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Hello again! In this episode I'll show you how to disable the constant and often destructive Windows 10 updates as long as you like. I'll explain how to stop the update service in the current session, and how to disable it on subsequent restarts.

I've researched this after running into multiple issues with my streaming PC over the last few weeks. Windows is persistently trying to apply an update, fails, tries to revert and fails at that too. My only option is to bring it back from a restore point, but 30 days later it thinks it's a good idea to try again, running into the exact same issues. Using the above method I can run the updater when I'm good and ready, rather than run into a non-working system I rely on at the worst of times.

This episode also features a new end credit sequence that features more supporters in less time. The older rolling credits were getting long and unreadable, so this way more of you get more static screen time. Let me know what you think.


Disable Windows 10 Updates FOREVER

In this episode I'll show you how to disable the constant and often destructive Windows 10 updates as long as you like. I'll explain how to stop the update...


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