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In this episode I'll show you two ways of launching multiple instances  of DAZ Studio at the same time. You could render in one while working on  the next scene, or have multiple versions open and compare parameters.  Be the master of your workflow and maximise your efficiency!

Please note that neither option is official supported, so please try this at your own risk. 



Launching a Second Instance of DAZ Studio: render while you work on the next scene

In this episode I'll show you two ways of launching multiple instances of DAZ Studio at the same time. You could render in one while working on the next scene,...


Marcus Hรถting

Thank you for sharing this. I've been looking for something like this for a long time. Even better would be if one could start a render in some kind of background process like many video editing softwares do it. But why do you have some Chinese font in your about-box? :-)

Jay Versluis

๐Ÿ˜‚ I was wondering about the Chinese characters myself! I took my reaction to that out in the edit, perhaps I should have left it in or added it as a blooper at the end. I agree about the โ€œsend to render queueโ€ option, that would be ideal. The way Poser or Premiere handle this (including network render option) would be fantastic. Maybe in DAZ Studio 5, ey?