk around them. He was entirely focused on Nami’s juicy, clenching pussy. Hers was something special. He knew from that first moment she slid down on his length. Tight enough to rival even Usoko’s shallow pussy, but warm and welcoming enough to be compared to Sanju’s. It wrapped and clung tightly around him, like it was desperate to milk him of his next hot load.

She couldn’t quite take him to the hilt, not as Hancock or Zora could. But her pussy was still amazing. A soft, silky tunnel that made him want to fuck her so hard that she’d be left totally unconscious, unable to walk for weeks.

So he dug his fingers into her soft hips, firmly planted his knees, and began to really fuck her. The hushed whispers of the amazons turned into awed exclamations as Luffy suddenly picked up the pace. Pummeling Nami’s tight pussy even harder than before. The girl was already moaning loudly, but as he swung his hips faster and plunged his cock as deep as it could go, she was shrieking. Her entire body was assaulted by powerful orgasms that triggered one after the other.

Her poor pussy was squirting like crazy, flooding the pillows beneath them in a fountain of juices. With how roughly he was fucking her, and how extremely her sensitive pussy was reacting, it was a wonder the girl was holding on at all.

Luffy hadn’t realized it, but he had let something slip as he was drawn in by Nami’s sweet pussy. He’d been denied access to her sweet honey pot for almost a week now, so he was frustrated. Combined with the girl’s lust-drunk, overwhelming arousal, one look at her bitch-in-heat expression made his cock throb with need, and a firm resolve formed in his heart to give this minx the dicking she desperately craved. So while he was overtaken by that, he didn’t realize something important.

He’d been so distracted by the thick scent of dozens of horny women, and Nami’s totally naked body that he forgot for a moment. She wasn’t an Amazon. She wasn’t a Kuja, nor was she physically fit like Zora and Sanju. She was a civilian girl. And while he didn’t have many on his crew, only Makino, Usoko, and Kaya, those girls all shared one similar trait. Lacking stamina. They generally went down before he even got warmed up, so he never got too rough with them.

But now Nami, the civilian, virgin , girl, was taking a full-force dicking like an experienced whore. If he was thinking a little clearer he would’ve realized why she was cumming so easily. Her fragile will and lustful haze made her more sensitive than any girl he’d ever fucked. And now he was giving it to her hard .

So it was no surprise she was locked in a flood of orgasms, mounted by her new Captain and fucked for all she’s worth. She could barely hold onto her senses, and could only lie there and take it. Her pussy clenching and coiling around his cock with every thrust, spasming from numerous orgasms.

But then Luffy finally realized it. Not while he was fucking her. No, it was after he’d had his fill, and finally pulled her hips sharply against his own, burying his cock all the way into the deepest part of her pussy. His cock throbbed and pulsed, blasting a sticky, hot load of cum into Nami’s untouched womb. That feeling of his piping hot semen flooding into her depths set off the biggest climax yet. It was a full-body orgasm shooting through her body that far overshadowed all the ones that came before.

She wailed like a banshee, spraying out a fountain of juices from her spasming pussy. Her eyes rolled up completely, while her face contorted in a euphoric, satisfied smile. Finally, her shriek suddenly squeaked out and she went completely limp into the pillows, still shuddering as she felt her tight womb get flooded to the brim with Luffy’s cum.

It was after he let out a loud huff, finally releasing the girl’s wide hips and slowly drawing that thick cock out of her tight pussy. Without his support, she fell forward completely, lying flat on her stomach. He popped his cock out of the tight seal of her cunt, and slapped it down on her soft asscheeks. Already a huge flood of cum poured out of her pussy, showing just what a massive load he’d dumped into her.

He let out a pleased breath as his cock lurched one final time. Splattering her pale back with a rope of sticky cum. He thrust his hips a bit, sawing his sensitive cock between the plush cheeks of her ass, then reached down to squeeze them together, hotdogging her as he finished his own climax.

She was an utter wreck. With her hair frazzled and sticking to her skin from the sweaty mess he’d worked her into. Her skin was flushed from her face down to her breasts, and the once snowy-white skin of her pale little tush was glowing red from the ferocious hip-slapping sex he’d given her.

As he came down from his own high, that was when he realized it. Realized how brutal he’d been to a virgin , civilian girl. Yet that startling realization didn’t make him worry in the slightest. He should be concerned but he wasn’t. Somehow he just knew Nami was fine. She took that rough sex like it was nothing. He could feel his Devil Fruit’s powerful influence on her, and he knew she was fine.

That was why he looked up and around the room, eyeing up dozens of horny Kuja Pirates. His mighty cock was huge and hard even after his climax, throbbing impatiently. He scanned the room like he was searching for prey. Licking his lips as he saw all the soft, plump feminine curves, barely protected by their flimsy bikinis.

The girls all frozen stiff under his gaze, breathing heavily as he looked at them. Suddenly they felt like offerings to a hungry beast… and they loved it. Like a group of horny sluts they couldn’t help but posture. They all gave him naughty little teases shaking their tits or batting their eyes. Licking their lips enticingly, they let out hot, horny breaths. But they were still respectable Kuja women, so not a single one moved from their spot, or showed their Captain discourtesy. They stayed kneeling on pillows, with their backs straight and their hands placed on their knees, presented to him.

He let out a low growl that sent a shiver down the spine of every woman in the room, “Alright. Who’s next?”

Hancock on her Throne shuddered with bliss, hearing that hungry, husky tone from her lover. Her pussy twitched in anticipation, but she kept her head cool. She raised a hand to signal Enishida to send in the next girl- but then paused. She narrowed her eyes, and let a smirk form on her lips. Then she leaned back in her throne, resting her chin on her hand as she watched Luffy once again.

“Hey~” The girls in the room all gasped with shock as a needy, panting voice spoke up. A weak, shaky voice that was nearly ruined from all the shrieking it’d been put through.

“No way~!”

“She’s still awake?!”

“But she was screaming so loudly..! How did she not pass out after cumming that hard?!”

