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Okay guys! It's that time for the voice of the people to be heard again. What girl should inaugurate this year? 

(C'mon guys give me a Gerudo!)



As much as I want more mipha for an anal scene, I also want urbosa. But she's not close. I don't want linkle. Isn't riju a child?


Hmm I think so! But if she gets chosen, I'll probably redesign her a bit so she doesn't feel like a child.

Nicole Holmes

...so no nabooru wtf...well age of calamity riju is a little older canonically...still loli territory though (15) though if you age her up without affecting looks it could work...here is a good example https://w1024.luscious.net/Zcbmtt/346717/68aaac6a47fe140ee614_01DFR0B4NK30ZS7WE43NZMKRFY.1024x0.jpg


Ha ha, don't worry. I won't be altering the way she looks that much. Just not gonna depict her as an extreme loli either for legal reasons.