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Horny Witches Ch 5 (Harry Potter)

  • Hermione's Roommate (Lavender Brown) 35
  • The busty girl (Susan Bones) 169
  • Ginny introduces a friend. (Luna Lovegood) 69
  • Play a game of Quidditch (Katie Bell) 13
  • 2024-03-20
  • —2024-04-01
  • 286 votes
{'title': 'Horny Witches Ch 5 (Harry Potter)', 'choices': [{'text': "Hermione's Roommate (Lavender Brown)", 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'The busty girl (Susan Bones)', 'votes': 169}, {'text': 'Ginny introduces a friend. (Luna Lovegood)', 'votes': 69}, {'text': 'Play a game of Quidditch (Katie Bell)', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 1, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 20, 23, 40, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 286}


Summary: Harry enjoys his first day back at Hogwarts, with a hot new Potions Professor and his pair of eager girls at his side for some indulgent fun inside the castle.

Chapter Five: Potions Professor

'It feels so good to be back,’ Harry thought, wearing an excited smirk on his lips.

It was crazy how much his life had changed. ‘I’ve got to thank Sirius again. Who knows where I’d be without him? Probably still shy and depressed.’

Instead of spending his summer torturously at the Dursleys, he spends it railing the sweet pussies of Hermione and Ginny. With newfound confidence, an explosive sex drive, and a meaty, rock-hard cock, he lived every day at the Burrow full of satisfaction and pleasure. He had the confidence and audacity to ambush Narcissa Malfoy (Draco’s mum!) in the bathroom and plow her silly at the Quidditch World Cup. Then snag himself another massively-busty older woman on the way back to Hogwarts by fucking Ginny’s Redheaded MILF full of his child.

Now he felt on top of the world, with Ginny and Hermione as his willing fuck-buddies, who would let him grab their asses, squeeze their tits, or finger their sopping pussies anytime, anywhere, without a word. The Cherry on top of it all, Pansy Parkinson, the once bitchy, drama queen of Slytherin, was forever ruined by the cum he’d left splattered over her face and leaking out of her snatch.

Now he felt back at home, walking through the tall corridors of Hogwarts Castle, glowing with his new confidence. Tall and broad-shouldered, with chiseled features and a proud gait. He’d transformed into a real man over the summer, leaving behind the shy, quiet boy in the glasses.

And it seemed like the castle was already noticing.

“Hi, Harry~!”

He couldn’t help but grin as a beautiful seventh-year he didn’t even know the name of greeted him with a sweet smile and a little wave as she passed him by. His eyes were glued to her plump arse as it swayed in her swishing skirt.

Last year, he was nobody. Even hailed as ‘The-boy-who-lived’ he didn’t garner even a glance from the female population. (At least, not that he noticed back then.) Now, he was drawing blushes and stutters from his classmates while catching the older female students eyeing him from afar with telling smiles.


He looked to his side, grinning. Hermione blushed sweetly as he met her eyes. She clung to him greedily, squeezing herself up against his arm like she was trying to prove just how soft and squishy her big tits really were. He was sure rumors would go crazy with the way she was attached to him, but he didn’t care.

If anything, it might make his plans easier.

Hogwarts seemed to be handling her new clinginess well enough. He just wondered what the reaction would be if he had Ginny on his other arm. Unfortunately, she was a year below and had a separate schedule. That meant she couldn’t join him on his jaunts from class to class. He would have to make some special time for her later.

Hermione wasn’t too openly provocative. If anything, she was playing the role of a princess, hooking her arm in his and raising her nose in the air at any student who gave her a strange look. She was posturing. Acting the ‘prim and proper’ way a Wizard’s Lady should be. Hiding the dirty little whore that Harry knew.

She managed to keep a straight face, even when Harry was busy groping the hell out of her soft rear or trying to fish his fingers down the band of her skirt and panties to play with her thick asscheeks.

He hadn’t done anything too bold with her yet, but it was exciting. He was still amazed she let him do whatever he wanted with her. Honestly, he wouldn’t be surprised if she let him just rip open her uniform and ravish her right here in the open corridor. (Not that he would ever do that. The idea of one of the other guys, especially Malfoy, getting a free show of Hermione’s beautiful body boiled his blood.)

“Ready for potions?” Hermione said softly.

“Yes.” He grinned widely.


“Good morning, class.”

Not two seconds after sitting down, Harry felt the difference in the Potions Dungeon. For one, it was clean. The lesson ingredients were already laid out neatly and orderly, while the desks were lined up and freshly polished. There was a stark lack of mysterious stains on the floor and no more sticky, unknown residue coating the ceiling.

To provide an even more impressive difference, their new Professor greeted them as they entered rather than storming in five minutes late.

Professor Narcissa Black greeted them at the front of the class. She was just as beautiful as that day, wearing a rich, expensive-looking black dress that boasted explosive cleavage. A loose robe hung on her shoulders, trimmed in Slytherin Green and tied around her thin waist to perfectly frame her thick hourglass. Her long legs were decorated deliciously with black stockings, and a sexy pair of clipped garters disappeared up the skirt of her dress.

As they met eyes, she gave a sly smile. Her full lips were tastefully painted in a rich green colour, boldly showing her allegiance to Slytherin as its new Head. Her snowy white cheeks were subtly painted with a soft blush, while her beautiful eyes were darkly shadowed and featured long, dark lashes.

She was even more gorgeous than he remembered. Or maybe she’d simply put more effort in today... for him. The thought was exciting.

Harry, at the front of the gaggle of students, smirked widely at her. He’d yet to have a moment to speak to her... but he had much to say.

“Mister Potter, Miss... Granger, I believe?” She said to them as they came in.

“Yes, Professor,” Hermione said, eyeing her with a discerning eye.

“She’s beautiful...” The girl muttered under her breath.

“You two may sit here.” She gestured to the seats in the front of the class, closest to the Professor's desk.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other before sliding into the seats in the front row.

Then Narcissa addressed the rest of the class as they came in, “Don’t get settled in yet. You'll work in pairs for the first month of our term. Wait to be seated until I’ve assigned you a partner.”

Then, one by one, Narcissa had the class introduce themselves and began sorting them into pairs. Harry watched this interestedly, as did Hermione, of course, wondering what their hot new teacher was up to.

“Miss Davis with Miss Greengrass.” She said, and Harry glimpsed back to see a pair of familiar girls sliding into the seat behind him.

Daphne Greengrass, with her piercing green eyes and snowy white skin, has the features of a princess. With her cold demeanor, she was dubbed Slytherin’s ‘Ice Queen.’ She met his glance without the slightest change in expression as she brushed her soft blonde hair behind her shoulder and pulled out her textbook.

He heard she was brilliant, competing with Hermione for top marks in all subjects. She sounded bitter about it last year, but glancing at Hermione now, he caught her smiling and offering Daphne a little wave.

Daphne appeared surprised and raised a brow before nodding back.

Tracey Davis beside her was much more emotive. She grinned and nudged Daphne with a little giggle as they sat together. She had soft brown hair that fell down to her shoulders and warm brown eyes. She seemed charming, perhaps even friendly—the opposite of a stereotypical ‘Slytherin’ girl.

Both girls boasted incredible busts. Hogwarts blazers clung tightly to their swelling bosoms, revealing their shape in all its glory. Daphne’s, in particular, was incredible, rivaling even Hermione’s in size and shape. Tracey’s was a bit smaller than average (which, for Witches, still meant enormous) and maybe even smaller than Pansy’s. But from what he remembered of what she looked like from behind, her bust wasn’t her best offer.

And then...

“Mr Malfoy with Mr Goyle.” She gestured to a seat in the front row... but as far away from Harry as possible.

Inwardly, he grinned, happy to be spared Malfoy’s bemoaning all lesson.

“What?” Malfoy scowled in disinterest, knowing his partner was dense as a rock, “I think I’d work better with Blaise.”

Narcissa leveled Draco with a bitter look, “Noted, Mr Malfoy. However, I am picking the partners today. With Mr Goyle over here, do not waste my time.”

Malfoy’s face scrunched up, “Mother..!”

His mouth clicked closed as she gave him a pointed, frosty look. “That’s Professor Black to you, Mr. Malfoy.”

He swallowed and looked around, almost shrinking under the collective gaze of the class, “Y-yes, Professor.”

Harry was shocked Draco backed down so quickly. He assumed he probably had a rough night, getting grilled by his House for that spectacle at the Sorting. (Harry knew from experience) Getting all but disowned by your own mother in full view of your schoolmates couldn’t be pleasant.