The girls all were taken by complete surprise as Nami started to rouse. She turned her head and looked up at Luffy. Her expression showed she was still completely in heat. With flushed cheeks, fluttering eyelashes, and her small tongue coming out to circle her lips in a slow enticing way. She’d had orgasms powerful enough to knock out the sturdiest Kuja, but she was still conscious. Yet through those orgasms, her lust subsided just enough clarity to regain her voice.

Her voice sounded so hot and needy as she called out to him, “Captain~!” She mewled, “We’re not finished, right..? I’m still burning up… Don’t you wanna fuck me some more~? You went a whole week without tasting my tight little pussy… Please~ I need it so bad~!”

Seeing Nami turned to him, shaking her red little tush in front of his eyes, begging him for more, even after that crazy hard fucking he just gave her... Luffy growled and pounced on her once again.

He didn’t care that she didn’t even have the strength to get up on her knees. He simply mounted her prone form and stuffed his cock right between her soft thighs. Sinking back into her slick cunt like he belonged there. Nami had lit something inside of him now, begging him with such a teasing, naughty voice. And after getting little, unsatisfying tastes of her body for a full week, he was hungry for more.

So this time he had his way, reaching down to grab a fistful of her short orange hair he pushed her down entirely. Her cheek was shoved down into the pillows, held there firmly while he slid into her pussy from above. She cried out as she felt him re-enter her, lips stretching back into a blissful grin.

But this time she was thinking a little clearer now. She’d regained enough of her bearings to speak. To beg her horny Captain for more. And now that she was finally getting a little relief, letting loose from a week of built-up frustration. She was all too eager to let go.

So as Luffy climbed on top of her, roughly pinning her down beneath him and thrusting his cock into her slick cunt, she was loving every moment of it. She looked up at him and sent him a hot, lustful gaze, “Yes Captain~!” She howled as he started to swing his hips, “Fuck my tight little pussy! I know you’ve been itching to get inside me all week! Now you don’t have to hold back!”

Luffy grunted, an almost bewildered expression on his face as he threw his hips down into Nami’s juicy ass. His cock twitched inside her tight crevice with every naughty word that slipped from her lips.

“I was so cruel to you, Captain~!” She said in that sweet, cutesy tone, fluttering her eyelashes, “Teasing you with my soft titties and my tiny little skirt. I bet you wanted to bend me over so many times~! You must’ve been so~oo frustrated~!”

She mewled and whimpered beneath him with every sharp clap of their hips. Like a master actress, she traded her previous, whorish hot screams of pleasure for the cute little gasps and moans of a maiden. She looked over her shoulder to lick her lips and flutter her eyes at him.

“Now you can let all that frustration out, deep inside me. Come on, Captain. I can take it. Fuck my tight little snatch like you’ve been aching to! Pin me down and pound me like I deserve!”

Luffy growled loudly, leaning over her and pinning her even harder to the floor, swinging his hips against hers like he meant it. By the time this naughty little girl was passed out, her poor little tush would be cherry-red from the harsh pounding it was receiving. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The cute little Pirate Thief Nami had transformed into a horny little harlot when he wasn’t looking! How did this even happen?

Nami’s cutesy smirk turned into a mischievous grin as Luffy started to pound her pussy harder than before. She’d really let loose with everything she’d bottled up over the past week. During her stay on this debauched ship she’d had to endure a full crew of horny little perverts. They were constantly teasing, flashing, and fucking their Captain whenever they had the chance.

Many times she’d been dragged into it, either watching, fleeing or sometimes even participating! Before she knew it, she was turning just as bad as the other girls. She caught herself taking chances to tease Luffy with sultry looks, teasing touches, or ‘accidentally’ flashing him some glimpses down her shirt or up her skirt.

And that wasn’t even the worst of it! She’d ‘unofficially’ joined the crew, to have the Warlord Hancock takedown Arlong, but didn’t realize what her ‘duties’ aboard the ship would be! Even when she wasn’t spoiling their horny Captain with one of her titty fucks, she was roped into the Kuja’s antics as well.

They’d pulled her into a secluded room every night without fail. Forcing her to sit and listen while they shared naughty little stories of their Captain’s exploits. Some of them even coerced her to share her own! She’d even had to teach a few her famous titty-fucking technique! But being forced to endure those ‘story nights’ with the Kuja had its merits. That was where she’d picked up her foul mouth, learning just the right words to get her Captain worked up whenever she wanted.

Now that she was letting loose, she didn’t hold back at all with her dirty talk. Naughty words were heard from the Kuja’s explicit meetings, Nerine’s coaching, and Sanju’s crazy erotic stories. They flowed from her mouth easily, like she’d had years of experience tempting men with sultry words. When it came to sex, she was that quick of a learner.

“Come on, come ooon~!” She cried at him, somehow keeping her tongue straight despite getting pounded so hard into the pillows. The thick cheeks of her round ass started to sting from the force behind Luffy’s hips, but she didn't stop her tongue.

“I won’t resist anymore~!” She kept going, but the thick cock plundering her depths started to get to her. She couldn’t keep up that cutesy tone, and now her filthy words were howled out in the needy tone he’d expect from someone flooded by his Lust.

She couldn’t manage to move. Her legs were numb and her energy was sapped away from the crazy sex, so the only way she could seek to soothe the ache still lingering in her pussy was to tempt him further, “I’m yours now~! You saved me, saved my sister, saved my town! I’ll pay you back I promise~! If it’s my pussy you want, that’s fine~! Fuck me until you’re satisfied~!”

Luffy grunted in response to her every word. Pumping his cock into the juicy, clenching walls of her slick cunt. He was amazed she had the energy to even speak when even some of the Kuja Pirates would be down by this point. And they’d grown accustomed to taking his dick every day. Nami was turning out to be amazingly gifted at sex!

“I won’t deny you anymore. I’ll give you free access to my pussy anytime, Captain!” She was nearly screaming at this point, with an incredibly flushed face and drool slipping down from her lips, she could feel her body start to give in, but she couldn’t let it end so easily, “E-Even if I pass out!” She suddenly shouted, “D-Don’t stop! Just fuck me until you’re satisfied!”

