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Hello everyone. First of all, let me Thank You for reaching 100 Patreon subscribers, the support from you guys has really been incredible. I really thank you, from the bottom of my heart, I hope to continue growing and be able to do this full time, which is my goal. 

Now, what you come to, yes, I know. Late again. I don't want to make excuses, I don't like doing that, I just want you to know that whenever I can, I am writing. And I know I told you there would be two updates this week, but I don't think I can do that, so I'll move it to the next week, I'll do my best, not to disappoint you this time. I hope you enjoy the chapter, the next update will be OF, with the debut of Nymeria, see you soon.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon couldn't believe how lucky he had been to meet Daenerys and Sansa. Of course, he had always been a man who knew how to have fun, especially when it came to women. Being a man who had had multiple very memorable experiences with numerous different women, all very beautiful and all always very willing for him. For he always made sure to give them the time of their lives, always leaving them eager for more of him.

But with Daenerys and Sansa it was exactly the opposite, he just couldn't get enough of them. If he didn't see them he missed them deeply and couldn't stop thinking about them. They had taken up all his thoughts, his world seemed to revolve around them. And that was a strange thing for him, since he wasn't the kind of guy who formed attachments, at least not romantic ones. You could even say that he never had a 'serious girlfriend' that he had been with on a long term basis, despite the fact that he had never lacked for women in his life. But he simply had no feelings for them other than sex. That no matter how passionate or good it might be, he never had the intention or desire for it to turn into a romantic relationship. Or at least it did, until he met Daenerys and Sansa.

From the first time he laid eyes on both women, he knew there was something different about them. And he wasn't just talking about how almost perfectly beautiful they both were, though no doubt that helped too. Sansa with her tall build, sophisticated looks and sexy, athletic body. Jon loved the feeling of having her long legs wrapped around him, as if she never wanted to let him go or the way she always seemed so needy of him. Jon simply couldn't help but devastate her at every turn, and Daenerys was certainly not far behind. Despite her petite size, Daenerys had a body with curves in all the right places, medium firm breasts, wide hips and a perfectly round ass topped by two beautiful legs. And most of all her face, Jon could never understand how her face could look all innocent and sensual at the same time.

He simply couldn't get enough of them, and for the first time he wasn't just talking about sex. Though he was sure he had never had so much fun with other women, than he had with the one he had with Daenerys and Sansa. But other than that, he really enjoyed their company beyond the sex.

In these last few months Jon had practically moved in together with them, spending more of his time at their home than in his own apartment. Although, he definitely wasn't complaining, he would much rather be in their comfortable, homelike home in the company of beautiful women than be in his spacious, lonely apartment. Most of that time, he spent together with Sansa, as unfortunately due to Daenerys' schedule as a nurse, it was very demanding and it was not strange for her to have very long shifts. So after his morning workout routine and finishing his remote work, he would head to the girls' house and spend the evenings together with Sansa.

Usually they would spend it watching a movie, doing some activity or just fucking. But strangely enough what he ended up enjoying the most, obviously aside from sex, was helping her with her teaching job. If there was one thing Sansa really loved it was her job, and especially the children she taught.

"They are my children" Sansa had told her with a bright smile.

It was an easy thing to notice how much she loved those children, how excited she was about her job and being the best possible teacher for them. And it wasn't a big surprise when she told him, that one of her dreams is to be a mother and have many children of her own.

"Whenever I think of the future, I always see myself raising a large family together with Daenerys." She told him, before elaborating more on that, "I grew up in a large family of five siblings, I was always surrounded by restless and very energetic younger brothers and my very mischievous and unruly younger sister. As the second child of five, I often had to take care of my younger siblings. Even getting to the point where my youngest brother, Rickon. Several times he would mistake me for our Mother, though it also didn't help that we looked so much alike." Sansa let out a slight laugh at the memory of such moments, though then added more seriously, "It wasn't an easy job, it was very demanding and could even become very frustrating, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my brothers and I loved being able to take care of them, that was one of the big reasons why I decided to pursue a profession around children, I just love them, I always have."

