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Welcome to the second episode of Queen of the Month, the space where we cover the most popular girls of the show! Because conquering Hell is as important as conquering our hearts!

We've got another surprise for this edition, as the winner of the October is not other than Anika, the owner of Floor Zero's cafe! She's agreed to dress as a beautiful witch to make this a very spooky, special session.

Q: Now this is unprecedented. This is the first Queen of the Month who is not even an aspirant to be a Pitwatcher!

A: Tell me about it! I didn't even know I was on TV! Or at least, I can't recall any cameras wandering around my cafe...

Q: My sweet, sweet child. You should know that, even when you think you're alone... The castle is always watching you.

A: Oh. Even when...?

Q: Yes, even when you're nude cooking in the kitchen.

A: Well, at least all the effort I put on these muscles doesn't go unnoticed! 

Q: Anika, one of the most frequent questions is about your... frog. It seems you're trying to train it to help you with your business. Can you elaborate?

A: Ah... Yes. His name is Krokodilus. He's the only thing I've got left from... him. Ah, that brings back some bitter memories. You see, Krokodilus was his frog before he became a Pitwatcher, and thus ending our plans to manage our own cafe together. But if Krokodilus can help me even a little bit with the business, that would be like if he-

Q: Woah, we're running out of time! Let's skip right to the good stuff. Last month, QotM's winner Erin confessed that she feels a very powerful physical attraction towards you. How do you feel about that?

A: Ha, that girl sure is a box of surprises! I've talked to her a few times and she sure does have a heart of gold.

Q: A heart of gold... and an unstoppable thirst for your body. But can you reciprocate? Please, your fans want to know!

A: Ha, ha, ha! Yeah, sure! My door is always open a good girl like her. *Winks*

OH. MY. GOD. You've heard it clear and loud. Things are getting REEEAL steamy in Angel Channel. Keep yourself tuned for the next edition of Queen of the Month. November's poll is opening soon!

Angel Channel Events Staff



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