Nami suddenly let out a sharp shriek, clenching her teeth as Luffy plunged his cock all the way down into her cunt. Pushing through her sensitive walls until the fat crown of his dick bumped her cervix. It swelled bigger as another thick load of white cum shot directly into Nami’s womb. He practically fell on top of her. He laid out just over her back so he could thrust his cock as deep as he could in her snatch. He put all his weight into his hips, making sure he planted his seed as far as possible into her. He kept her head forced down on the pillows, huffing in her ear as he came and came inside her womb.

He rolled his hips, making sure they were pressed firmly into the soft cheeks of her ass as he let loose a massive load. Nami’s womb was still full from his last hot load, now it was filled past capacity. His fruit didn’t let up though, and stubbornly flooded it with even more semen, until her flat, smooth tummy swelled up a bit from the sheer volume of cum.

With a grunt his cock lurched one final time, dropping a final spurt of cum into her cunt as he climbed off her. He was in a confused state of satisfaction. Both from the sweet relief of finally breaking in Nami’s pussy, and discovering just what a delightful tease she’d turned out to be. He was so impressed with her for lasting as long as she did that he wore a huge grin as he pulled out of her creampied cunt. He spread her cherry red asscheeks wide as he withdrew his cock, and couldn’t resist giving her big butt a final smack.

“Shishishi..!” His laugh filled the room, “To think Nami had such a dirty mouth this whole time! That was really fun.”

The Kuja girls were all shocked into silence. Their mouths hung open from the crazy scene they’d just witnessed. But as they watched Luffy pull his huge cock loose from the tight pussy it was buried in, they snapped back to reality.

“Wow~! I can’t believe what I just saw…”

“She’s crazy!”

“That was so hot…”

“The quiet little Navigator turned out to be this sexy…”

“She might be the dirtiest slut out of all of us!”

Needless to say, the girls were impressed. When they were virgins, most of them were completely overwhelmed by just one piping hot cumload to their pussies. Now they all had some experience getting fucked silly every day so they lasted a bit longer, but Luffy’s cock was still too much for even a dozen girls to handle. To think that this young village girl, whose talent was in picking pockets and making maps, fucked just as good as some of the top-ranking Kuja Pirates.

Kuja Pirates, who were each outstanding themselves. Raised in a nation of warrior women ruled by strength and handpicked by Hebihime herself. They were the best of the best there, beautiful, talented, and with strong enough willpower to wield Haki. Yet this little girl from the East outlasted even them? Without even trying, Nami had gained some notoriety among the ranks.

While the Kuja were distracted by the amazing show Nami had put on, Luffy was still playing with her butt. Massaging the tender, reddened cheeks with his hands. He’d been really impressed, himself. He went hard and fast on the girl as she begged and urged him on, yet she withstood it. He knew picking up this little cutie back in Orange Town was the right call! Now he had another fresh pussy to help satiate his overflowing lust. And if today’s experience was anything to judge it on, Nami’s pussy had some serious potential!

While he was thinking, he was running his hands up her smooth thighs to grip her fat ass cheeks. He spread apart her bubble butt to get a glimpse of her cute pink rosebud, and her dripping reddened snatch. It was still twitching and spasming, like it hadn’t quite finished cumming, with a nice flood of fresh cum pouring out of it endlessly. But then he noticed something odd. He felt her body shift beneath his hands. And this time, it wasn’t the kind of twitch or spasm brought on by aftershocks of a crazy orgasm.

Nami let out a soft, drawn-out moan. It was relatively quiet, but carried across the room, making the Kuja girls click their mouths shut once again. Then she stirred. Rising up off the pillows to support herself on her elbows. With a grunt of exertion, she managed to plant one hand down on the floor and push, flipping herself over onto her back. Her body was completely drained, yet her eyes were wide open, staring at Luffy.

“No way…” Only one Kuja spoke this time, Nerine, the rest were shocked and silent.

“Not yet…” Nami spoke with a weak, exhausted voice.

“Hm?” Luffy looked down at her, genuinely surprised she was still awake, though his reaction wasn’t as exaggerated as the Kuja. He merely grinned at her, “You still wanna keep going?”

“We can’t stop yet..” She huffed, looking at him with a hot gaze. She flicked her little tongue out, dragging it around her pink lips in a lewd circle, then she smiled, “You haven’t even given me a kiss yet… Captain~!”

By the time she’d cooed that final word, Luffy had already lashed out like a viper. He grabbed the little minx by the arm and hoisted her up off the pillows. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her soft thighs around his waist and supporting her with a firm hand on her lower back. He pushed her into his chest, until her fat, sweaty tits were swallowing up his pecs in their fluffy softness.

Nami hardly even yelped as she was lifted into his arms, and by the time he pulled her legs around his waist, she’d done the rest. Using what little energy she had left to wrap her arms around his neck and lean in. She eagerly sealed her soft lips around his, and greedily forced her tongue into his mouth in a hot kiss.

Then she squealed as he dropped her down a bit, plunging her back down on his rock-hard cock. Her pussy still hadn’t calmed down from the rough fucking she’d earned, and was pushed straight back to a clenching, spasming orgasm. Nami handled it better this time, adapting like a prodigy as she stuffed her tongue into his mouth.

Luffy’s eyes went a bit wide, as he internally smiled. Unlike the other girls, who’d melt under just a little bit of tongue, Nami was the opposite. Instead of being overwhelmed by the hot kiss, or the cock in her pussy, she was trying to overwhelm him. Swirling her tongue around in his mouth and smacking her lips against his as she kissed him passionately.

Luffy didn’t quite realize it yet. But that last earth-shaking orgasm he’d given her had cleared up the haze of lust that’d she’d been trapped in. Now she could think clearly, and she was reminded just what Luffy had done that’d forced her into that horny frenzy. He’d saved her life. No, he’d taken it back for her. Freed her from the awful tyranny of the Arlong Pirates. So once again, she was overwhelmed. This time, by a different, but similar, emotion than Lust.

She vented it in the only way she could think of. Hugging him as tightly as she could, and showering his face in as many hot, sloppy kisses as she could give. She couldn’t even muster the energy to buck and grind her hips against his, so she did her best to pleasure him with her tongue.