Harry still had no sympathy for Malfoy and quietly enjoyed his suffering. He hoped this meant Draco would keep his head down for a while.

“Now...” As Narcissa assigned the last pairs, she addressed the class, “From what I’ve gathered about Professor Snapes ‘lessons’, I believe there is quite a bit of material we may need to... refresh ourselves with before we begin in earnest.”

She walked over to the desk in the corner of the room, long black heels clicking on the dungeon’s stone floor. Harry watched as her thick, wide rump was thrust out in his direction as she bent over exaggeratedly to pluck a book from her desk.

“We’ll begin with proper care of Potions equipment, the isolation of dangerous ingredients, and safety precautions to practice while brewing.”

She opened her book, licking her finger as she flipped to a page, “Now turn to page twenty-two, and we will begin with-”

And so the lesson began, much more properly than Snape's ‘Instructions on the board’ approach.

Harry was still a bit distracted as Narcissa began reading directly from the pages, adding in her own advice and experiences... while sitting on the edge of his desk.

He now knew why he was sat so close to her desk. She feigned disinterest, ignoring him completely while addressing the class, but it was clear what she was doing. With her outfitted in the sexy, older Professor look, she was crossing her legs in a way that flashed him glimpses at her soft thighs and sexy garters.

Harry grinned to himself. With his desk in the front corner of the room, he couldn’t get away with much... but with Hermione shielding his right, he reached his left arm around her wide hips and began teasingly rubbing the soft skin of her plush thighs right there in class.

He could feel his cock swelling in his pants, something Hermione noticed quickly. Like she could feel his arousal surging, Hermione’s hand naturally fell to his trousers and began softly groping the swelling, thick bulge within. Her hot breath began tickling his ear as she gently leaned into him.

The lesson was long, and the sexual tension between the three was almost torturous... but it was still much more fun than suffering Snape.


“Mr. Potter.” He heard his name called as the lesson came to a close, and students began filing out. A grin rose on his lips automatically, and he had to quickly school his features.

“Yes, Professor?” He said innocently.

“Would you please stay for a moment after class? There’s something I would like to discuss.” Her statement was innocent, but the way her smokey dark eyes were looking at him made his cock feel ready to burst from his trousers.

“Of course.”

Their eyes met in a mutual, hungry look.

“Moth-! Professor Black!” Malfoy suddenly called out loudly, breaking their attention.

Narcissa’s nose scrunched up automatically. “What is it, Mr. Malfoy?” she drawled, emphasizing once again his name—the name she no longer bore.

He flashed a scowl toward Harry, glancing between them both. He appeared quite uncomfortable. Harry wondered if he suspected something. He didn’t say anything, letting Narcissa handle this while he amused himself, imagining Malfoy’s face as if he knew about the ‘Property of Harry Potter’ tattoo on his mother’s ass.

“I...” Draco flashed another scathing look at him. “I think we need to talk about all this nonsense! Father said you were on vacation in Romania... and now you're talking about divorce..? What the hell-!”

“Draco.” Narcissa silenced him expertly, with nothing but a clipped word and a frosty look, “It is already done. If your father was too embarrassed to admit it himself, that’s something you need to discuss with him. It is not something to be done in the classroom. Now leave us; I have something important to discuss with Harry here.”

Draco’s face flamed red. He could practically hear the grinding of his teeth. Then he stomped off with a loud huff and slammed the thick dungeon door behind him.

With the rest of the class gone, Harry could feel his cock stirring. Beside him, Hermione was waiting quietly. He gave her his full attention for a moment, hugging her plush boobs to his chest as he stole her lips in a fierce, wet kiss. She moaned hotly as his tongue ravished hers, and his hands jerked up her skirt to maul her thick asscheeks. He gave her plump bottom two big spanks and sent her on her way.

“Go on ahead,” He said with their wet lips still connected with spit, “I’ll join you in Transfiguration.”

“O-okay...” Hermione breathed, ducking her head. Her mind was fuzzy and submissive after that scorching hot kiss, and she walked out of the classroom with her pale butt still stinging delightfully from Harry’s smacks.

Then he turned to Narcissa.

She was leaning her round rump up against her desk, eyeing him with barely masked desire. Her smokey dark eyes seared into him while her tender pink tongue slowly slid along her ruby lips. She raised her hand, cradling a thin black wand.

He saw a little glow of light as the chamber door was magically locked and silenced behind him.

“Harry...” She whimpered.

“Narcissa...” He growled lowly, stalking toward her like a predator.

The older, sexy MILF stayed put, letting Harry come over and dominate the space. With his broad, shouldered form towering over her, he leaned in, placing his hands on her wide, motherly hips while he looked down into her smokey eyes. A small silver pendant hung from her slender neck, dipping deliciously into the creamy heaven of her popping cleavage.

He smiled at her and touched her hair first, running a few strands through his finger, “You dyed your hair.”

“No...” She breathed hotly, staring at him with beautiful blue eyes, “I removed the dye... My hair is naturally black, but I dyed it blonde to... show my status as Lady Malfoy.”

And now it was gone. The blonde highlights on the sides of her head were once again rich and black, her natural colour.

“Good.” He was pleased, “Now tell me... I want to hear it yourself. What happened?”

She softly bit the bottom of her Slytherin Green lips, “I ditched him... Harry.” She started slowly, swallowing like a nervous young girl again, confessing to her crush, “I-I couldn’t get you out of my head... what we did together... what you did to me...! I loved every second of it. I dreamt of it at night... and toys couldn’t satisfy me any longer...”

He softly stroked her cheek as she started to breathe roughly in his arms. His cock, swollen in his pants, was uncomfortably hard. Her breath hitched as he pushed his hips forward, and that bulging heat pressed into her hips.

“I couldn’t spend one more night in that house...” She admitted softly, “So I left. I hired a good attorney and pushed the whole thing through right away... Lucius was furious and shocked. He fought the case, but... I had more pull.”

Harry’s face showed his satisfaction as he held her hip and kept his face close to hers, “Why didn’t I hear about it?”

She smiled slyly, “I agreed to keep it out of the papers. Lucius stubbornly clings to his pride. His first and only concern with this divorce was how it would damage his image. So... in exchange for keeping quiet... I managed to negotiate some favourable terms.”


“It’s hard for a Witch to divorce her husband in our society... harder still for her to walk away with any assets.” Narcissa said, “But... in exchange for the silence of the press and under the agreement that I would ‘Keep myself away from Draco’...”

She dipped her hand into the deep valley of her cleavage, pulling out a golden key. A Gringotts Key.

“Malfoy would keep his businesses... but I walked away with this.”

Harry’s eyes went wide, “You mean..? Is that his..?”

She shook her head, “No... it’s mine.” Then, her lips curled upward into a sinful, evil smirk. It looked delectable on her lips, “Filled with his gold, of course.”

“Ha.” Harry let out one amazed laugh. He looked at her with eyes full of awe. This woman was incredible. It was hard to believe she was wasted on that pompous fool. From just the taste he’d had of her, she was gorgeous, proper, brilliant, clever, and seemingly wicked when she needed to be.

All traits of a true Black Daughter.

She was so fucking sexy.

She held the golden key in one hand while her other reached for the hand stroking her cheek. She gently pulled it free, turned his palm over, and pressed the key into his hand.


She smiled at him, “If you were serious... and you’ll have me... then this is yours. The money of the family... is managed by its Head. By it’s Lord. Take it... if you will...”

He turned his hand over and pressed it back into hers, “Don’t be foolish.”

He leveled her with firm eyes and a little smirk, “That money belongs to you. As much as I would love to throw Malfoy’s gold down the drain, just to see his face... I’d rather it do you some good.”

“Then...” Her luscious green lips pouted for a moment, “Does that mean..? You won’t have me?”

“Don’t be foolish.” He said again, grinning widely as he lifted her chin, “To be honest, I didn’t really think you’d do it. After one little romp in a dirty Quidditch Bathroom, I didn’t think you’d toss your husband out the door and make off with his money.”

She softly blushed, “T-that was more than just a little romp...”

To him, it was a quick and dirty quickie. To her, it was a life-changing, passionate fuck. She had no idea what it was really like to be laid down on Harry’s bed for hours on end. All she knew was the little taste of heaven he had given her that day.

“You have no idea, my dear...” He chuckled with confidence. The promise in his eyes made her body tingle with anticipation.

