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Hope you're doing your cardio and eating your veggies. Babus wants you to be healthy and dopamine-dosed. You deserve no less.

Here's another delicious update on Angel Under's progress!

- First of all, we've implemented a lot more of writing, extending the duration to almost 15 minutes (Just for you to have a reference, the first public version will have around 20 minutes of duration).

- We've added some "expressiveness" features: more expressions for characters, sounds, shakes, context pictures, and etc. It's almost an Ace Attorney now!

- A lot of fine tuning minor stuff, like a background blur, UI changes, etc.

And that's all for this update! A lot of the in-game writing and features are already developed, so I'll have to start drawing comics and sexy scenes very soon (which is the fun part for me).

See you soon!





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