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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


"Do you really think that was a good idea?" Daenerys heard Jon ask her as they walked through the unexpectedly warm halls of Winterfell. The meeting had just ended a couple of minutes ago and now they were heading to their chambers.

"Do you not relish the idea of marrying me, my Lord?" Daenerys asked him to raise an eyebrow in question.

"That's not what I said Dany... your Grace" Jon paused at the last second before calling her by the nickname he had been getting used to calling her for the past few weeks, reminding himself that they were not alone. Not only were his brothers walking beside them, but her advisors as well.

"What I mean, is that if you're really sure this is the path you want to take. And if you are aware of what it entails?" Jon asked her again, to which she replied with a.

"Never take you for a man who speaks in riddles, my Lord."

"What I am trying to say to you, your Grace. Is that there is only one throne, and the one who sits on it, is the one who rules." Jon told him, before reemphasizing it again. "One throne, one King, seven Kingdoms. Never in the history of Westeros have there been two monarchs ruling together, with the same level of power."

"I think you should know by now, my Lord. That I plan to bring many changes to Westeros, I plan to create a new world and this, is only the first step to it." It was Daenerys' reply.

"If you do this, you will lose all your power and influence you have over the people of Westeros, from the small folk to the Lords" Jon told her, much more effusively this time. "If we marry and you decide that we both keep our crowns, everyone will assume that I am the King, that I am the one who sits on the Iron Throne, that I am the one who makes all the decisions and who holds all the power. And they will think that you are just another Queen of the lot, they won't respect you and they will disregard you."

"You will disregard me? You will not respect my decisions or my thoughts on important matters? You will sit on the throne and force me to stand beside you?" Daenerys asked him.

"Of course not," Jon answered her quickly.

"Then I think we will have a great marriage, my Lord" Daenerys told him, before turning to look at him meaningfully and adding. "I am not marrying the people of Westeros or its Lords, I am marrying you, Jon. And the reason I have decided to do so and share my power with you, is because I trust you and I know the kind of man you want. I can't imagine anyone better to rule by my side."

Jon was a little surprised at her words and couldn't help but feel a little touched by them. But unexpectedly Daenerys' warm gaze turned cold, and she spoke in a scathing tone. "And in the future, I would advise you not to lecture me about the 'preference' of the people and the Lords for a male ruler over a woman. Believe me I am well aware of that, I know full well the differences in roles the world has dictated for us, depending on what we have between our legs."

"My brother Viserys was the heir and the King, as weak and stupid as he was, he had the power to make the decisions and even had power over me. That, as princess, my only value was to spread my legs for the man Viserys chose for me. So, when Illyrio suggested that he should sell me to a Dothraki Khal in exchange for an army, he didn't hesitate to do so, and of course, I had no say in it. Even after I became Queen, I have been humiliated, belittled, and denied, for the simple fact that I was not born with a cock between my legs. I know full well that the lords of the realm would choose you over me, Jon Snow, and would not hesitate to cast me aside, believe me I know that very well."

Knowing full well of her struggle and the scorn she has suffered all her life, and that being the main reason she mentioned all this to him in the first place. And seeing that she already had it very much in mind, Jon let it drop and instead decided to offer her another alternative.

"It doesn't have to be like this you know." As soon as he said that Daenerys turned her gaze back to him and gave him a speculative look, "I know your goal has always been the Iron Throne, I know the path you've walked in order to get there, I know how much you've sacrificed and how much you've lost. And personally, I think you would make a much better ruler than me, as I was never really interested in that damn chair. My only concern is the North and my people, and I believe I can secure a decent deal for them, simply by occupying the position of King consort."

Daenerys saw him visibly surprised, that he would offer her such a proposition, but just as he did, she wanted to know if he really knew what that entailed. "Are you really willing to give up your crown, for me? To be a mere King of adornment? What would your loyal bannermen think to see their beloved and powerful King as a mere King consort for the foreign whore?"

"Oh, they would think many things, I am sure of that. But by the same token, I am sure they will say nothing. Besides, all my life the one title I've been most associated with is that of being a bastard. I would never have imagined that I would become King, and although I have come to enjoy the feeling of power, it is also more of a responsibility than a privilege. And being King consort, you'd get most of the work done and I could still sleep with the Queen," Jon finished with a winning smile, Daenerys obviously unable to resist returning the same smile.