“But... You really did it. And believe me, nothing could have made me happier. I promised you I’d marry you just for divorcing him... but you stabbed at his pride and snagged his coin purse on the way out... Now Narcissa... you’re screwed.”

She softly exhaled as his hands firmly held her hips, pulling her tightly into his embrace. She could feel his stiff cock bulging obscenely, pressing against her waist like it was trying to get into her knickers already. Her plump breasts, nearly exploding out of her tight cleavage, smooshed against his chest as her lips came in close to his.

“...Because there’s no way you’re getting away from me now.” He promised her in a low tone before stealing her luscious green lips in a hot, wet kiss.

Narcissa mewled with bliss, curling her slender arms around his neck as she met his rough kiss with passion. Her tongue cowered beneath his as he ravished her mouth, tasting her sweet lips. He leaned into her as they made out hotly and reached down to grab her fat, MILF ass through her thin, fancy dress.

His strong fingers mauled the doughy soft fat of her abundant ass, pawing at it greedily as he parked her fat rear on her desk and devoured her lips and tongue. She melted into his arms, kissing back with the desperate passion of a neglected MILF who’d had her womanly desires reflamed.

Then he broke it off, causing her to let out a soft whimper.

“Plus...” He grinned at her devilishly, “Malfoy may be proud of his gold... but once you get a look at the Black Family Vault... your family’s vault... heh, you might find that little key is a bit... lacking.”

She shivered in his arms, softly licking her lips. As she felt his confidence, authority, wealth, and power, her instincts as a witch were singing. She softly whimpered, ‘This is it... a true Black... how a wizard should be...’

“Now.” He raised her chin to meet her eyes again. There was one more thing tingling in the back of his head. An implication he’d caught in her words at the feast that made him curious. So he asked her, “Tell me, what happened to Snape?”

Her gaze softly lowered again as her voice came out quiet, “Well... While I was spending my days negotiating terms of the divorce... I was spending my nights thinking about you... I couldn’t bear to be alone after all of this... I wanted to be close to you...”

She met his eyes again, with a rosy hue on her cheeks, “I remembered the way Draco would always talk about how Snape treated you... and a perfect solution occurred to me. I could get into the castle, spend more time with you... All I had to do was...”

“Get rid of Snape?” Harry said.

Narcissa gave a bit of a smile, “It wasn’t hard. My words were true about Snape’s Ill practice. His brewing seems to me one step away from a horrendous accident at all times... All I did was set a spark.”

Harry would find it hard to think of a way this woman could be any closer to perfection. She drove a knife into the back of her husband, expelled his most hated professor from the castle, and practically disowned her own son... just so he would fuck her again.

There were no words he could say to properly convey what he was feeling right now, so he stole her lips in a passionate kiss.

“Mmphh..!” She moaned with surprised delight and melted back into his embrace. She pushed her heaving bosom up against his chest while he held her waist tight, “Mwuah... Mmpgh..!”

His hand rose up the delicate curve of her slender back, holding her like a lover while he kissed her like a horny teen, swirling his tongue in her mouth lecherously. Finally, he couldn’t resist her any longer. The bulging monster in his pants was ready to be unleashed upon this busty, fuckable MILF.

He broke off their wet kiss, saliva still connecting their lips, and reached up with his hand. He brushed a bit of her silky black hair behind her ear... then roughly took a handful of it in his fist.

“Ah.!” She softly moaned as he held her head tight, forcing her to look him in the eye.

“Now... show me.” He commanded her.

She looked at him with half-lidded eyes, “What would you like to see..?” She asked in a husky voice, tugging at the plunging neckline of her dress to flash him more of the creamy, boundless depths of her boobs, “My body is yours~!”

“Proof,” he said in a low tone. “I want to see you bend over your new desk.. and hike your skirt up.”

Understanding lit up her blue eyes, “Yes... my dear.”

He stepped away for a moment, letting her hop down from the desk to turn around for him. Then she slowly began pulling the long, flowing skirt of her dress up her legs until the snowy white moon of her expansive, MILF booty was revealed to him.

And there it was.

Property of Harry Potter

In tasteful cursive, a black ink tattoo marked one of her perfect, snowglobes. It was slightly obscured by a rich set of expensive black lingerie. Black panties that were trimmed in elaborate lace, while their main material was thin and transparent, giving him a glimpse of the mouthwatering crack of her thick arse.

It was magical. Charmed to disappear if a man other than himself had laid eyes upon it. Thus, he knew Lucius Malfoy had not seen her like this since he’d placed it on her weeks ago.

She bent at the waist, arching her feminine back as she looked over her shoulder, holding her skirt up with her hands, “Does this please you... my dear?”

He bent down to inspect her in all her glory. Lowering his face to her huge, perfectly smooth asscheeks. He grabbed them both with his hands, “Yes, it does...” His fingers dug into the soft but firm fat of her immense rump. Softly rubbing and massaging the smooth skin, he admired the way his marking looked on her beautiful arse.

“Merlin... This beautiful butt takes my breath away. I could sit here and admire it all day.” He said while squeezing the soft fat, and giving her butt a few gentle smacks to see it quake.

“Mmngh...” Narcissa softly moaned with excitement, once again feeling Harry Potter's firm hands on her body. “Yes... I would be happy to let you... but...”

“Your next class is coming...” He knew.

“Yes...” She admitted with a shameful whine. Her body was begging her to say ‘to hell with it’ and let Harry ravish her long and hard through the day, leaving her new students confused outside her locked door. After all, it was the only reason she was here in the first place, to get fucked silly by his burly cock.

Harry rose to his feet and moved in close behind her, pressing the thick bulge of his swelling cock to her plump ass, “Then we better be quick.”

“H-huh..?” Narcissa softly gasped as she felt him moving his hips, grinding the thick bulge against her MILF booty. She could feel his heat through his trousers as the beast in his pants seemed ready to devour her.

Narcissa licked her lips, her entire body wired up with excitement. She tried to keep her face proper, “I-I would love to my dear... but... W-we don’t have the time...”

“Heh, we didn’t have much time last time either,” He leaned over her, wrapping his arms around her trim waist while he whispered in her ear, “And I’ve missed this sweet pussy of yours. I hope that locking charm of yours holds... because I’m not gonna stop until I’ve had you again.”

“Mmgnh..!” She let out an eager, womanly moan as she felt Harry start to kiss and lick her neck while his hands wandered up her shapely curves to slide up the tight globes of her expansive bust.

“Then..!” Narcissa’s voice came out in a hot, breathy moan. Her dark lashes fluttered as she looked at him with needy bedroom eyes. She couldn’t contain the burning desire anymore, and quickly gave in to his demands, “B-be quick..!”

Harry grinned as he kissed her neck again.

As much as Harry wanted to take his time with her, to worship every last inch of this bodacious, sexy MILF, he needed to make things quick. He couldn’t risk getting caught or getting Narcissa in trouble when she’d only just begun as a Professor. So without much more foreplay or warning, his trousers fell to the floor, and he began tugging the thin band of her slutty, transparent lingerie down her incredible legs.

Soon she gasped, feeling the way his thick man meat shot free of his underwear, slapping up against the naked slit of her drooling, desperate quim. Her pussy quivered with trembling delight, remembering the size, the shape, and the incredible pleasure Harry’s monolithic member had given it.

Harry held his left hand firmly on her slender hip while the other coiled up her bodacious hourglass to softly grab her chin as he towered over her, “Are you ready, Professor Black? Ready to take your own student's cock in your naughty little cunt?”

“Yes..!” Her voice was a sexy purr of pure desire, “Fuck me, Harry..! Give me a taste of what it’ll be like to be your woman..!”

So with great satisfaction, Harry had this busty MILF, Malfoy’s fucking mother, bent over what was once the desk of Severus Snape. She was the new Professor who he’d be learning his potions from for the next upcoming year… yet she had her legs spread like a whore, her thick ass marked with his name, and her voice begging for his cock.

He drove himself all the way into the hilt, stretching her quivering, eager pussy wide in one massive stroke.

She shrieked with pure delight, a high, pleasure-filled cry as his hips slammed into the biggest, softest ass in the whole damn castle, “Merlin, you’re so fucking tight..!” He gasped in shocked pleasure, “I nearly forgot..! How can a mother like you be this damn good..? Your pussy is made to be fucked, Narcissa..!”

