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The 0.7.0 version of Angel Under is already here!

How to Play!

Step 1: Link up Patreon and itch.io! (This needs to be done for every version)

Step 2: Play!

Please keep in mind:

1. You won't be able to play if you cancel your pledge before linking this version with your itch.io account.

2. Once you have linked up your itch.io account with this version, you will have it forever, even if you cancel your pledge.

If you come across any problems or have any feedback, feel free to send me a message! :)

Now, let's go with the changelog!

Angel Under v0.7.0 - Changelog

Major Features 

  • More story! (Around 6170 words added)

  • New interrogation minigame!

  • 1 new NSFW scene!

  • 4 New castle locations 

  • 5 New small NPCs 

  • 4 New music tracks to enjoy

  • Inventory system implemented

  • Now all NPCS have a visible name 

Minor Features

  • The introduction flow has been reworked so the player receives items 

  • The Skip Content options have been reworked

  • Added combat damage numbers 

  • Added combat health bars 

  • Made combat camera closer

  • Controller: Changed way of opening menus in controller 

  • Dialogue controls are now autohidden when there's no action available 


  • Removed workaround for WebGL's audio bug

  • Corrected a save issue when entering Free Roam mode

  • The Kirsten scene in the gallery now has the right dialogue 

  • The buttons of the character menus now display the right colors 


  • Updated to Unity 2023.2.20f1 

  • Added internal tool to test quests much faster

  • A long etc.

Enjoy and see you soon! ;)




Lunatic 0verlord

Shame that we're still not yet at "pound the hot naked chick with my hard cock right in the pussy" zone :(


maybe she likes it better in her ass