Luffy kissed her back, matching her passion as he flexed his muscles. Hoisting her body up and down on his fat cock like she didn’t weigh a thing. She was moaning and panting into his mouth, still tongue-wrestling the entire time he dropped her down on his cock.

He let her go crazy in his arms, tasting her sweet saliva as she kissed him passionately. It was fun to find someone who could keep up with his dexterous tongue, even if she still had sloppy technique.

He fucked her once again. Steadily working her up and down on his cock as he prepared to pump a third hot load into her stuffed pussy. This time didn’t take nearly as much time. With Nami’s tight walls convulsing from a non-stop orgasm, and her hot soft body rubbing up against his with every motion, Luffy felt his next load approach quickly.

The entire time they fucked, Nami didn’t let him get away. She kept their lips locked tight, either swirling her tongue around in his mouth, or smooching his lips with wet kisses. A few times she’d even sucked his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it loudly, anything that would bring him pleasure. But with them locked in a steamy kiss, Nami didn’t get a chance to use that foul mouth she’d developed. That was, until she felt his cock start to swell in her pussy once again.

Then she finally broke the kiss, hugging him as tightly as she could and burying her face in his neck, she fully embraced him. Then she muffled a squeal as she felt his cum start to flood her depths once again. Her entire body shook with pleasure, already getting used to reaching powerful climaxes from the feeling of a fresh creampie. As her pussy tightened up once again, spraying Luffy with a messy squirting orgasm, she felt the last of her energy slip away.

But before her eyes rolled up in her head, and she passed out completely, she left him with a sweet, loving kiss. It reminded him what a cute young maiden she’d been just an hour before. She whispered in his ear one last time, “I’ll be yours forever… Luffy~”

Luffy grinned widely as he felt her go limp in his arms, and he pulled the girl off him. Lying her back down on the pillows, he got a glimpse of her peaceful, sleeping expression. She dozed off without a care in the world, looking more like an innocent princess than a crazy slut that’d just been fucked silly.

As he pulled his cock from her tight pussy one final time. Feeling satisfied with the heavy loads he’d pumped her cunt full of, he smiled. Then the room started to fill with the awed, amazed voices of the Kuja. They’d thought the girl would be down after just one round of hot sex with their Captain, but she’d proved them wrong not once but twice. Not only that, but the cute innocent Nami showed off a hot, sexy side of her that made the Kuja’s arousal spike even higher.

They, like her, were just as drunk with Luffy’s Lust though their strong wills did a better job constraining it. Nami had no such restraint, and was a prime example of his fruit’s full potential. While the Kuja were disciplined. They kept their heads cool and their hands from wandering. Even in the most heated parts of Luffy and Nami’s sexmaking, not a single Kuja slipped their hands between their thighs. That was because of the order of their beloved Empress. They were to wait their turn and let Luffy quench their thirst for sex. It was a test of their willpower and devotion to their Captain, or so she said.

So they simply watched and admired. They were all thinking the same thing, planning to use this hot scene as material for later when holed up in their rooms to play with themselves as they pleased.

“Mmmm…” The Kuja went silent, their hearts skipping a beat as suddenly they heard a hot, sexy moan. The kind of noise only a goddess of sex could produce, that had their pussies clenching up in surprise. Their eyes went wide, and they looked up to the throne where their Empress was seated.

She was still watching them, or rather watching him, with a lovestruck look in her eye. Seeing their Empress make that kind of expression made them even hornier, and they once again reminded of Luffy , the only man in the world that could make Hancock wear such an expression.

She opened her mouth and the Kuja Pirates hung on her every word, “Did you enjoy yourself, my love?”

”Yep!” Luffy said with a laugh, leaning back on his hands as he relaxed. His cock still stood tall and proud, drenched in Nami’s juices, “Nami was really good! But I’m nowhere near satisfied!” He declared. He hadn’t forgotten the other girls, and the room was reeking with the smell of horny bitches in heat. Things had to start moving if he wanted to cool them down.

So he turned his head and grinned at his lover, “Hey, Hancock. Things’ll take too long if we do it one-by-one…”

She smiled delightfully, “Of course my dear~! I just wanted to give you some special time with our newest recruit. Now we can begin our celebration properly~!”

So she gave the order. Luffy’s grin stretched wider. The door opened and this time a pair of ladies walked out. It was Zora and Sanju. Who, like Nami, had just emerged from a fresh bath. Makino and Enishida had dutifully washed them clean of the dirt and grime from the battle.

Of course, the Kuja had bathed too, but Hancock felt it was important to keep the newer girls in a separate room. They had weaker wills than her trained Kuja warriors, and she wasn’t confident they could resist Luffy’s lust. She wouldn’t risk letting them interrupt this precious celebration she’d prepared for Luffy’s victory.

But now she let them loose, like sheep released into a lion’s pen. Zora and Sanju shared a glance as they walked out from the bath, and were struck speechless by the spectacle. They saw all thirty Kuja lined up and kneeling, with Luffy wearing a loose decorated robe in the center. Then Nami’s naked, fucked-unconscious body lying there beside him. It sent a tingle through their bodies, and they had different reactions.

Drunk with lust, they both moved forward. Sanju was wide-eyed, filled with hearts as her gaze shot from Nami’s naked body, to Luffy’s dripping cock, to the kneeling, subservient Kuja around the room. While Zora simply huffed, a hot blush on her cheeks, as she tugged her robe down her shoulders. Sanju’s jaw fell open as she saw the swordsman's tanned breasts drop free, bouncing on her chest, but then she tugged her own robe off as well.

Together they walked over to Luffy. He took one glance at their needy, lustful expressions and immediately went to work. Soon enough the room was filled with the hot moans of another two stunningly beautiful girls. Zora, with her body still wrapped in bandages from Mihawk’s fight, carefully and slowly rolled her hips, bouncing her fat, toned ass on Luffy’s lap. Using his thick cock to scratch that itch deep in her pussy.

While Sanju puffed and panted with lust, shaking her hips to grind her soaked pussy on Luffy’s tongue. The Captain had seized her with his hands, digging his fingers into her snowy white cheeks to devour her sweet, tasty pussy with his tongue. Just like that, he handled two of his recruits at once. Easily bringing them both to a hot, messy orgasm.