“Only by your cock..!” She said at once, praising his virility as a good Witch should, “Your cock is too fucking big, Harry..! You're stretching me so good, I’m cumming already..!” And he could tell by the way her tight walls spasmed like crazy around his girth.

“Oh fuck~! This is it..! This is what I’ve been missing..! Drive me crazy with your huge cock, Harry..! Fuck me so hard I can’t stand in my next classes..!”

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

Professor Black’s tight, squelching pussy sprayed the front of the thick oak desk with her sex fluids while her abundantly soft ass rippled from the rough pounding she was receiving. Harry seemed determined to pound that thick, MILF booty red, putting it through its paces in the short ten or so minutes they had to enjoy this unrestrained fucking.

He grabbed her suddenly and jerked free his thick cock. It popped out of her juicy pussy with a wet noise and a sudden whine from Narcissa. Before she could open her mouth and beg for more, she was spun around, lifted by two firm hands on her juicy ass, and dropped on her back on the wooden desk. Then her long legs were lifted into the air as Harry once again stuffed her quivering cunt with his witch-breaking cock and tried his damnedest to fuck her into the deck.

He watched her face coil with delight as he pounded her pussy to nirvana. Seeing the gorgeous Lady Black’s princess-like features warp with the sexual pleasure of a woman filled him with animalistic satisfaction. His balls churned with a desire to breed this bitch right here in the classroom, to pump this fuckable, irresistible MILF full of his seed and make those big tits fill to bursting with milk.

She wanted it, too. As she could somehow sense the strong, virile seed churning in those mighty balls of his, she wore a needy, begging expression on her face, her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes pleaded at him.

“Cum in me, my lover..!” She said breathlessly panting, “M-my husband <3~! I want to feel your hot cum soaking my panties while I teach the rest of my classes. I want to smell like your wife should, freshly fucked and marked by your scent.”

So that’s what he did. He buried himself to the hilt, lost in lust and beyond the point of talking, as he blasted the squealing, moaning woman full of his seed. Narcissa was seeing stars as she felt the scorching hot river of cum come bursting through the dam of her cervix, flooding her most sacred place with pure baby-making seed. She squealed so happily and loudly that she feared it must’ve been heard through the silenced door.

Once he’d emptied his balls into her eager womb, and their sexes were a mess of leaking combined juices, Harry gave her one last big tongue kiss.

As he pulled back and drew back up his breeches, he looked at her. She was huffing and panting, wearing a rosy blush that dipped down her collarbone to dust over her milky cleavage. Her legs were spread wide, quivering, still decorated by those sexy, sinful garters of hers. Her panties were hanging from her ankles while her red pussy was gushing with his seed.

She whimpered as she ran her slender fingers through the quivering folds of her pussy, trembling at just how sensitive she was in her afterglow. She brought her fingers, covered in cum, to her lips, tasting them.

“Mmmngh..!” She moaned erotically, flashing him smokey bedroom eyes that filled him with the urge to push her down one more time. Then she smiled, “Thank you… my love… That was exactly what I needed.”

“My love?” He raised a brow.

“Yes…” She said slowly, “I’ve never felt this way about any man before… And I can certainly say I love your cock..!”

He chuckled at that.

“Mngh..!” She moaned one more time, tugging her panties back up her legs to keep the cum from spilling out of her snatch, “You’ve made me feel like a real woman for the first time in my life..! Fulfilled my desires as a witch…”

Harry watched her closely, seeing the way her hand rested on her stomach, above her womb, while she said that.

“That’s good to hear,” Harry said with a grin, eyeing her midsection, “And I’d love to keep fulfilling your desires all day long… but any longer and I’ll be late for class.”

Harry fixed his pants and straightened his uniform as best he could.

She gave him one last lustful, begging look, “M-my lord...”

Hearing that deferring tone from the busty, sexy MILF made Harry’s cock swell once again. He touched her face, gently sliding his thumb against her lower lip.

“M-my chambers..” She said quickly, desperate for his attention before he left, “As a Professor... I have private quarters in the castle. Here...” She pressed a little note into his hand. Then gave him a sexy, lustful look, “You must grow tired of the boy’s dorm... I-If you want... you can visit me anytime.”

He grinned and kissed her plump, soft lips, once again coiling his tongue around hers, “I’ll be there early tonight, Narcissa. Leave the door cracked.”

“Yes..!” She softly moaned with wet lips.

He grinned one last time, “And prepare yourself... I made you a promise, remember? ‘You’ll spend your days getting fucked into my bed’ If you’re to be my wife, then you better get ready for many sleepless nights.”

Her body tingled with anticipation, still feeling the pleasant afterglow from her harshly pounded cunt. She moaned softly, “Yes, my dear... please visit me often...”

Harry made for the door while Narcissa quickly tried her best to compose herself, hiding the signs of a freshly fucked woman.

As he headed out the door, he heard her getting ready to greet the incoming students, putting on the façade of a prim and proper noble lady, not a slutty, whorish MILF who’d just been railed over her desk by a thick cock.

Harry was really looking forward to Potions class this year.

As he opened the thick chamber door and peered outward, he came face-to-face with a singular witch. It seemed most of the next class had yet to make their way down into the dungeons… except for one cute, short girl.

Her hair was red and fiery, not quite unlike Ginny’s, but a shade or two darker. She had a cute round face, one he had to look down at as she stood nary up to his shoulders… but he found it hard to focus on her face, with the incredible surprise that lay just beneath it.

She wore a snug, standard Hogwarts blazer… but it was stretched tightly around the humungous curves of her bust. There was no hiding them away, especially not with how Hogwarts blazers fitted a witch’s curves. Her massive boobs were unbelievable, noticeably bigger than Hermione or Ginny, perhaps even rivaling the motherly bosoms of Molly or Narcissa..! The sheer size of those fat chest pillows made Harry stare at them speechless for a second or two before he looked back up to her face to see just who this wonderous rack belonged to.

“U-um..!” A shy-looking girl pushed her big round spectacles back up her nose, a little rosy hue dusting her freckled cheeks. “H-hi Harry…”

He grinned at her as he recognized her. With her tie decorated in black and yellow, this was a Hufflepuff. One he had briefly interacted with in passing, but never really spoken to.

Still, he knew her name, and thankfully so! Suddenly Harry had two very big reasons to get to know this shockingly cute, short-stack of a witch. He pulled himself out of the chamber and closed the door behind him, walking right up in front of her, “Hey, Susan. How was your summer?”

“Weh?” She blinked at him, tilting her head to look up at him. Her eyes went big as she took in his broader shape, and wide chest, “H-huh? S-summer..? Oh! R-right. I-It was good..! I went on vacation with my A-aunt and..!”

Her cheeks started turning a little redder as she began to blush, trying to stop herself from stammering. Then her breath came out a little rougher, and her glasses began to fog up.

He watched her breathe in deeply, her little button nose twitching as it smelled something… interesting and new… probably the fresh scent of quick and dirty sex that was clinging to his robes. Her face burned red as she wore a look of wonder, not sure how to handle herself.

“U-um..! D-did you stay late Harry? I-it’s almost time for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw to take Potions… More students will be here soon…”

“Yeah…” He grinned at her cute, innocent face, immediately filled with the burning desire to tease this busty witch, “I just had something to... discuss... with Professor Black..”

“Oh... I see...” Susan said softly, not really sure what to make of it.

Harry saw a few more students walking down the dark dungeon corridor in their direction so he gave Susan a smile, “Looks like the rest of your group is here. I should get to my next class.”

“Oh..!” Susan whipped her head around, her red braided hair following her movement.

He wore a little mischievous grin as he glanced ahead at them. The pack was lead by a few girls wearing yellow and black. Like all witches tended to be, they were busty and pretty. Susan’s housemates...


“Hm? O-oh..!” She nearly took a step back as she turned back to see him very close.

He put a friendly hand on her shoulder, and drew his body in close to hers. Her enormous bust was very nearly pushed up against his chest. He muttered lowly to her, “It’s very good to see you again. I was thinking about you this summer...”

“!!” Her face flashed red as her pretty blue eyes grew huge in surprise, “R-really?”

“Yeah... I was thinking we should study together sometime.” He said innocently. Part of him wanted to mess with her. Knowing the true side of witches, he wondered what she would do if he snuck in a quick grope to those massive sweater puppies of hers, or whispered some dirty, teasing words in her ear with her friends coming up behind. Would she make a scene... or let it happen?

