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I spent much of this month narrating my new book BROKEN BOWELS, with the intention of releasing it as an Audio Book alongside the Paperback and the Kindle Version.

I'm nearly finished, and provided ACX, Audible, Amazon and iTunes are happy with the files, I'm expecting it to be released sometime in August.

Audio Books are are becoming very popular, and I can imagine that fellow patients could pass the time listening to my experiences while getting a lengthy infusion.

It does take forever to do, and I can't narrate more than two hours every day or else my voice gets tired. Editing takes a while too, but at the same time it's a very rewarding experience. I've described my setup and the intricate details in some of the links below.

Tech Articles


While it was fresh in my mind, I decided to create a series of Storyist creencasts. That's the writing software I've used to write BROKEN BOWELS.

I've been using Storyist on and off since 2012, and I've used it exclusively for writing the book, as well as for creating the ebook and print versions. I never had to leave a single piece of software. Storyist did everything, from outlining, writing and exporting.

It has a lot to offer, and has completely transformed the way I write and share my output. It's a complex piece of software, and if I discover other tips and tricks, I'll add them to the full playlist.

I'm planning on adding videos on

  • working with images
  • working with Story Sheets
  • Bookmarks and Comments
  • Outlining Tools
  • Screenwriting Tools

Hardware Issues

Something rather sad appears to be happening from time to time: my Mac Mini is having issues. He has developed a fault with both monitor output ports, intermittently.

I usually leave him on at all times and simply put him to sleep overnight. When I switch him off, I stand a good chance of him not turning on again in the morning. The system starts, but I can see no output on any of the monitors, neither via Thunderbolt nor via HDMI. 

I'll see how it goes, but it may get to a point at which I'll have to have him repaired. Apple do this for a flat fee of $300, by simply replacing the entire logic board. I currently can't afford that, not until all those medical bills are paid off (which may take several years).


Storyist 101: Introduction

Support me on Patreon: https://patreon.com/versluis In this screencast I'll introduce you to Storyist, a writing app for macOS and iOS. I'll speak about the software's philosophy and how it differs from other writing applications such as Microsoft Word and Apple's Pages. Watch the full series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPcx_LSSGfZcwUnfc9kcXeQ1GDvCnSLgm


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