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In this episode I"ll show you how to combine several morphs on a Genesis 8 figure into a single slider. We'll do this with the help of Hexagon, and I promise you don't need to know anything about that app. Once done, you can remove the products that helped you shape your figure and free up some space and speed up loading times. It'll make your custom character life a little easier.

I'm working on three related videos and I'm planning to release them at the same time:

  • Combining Morphs without Hexagon
  • Deleting Morphs we've just made
  • Why Genesis figures take so long to load (and how to make it faster)

Two YouTube related videos are also in the works. Looks like I've got my creative mojo back :-) 

Any questions, please let me know.


Combining Genesis Morphs in DAZ Studio with Hexagon

Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory. In this episode I"ll show you how to combine several morphs on a Genesis 8 figure into a single slider. We'll do this with the help of Hexagon, and I promise you don't need to know anything about that app.


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