But for now, he resisted those impulses and kept it pure. Right now, he had plans for tonight that took his focus... but that was okay... he had a long year ahead of him to play with cute, busty witches like Susan.

“I-I’d like that...” She said in a near whisper, cowering away from him like a small animal.

“It’s a date then.” He said quickly, with a grin like a predator, as he left her alone in the corridor and made quick pace to his next class.

Behind him, Susan’s face flamed red, “D-date.?!” He heard her squeak out.

As he passed them, the gazes of the female students followed him. He smiled charmingly at them, “Hey, girls.”

“Hi~!” A few of them waved, and all of them smiled back.

As he passed them and turned the corner, he snuck a peek back, seeing them practically surround poor Susan, who was probably barraged with questions about why she was alone with Harry Potter.


The rest of the day flew by like a breeze. It felt like a whole new life for Harry. It wasn’t just how he noticed the pretty girls walking the halls of Hogwarts; he enjoyed his classes, too. He found it easy to focus and retain what he’d learned, and he was confident enough to put it into practice or answer the Professor’s questions. He felt smarter.

He met up with some old friends, chatted with his Quidditch team when he could, and gave some time to the boys in Gryffindor.

And while that was all fun… It was just that. Harmless fun. Harry’s true interests lay in other matters.

So of course, he had his preferred type of fun as well. With Hermione by his side in every class, Harry was never without entertainment.

There was something so damn exciting about sitting behind the thick oak desks in Professor McGonagall’s lecture, keeping eye contact with the most stiff, scrutinous witch in the castle… whilst one hand was buried between Hermione’s spread-open legs, fingering her gushing twat while the poor, blushing witch tried to focus on Transfiguration and keep her whorish moans from escaping her lips. (Amazingly, she still finished her transfiguration first in the class)

When he couldn’t keep his paws on Hermione’s body, Harry entertained himself by checking out the other witches in his own year. There were so many stunning girls. Thanks to magic, witches were better than supermodels, with the figures of goddesses to boot!

Hufflepuff in Herbology, with Susan Bones and her seemingly very close friend Hannah Abbot, both were incredibly chesty and very pretty girls giving him fleeting, shy glances as they muttered to each other… Slytherin in Charms, with Daphne’s cold, but enchanting green eyes glancing at him an almost cautiously guarded look in her eye. Compared to other girls, she seemed untouchable… and that was somehow even more appealing to him.

Pansy was there too, but actively avoided his gaze. It was cute, the way she stiffened up her face and stuck her nose in the air… only to have that resting bitch-face fall apart completely when their eyes met, and she turned into a blushing, panicked mess.

Then Ravenclaw… With Padma Patil, the other Indian twin sister. Did he even need to say it? Twins. Carmel-skinned exotic beauties that seemed sensually curvaceous. He wondered if he would actually be able to snag them both… or if taking them one at a time was really the only way?

Besides Padma, there was also Lisa Turpin and Su Li, a cute, dark-haired Asian short stack who was quiet as a mouse. In fact, he’d maybe never heard her speak at all.

And for his very own lionesses… The Gryffindor girls… He couldn’t speak of them without mentioning Lavender. Merlin knows he’d heard enough from Hermione, her dormmate. But Lavender’s tits were legendary. Maybe the biggest out of all the students he’d seen, save perhaps some of the chestier seventh years (and maybe Susan Bones)

And those were just a few that stood out right away. There were plenty of amazing girls in years above and below… but where would he possibly start? He had to kick off this year of pleasure and debauchery, right… but what would that entail? It was something Harry was thinking about.

And in the meantime…


Harry opened his arms just in time to catch a little firecracker flying at him from the front. Ginny’s fiery hair was buried in his chest as he hugged her lithe form. He grinned, feeling the way she was grinding up against him already, smooshing her soft boobs against his chest like she knew he loved.

She muttered lewdly, just loud enough for him to hear, “Oh, it was awful..! I was so horny all day long..! I had to finger myself silly in the bathroom twice, just to get through the day..! Please give me your cock soon..! I’ll go crazy..!”

“Naughty little minx…” He whispered down at her as he grabbed her wrist and tugged her away.

Hermione followed behind without a word, eyeing both ways of the corridor as they slipped into a nearby abandoned classroom.

“Damn, Ginny..! You’re drenched down here.”

Hermione barely got the door closed and sealed before Harry had Ginny laid down on her back with her skirt drenched up and his fingers buried in her knickers. She was squealing with excitement and begging, “Yes~! Yes~! YEE~EES~! I’M CUMMING ALREADY! OH, MORGANA, PLEASE~!”

With Harry’s fingers pumping into her soaking, convulsing walls, Ginny sprayed out an instantaneous orgasm after a long, hard day of denial.

“That’s it babe…” He kept her down on her back and squealing as he kept teasing her through her incredible climax, “Feeling better? Good. As much as I’d like to fuck you silly on this old, creaky desk… I’ve got something special planned for our first night at Hogwarts. If you can just hold on a little longer… I’ll give you all the cum your tight little womb can take…”

“Haaah… Haaah…” Ginny looked blissful, with a flushed face and horny eyes, “P-promise..? O-okay…”


Just as he withdrew his soaked fingers from Ginny’s drenched panties, he turned his head and saw Hermione there, just as flushed and horny looking. With a shame-filled face she lifted the hem of her skirt, flashing him with a clear view of her soaked panties.

He flashed her a grin, “Come here.”

“Yes..!” She skipped over, practically throwing herself across his lap.

“Oh..! Oh! OH YES! Finger-fuck me Harry..! Make me cum, make me cum, make me cuuuuum~!” Hermione’s voice quickly devolved into shrieking bliss under Harry’s expert touch.

Once Harry’s experienced fingers got the two to calm down, they made a quick stop at the dorms before they began their clandestine rendezvous with Professor Black.


“Heheh! This is so exciting..!” Ginny giggled to herself as they all huddled together under the invisibility cloak, “Is this what it’s like? Ron always bragged about how you would sneak about the castle…”

“W-well… It was never quite like this..!” Hermione said with a sharp voice.

The two girls held the invisibility cloak up on both ends, to cover the three of them as they huddled together tightly. Harry held the waists of both girls guiding them forward with his hands on their round butts, buried beneath their skirts. He played with their soft booties as he pleased, giving them each a little smack to keep them moving when they got too chatty.

They made it down into the dungeons, passing a suit of armor to find an unassuming painting of a landscape with a grey castle in the background.

Harry peeked his head out of the cloak and whispered the passcode, “…The most ancient and noble house of black..!”

Then, the painting changed shape, shimmering like an illusion to reveal a large wooden chamber door. A door that had been left cracked open. He grinned as the girls cast aside the cloak, and he led them inside, pushing the door open.

A cozy common room with a crackling fireplace awaited them.

“Good evening… my students…” A purring, seductive voice called out, and they all saw Professor Black waiting for them there.

She looked so divine, lounging with perfect princess posture, curves snugly accentuated by a salacious silk evening gown. It wasn’t overly revealing, but Narcissa’s incredible bust stretched out the plunging neckline into a creamy ocean of delicious-looking cleavage. Likewise, her thick thighs were emphasized as she crossed one leg over the other in her lounging chair.

“Good evening, Professor Black.” Hermione greeted her politely as if she were truly the innocent, model student who came to visit her favourite Professor.

Not the dirty, horny girl who wanted to see her beefy, bull-cocked stud dick down Malfoy’s MILF of a mother.

Ginny was strangely quiet, but had her eyes glued to Narcissa’s snowy white cleavage.

Narcissa rose from her seat, a soft natural blush on her cheeks as she focused her crystal blue eyes on him, “I’ve been waiting for you…”

Harry met her halfway across the room before grabbing her soft, abundant curves and stealing her lips in a hot kiss. She mewled and buckled in his arms as he bent her back slightly, tasting a little wine on her tongue.

“Waiting for Harry, certainly…” Ginny said, a bit clipped. He figured she’d be a little stiff with Narcissa at first, knowing that this woman used to be one of the Malfoys.

Harry gave her a knowing glance, grinning as she blushed. Then he looked around the room, “Nice place you’ve got here, Narcissa…”

He didn’t really know what the Professors of Hogwarts did for living quarters. The best he’d seen was Dumbledore’s office. But Narcissa’s chambers looked as luxurious as the castle could provide. With a common room as big as the dorms had to offer, with several couches and sitting areas, and plenty of spaces to drink and socialize.

