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As promised, here's Angel Under 0.4.0!

This is a small update: the only new feature is a new animated NSFW scene featuring... Well, you can guess it!

Download or play on web:

Itch.io page (You need an itch.io account for this)

Although using itch.io is recommended, you can also use this mirror link for the download.

Enjoy guys!





Love it! I only wish we had a little more control over our saving (like a manual save option) or a gallery for going back and reviewing content.


Thank you! The gallery feature is definitely in our plans and will be coming sooner than later :)


cant play it acc dont work with itch.io and there is no mirror link


Love it so far! The art style is cute, the characters are fun, the story/premise has lots of potentials and the combat is snappy. One feature I think would be nice is the ability to re-bind keys, personally, I tend to play with different controls than most games defaults.


Thanks you a lot! Yes, rebinding keys is in our future plans. It's a kinda hard feature to implement, so we're waiting for the right moment to do it :)

Kalleb Cortes

take your time with your games, don't let anyone rush you, or make you feel rushed. All the best games take time <3


Thank you a lot! We are putting a lot of attention to detail in this game, so I know development is slow. But I promise you won't regret : )