While they both threw their heads back in a loud scream of pleasure, they ended up falling forward into each other. Their huge, naked breasts squished into each other, their faces mere inches apart. Sanju grabbed Zora’s shoulders to steady her, looking into those emerald eyes with a lustful look. She wanted so badly to lean in, and steal that swordswoman’s lips for her own, but she knew what kind of reserved personality Zora had. Unless it was with Luffy, the girl was too stingy with sex.

So instead she looked down, into the huge valley of their combined cleavage, seeing a mess of bandages still wrapped around Zora’s chest. Sanju bit her lip, “A-Are you okay..? Your injuries don’t hurt?”

“I’m tougher than that..!” Zora let out after a long moan of pleasure, feeling her womb flooded with a hot blast of cum. As she panted through an orgasm of her own, she looked into Sanju’s eyes, “The Kuja’s Doctor is somethin’ else. My wound’s already closed completely.”

“What a relief…” Sanju muttered, legs still shaking from her own orgasm, brought on from Luffy’s nimble tongue. She licked her lips and lowered her head, greedily taking the chance to finally get a taste.

“Wha..?” Zora was distracted by the pleasure, and didn’t notice until she felt Sanju’s lips sealed around one of her puffy nipples, “Hey! Mn!” She protested, but didn’t push the girl away as Sanju licked and slurped at Zora’s tan breasts.

“Finally~!” She cried with happiness, face buried in Zora’s boobs, “I’ve wanted to taste these since I met you.”

With Zora moaning from Luffy’s cock buried into her pussy and Sanju’s tongue teasing her titties, their threesome continued. They’d go on for a while longer before Luffy finally pushed the two girls down on the pillows. He forced Zora to lie atop Sanju while he fucked the blonde cook’s pussy from above. Zora didn’t miss the chance to get some payback and got her first experience tasting another woman’s body. With Luffy and Hancock’s influence permeating the room, it was no surprise Zora awoke a sudden interest in Sanju’s pale creamy orbs. This one experience would lead to a night of drunken passion between the two in the near future.

But for now, Luffy was the focus. He threw his hips, pounding into Sanju’s sweet pussy while he played with Zora’s huge, toned butt. He was squeezing and slapping her tanned cheeks and slipping his fingers down to plunge into her clenching pussy. Luffy made short work of the two.

By the time they were down, locked in a steamy embrace and shaking from numerous orgasms… Luffy had finally gotten warmed up. His cock was twitching and ready to go, searching for the next girl to stuff full.

So he grinned and turned to Hancock, “Who’s next~!”

Hancock smiled sweetly. Like a loving mother seeing her boy have fun playing. She rested her cheek on the palm of her hand and gave the order.

The last of Luffy’s Recruits stumbled in together. Another pair of girls, but these were particularly cute. They came in practically shoulder-to-shoulder. Both petite, young women, with a homely, village-girl beauty about them. One was delicate like a maiden and the other was more of a tomboy.

Luffy smiled like a predator as he saw Usoko and Kaya stroll into the room. He licked his lips and greeted them. Usoko squeaked in surprise, feeling the eyes of the room all gather on her, but as Kaya whispered sweetly in her ear, the lingering, powerful lust from Luffy’s Fruit took over. Usoko stripped out of her robe and marched forward with false bravado, and was the first to bounce on Luffy’s cock.

He had his way with the cute pair of girls, really having too much fun playing with their bodies. They were so sweet together, holding each other's hands and sharing butterfly kisses as he fucked their pussies one by one.

By the time he was finished, they were squeezed together, with their pussies grinding up against each other, mixing their flooding juices with the thick stream of cum pouring from their lower lips. They were both completely dazed, babbling sweet words to each other as they trembled.

Luffy leaned back and wiped the sweat from his brow, still feeling great even after a dozen rounds of hot sex. So he smirked devilishly, sending a shiver down the spine of the girls as he turned to face the Kuja.

“Hey, Hancock. I think I’ve played around enough. Let’s just all fuck together okay?”

Hancock smiled and leaned back in her chair, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. Then she nodded her head, “As you wish. Kuja… be sure to please your Captain!”

The Kuja’s expression all melted into horny, hungry looks. With their Empress’s command, they no longer had to restrain themselves, so together they all chorused, “Yes, Empress!” And they stalked forward, crawling on their hands and knees to circle around their Captain.

Soon enough he was buried. Tending to at least six horny Kuja girls at all times. He used his cock, his hands, his tongue, anything he could to calm the girls down. Though the only real cure for this affliction was a nice hot creampie, so he started fucking his way through thirty tight amazon cunts.

He did his best to pleasure them all, but after holding back for hours, it wasn’t quite enough. In the midst of sex, Luffy was letting a bit of his Lust out again, and some of the girls got too horny to bear. The ones that couldn’t ride his cock or park their fat asses on his face, were either guiding his fingers to their sensitive cunnies, or even grinding their pussies on his arms and legs. Throughout the crazy orgy, Luffy was completely covered in naked, sexy amazons. To the point where Hancock couldn’t even see him anymore. She just watched the mass of girls as they tossed off their clothes and let out loud, sexy moans.

The ones who handles the heat better stayed at the side, watching the younger, weaker willed girls fuck themselves silly on Luffy’s cock… and when the Lust started to get to them as well, they’d let their hands wander across their curvy bodies, or form up in pairs. They were not ashamed to finger-fuck themselves or their partners while they patiently waited for their turns. They groped and squeezed at their fat tits, and shared sweet kisses with each other, but never let their minds stray from the center of it all. They kept their eyes locked on Luffy the entire time, like the devoted little crew they were.

Hancock was pleased with them, by the end of it. She kept a tally in her head, mentally striking them off by name as Luffy pumped their pussies full of cum then hoisted them off his cock to grab the nearest girl and sink into them. By the time that tally reached thirty, and Luffy had completed a full rotation of the girls in the crew she was satisfied. So she rose to her feet.

“Onee-sama?” A woman bowed at her feet, her cheeks were flushed red, and her nipples were poking through her tight bikini top, but she was still able to control herself. As expected of Sandersonia, Hancock’s sister, and one of her two commanders.