"Sounds like you were an amazing sister Sansa, I'm sure your brothers are very grateful to have had you. And I'm sure you'll be an even more amazing mother" Jon told her, grabbing her hand and giving it a meaningful squeeze, prompting a grateful smile from the redhead.

"It's a beautiful picture, isn't it?" Sansa asked him with a beaming smile.

A bit confused, Jon asked her. "What picture?"

"Children," Sansa said happily, "I always wanted two or three, but I wouldn't mind having more. As I told you, I had four siblings, and I can't imagine my life if I hadn't grown up surrounded by them. I wish the same for my children, one big happy family, little angels, full of joy and happiness, running around the house. Some would have Dany's platinum golden hair and others might have my reddish hair. They would all grow up surrounded by their brothers and being loved by their mothers and father... it's a pretty picture, don't you think?"

Jon couldn't help but visualize the image that Sansa put in his mind; he had never really gotten around to imagining something like that. A big, homey house, a big family, children, maybe even a dog, he'd always wanted a dog since he was a boy, but most important of all. To be with Daenerys and Sansa, to be able to wake up every day together with them, not having to leave and go back to a lonely apartment, to definitely be a part of their lives, to be able to make a family together with them. He could never imagine something like that with the other women, but with them, maybe with them, he could have all that.

Realizing that he had been deep in thought for a long time and seeing that Sansa was still looking at him expectantly for an answer, he hastened to say as he slowly nodded his head, "That's a beautiful picture, Sans. Really beautiful."

A cheerful smile lit up her face as she heard his response, before telling him, "I knew you'd think alike. And now the three of us are on the same page."

Again, puzzled by her statement, Jon asked her, squinting his eyebrows slightly. "What?"

An amused Sansa, began to gather her things as she told him, "Daenerys, she has the same dream as I do. She also loves children and wants to have a big family, unfortunately her story is not as joyful as mine. Her parents did not have a great marriage, her brother saw her more as a burden than a sister to care for and as soon as he could he left. Although her older brother always did the best he could, he had his own family to take care of. So, I assured her that someday we would make one big family, where she would never be lonely again" Finally finishing packing everything up, she stood up and stared at him before saying, "And I assure you, Jon Snow, women like us, we make our dreams come true. So, think about that" She gave him one last smile, leaned over to kiss him goodbye before walking away and shouting from behind his back, "I'm going to take a shower, you're free to join me, if you wish."

For the first time in his life, Jon turned down an invitation like that and stayed in his seat, thinking about the unexpected conversation he had with Sansa, but no doubt a very revealing one.

That had happened a couple of hours ago, since then Jon hadn't been able to stop thinking about Sansa's words or the vision Sansa had put in his mind.

Starting a family - could he really do it?

He knew that his relationship with Daenerys and Sansa was unlike any other relationship he had had in the past, with any girl or girls. A slight smile graced his face as he remembered all the couples of girls who had invited him into their bed. Daenerys and Sansa had certainly been the most special, but by no means the only ones. And he wasn't just talking about Arianne and Margaery, they were simply the most recent. Jon remembered very well the first time one of his first lovers, Val. She had called him to chat with him, at first, he had thought it was an attempt to try to get back together with him, since they had always gotten along so well, even after they broke up. But to his great surprise when he arrived at her house, she was not alone, in fact, she was with her new girlfriend, Ygritte. She was a pretty, slender redhead, at first, he was confused by the whole situation, not knowing why Val had invited him over just to introduce him to his new girlfriend.

It was amusing to see the usually confident and straightforward Val try to explain the whole situation to him. Fighting against her own words, until Ygritte interrupted her and blurted out, that the reason they invited him was that. They wanted to fuck him, both of them. Jon's eyes widened comically, never having expected it to be anything like that, but he obviously ended up agreeing and slept with his ex and his girlfriend. And he did not regret having done it, without a doubt it was a very pleasant and very fun experience, since in addition to being very sexually compatible with both girls in bed, he got along very well with both girls outside of bed as well.