Though his smile was cut off when he felt someone elbow him lightly in the ribs. Turning to whoever had hit him, he saw Ser Davos who had hit him to remind him that they were still in company, analysing the faces of his companions he saw how Sansa had a sour expression on her face, Arya had one of amusement, Bran literally seemed to be anywhere else but here, and Sam who was pushing his brother in his chair, looked clearly surprised.

On the other side of the Queen's advisors, Tyrion and Jorah seemed to have a resigned expression, the Spider as always in much control of his emotions had a blank expression, and Missandei seemed to have the same expression as Arya, though she was much more reserved. Clearing his throat, Jon returned his gaze to the front and tried to be more reserved.

"Though I truly appreciate your offer, my Lord. As I have mentioned before, I want to break the wheel that my ancestor Aegon Targaryen built three hundred years ago, when he forged the Iron Throne. And if I rule as an absolute monarch, I will not be fulfilling my goal, but only repeating what he did before me. Our marriage and us ruling as equals is the first step in the world I want to build, a world where the powerful do not crush the less favoured, and I am sure I want you to be the man who rules at my side," Daenerys told him, this time going so far as to hold his hand, not caring about the audience they had and Jon did not have the strength to pull away from her grasp. So, he simply asked her again one last time.

"Are you sure?"

To which she nodded with bright eyes, before telling him. "I am, together we will create a new world, Jon. And as for the people, who may not be used to seeing two monarchs with the same level of power, well we will show them. I remember very well, when I freed the slaves of Meereen, you will be surprised how many of them asked me to let them return to their masters. At first, I didn't understand, and was horrified by this, why anyone would want to return to a life of slavery when I had offered them freedom, but the answer is just as horrifying. They knew nothing else; they had lived their whole lives in slavery and believed there was nothing else for them. They had become accustomed to the role that the world had dictated for them, despite how horrible and inhuman it was. I think it's the same with the people of Westeros, they are used to the same thing, they are resigned to living the same way, fearful and always praying for a Lord who isn't greedy enough to start a War or a King who isn't cruel or completely inept and will lead them back to a life of famine and endless war."

Interlacing her fingers with his, Daenerys continued. "Just as I did in Meereen, I want to show the people, that the world can be so much better. That there is more, than the shitty world they are so used to. They may not see it in five or ten years, but I'm sure one day they will. And they will remember me" Giving her hand a squeeze, she finished by saying. "They'll remember us, and they'll be grateful I've seen it in my dreams. And you know I'm no ordinary woman, Jon Snow. My dreams come true."

The same way I dreamed about you, my shadow lover. Daenerys thought.

Not being able to hide the big smile on his face, at such a wonderful woman and how lucky he was that she wants him by her side. Jon said to her, still trying to disguise appearances, though it probably no longer would be of any use. "It would be an honour, to be her husband, your Grace. And to be able to help you in such a noble cause."

On the other side, Daenerys no longer cared about the people around them and told him with a mischievous smile, "I assure you that I will be a great wife to you, Lord Snow. I will make sure to always keep your bed warm for you."

No sooner had she finished speaking and giving him a cheeky wink, they heard a snort, before they see Sansa dart off in the other direction. Daenerys watched this with slight amusement, before he intertwined his arm with hers and said, "Would you mind escorting me personally to my chambers, my Lord?"

"Of course, your Grace," Jon answered her, feeling her lean her body against his, before they departed, leaving their companions behind.


"It feels really warm in here" Daenerys said, sounding genuinely surprised.

"Brandon Stark, or Brandon 'The Builder' as he is mostly known. He decided to build Winterfell over hundreds of hot springs that sit deep below the castle, the heat from the waters rises through the walls, warming the entire castle. Winterfell is probably the warmest place in the entire North," Jon explained.

"It feels comfortably warm, but not warm enough for me, my Lord" Daenerys told him with an amused smile, as she pressed herself even more against him.