“I’m sorry my sisters,” Hancock said to both her and Marigold, “But you will have to wait a little longer. It seems one round will not be enough to satisfy them.”

The sisters bowed their heads, “It’s alright.” Marigold said, “We don’t mind waiting. It is better that the rest of the crew are handled first.”

“This will be a good experience for them.” Sandersonia agreed, “To better handle Luffy’s lust in the future.”

Hancock nodded, and stepped down from her throne.

“O-Onee-sama..? S-surely you’re not-?” Marigold spoke worriedly, as she saw Hancock leave her Throne. She was worried that Hancock intended to participate. But to join in on such a large orgy would be too risky, the chance of revealing their curse was too high.

But that wasn’t her intention at all, she smiled at her sisters, “No need to worry. I must take care of something. I will return in a moment.”

And so she left, leaving Luffy with a lingering gaze as she stepped into an adjacent room.


Inside she found another young woman. The girl was blushing brightly, red up to her ears from embarrassment. She was sitting on the edge of a bed with her face in her hands. Listening to the sounds of the orgy next door. The loud moans and screams of pleasure coming from the Kuja easily carried through the ship's wooden walls.

So the girl had heard it all. The Amazons as they were fucked one by one by Luffy’s impressive cock, and the girls that came before too. Usoko and Kaya’s sweet moans. Zora and Sanju’s loud, impassioned fucking. And the one that made her blush the brightest was the surprisingly foul-mouthed Nami. Who’s teasing words and profanities carried through the walls just as easily as the girl’s loud shrieks and whorish moans.

Hancock saw what a hot mess this girl had become and smirked, she stood by the door, placing a hand on her cocked hip as she spoke, “So? What have you decided?”

The girl jumped in place, looking up at Hancock with a terribly conflicted face. Her eyes were wide as she saw Hancock’s unbelievable beauty. The tall, raven-haired goddess sauntered across the room, swinging her wide hips elegantly but seductively. She stood right in front of the girl, and reached down to cup the girl’s chin. She jerked the chin up, so the girl was forced to look into her brilliant blue eyes… through the gap in her unbelievably huge, mouthwatering tits.

Hancock’s expression was already victorious, looking down at the girl like she’d gotten the answer she wanted. But she asked again, “Well?”

The girl’s mouth opened and closed uncontrollably like she couldn’t even think of words. Eyes locked on Hancock’s huge, heavy-hanging bust. Then she stuttered out a soft answer, “I-I’ll do it..!”

“Mmm…” The low, pleased sound Hancock released was enough to drive the poor, weak-willed girl into a daze. Hancock delightfully stroked her cheek, “You will be a wonderful present to my love~! A beautiful reward for a job well done.” The girl didn’t even react as Hancock lowered her to a ‘prize’ to be given to her Captain. She could only think of the huge breasts overtaking her vision… and the handsome, powerful man that’d saved her village.


“Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh fu~uck!”

Nami’s eyes blurrily cracked open. Her entire body was still trembling from the aftershocks of the insane pleasure her Captain had pushed her through. Yet something had roused her from slumber. It wasn’t the loud, piercing screams of a woman getting fucked, no, if that were all she would have woken long ago. She had passed out in the midst of an orgy, after all.

Instead, it was a fresh new tingling sensation all over her body. A warm wet sensation trailed along her breasts, her arms, her neck, her tummy, and then a sharp spike of pleasure as she felt it lap at her pussy. Her eyes blinked open and she looked down to see an ocean of bare, creamy skin. She was surrounded by huge naked titties, wide curvy hips, and fat bottoms. As women were on their hands and knees around her, she even saw a few dripping snatches, sticky with white semen.

She mewled hotly, and raised her hands to run her fingers through the heads of the amazon girls licking and sucking on her tits. She didn’t even care that they’d taken advantage of her sleeping state to get a taste of her sexy body. Right now she was lost in an almost numb haze of pleasure. She could hardly move her body, but she felt every tongue, every touch with an almost electric sensitivity.

So she lied there and let them have their way. She looked between the faces and naked bodies of at least a dozen amazons as they slurped and sucked at her bare skin. She bit her lip, letting out soft and sweet moans as she felt them work. Altogether they let out their own soft mewls, tasting the sweaty, sticky skin of Nami’s hot body. They were girls that’d already had one round of getting ravished by Luffy, and took the chance to slide up to Nami’s sleeping body. They were all so interested in her, after seeing that legendary performance, and were desperate to get a taste themselves.

So Nami curled her lips up into a wide smile, completely at the mercy of the dozen tongues and hands that were stroking and teasing her body into another sea of pleasure. She was already shaking and super sensitive from the orgasm earlier, so it didn’t take much to set her off again.

“Aaahh~! You’re cock’s too big..! I’m going crazy!”

Nami's been ignoring the howls of the latest girl as she was fucked so roughly by her Captain, but now she realized just how close those cries were coming. She thought the girl had been screaming her lungs out, but it turns out she’d just been pushed down right beside Nami the entire time. So Nami turned her head…

Then her eyes went wide, and she inhaled sharply. A shock surged through her system almost as powerful as the feeling of Luffy’s cock first piercing her sex. Her entire body jumped in surprise as she looked directly into a pair of familiar blue eyes. The girl’s short blue hair was bunched up in the firm grip of Luffy as he held her head down into the pillow. Locked in a face-down ass-up position that Nami vividly remembered.

“N-No…” Nami sucked in a breath, almost panicking as she suddenly found herself right beside her own sister . And the naked, sweaty girl was already getting fucked hard by her Captain.

It hadn’t taken much for Luffy to throw Nojiko down and have his filthy way with her. He’d already been in the midst of a heated orgy, with nothing but sex on the mind when Hancock had suddenly showed up with a new, fresh pussy. Hancock had smiled sweetly, told him this was Nami’s sister, then tugged that tiny tank-top up until the girl’s fat tits spilled out. By the time she’d gotten it over her arms, Luffy was already drooling, looking at those nice, tattooed jugs. The next thing the girl knew, she was on her knees with Luffy tugging down her panties.