He liked how energetic and sassy Ygritte could be, and how she was willing to try anything in bed. How sensual and erotic Val was, but for all the great sex and how well they got along, they never connected romantically. And their relationship ended when he moved to Kings Landing, but they still remained friends and would message each other from time to time. The girls even mentioned to him that they tried to do the same thing with another guy, but then hilariously remarked how he was so nervous that he couldn't even get hard, despite having them both naked in his bed. After that dismal failure, they commented that they never tried again, the last thing he heard from them was that they were still together. So, Jon assumed things were going well for them.

The second couple of girls he was with was a more interesting one. Ironically, it was also through Arianne that he got to meet them, Elia Martell, and Ashara Dayne. Two very beautiful mature women, who, for some reason, neither of them had been lucky in love. Elia suffering a divorce after her husband left her for a younger girl, and Ashara Dayne suffering a heartbreak since she was young that left her as a single mother, both women found companionship and comfort in each other. And since neither had been in a relationship with another woman, they had some difficulty connecting sexually. That's where he came in, helping them both with their sexuality and making them feel more comfortable with each other, unfortunately their relationship didn't last long, but it was certainly one of the best of his life. Both girls were very nervous and shy at first, but once they let each other go it was simply amazing.

Jon was able to enjoy a seductive and experienced beauty like Elia, and a very submissive and voluptuous beauty like Ashara. It was one of the shortest relationships he had, but he certainly enjoyed every moment with them. Eventually, that would lead him to his most recent relationship, the one that would lead him to meet Daenerys and Sansa, Arianne, and Margaery. Perhaps the most casual, no-strings-attached relationship he had among them all, him already having previously met Arianne, a very sexually open woman and certainly one who liked to have fun. Even at one point, Jon thought they might become more than 'fuck buddies' because of how similar they were and how well they got along, but situations and circumstances prevented that. But just the same he was glad to discover that she had found a suitable match for her, as Margaery was.

Obviously being Arianne, he was not surprised when she offered to join her and his new girlfriend. Of course, Jon accepted such a proposal and ended up having a lot of fun with the beautiful couple, until one night when he was visiting them, due to a slight accident of Margaery forgetting to close the curtains, he was able to meet their neighbours who would end up changing his life completely.

And now, it had been three months since he met Daenerys and Sansa, and since then he had not been with other girls, other than them. Something that was not to the liking of Arianne, who amusingly accused Sansa and Dany of having stolen him. To which the redhead amusingly replied that she would repay her by introducing them to her brother. As for him, he simply couldn't be with other women when he was with Daenerys and Sansa, it just didn't feel right. Being with them, was completely different than any relationship he had before, they were special and now with the conversation he had with Sansa, he definitely wanted to have this for the rest of his life.

As he was about to get up and go find Sansa to tell her exactly that, but before he could, he felt a presence behind him, wrap her arms around him and place a tender kiss on his cheek. For a moment he thought it was Sansa, but the silver hair that fell over his face told him it was Daenerys.

"Hello handsome" she greeted him with a smile.

"Hey love, I didn't hear you come in" Jon told her, turning his face and giving her a proper kiss of greeting. Breaking the kiss, Daenerys let out a pleased sigh, starting to round the couch so she could join him. Setting her bag aside and lifting her legs onto the couch, she leaned back against him. Jon put an arm over her shoulder and began to rub her arm soothingly before asking.

"Long day?"

To which Daenerys simply replied with a tired hum of affirmation, but that didn't stop her from burying her face in the side of his neck and beginning to kiss him as she began to rub his chest with her delicate fingers.

"Wait, wait Dany. I want to talk to you about something" Jon hurried to say, before the situation could escalate any further.

"I'm listening" she said seductively in his ear, but at no time stopping kissing him and beginning to undo the buttons of his shirt.

"I've been thinking" Jon managed to say, letting out a slight gasp at Daenerys' attentions, "About us, about our relationship, about the future."