"You are also going to see a large fire inside your chambers, your Grace. Would that be enough to keep you warm at night?" Jon asked her, playing along.

"Most likely not, my Lord" Daenerys told him, a tone of innocence in her voice before continuing, "I am a girl used to summer, I find it very difficult to deal with these wild and harsh conditions, I will need something much more effective to keep me warm on these long winter nights. And I think, as my host, you must take responsibility for that, my Lord."

Finally reaching her room, Jon presses his body against hers, cornering her against the door and resting an arm over the door, before saying, "And how could I take responsibility and make your stay in my castle better, my Queen?"

With an amused smile, Daenerys didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around him and say, "By keeping your Queen warm, Jon Snow."

Using her grip on his neck, Daenerys drew him to her lips, kissed him slowly and deeply, his massive, burly body pressing against her smaller, more delicate one. Jon slid his hands down to her ass, squeezing her cheeks lightly through her thick woolen skirt. When he pulled back a short time later, he smiled at her with a bright, sensual look.

"I missed you " Daenerys whispered to him.

"Me too" Jon told her with a smile.

Both monarchs did not hesitate to kiss passionately again in the middle of the hallway, not caring who could see them. Until Jon, without separating from the seductive lips of the Queen, managed to open the door and get them both inside. Daenerys closed the door again, when she pushed him against it, separating for a second from his lips to watch him amusedly, before she kissed him again, finally ending up separating when the need to breathe was unbearable.

Catching his breath, Jon held her perfect little face before asking amusedly, "Was it really necessary to put on that little show?"

A smiling Daenerys with no hint of regret told him, "I think your sister doesn't like me."

Trying to defend Sansa, Jon told her. "Don't take it personally, she just doesn't seem to trust anyone other than family anymore. She's been through a lot."

Daenerys put on an unconvinced expression upon hearing his words, so Jon added. "Just give her time, I assure you she will come to her senses and see that you are an ally. Remember, I didn't trust you at first either."

"Yeah, I remember. You were quite annoying back then" Daenerys told him amusedly, "But we were strangers back then, you were the pretty northern fool, and I was the mighty Dragon Queen" She added with a smile, making him roll his eyes, before continuing. "But now, we are allies. I have brought my armies, resources and dragons, to help your country. Her home, and I have even offered to marry her brother, but she only sees me as someone unwanted" Before finishing by saying with a more dejected tone, " Just like all the Lords or people in this country, well except for you and Arya."

Lifting her face and running his palm across her cheek and stroking at the pale skin with his thumb, causing her to lean back against his warm hand, he said to her. "And what is it my Queen desires. Tell me, do you want me to make them give a parade in your honour? Because I can force them to do so, I am their King."

His words managing to draw a small laugh from her, though in truth he did mean it. He really would give her anything she desired, changing to a more serious tone, he added. "Oh, perhaps, you wish me to have Lord Glover flogged? For having dared to insult you?"

Daenerys looked at him in surprise, not expecting him to offer her something like that, "I don't think that would be necessary, but. Would you really do that?"

"I would do anything for you, Dany. Just say the words, say the words and I'll bring you his head" Jon whispered deeply in her ear. And she felt herself wet her small clothes at his words.

She had been so used to the calm and loving Jon, as he was whenever he was in her presence or in the presence of his sister Arya. That it was easy to forget the things he had done, the things he was capable of, after all. Someone doesn't earn the nickname 'The Bloody Wolf' without having a lot of blood on his hands. Daenerys remembered all of Jon's exploits that Lord Varys had told her about. From fighting and subduing an army of wildlings, the battle of the bastards that Jon himself ended when he killed Ramsay Bolton with his bare hands, or the assault on the Twins, where Jon annihilated all the Frey men.

I was pretty sure he held back a lot when he just beat up Lord Glover, but the interesting thing about all that was that. All those things he did, everything he was capable of, instead of scaring her, only made her more attracted to him. In fact, it turned her on even more, she loved the man he was, but she also loved the animal inside him, especially when he came out to play. Her knees grew weak just remembering the times when Jon let loose completely in bed, no one had ever taken her like that, no one had ever taken her to experience such high levels of pleasure. Jon was the only one who could match her fire and even, the only one capable of subduing it, it scared and thrilled her how eager and willing she was for the man, she was sure just like he had said. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him, if he would really ask her, she would let him sit on the iron throne and she would happily sit on his lap, she would deny him nothing.