It was a good thing she was already hot and ready, grinding her thick ass up against Luffy’s crotch, because he was too turned on to even consider stopping. She was past the point of no return either, with the thick smell of sex flooding the room, and Luffy’s Devil Fruit Powers leaking out into her body. She wasn’t going to stop until she got the same sweet relief every other girl here had gotten. So she let him mount her, and they started fucking like rabbits.

They’d been going at it for a while, even before Nami started to wake. Locked in sweaty hot action, Luffy put her body through its paces. He’d bounced her on his cock, sucked on her sweet tattooed tits, he even tasted her lips and tongue. But in the end, he decided it was best to treat each sister equally, and shoved her head down into the pillow right beside her slumbering sister and gave her the same rough treatment.

“Nami~!” Nojiko howled out as they locked eyes, her face was flushed and sweaty, like she’d already been getting pounded for a while, “I’m soo~oorry! I couldn’t resist her~! I can’t resist him ~! It’s too good~!”

Nami started to heave out heavy breaths. Watching the girl she was raised alongside get railed into the pillows just as she had a few hours before. Her face was a total mess, flushed and drooling with her tongue hanging out like a bitch. And unlike Nami, who’d taken the pounding like a champ, Nojiko was holding up as expected. She was completely drowning in pleasure. With tears streaming down her cheeks and ruining her make-up. She couldn’t take the same harsh treatment nearly as well as her sister. Seeing her like that, stirred something in Nami’s chest… had she made that fucked-silly face herself?

“Oh god~!” Nojiko suddenly screamed, “It’s getting bigger~!”

Nami’s eyes went wider as she realized what was about to happen. Knowing that her very own sister was about to get seeded by a man, right there beside her made her entire body heat up. Her nerves were on end and she was even more sensitive than before. Now hyper-aware of the tongues still lapping at her sensitive skin, she was squirming beneath them huffing out hot breaths as her head spun.

“No…” Nami whimpered, but it was too late. The situation was completely lost.

Soon the loud, hip-slapping sex halted as Luffy buried his cock all the way in Nojiko’s tight snatch. Nami could see exactly the moment it happened. Nojiko’s eyes went wider than ever, and her loud moans squeaked out into a silent, open-mouthed scream. She could practically hear the huge jets of hot cum flooding her sister’s walls, fully claiming her sister's pussy as Luffy’s own.

Nami’s rapid, heavy breaths sped up even more, her body shaking and trembling as her head spun with confused arousal. Seeing her sister fucked and seeded like a total bitch made her feel a certain way that she didn’t think was possible. So she found her own tight pussy clenching suddenly, the feeling of the tongues on her body combined with the sight of her sister getting fucked was too much for her. Her eyes rolled up just like Nojiko and she let out a slutty scream of her own as she came.

The lucky Kuja girl stuffed between Nami’s legs had just finished cleaning up the girl's pussy, slurping and sucking up as much of Luffy’s cum as she could. Now she was rewarded with a fresh stream of girl-cum, splashing all over her face. She didn’t complain, instead, she giggled with delight, and plunged her fingers into Nami’s sex, licking at her clit to drag that orgasm out as long as possible.

And so the two sisters had matching, explosive orgasms. Looking into each other's eyes and watching each other's slutty expressions in the crazy situation they’d found themselves in. They’d be stuck there, pinned under the loving attention of Luffy and his crew of horny amazons until they were both passed out entirely. They wouldn’t be waking up for the rest of the night, even as they were carried off to their room by the girls that could still walk after it was all over.

And that was how the cute, innocent young Nami turned into a naughty little slut by letting herself go completely. All it took was a powerful blast of Lust from Luffy’s Fruit as he saved her town from Arlong’s Tyranny. By doing that, he’d unleashed something inside the girl. She’d already been desperate for a taste of freedom after living her life subservient to Arlong and now she found her fix by spreading her legs for her savior. Now with her newfound talent for sex revealed, Nami’s long, hard voyage to becoming the biggest Captain’s slut onboard the Pirate King’s ship began.


“Haaah~” Luffy let out a long, pleased breath. He ran his hand through his hair, as it was sticking to his forehead from the sweat he’d built up while fucking his way through the Kuja ranks.

Looking around the room, he was satisfied. The room was covered with the naked, exhausted bodies of the crew. They were all sleeping soundly, covered with sticky fluids. Sweat, semen, and girl-cum was splattered all over their bodies from the intense orgy. Now he rose to his feet, a conqueror, and turned his head to the only girls left standing.

Boa Hancock sat on her plush throne watching him with an almost obsessive look on her face. She was staring in awe, with her mouth slightly open and her eyes worshipful. She was heaving out heavy, hot breaths. Her cheeks flushed from just how aroused she’d gotten. Even using her outstanding willpower to restrain herself in front of her crew, it was clear from one look at her face that she was in heat. If any Kuja caught the glimpse of their precious Empress making such a horny, needy, lustful expression, they might just go crazy themselves from the raw sex appeal she was offputting.

Luckily Luffy had cleared the room. Now it was just him, and them . Hancock wasn’t alone. Beside her were her two sisters, and if she looked horny with flushed cheeks then the two beside her were absolutely desperate for cock. They’d fallen to their knees long ago, opting to kneel before him in a vain attempt to hide their trembling legs. Their faces were completely overtaken with lust. Sending him hot bedroom eyes and licking their lips every time they glimpsed down to see his cock. Their nipples were stiff and pointed showing even their puffy areola through their tight bikini tops. They kept grinding their thick thighs together, desperate to try to sneakily stimulate their aching pussies.

He walked right up between the girls, facing Hancock. He’d denied her far too long to be fair, so he went ahead and made him move.

“Huh? Luffy wait-!” Hancock suddenly yelped in surprise as Luffy reached down to grope one huge tit in his hand. He was already tugging up her luxurious red dress to get access to her soaked cunny. A bit of fear flashed in her eyes as she desperately pushed his hands away, eyes glancing behind him as if one of her Kuja would suddenly see.

That fear she had irritated him. He wished things were simpler, and they could all just have sex together, rather than dealing with the Boa Sisters separately. This time, he wouldn’t be denied. He couldn’t wait another minute to sink into Hancock’s perfect pussy, so he commanded the other two, “Marigold. Sandersonia.”