"And what was the conclusion you came to, Jon?" Daenerys asked him. This time pausing in her attempt to undress him and listen to him more carefully.

Holding her hand and turning so he could stare at her, Jon told her. "I want to be with you guys, I don't want this to be a simple sex-only relationship. I want to be able to give you everything you deserve and more, I want to live with you in the big house, I want to be the father of your children, I want to go to bed with you and wake up next to you, I want you both. I want to spend the rest of my life together with you."

Daenerys stood with a blank expression for several seconds causing Jon to worry a little, thinking that perhaps she did not wish the same. But slowly a smile began to form on her face, which was only growing with each passing second, until finally, her gaze shifted behind him, and she spoke. "I thought we had agreed that we wouldn't rush things and that we would both be the ones to tell him." Quickly deducing that she wasn't speaking to him, Jon turned around, only to find an amused and just as cheerful Sansa standing behind them.

The redhead who had surely heard Jon's entire statement, quickly walked over to them, settling herself against Jon's free side and beginning to hug and kiss him happily, before telling her girlfriend. "It's just that he was taking his sweet time, and why wait? We both knew what we wanted, and we knew what he wanted, I just gave him a slight nudge to make him realize it" Daenerys rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's poor attempt at an excuse, but still kept the smile on her face the whole time, before Sansa adds with a huge grin. "Besides, now we can start having the best kind of sex" Leaning closer to whisper in Jon's ear, she finished by saying, "The baby making kind."

Letting out an excited squeal, Sansa clung to him one more time as she told him. "I always wanted a little girl first, so I can style her long reddish hair the same way my mother did for me. And I'm sure she'll inherit her father's beautiful grey eyes. Oh, Jon, I can't wait to hold her in my arms. I know you will be a wonderful father; I love you. I love you so much."

The excited redhead began to place loving kisses on him, as if she was adoring him, or rather as if she was making him horny so that he could fill her to the brim with his seed and he could give her the daughter she so desired.

A little over embroidered by all that was going on and how things had escalated so quickly, Jon turned to Daenerys to find out her thoughts on all this. Daenerys looked at him with an amused smile before telling him, "Unlike Sansa, I'm not so eager to have children as quickly as possible. But...I've always wanted a boy; I'd like him to have his father's black curls and my mother's eyes. what do you think Jon?"

Jon only had to think about it for a second, before he turned his face towards Sansa and gave her a loving kiss on top of her head, causing her to raise her gaze towards him and Jon didn't miss the opportunity to close the distance and find his lips against hers. He kissed her passionately, slipping his tongue into her mouth and caressing her. Breaking the kiss, he turned to Daenerys and kissed her just as passionately before telling them.

"I think I am the luckiest man in the world to have you."

"Yes, you are." Both women told him with amused smiles on their faces, they shared even more kisses before finally Daenerys stood up and holding his hand began to lead him up the stairs. Of course, Jon held Sansa's hand and the three of them headed for their rooms.


As soon as they were through the door to their room, the three helped each other undress in near record time, before the girls threw him on the bed. Daenerys quickly positioned herself on top of him with a smile, so that her legs were right over his head and her head hovered over his cock. His eyes moved to her bubbly ass, her black thong was already damp over her mound and the backside disappeared between her luscious cheeks.

Holding his cock by the base, Daenerys took it between her red, fleshy lips and began bobbing her head. Jon hissed in pleasure and rested his hand on the back of her thigh. In this position he could not see Daenerys' face, but he could see the flushed, smouldering look on Sansa's face as he watched his girlfriend's lips descend further and further along his length. When the head of his cock pushed against the back of Daenerys' throat, she held it there for several seconds before pulling back to the tip as she sucked hard.

Moaning, Jon moved his hand up her thigh to squeeze and caress her round, firm cheeks. Drawing her knees up under her, Daenerys pushed back her hand, causing her ass to jut out at him. As soon as her mouth was off Jon's cock, Sansa lunged forward and swallowed half his length with a desperation he had never seen in her before.

