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In this episode I'll explain how DAZ Studio can be used with Iray Server  to render animations. Yes, it's possible after all! I've received this  tip from Rob at Infinite Compute, after we both had a long chat. I  wanted to test it out immediately and thought I'd share the good news  with y'all :-)

Take a look at Rob's service 3D cloud rendering service here: https://infinite-compute.com

Direct link to the video: https://vimeo.com/624879587/e5bf9db892

UPDATE: I've re-recorded the video, clarifying the use of Image Sequences and left out the part about the interface needing to be on a special tab - thankfully that's not the case. As long as we're connected to Iray Server, the render button and Iray Viewport will use Iray Server and not the local hardware. I've also clarified the two modes of operations. Let me know what you think, this is scheduled to go live on YouTube on the 27th of October.


Rendering DAZ Studio Animations with Iray Server

In this episode I'll explain how DAZ Studio can be used with Iray Server to render animations. Yes, it's possible after all! I've received this tip...


Jay Versluis

It should do, but now that you mention it I haven't tested it. I tried single images, and the movie, assuming image sequences would work. Let me spin up another instance and check just to make sure.

Jay Versluis

I'm delighted to say that - after verifying this - image sequences do indeed work with the bridge. While I was at it, I tried a few "being on other tabs" situations too, and it turns out that it's actually OK to be on the Editor Tab or anywhere else in the interface for that matter. I'll probably redo the video and rectify both statements.