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Greetings, my beautiful patrons!

The gallery was one of those big pink elephants we had been ignoring since the beginning of the game. But not anymore: we have started its development, and it is highly likely that it will already be implemented in the next version. To access this mode, you will only need to go to your cell (while not on a mission) and check your diary. Yes, it will no longer be necessary to replay everything to see the NSFW scenes again! :'D

On another note: the next version is progressing great! The first mission of Bolonia is implemented 100%, including all NSFW sections. If you want to take a look behind the scenes, you can play it in this week's development build! 

We just need to make some final corrections and refine some of the systems we have. Everything points to us being able to release it in March as planned. :)

See you soon!




Poops Magee

hey babus, i just played this latest development build and I think I might have found a bug? I started the game from the very beginning, and got to the part where you are teleported from the cave by the eye statue. you quest becomes something along the lines of "find a way out" and when I run all the way to the right there is no prompt to press E and look at the girl sitting in the cave. instead I'm just stuck in the cave with no way to continue


Yep! We also detected that bug just a few days ago. Worry not, it will be solved for the release. Thank you for the report! ❤️