"Hmm, you've become quite the cocksucker, Sans," Daenerys told her teasingly, before finishing by asking in a husky voice, "Do you enjoy sucking our man's cock so much?"

Sansa moaned along Jon's length and nodded her head carefully. With a mischievous grin on her face, Daenerys grabbed a handful of her red-haired locks and pulled them close to his tip. Suddenly, Jon could feel them both kissing around the head of his cock, their tongues sliding around his sensitive head. As they kissed, Jon ran the pad of his thumb along the gusset of Daenerys's damp panties. Stifling a low moan into Sansa's mouth, Daenerys pushed her hips against his hand.

"Ohhh, that feels good, Jon," Daenerys moaned.

Sansa's eyes darted to his arm and followed his movement to where they disappeared behind the blonde's wide hips. With her hand still in Sansa's hair, Daenerys pushed the redhead down onto his throbbing cock, her swollen pink lips stretched over his girth. Groaning at the sensation of Daenerys forcing her to take more and more of his cock, Jon ended up tearing her thin panties with his hands, drawing an indignant scream from Daenerys at first. Only for it to be quickly replaced by a choked cry of joy as she felt his fingers finally come into direct contact with her glistening lips.

Throwing her long platinum hair over her shoulder, Daenerys looked up at him with a sensual gaze just as he plunged his middle finger into her incredibly tight depths. Her tight, silky walls embraced his long, thick finger, coating him with her arousal.

With another moan, she pulled Sansa off his cock roughly only to seal her lips against hers greedily. The kiss was brief, however, as she soon pulled away and took his straining erection back into her mouth. As she moved rapidly up and down along his length, Sansa didn't hesitate to take his balls into her mouth, sucking them lightly and bathing them with her tongue.

"Holy shit," Jon growled.

Sliding a second finger into Daenerys' folds, he moved them rapidly back and forth as his thumb pressed against her hooded clit. Daenerys pulled away from him with a gasp and Sansa took her place as Daenerys moaned, then continued kissing and licking every part of his shaft that the redhead's lips could not reach. She paused to gasp and moan as Jon touched her furiously, trying to take her to the limit before he reached his own rapidly growing peak.

"Oh, fuck Jon! You don't know how happy I am that you decided to stay with us, I love you. I love you so much, I don't think I could have gone back to living without having you in my life or in my bed" Daenerys declared happily.

Pulling away from him, Sansa smiled happily and kissed Daenerys with all the love she could convey to her girlfriend, indicating that she felt the same. In the midst of their kiss, Daenerys began to tremble, letting out a brief squeak against her lips, Daenerys reached her peak. Her arousal soaked his hand as her walls fluttered. Jon continued to pleasure her through her climax and then slowed as she came down from her orgasm. When she recovered, Daenerys shared another quick kiss with Sansa before focusing on his cock.

Bobbing her head frantically, Daenerys bucked down on him hard, gagging and choking as his fat head hit the entrance to her throat. Sansa stared at him with a look of adoration as she went to work on the part of him that Daenerys' lips could not reach. The sound of loud sucking, gagging and slurping noises filled the room as the girls brought him rapidly towards his climax.

Jon let out a deep grunt as he came, filling Daenerys' mouth with a torrent of cum. Some of it spilled between her lips as she withdrew to suck the head. Below her, Sansa cleaned up the combination of saliva and semen with her tongue as it dripped down his throbbing shaft. At his tip, Daenerys sucked every last drop, causing him to hiss as she ran her tongue over his hypersensitive head.

Daenerys pulled away from his cock and cupped both of Sansa's cheeks, drawing her in for a cum-filled kiss. Jon couldn't help but lean to the side to get a better look, and his cock came back to life as he watched the girls exchange his cum with each other. It was without a doubt one of the most erotic things he had ever witnessed as their tongues danced back and forth between their mouths as they were coated with his pearly white seed.

Jon regained his full hardness faster than he thought humanly possible. Suddenly, Daenerys lifted Sansa, spun her around and then pushed her back until she fell into Jon's lap. She reached down and removed her girlfriend's panties, almost pulling her off Jon's lap if it hadn't been for his arm around her waist. Kneeling, Daenerys took his shaft in her hand and slapped it against Sansa's folds.