Especially when he would whisper so seductively in her ear, in his thick northern accent that she loved so much.

"Oh, perhaps you would have me punish my sister? Did her attitude offend you, my Queen? What should be the punishment for her?" he whispered to her again.

Daenerys' mind went to the pretty Lady of Winterfell and how she felt about her. Surely, since coming to Winterfell she had received only coldness and distrust from her, perhaps Jon was right, and she just needed time. But her intuition told her there was something else, a more specific reason why Sansa seemed to resent her so much.

The first thing that came to his mind, was that she knew all too well about the kind of relationship she had with Jon. Perhaps he didn't like the idea that she was sleeping with his brother.

Did she think she would use Jon to turn them against them?

No... that would be stupid. And although the redhead seemed to be many things, she didn't seem to be a foolish woman.

She would know full well, that no matter what she tried. Jon would never betray his family, not even for her, though by the same measure, she would never ask him to.

It was then that her mind flashed back to how warm and loving she was when she welcomed Jon, how happy she seemed to be to see him again, and how much she enjoyed being wrapped in his strong arms. Perhaps the reason for her displeasure was because she thought she had taken her beloved brother away from her. If that were the case, Daenerys could come to understand, if Jon were her brother, she would no doubt feel very territorial with him as well. An amused, devious smile appeared on her face, as she imagined that perhaps the most appropriate punishment for Sansa was to be forced to watch as she rode her brother's huge cock, to hear her moan from the pleasure Jon gave her and watch as he filled her with his seed.

But she was a benevolent Queen, if Sansa regretted her actions and begged her for it, perhaps she could let her have a taste of what her heart so desired. A specific image invaded her head, Jon roughly taking his sister from behind with powerful thrusts as her loud moans were drowned out in her cunt. It turned her on in ways she didn't think possible, imagining the proud Lady of Winterfell, a complete mess as she ate her pussy and cleaned her brother's cum from her, while she held her in place with a tight grip on that reddish hair of hers.

Daenerys simply could resist no longer and sealed her lips with Jon's again, kissing him hard and lustfully as she quickly began to undress him. Beginning by removing his sword belt and dropping it to the side, before starting to work on his gambeson and telling him.

"I want you to fuck me Jon, hard. Hard enough so that everyone in Winterfell can hear me screaming your name."

Loud enough so your sister can hear me.

This time it was Jon who quickly leaned over to her and in the same manner began to undress her, but it was at that moment that they heard a knock at the door. At first, they both ignored it and continued to be engrossed in each other, but it wasn't long before they heard the knocking again, this time much more demanding. Forcing Jon to stop his advances on her and break away from her lips so he could yell at whoever was bothering them.

" Fuck off!"

Daenerys ended up undressing his upper half, removing his linen shirt and quickly begin to kiss and worship his muscular body, especially the hideous scars that adorned it, she always made sure to kiss with special love those parts. But she was surprised that, despite Jon's warning, they heard the person knocking on the door once again, this time even accompanied by a voice.

"Jon? Is it me, Sam" the man said, speaking a little awkwardly and sounding very nervous, "There's something important I have to tell you, are you busy?"

Daenerys couldn't care less who this was, so she simply went about her task of undressing her man. Not hesitating she got down on her knees and began working on the laces of his breeches as Jon replied to his friend.

"Aye, I'm in the middle of something now, Sam. Come back later." As soon as he finished speaking Daenerys finally released his cock, not hesitating to wrap a hand around it and look greedily at its impressive length, before beginning to stroke it lightly.

Leaning forward, Daenerys kissed the tip of his cock and then let out a deep, sexy laugh as it throbbed in her hand. Looking up at him, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed the top third of his length. As Jon moaned, Daenerys swirled her tongue around it and then sucked hard as she pulled back.

"Mhh, I really missed this. I missed your taste, my King" Daenerys whispered seductively to him.