It offered some new ideas… He wondered just how many girls he could fit in here. He was already imagining the parties he could throw. He never really cared for the ‘parties’ Gryffindor held, but the idea of some drunk, topless witches gathered in this place… was exciting.

“I’m dying to see the bedroom.” He grinned.

“I’m glad it is to your satisfaction,” She said modestly, “I think you’ll find there’s plenty of space. I was allowed to pick from a number of rooms available in the dungeons… Naturally, I chose the most… comfortable.”

Then she turned her head to Ginny and Hermione, “As much as I would love to show you the bedroom right away… that would be quite rude of me. Hello girls… We’ve been loosely introduced already, but we’ve not yet had an opportunity to speak… privately. Please, call me Narcissa… Any friend of Harry… is welcome here.”

’Friend’” Ginny said dramatically, “You mean fucktoy? Bed warmer? Baby mama?”

“All of those, of course,” Narcissa said without missing a beat, “But I prefer the word ‘Consorts.’”

Ginny seemed a bit disappointed by how unfazed she was.

“Well, my name is Hermione Granger!” Hermione butted in, happy to set aside Ginny’s attitude, “I must say, I’m thrilled to have a proper Potions Professor! In Snape’s class, I only learned what I could from the textbooks, but with your lecture, I felt I had access to a wealth of useful knowledge and experience!”

Narcissa smiled genuinely, “Well, thank you, dear. And I must say you make a wonderful student. I never expected anyone to pick up my tricks so quickly.”

The two academics shared a mutual smile, and for a second, the moment was so pure that Harry nearly forgot these two were slutty little witches who had libidos that flared up like wildfire at the drop of a hat. And even as horny as he was in the presence of these three sex bombs, Harry let them enjoy this moment of small talk.

They moved to the couches, Ginny selfishly sitting her fat bottom down on his lap while Hermione and Narcissa were properly introduced. She was a gracious host and poured them all glasses of some rich wine. For a while, everything was friendly and innocent, well, besides the way Ginny was grinding her fat, freckled arse on his bulging cock and moaning softly to herself.

“I’ve got something for you girls.” Narcissa said after they’d gotten a little more relaxed.

“Hm? Oh..!” Hermione’s eyes went wide as a pair of ribbon-tied boxes were brought out and placed on the small coffee table in front of them. Ginny, likewise, wore a face of disbelief.

Narcissa smiled softly, “Just a little… thank you gift… and perhaps a tribute to a good relationship going forward… as a member of Harry’s little growing club.”

Ginny silently reached forward, drawing the string and opening the package, “..!” She sucked in a short breath. Reaching in, she pulled her hand back to stretch out a thin, scandalous little piece of lace between her fingers.

Hermione, at the same time, wore a blush on her cheeks as she drew out the same.

“Lingerie?” Ginny muttered to herself, shocked by how skimpy and yet, expensive-looking these little panties were.

Harry whistled with excitement, “Damn. I’d love to see you two in THAT.”

“Fitting, don’t you think?” Narcissa said as she sipped some wine, “I don’t know you two very well yet, but I’d say we three have something in common. From my brief little interaction with Harry, I believe he’s quite a fan of lingerie. I know it’s hard to come by for young witches who don’t yet know where to look. So… I hope you enjoy it.”

“I know I will…” Harry chuckled.

“Damn.” Was all Ginny said, realizing how much she liked it. She gave a little glance toward Narcissa, pouting her lips, “Thanks. I don’t have… many sexy like this… Can I go try it on?”

“Of course.” Narcissa said, smiling at her with a kind expression, “You’re welcome to use my room, darling. It’s just over there.”

“No.” Harry said as Ginny started to stand up.


He gained a mischievous smirk on his lips, pulling Ginny back into his lap and making sure she felt his stiff bulge pressing into the fat of her round rump.

“It was quite nice of Narcissa to think of you, Ginny.” He said, looking at the hesitation in her eyes, “So I think it’s only right she gets to see you put it on… don’t you?”

“U-Uhm…” Ginny paused, flicking her glance between Narcissa and him.

“Oh, what’s the harm, Ginny?” Hermione said, getting to her feet. She seemed a little excited, with red cheeks as she started tugging down her skirt right there in front of them, “We’ve changed in front of each other plenty.”

“Okay...” She said softly and began pulling her snug blazer up the curve of her boobs, making her plump tits drop down in her plain, beige bra. She looked over her shoulder, where Harry was still sitting behind her, as she began to strip out of her skirt and flash him with the perfect view of her freckled moon.

He leaned forward and gave that delicious, snowy butt a little smack just to see it jiggle. Then he helped her along, pulling down the band of her knickers. Then he watched her kick them away and drop her bra to the floor, before she began slipping her wide hips into a new set of panties.

“Damn...” Harry said after a moment, “Look at you, girls. Come over here, Hermione; I want to see you two together.”

Hermione walked over beside Ginny, pressing their wide hips together as she slid an arm around Ginny’s waist. Together, the two ladies were on full display for him.

Hermione’s bodacious curves were wrapped in scarlet red, with a lacey, transparent bra hugging and propping up her hefty breasts. Just see-through enough for him to get a glimpse at the shape of her soft areola through the fabric. Ginny was a matching pair, but she was wearing gold.

“I thought it would be cute.” Narcissa commented, smirking to herself, “To dress your two little sluts in Gryffindor colours tonight.”

Harry chuckled, “I love it. You two look gorgeous. You’ll have to tell me where you found these little things, Narcissa. I didn’t know there were shops that sold witches lingerie like this..!”

He grabbed the girl’s hips, pulling them closer to look at their slutty little knickers. The lacey pairs of panties had slutty cutouts to bare their naked pussies for his ease of access, letting him stare at the supple pink petals of her cunts.

“They don’t, usually.” Narcissa commented casually, “But I have a... friend, who buys from a muggle vendor and adds a little magic... They’ll fit the girl no matter her size, so you two can swap if you like...”

“That’s convenient. Turn around, girls, let me see those amazing arses.”

Ginny and Hermione turned around for him, bending their backs slightly to shove their big soft butts in his face. Those tiny panties disappeared between their heavenly asscheeks. Ginny’s freckled moon and Hermione’s smooth apple bottom, side by side. He laid his hands on their thick cheeks, digging his fingers in and jiggling them like pudding. He gave them each a firm smack to make their booties quake and then rose to his feet.

“I think you should give Professor Black your thanks, girls...” He said as he held their hips, pulling their fat asses up against him from behind.

The two girls blushed sweetly, looking at each other with half-lidded eyes, “Thank you, Professor Black.” They said together.

“You’re welcome, girls.” Narcissa sipped on her wine, her cheeks rosy. Her brilliant green eyes roamed up and down the half-naked curves of the girls. “Bodies like those deserved to be decorated.”

“And what about you, Narcissa? Have you come prepared?”

Narcissa’s cheeks turned softer pink, and her eyes gave him a sensual, aroused look. She rose to her feet, tugging the sash of her nightgown, and with one smooth motion, it fell to the floor. Her utterly stacked MILF curves were finally revealed to Hermione and Ginny, wrapped up tight in a similar set of emerald green lingerie.

The girls gaped silently as they saw a black ink tattoo just above Narcissa’s little patch of trimmed black pubes. It read, ‘Harry Potter’s Babymaker’.

He chuckled in their ears from behind, reaching his hands around to place them on their bellies, “Don’t be jealous, girls. I may have marked her directly... but these two wombs were claimed first.”

The girls shivered in his arms, looking at each other with happy grins and lustful eyes. All of them were brimming with sexual excitement, their heads spinning with anticipation for what the night entailed.

“Let’s go to your room, Narcissa.”

The three women bowed their heads, taking his suggestion as a command. As Ginny and Hermione walked in front of him, he gave their thick booties another quaking smack. A little precursor for the long night ahead.

Once he got them alone in her bedroom, he lined them up in front of Narcissa’s luxurious four-poster bed. The ladies didn’t pay too much attention to the rest of the room, only focused on the magically expanded bed ready for the night’s activities. Narcissa had certainly prepared well, making room enough for all four of them in her bed.

“Let’s have a look at you girls…”

Narcissa stood in the middle, and Hermione and Ginny blushed as they were pulled into her sides. The taller, mature beauty smiled salaciously at him. He took a long moment to kneel down in front of them. Contrary to their expectations, he didn’t go right for their knickers or reach for their brassieres.