The wet smack they heard told them all just how excited she was.

"Please don't tease me, Dany. I need it, I need it so badly" Sansa whimpered needily.

"Pick her up" Daenerys instructed Jon.

Grasping Sansa's milky thighs with his hands, Jon lifted her easily. Smiling, Daenerys lined him up with her entrance.

"Oh, Yessssss!" Sansa gasped happily, throwing her head back.

Slowly, Jon lowered her, and Daenerys watched in fascination as her girlfriend's little pussy stretched to accommodate Jon's big cock.

"Faster, Jon. Fuck her faster, give her what she wants. Fill her with your seed" Daenerys shouted.

Sansa let out a sharp cry as Jon really began to thrust into her.

Unable to stand still at such a sight, Daenerys leaned forward and licked the spot where they were connected. Her nose accidentally brushed Sansa's clit, making her gasp loudly.

"Dany!" Sansa cried out.

Smiling, Daenerys licked her clit, taking it between her lips and sucking on it. Sansa gasped and squirmed, a gush of her arousal spurting from her slit. Jon was obviously thrilled by the sight and began thrusting harder and faster, his balls slapping Daenerys' chin and lips.

Suddenly, Sansa screamed loudly, and a burst of excitement erupted from her. Daenerys recoiled in surprise and looked down as drops of arousal fell on her breasts. Sansa's walls became impossibly tight which ended up bringing Jon to another orgasm. Burying his cock as deep as he could inside her, Jon came. With each pulse, he thrust against her roughly, grunting with each shot. When he finally finished leaving one of the biggest loads of cum inside the redhead, she finally fell limp in his arms, panting heavily.

Daenerys and Sansa crawled over to lie on either side of him, their heads resting on his chest.

"You came so much inside me that you left me dripping, maybe you even left a baby in me already" Sansa told him dreamily as she took his hand and placed it on her flat belly.

Daenerys let out a light chuckle as she looked amusedly at her girlfriend before saying, "I think it's still too early to know that Sans."

Which caused the redhead to pout prettily as she said, "Well, then I guess Jon should keep cumming inside me, until we're sure he's gotten me pregnant, don't you think?"

"Hey, that's not fair, it's my turn. I want Jon to fuck me too, even though it's not for reproductive purposes, yet" Daenerys moaned amusedly.

"Girls, girls, girls, please calm down. I need a minute anyway, I can't fuck anyone yet" Jon told them, causing them both to turn their gaze to his spent manhood. Before they looked back at each other, with a knowing smile on their faces.

"That's not a problem" Sansa declared confidently. "At least not when you have two beautiful girlfriends who can fix it" Daenerys finished by saying, before they both started to descend on his body, leaving a trail of kisses on him. Until finally they were level with his cock and began to kiss and lick him as they stared into his eyes with pleasured smiles.

It only took them a couple of seconds to get his cock back to full mast. "Remember Jon, you now have two girlfriends to please" Daenerys told him before Sansa continued, "And care" Daenerys did the same after her, "And worship" for Sansa finally finished, "So, we're counting on you, Jon."

" Bloody hell" Jon gasped at the same time as both girls began to worship his stiff erection.

No doubt it would be a very demanding life, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. Not when he felt like the luckiest man in the world.


A few years later...

No sooner had Jon walked through the door of his house than he was instantly accosted by a hyperactive little girl with long reddish hair, who wrapped her little arms around his leg.

"Daddy! Daddy!" his daughter Rhaella shouted happily, as soon as she saw him walk in. Ghost the puppy they had adopted a year ago, now almost twice the girl's size, barked excitedly beside her.

"There's my baby girl," Jon said lifting the four-year-old girl with a smile as he scratched the animal's head, before turning his full attention to his daughter. Oddly enough, Lyanna had inherited her mother's long reddish hair and the greyish eyes, just as Sansa had said.

