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What's up everybody!

What a weird are we living in, aren't we. We still haven't recovered from a global pandemic and now we seem to be on the verge of WWIII. C'mon give us a break! Stay strong my friends! 

Let's get into the report! First of all, I was growing tired of spamming scattered development build posts, so from now on I'll put them in a single post. So I'll be editing this post with every time a new dev build is released. 

Here's the post, with of course, a new development build. Remember it's only accessible for founder patrons!

Some of the updates for this dev build are:

- We've added a new area (Cantrell's room) and an elevator to access it.

- Of course, Cantrell character has been implemented, alongside some new expressions and postures for other characters.

- We've added a bit more of the story. It's almost finished now. In fact, in the next update we'll finish the flow for the first patreon version!

-And of course, the usual dose of minor polishments and bugfixing.

That's everything for now my friends! See you very soon!


P.S.- Yeah, that's right. I can't run it.



Nicole Holmes

eh could be worse. I have a laptop dubbed "the toaster" it literally can not run anything faster than 12 FPS no matter how basic the game...Minecraft with the least heavy settings runs 10 FPS. It is a CD burning laptop only now


That's kinda poetic. Even in its extreme weakness it's probably the only laptop in your place that can actually burn CDs because of having a CD slot!


I can't run it either and all my friends have been playing / talking about it. I've been using GeForce now to play most games as a means of avoiding buying a new computer. Naturally, Elden Ring isn't on it =/ Might just suck it up, ditch GeForce, and buy one... but my poor wallet... Dang raises aren't keeping up with inflation, I swear.


Feel you bro. I guess I'll have to buy a new PC after all. My bank account is not gonna be happy about this :')