Instead, he placed his hands once again on Ginny and Hermione’s slender stomachs, softly stroking them with his fingers as he inspected them one by one.

“H-harry..?” Ginny squeaked, biting back a laugh as he touched her so delicately.

“W-what are you doing?” Somehow, that tender act made Hermione blush more than when his hand was buried down her skirt in the middle of Transfiguration class.

“Just admiring you…” He said with a grin as he touched Narcissa’s remarkably well-toned navel. She seemed untouched by age, standing between these two young girls as an equal in beauty and youthfulness.

Harry suddenly leaned in… and placed a gentle kiss on each of their bellies, then smirked at them, “I’ve got to admire these tight tummies while I can… because soon they’ll be showing...”

All the girls let out a sharp breath, suddenly feeling an intense tingling sensation from his fingers on their stomachs. The promise to plant a baby in their wombs, and make them into mothers, made them thrumming with pleasure before he even really touched them. Their legs grew weaker as their pussies grew wet with anticipation, ready to accept his seed.

“Now ladies… why don’t you get up on the bed with Professor Black… She’s been waiting anxiously to experience a full night with me… you’ll let her go first, won’t you?”

“Yes, Harry…” Hermione said immediately, looking eager to watch Malfoy’s mum get fucked in person. Ginny warmed up to the idea of spending the night with the former Lady Malfoy or maybe she was just too horny to say no at this point.

They climbed up on the bed, Ginny and Hermione flanking the Lady Black in skimpy lingerie like a pair of slutty handmaidens to this noble princess.

“Mngh…” Narcissa let out an excited moan as she laid back on the bed and opened her legs, showing the slick nether lips of her pussy, decorated by crotchless panties, “Come to me, my Lord… I know it’s greedy of me to want more after you gave me so much this morning but..! I can’t help myself… My womb aches for your seed!”

“Just a little taste, and she’s already addicted..!” Hermione softly moaned as she held Narcissa’s hand, “Don’t worry, Professor… I know what that’s like…” He saw her other hand slip between her squishy thighs.

Harry climbed up on the bed, jerking down his trousers to let his heavy cock swing free, stiff and erect. Narcissa moaned with delight as it slapped down like a beater’s bat on her scorching hot pussy, and he began sawing his turgid length along her lower lips.

“D-don’t tease me..! P-please..!”

“Haah..! Tease her..!” Ginny said hotly, swallowing her spit as she looked at him with carnal eyes, “Make this hot bitch beg, Harry! I want to see her put in her place!”

Harry chuckled at how horny Ginny was already and leaned forward to cup Narcissa’s cheek, “Well Professor…”

“I don’t care..!” Narcissa said with a shaky breath, “I’ve already been broken in by that thick, wonderous cock of yours, my lord..! If you want me to beg, I will! I’ll beg to be fucked like a witch should be..! Please Harry, pound my horny little cunt until I can’t think anymore..! Pump me full of your seed and make me into your woman..! Your lover..! Your devoted little whore!”

“If you want it that bad..! Then TAKE IT!” It was all too easy for Harry’s fist-sized cock helmet to pop inside the SOAKED folds of Narcissa Black.

“Oh, YES~!” The top-heavy MILF squealed out, clutching onto the younger girls for support as she quivered through a lightning-fast orgasm. Harry’s brutal first stroke tunneled through all her most sensitive places without any hesitation.

Harry groaned with pleasure, finally sinking his hard cock back into a juicy pussy after a long day of teasing and playing with Hermione. He’d never gone so long with a stiffy without busting inside either Hermione or Ginny, so that first stroke into Narcissa’s eager, coiling cunt was an extra level of ecstasy. It made him want to just pin her down and piledrive her sweet pussy into oblivion.

So that’s what he did. Narcissa squealed with happiness as her squishy thighs were grabbed, hefted up in the air, and her poor, soaking twat was pummeled by a thick trunk of cock.

“You sexy bitch..!” Harry groaned out through his pleasure, feeling her TIGHT clenching cunt begging him to pump her full of seed yet again. Begging him to treat him like his bitch and fill her full of children. With how worked up he was after a long day of teasing, it wouldn’t take him long to unleash his first load, but Narcissa’s pussy had a long night in store.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

The room was filled with the sudden onslaught of smacking hips as Harry unleashed everything he had on the slutty MILF. The woman who ditched her horrible husband just to get another taste of good dick.

“Oh wow…” Hermione stared wide-eyed as she watched Narcissa’s face tighten up with pleasure, her white teeth clenched in euphoria as she trembled through a powerful climax.

“Fuck yeah..!” Ginny softly moaned and opened her legs, lying on her side, to start slipping her fingers down into her soaked folds noisily, “Fuck her silly, Harry! Break this slutty bitch..!”

“Oh dear, MERLIN~!” Narcissa squealed while cumming, her juicy cunt spraying her climax in a wet mess on the bedsheets, “YES~! This is what I needed~! Make me forget all those frustrated nights alone, Harry~! Fuck this neglected cunt and give it the love it's been ACHING FOR! I love your fat fucking cock~!”

As Harry spiraled into lust, tunneling his girthy meat through her clenching walls, he reached up and ripped her lacey brassiere away, making those massive milky boobs come bouncing into the open air. Those two giant-sized creamy hills started rolling and bouncing every time he slammed his powerful hips into her meaty thighs, making them quake on her chest.

The sight was too glorious to resist, and soon enough, the mesmerizing bouncing of Narcissa’s MILFy breasts lured in two thirsty sluts. With watering mouths and lust-filled eyes, they lowered their lips to her pretty pink teats. Hermione and Ginny latched their lips onto her stiff nipples at the same time, moaning softly at the milky taste of her boobs as they began to suck and tease her nipples with their tongues.

“Oh shit..!” Narcissa cried out, squeezing her eyes shut as her delicate hands came up to clutch each girl’s hair, cradling them to her massive bosom, “Nnggh..! G-girls..! Y-you’re gonna make me cum AGAIN..!”

“Good..!” Harry grunted, eyes full of lust as he watched his two favourite fucks sucking on their Professor’s boobs, “Because so am I..! Let me feel that cunt clamp down one more time, Narcissa..! Fucking cum..!”

“Yeeees~!” She squealed with bliss as his giant throbbing cock hit that sweet spot in the back of her pussy in just the right way, and her mind went white with pleasure.

Harry’s girthy monster buried itself as deep as her cunt could take, priming his cockhead at the entrance of her womb to unleash its first massive creamy cumload of the night. His heavy balls churned with a singular purpose. To ensure this sexy, seductive, FUCKABLE bitch was properly bred.

The girls watched with wide eyes, even whilst sucking on Narcissa’s milky titties, as the thick, tubular bulge in her tummy, proof of Harry’s cock buried in her guts, finally stopped its rampage. Then there was a second or two of silence, and if they listened closely, the sound of gurgling liquid as Narcissa’s womb was pumped with a powerful gout of fresh, baby-making semen.

Their eyes grew big… just as Narcissa’s belly started to swell up, her poor little womb, stuffed to capacity in an instant, softly swelled up bigger as if she were already carrying his child. The two girls naturally placed a hand on her belly on either side, feeling the hot, surging cum being pumped into her with such force.

Harry was groaning loudly as he squeezed her thighs roughly, dumping his heavy cumload in her twat. Narcissa nearly blacked out with pleasure, looking at him with a hazy, ecstatic look of satisfaction on her face while her body quivered in a never-ending climax.

“Phew..!” Harry groaned one more time, still bucking his hips into her twat as his cock lurched and sprayed the last few heavy shots of his orgasm, “Damn, Narcissa… Your cunt really tried to milk me dry..!”

“S-so much..!” She said deliriously, drunk on her pleasure high. She stared unblinkingly at her cum-swollen tummy. A magical phenomenon, “H-how can you cum so much..?”

“Heh, it’s just in my blood, I guess..!” He said with a cocky grin that made her lower her eyes with a rosy blush on her cheeks.

Then he softly raised one of her shapely legs up to his shoulder and gently kissed her soft thigh as he started slowly rolling his hips against hers, bumping his cockhead against the back of her pussy, “Well… That was amazing..! I’ve been holding that massive load in all day. It felt great to finally let it all out.”

Ginny chewed her lip with a cute pout on her face, rubbing Narcissa’s belly and no doubt imagining the feeling of that oversized load pumped into her own pussy. Hermione was drooling, sucking desperately on Narcissa’s teat while she squirmed in her horniness, humping her own fingers.