But the moment was interrupted when Jon heard Sam's annoyed voice again, "It's an important matter, Jon. Bran mentioned that it was a family affair. And that it was something really urgent, and I really think you should really listen to him."

As Sam continued to speak through the door, Daenerys took him again into her warm mouth, she went up and down his shaft, each time taking him deeper and deeper until she reached a little over half of his length. And through it all, she always kept her gaze on him as she practically made love to his cock, licking, and sucking every inch she could comfortably reach.

"Damn" Jon gasped, as he held a handful of her platinum golden hair, but not forcing her to go deep and simply letting her go at her own pace.

Unfortunately, he was again pulled out of the trance and the pleasurable sensation that the beautiful woman on her knees in front of him was giving him, when he again heard the knock on the door and Sam, again asking him.

"Jon? Are you still there?"

" Bloody hell, Sam! I told you I'll be there in a minute, now fuck off" Jon shouted again and this time they were not interrupted again.

Turning his attention back to Daenerys he saw her looking up at him with her dark violet eyes conveyed her smugness as she slowly trailed her lips along his shaft to his head where Daenerys bathed him with her soft tongue. As she parted from him, a long trickle of thick saliva spread from his glistening head to her lower lip. With shining eyes, she stared at him as she pursed her lips and blew cool air over his wet tip, making his legs tremble from the sensation before she told him.

"I thought he would never leave. Now, just focus on me, Jon. And make sure you leave a big load in my mouth; your Queen wants to taste you."

Quickly Daenerys pushed down and encircled his cold glans in her hot mouth, her tongue twisting along the underside of his shaft, pressing her head against the back of her mouth and humming. Jon groaned as the vibrations went from the roof of his mouth to the head of his cock and up his spine.

"Holy shit!" Jon groaned, his hands unconsciously clenching her hair.

As if she knew he was close, Daenerys began to move her head in short, quick movements over it. The sudden change was so overwhelming that Jon's breath caught in his throat, and he couldn't make his voice work to warn her.

Jon's cock swelled against her tongue, and she paused with its head trapped firmly between her lips as her hand flew up and down his slippery shaft. Jet after jet of thick, hot cum filled her mouth as Daenerys quietly sucked on his tip.

By the time he finished his climax, Jon nearly collapsed on his weak legs. Daenerys kept her lips tightly closed as she pulled away from him. Tilting her head back she showed him the pool of cum that bathed her tongue before closing her mouth and swallowing heavily twice.

"Fucking hells woman" Jon gasped as he tried to compose himself. On the other side, Daenerys only watched him amusedly still on her knees.

Helping her to her feet and giving her a brief, but meaningful kiss on the lips, Jon began to tie his pants. Which, Daenerys noticed and looked at him strangely and indignantly before asking.

"Are you really going to leave?"

Holding her now annoyed face again, Jon pecked her lips, trying to appease her before telling her. "He said it was important and that it was a family matter." When he saw that his words didn't seem to appease her, he added. "I assure you I will not delay, and I promise to make it up to you. So, why don't you be a good wife and keep the bed warm for me, all right? And you better not be wearing anything, because I'll rip it off anyway." He finished by saying, with a charming smile, which seemed to do the trick.

Daenerys flashed him a slight smile before she said, "You better not keep me waiting too long, Jon Snow."

With a final peck on the lips, which she tried to deepen, he told her. "I wouldn't dare."

Bidding Daenerys farewell, he opened the door and closed it again before leaving, heading off to find Sam and Brandon. Wanting to get whatever they had to tell him over with as quickly as possible and be able to return to Daenerys' warm bed.

Though, unbeknownst to him. Jon was heading towards the moment that would change his life forever. On that night, Jon Snow would die for the second time, but in the same way he did before, he would be born again.


I hope you enjoy the chapter, interesting and exciting things are coming. The next update will be of The White Wolf, with the long awaited Smut between Jon and Rhaella, although Patreon still doesn't answer me, I hope they do it soon so I can re-upload it. From now on I will also be publishing an Epub version with the chapters so you can download them, maybe later I will also upload it in more versions like HTML and PDF. 



Oh come on man you can’t juste leave us right here you need to update asap please 🥵🥺