They didn’t even need another word, and they were already moving into position. Standing with their backs against his, they completely hid Hancock’s body from the view of the rest of the crew. All so that Luffy could grab her thighs, spread them wide and sink into his favorite pussy.

“Hey-! Wait! Let’s go to our roooo~ooom!” Hancock suddenly screeched as thrust his hips forward, sliding that fat mushroom head past the tight seal of her pussy lips. Like he was welcomed home, he slid smoothly all the way to the hilt. He felt his cockhead bump into her cervix with just one thrust as their hips connected.

Hancock couldn’t take it. Feeling her lover's godlike cock inside her divine pussy, right there in the same room as her subordinates. Her fear of being seen made her sensitivity spike, and she was already clenching her soaked walls down around him in a quick, messy orgasm. It was no surprise that she was squirting after one little thrust. Not after spending a whole afternoon watching the hottest, raunchiest sex show on the planet, with her beloved lover as the center stage.

The two other sisters both blushed and sent each other little glances, hearing the loud, lewd moan Hancock let out. The naughty sound she released while cumming was somehow the sexiest thing they’d ever heard, and it sent a shiver all the way down to their cunts. It made them glad no other girls were awake. Because just the sound of it would surely make any woman all worked up again and the sisters were already last in line to receive Luffy’s cock.

But when Hancock let out another lewd sound, they couldn’t resist anymore and peeked over their shoulders to see it. They trembled as they watched Luffy grab Hancock's arms and pull her upward. Keeping his cock snug in her tight pussy as he lifted her up in his arms. His arms were hooked under her thighs and he held her by her huge, incomparably soft ass, his strong fingers sinking into the marshmallowy fat. In this crazy position, she was getting lifted and dropped on his cock, her legs high in the air, spread wide in a V so her calves were over his shoulders.

Then he had the gall to turn around. Spinning so that Hancock’s back was directly facing the pack of sleeping amazons. She knew her dress was still covering her, and her hair covering that, but the thought of someone seeing her bare back, seeing her scar, had her trembling in fear. While the thought of someone seeing her huge, fat ass getting groped by Luffy’s strong hands, and her dripping wet pussy getting plundered by his monster cock had her trembling in arousal. It was an odd mix that had her clenching her teeth shut, trying her best to muffle her moans so she wouldn’t wake anyone. Her entire body trembled with confused excitement.

While her head was spinning with mixed emotions, Luffy had a wide smile on his face. He kept dropping her on his cock even as he turned to the other girls and nodded his head, “You girls want it too right? I guess it’d be bad if I stripped you here, huh… Let’s go to my room so we can all fuck together!”

The two other sisters blushed brightly and looked between themselves. Hancock was selfish when it came to her bedchambers, and they’d only visited when giving emergency reports. Now this man was suggesting they have sex on the bed Hancock had reserved for her lover? It was ludicrous… but Luffy was the Captain right? It was not like they could refuse his order while on this ship.

So as he started to stomp off, dropping Hancock’s massive ass down with every step, they had no choice but to follow. The woman was in no state to protest, in fact, it was hard to tell if she’d even heard him. But she recognized the moment Luffy kicked open the door and dropped her back on the bed. Instantly her clenched teeth and muffled moans turned into the loud howling of a woman getting the best fuck of her life. Of course, when Hancock was concerned, even the lewdest, sluttiest moans came out with almost refined elegance. The kind that made the other two sisters shiver at the sound.

They didn’t get long to admire it, because soon Luffy pulled them by their wide hips. Already jerking down those pesky bikini bottoms so he could reach their soaked, red pussies. Then they were on their hands and knees, right beside their beloved Onee-sama and moaning just as lewdly as she was as Luffy slid his fingers into their sensitive twats.

And like that, Luffy’s night of celebration following the destruction of Arlong Park came to a close. With two new girls on the crew, a huge, hot orgy in the hall, and his very first foursome with the Boa Sisters, he was definitely satisfied with how the night turned out.

But by the time he’d tackled these three horny girls as well, dumping at least a dozen loads between them, he was starting to feel exhaustion setting it. It seemed that after the combat at Arlong Park, the biggest orgy yet, while he used his Devil-Fruit more than ever, it was really starting to wear on him. He hadn’t found his limit yet, but he was starting to feel the strain.

The night ended with a bang, as Luffy switched between the tight, juicy cunts of the three smoking hot sisters. The girls were even more worked up than those in the hall, because they had to sit through so many hours of passionate fucking. That was why it was taking longer than usual for them to finally calm down. But he managed it as well. By the end, all three girls were flat on their backs, panting in complete exhaustion. Their reddened, abused pussies were flooding with cum, and their toned bellies even swelled out from the huge loads he’d pumped into them all.

So he finished the night lying flat atop his lover, Hancock. With his arms wrapped around her back like he was trying to hold her close, and his face smothered between pillowy softness of her massive titties, he finally fell asleep. The two naked sisters were on either side, with their arms wrapped around his back as they all cuddled together for warmth.

The tall, Amazon Empress didn’t mind at all as he slept on top of her body. She was too distracted by the hot, throbbing cock still buried deep in her tight cunt. Luffy didn’t realize it at the time, but he’d grown a habit of passing out with his cock still buried inside her. Night after night he kept thrusting his hips away into hers even as he slept. So by the time morning came, he’d find Hancock with a totally fucked-silly expression. She was drooling all over herself and shaking from orgasms he’d fucked her through all night long.

She didn’t get a wink of sleep all night, not with him still bucking his hips and flooding her poor pussy with load after load of sticky hot cum. The next day, the Amazons would be quite confused when their morning training was overseen by Sandersonia and Marigold, while Hebihime was missing until that afternoon.

But they didn’t think too much of it, because Luffy, their Captain, was practically glowing. In the brightest, peppiest mood they’d ever seen from him. He was bouncing around the ship, training hard, sparring with the girls who offered, and pushing them each down for a quick, hot fuck before shamelessly moving on to the next. It was clear to anyone that Luffy was full of energy that day.


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