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Hello everybody!

Here's the first BabusGames feedback report! Today we'll be looking into the Angel Under Prototype survey we posted some weeks ago. Fortunately, there's been a lot of participation, so let's analyze the responses carefully. Thank you all for helping us out! 

Let's dive right in.

Seems like a lot of people enjoyed the prototype pretty much! Okay then, we'll continue to walk the path we've chosen. There's someone that didn't like it a lot, though. But that's okay: we don't like him as well, right guys?! (Just joking! After all, it's still a very rough prototype. We'll work to make it a lot more enjoyable for everybody!)

Most of players are concentrated on the middle range of the scale (4-6), so that's a good signal. However, we can't ignore the fact that the general response is a lot more evenly distributed in this question. There's people that find it VERY hard and some that find it RIDICULOUSLY easy. Hmmm. Somehow we have to change those people's minds.

We'll have to search for mechanics that make the game more challenging or forgiving depending on the player's experience.

Yeeeah! The most liked parts of the prototype are the gameplay and the comics, and those two were our main gamble.

We're so happy that they've worked out!

Oh, damn! The story hasn't been very well received... Or maybe, it's that it's just too minimalistic and ambiguous, and in fact, you need more of it. 

We like games with an engaging story, sooo... We are gonna kinda rule out the first possibility. When developing the prototype, we were hand-tied for scope reasons to make the story as minimalistic as possible, but we plan to make the story one of the main components in the future, with a lot more characters and flavour. We plan to make it tie with the core loop in a very nice way, both in a rythym sense and gameplay-wise.

The second place in this shameful ranking is the gameplay/comics, which kinda contradicts the previous question. But hey! We are aware that they need some work as well. We hope we'll be improving these steadily update after update.

Ha! You guys didn't care a bit about this one! Welp, I'm lying: there's been a good bunch of people that liked the frame per frame animation, which makes me very happy. It was my first try, so I think I have a lot of improvement room in that regard as well! And for those who liked the skeleton animation more, well... Don't worry. Maybe we will include them at some point, as they're very useful in some contexts.

The responses in this questions are awesome. And this is for one sole reason: we were planning on expanding the game exactly on that order: first we'd like to refine the gameplay core loop until it's interesting enough to hold on its own, and spice it up with more and more NSFW content. After these, we planned to start working on the story for real, which will be a world-expanding component and will tie (hopefully) with the main loop nicely. 

(Also, there's been a lot of people who prefer us to decide. Thank you for your trust, guys!)

Now let's analyze some of the comments on the prototype! There's been a lot of them, so we'll only take the most frequent ones, which in this case are basically two:

"Being able to map controls would be useful..."  
"...jump mapped to spacebar made controlling movement a bit awkward at times."
 "Button map settings would help alot."
 "...The only real problem I had was space being jump instead of “W” or both."

We heard you loud and clear! we are gonna add W as an alternative jump button. Not only that, but we'll be working on a full button remapping feature!

"Lack of save points."
"No save system"
"...I kept dying on round 3,and was frustrated about having to start the entire game over again"
"No checkpoints"
"I found it very annoying that you can't save your progress..."   

We aim to make it a roguelite game, so... probably there won't be any save points inside of the game! But worry not, that doesn't mean we think you're "fukin casuls" and you need to "git gud". It just means that you will be able to progress in the game and its content even if you die, a feature that is not reflected on the prototype. Trust us on this one! If you still don't  like it after everything is implemented, we'll surely be looking into the problem again.

(There's been a lot more of useful information in the comments, but for the sake of not making a 30 page post we won't put it here. However, it's still GREAT info, so kudos to you!)

And that's everything for today! Soon we will be making a post about the next steps we're working on. 




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