He caught the look of neediness in the two girl’s eyes and glanced down at their hands buried between their legs, “That was a good warm-up, but I’ve hardly gotten started. Hold on for a little while longer. I bet Narcissa can take a few more loads before she passes out. Then I’ll reward you two sluts for waiting like good girls, alright?”

“Yes, Harry…” They both said with a horny breath.

“W-wait..!” Narcissa managed to pull herself together, blinking the stars out of her eyes as she felt the huge, full-mast cock still throbbing dangerously in her pussy, “Y-you’re still so hard..?! H-how is this…”

She was silenced by the cocky grin on his lips and the way his firm fingers dug into her soft thighs for support. He steadied his knees on the bed, getting into position for another round of pussy-pounding sex.

“Are you starting to get it, dear?” He said confidently, “That little fuck in the Quidditch Bathroom. That was just a quickie for me. I fucked these two sluts plus another two dozen or so Bulgarian Veela after the game.”

Narcissa’s eyes went wide, filled with a mixture of awe, trepidation, and utter carnal excitement, “T-there’s no way..!”

“This is what it means to be with a true Black-blooded wizard. Prepare yourself, Narcissa..! I’m not stopping until you’re passed the fuck out..!”

“Oh shiiiit~!” Narcissa squealed as he roughly began pounding his thick cock into her creamy pussy one more time.

Long through the rest of the night, Narcissa was forced to endure her first night in her new role. Her place as ‘Lady Black’, Harry’s wife, was forgotten as he turned her brain to mush, and laid claim to her thirsty womb. He pounded her pussy raw, making her into his willing, submissive slut, and getting her hooked on the feeling of a nice, thick creampie.

After the first hour of fucking her so relentlessly, she finally gave out. No matter how pent-up she was, how eager she was to be fucked, there was a limit on how much a witch could take of Harry’s giant cock. She passed out with a dopey, blissful grin on her face while splattered from groin to tits in Harry’s cum. Her milky white boobs were sucked clean of his semen by Hermione while Ginny was forced on all fours over her slumbering body and fucked into a screaming, messy orgasm.

The night devolved into their sweaty, non-stop orgy. Narcissa woke to the sound of Hermione’s fat ass getting pounded red and Ginny’s eager squealing as Harry sucked and slapped her freckled titties and fingered her twat. Once they realised she was awake, she was thrown back into the middle of it.

She apologised to Ginny for her disdainful treatment of the Weasleys properly... by sucking Harry’s cum out of her creampied twat. She then held onto the fiery Weasley daughter in a soft, firm embrace, their fat tits pancaked together as she fed the creamy load back in a tongue-swirling kiss, and Harry dumped a fresh load in Ginny’s cunny from behind.

“H-how are you so good at this..?!” Ginny squealed in ecstasy, feeling Narcissa’s tongue masterfully teasing her clit.

Narcissa smiled pridefully from between Ginny’s spread legs, “I’m sure you know, my dear. With a lack of worthy wizards around, a witch needs to find comfort where she can. I got a lot of practice with the girls back in my Hogwarts days… I’m sure you will, too. Let me teach you.”

Ginny blushed red as Narcissa climbed up on the bed, her pendulous breasts swaying as she climbed over Ginny. Then the red-headed girl was buried beneath the huge, snowy white ass of Narcissa Black, while the MILF’s juicy, cum-leaking twat was planted on her eager lips. She thanked the Professor for the gift of lingerie by eating out her creamy cunt as best she could.

“O-oh..! That’s good, dear..!” Narcissa groaned hotly, rubbing her lower lips on Ginny’s face, “You’ve done this before, I can tell..! Now put that tongue to work, sweetie..! That’s it, tease me clit..!”

“Oh..!” Hermione moaned erotically as she was thrown on her back beside Ginny. Harry pulling her legs back until she was properly folded in half, and pounding the shit out of her juicy cunt. Hermione’s eyes went cross from how hard she was cumming, her voice coming out in senseless squealing.

So the night continued…

And continued…

Until eventually, the three girls were fully put through their paces. Anytime they passed out from the pleasure, Harry used a little sexual stamina charm to bring them right back into the fun, fucking these three busty bitches all night long.

“Alright girls, let me see a beautiful smile.” Harry called out, buck naked.

The three girls were intertwined in a hot, sweaty sex mess. Narcissa held Ginny’s face between her sweaty breasts, their legs spread as a river of creamy cum flooded from their freshly-fucked twats. Ginny’s freckled arse was pounded red, marked from handprints and the brutal pounding her poor little asshole had just received.

Hermione was nestled into Narcissa’s side, smiling weakly with her face dripping from his seed, her throat still raw from how roughly he fucked her face, using her throat to clean his cock of their messy sex-juices. She held up two fingers in a peace sign, while opening her legs to show her creampied cunt.

Narcissa was likewise ruined, her prim and proper makeup streaked and messy from all the rough, brutal sex. Her hair was tousled, and her tits were marked with hickeys, all the signs of a satisfied woman. She held one hand to Ginny’s head, smothering the girl in her cleavage, while the other was gripping one doughy, freckled asscheek, spreading Ginny’s ass for Harry.

Harry waved his hand, his magical camera floating about to capture this moment in all its magical glory.

“Perfect.” He said as the shutter went off, adding yet another lewd magical photo to his growing scrapbook of smutty moments.

“Now…” He said, rising to his feet, his towering erection still throbbing with need, “Who wants to go next?”

“Mngh..!” His only response was weak, anticipation-filled moans from the three girls.

“Haaah..! That was fun…”

Lying awake in the late hours of the night, or early hours of the morning, Harry was lost in thought. With his cock still hard and proud, he still had his mind on sex. But with his girls recovering from the all-out power-fucking he had been giving them for the last few hours, he had a moment for his thoughts to wander.

Tonight marked their second night back in the castle. He’d been rather tame, if he did say so himself. After all, he’d ONLY had an eight-hour-long orgy on the train ride to Hogwarts, weigh-laid slightly by grabbing Pansy Parkinson and cock-shocking her into a submissive, eager slut, before breaking in her virgin pussy and moulding it to the shape of his cock… then railing his new Potions Professor right there on her own desk to leave her dripping with his cum for the rest of her lessons. Finally, he sneaked his two sluts into her bedchambers for an evening rendezvous and celebrated their new little ‘club’ by hosting a little sex party all night long.

Again, he’d been rather tame, all things considered.

After all, he’d only been at the Quidditch World Cup for a few hours and ended up stealing a high-society nobleman’s wife and fucking his way through a whole flock of Veela Cheerleaders, probably impregnating the whole lot!

And to think he’d been at Hogwarts for a full twenty-four hours now, and only claimed one more fresh womb for himself, and it belonged to Pansy Parkinson!

Now that he’d been properly settled in, it seemed time to up his game. He wanted more, and it seemed like the girls were okay with him going for it. To be fair, it was hard for them to really argue with his plans when he was fucking them into blissful unconsciousness again and again, but that was good enough for him.

Now the question was… who?

Hogwarts seemed to be in motion already this year… In a month or so, two foreign schools would visit Hogwarts. Then, he would have access to his pick of French and Bulgarian witches. But there was no way he’d go a month without having some fun.

Now the question was, what form would it take?

More than a few girls caught his eye. Susan Bones in Hufflepuff, Padma in Ravenclaw… Then there were the lionesses, of course. It would be so easy to grab the girls so close to home.

Lavender and Parvati, the girls who shared Hermione’s dorm… then there were the older girls, his Quidditch teammates, Katie Bell, Alicia, and Angelica. Quidditch was canceled, but he was sure he could talk them into a little ‘fun’ on the pitch. He remembered the pretty Ravenclaw seeker, too... maybe they could throw together a little private game since there was no Quidditch Tourney this year.

Well, it was already easily his best year at Hogwarts yet, and it’d hardly been more than twenty-four hours so far. He was eager to start some REAL fun in the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.


End of Chapter

A/N: Sorry for the slow upload. This month has been the busiest I've had in a long time. Still, I plan on getting the other two chapters out soon.

I know this chapter was basically just sex, but I plan on having more foreplay, blowjobs, tittyfucks, etc, in future chapters. This one just had a lot to get through!

Now who should we chase first? I know some people would vote for Daphne/Tracey, but I think they're best suited a little later, after Harry's a little more blatant with the witches of Hogwarts.



Can't wait for the next chapter


Are you going to bring the camera scenes back because i liked those scenes