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Hello everybody.

Some bad news. After some high pressure from BabusGames stakeholders, it seems like we are no longer allowed to use babnificient babuwords like I announced on the past weekly update.

Here are some other news:

- The next update for Spirit Orbs comes out next week! It's scheduled for Wednesday 29, so be prepared!

- Another Extra Resources pack with the PSD and Spine files for Riju is coming out next Monday!

That's everything for this week. And let me be clear on something: BabusGames will never be a slave for the big corporate companies. I'm the baboss and it's gonna be as I say. If the babuvolution shall detonate because of it, so let the flames spread.


CEO of BabusGames


Nicole Holmes

Yeah, um actually please be a slave to this corporation...it just makes me shake my head at the use of "babooss, babuvolution..." feel like I'm back in playing Splattoon with those words...