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Hello again my dudes!

Something has happened: as I was creating new rooms, I realized that their visual quality was significantly higher than that of the old ones. It has been over a year since I drew the first areas of Angel Under, so it's natural that my artistic skills have grown, but as a result of that, the new assets clash with the old ones. So we have spent the past two weeks redoing ALL the textures of the castle.

You will be able to see this visual upgrade in the next Dev release. For now, you can check out the progress in the Dev build, as always (if you see visual glitches everywhere, don't worry: remember that we are redoing them!).

Oh, and to fill the image slot of the post, here's another screenshot of our progress! This is one of the new areas, Cantrell's jacuzzi room. As you can imagine, you'll be visiting it very soon!

See you!