"Hey, sweetheart how was work?" Daenerys asked, tickling her daughter's side, and making her giggle.

"Excellent, I think finally after three years, I can hold a fluent Valyrian conversation" Jon answered her amusedly, eliciting a smile from Daenerys.

Jon had to leave his old job when they all moved to Daenerys' home country, since in Westeros, he could not marry the two women he loved. Fortunately, the Valyrians were much more permissive in that regard. They had to marry in the traditional Valyrian method and not in front of a Heart Tree as Jon wished. But apart from that, he had to learn a new language and get a new job, but he was not the only one who had difficulties, as it was the same for Sansa.

Although for her the hardest thing was to separate from her children, since being Daenerys' partner for years she had a high level of understanding of Valyrian. And as intelligent as she was, it only took her two months to fully master the language and due to her high recommendations, she was able to get a job quickly, although she ended up rejecting it, deciding to stay at home full time to take care of their daughter. As for him, unlike his wife, he struggled for years with the language, mostly due to his thick accent, it took him a few months to be able to understand and write perfectly in Valyrian but speaking it... was a totally different matter.

But after a few years, the language simply grew on him. Although his slight accent persisted, it was nothing as bad as it was a few years ago. But the funny thing was that his accent seemed to be somewhat attractive to Valyrian women, as they always seemed to be attracted to him, although it was also due to his looks. And he had some difficulty handling them, because of how similar they could be to Daenerys, though in his eyes, none were as beautiful as she was.

His life had changed so much in just a few years, but it wasn't a bad change at all, especially when every day, he came home, and his wives and children greeted him so lovingly.

Daenerys took Lyanna from his arms and carried her into the large, luxurious living room of their home, along with Sansa and Dany's savings, along with her own. They had managed to buy a huge house, with a spacious and beautiful inner courtyard, where the children could play. Jon followed Dany and there he found Sansa who was nursing her son, Rhaegar. A boy who, unlike Lyanna, had inherited his black curly hair and his mother's blue eyes.

Quickly approaching his wife and son, he greeted them both. "Hello love" Jon told them depositing a tender kiss on Sansa's lips and one on his son's head.

Jon set his bag aside and quickly joined them, embracing Sansa and running his hand over his son's head. Daenerys also joined them, sitting at their other end, with Lyanna on her lap. Jon also slipped an arm over her shoulder and pressed her next to his side, depositing a loving kiss on her lips, eliciting a sound of displeasure from his daughter, making them all laugh.

"None of that, miss. Your daddy loves us very much that's why he kisses us, in fact, without your father's kisses, we wouldn't have had you" Daenerys said amusedly to her daughter, before shifting to a more serious tone and looking him in the eyes before adding, "And without his kisses, you wouldn't have a new baby brother on the way to play with."

A new baby brother?" Lyanna said excitedly.

Jon's eyes widened in surprise before turning his gaze to Daenerys' belly and finally noticing the slight swell showing, before asking her a bit awkwardly and hopefully.


Daenerys nodded excitedly as well, slight tears of happiness overflowing her eyes before she embraced him. Jon returned her hug, before turning to Sansa who also had a look of pure happiness on her face.

"I love them, both of you. I love you so much" Jon said hugging them both, Sansa and Daenerys rested their heads on his shoulder before answering him at the same time.

"We love you too Jon."

"You gave us the family we always wanted" Sansa told him, for Daenerys then Daenerys added amusedly, "I don't think we can ever thank Margaery enough for forgetting to close that curtain." Making everyone laugh, Jon placed one last kiss on the heads of both women before allowing himself to close his eyes and feel how lucky he was to have met them. His life definitely never felt complete until he met Daenerys and Sansa, they truly gave his life meaning.


Technically this is the end of this story, but I will add more chapters, about Jon's encounters with his past partners. It really will be pure erotica, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. The chapters will most likely be exclusive to Patreon.



It was a really god chapter i love the ship Jon/Dany/Sansa hope to see it more.


It's a very popular ship and one that I enjoyed writing about. So we'll surely see it in other Fics, later on.