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See the end of the chapter for notes.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon anxiously and excitedly headed for the door as soon as he heard the doorbell ring. Having finished his session with Ros and Val last night, he had picked up his phone and arranged his next 'meeting'. Answering the messages that Alayaya and Nymeria, Arianne's cousin, had left him. Agreeing to meet with both of them, the only question to decide would be who he would meet with first, he thought about it for a few minutes, before finally making his decision and in the end, he was happy with it. Especially when he turned the doorknob and opened the door, revealing his guest for the day.

The beautiful sight that was Alayaya Waters rejoiced his eyes, the lush dark-skinned woman greeted him with a bright and large smile on her face, before saying. "Hello, Jon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person." Her voice coming out sensually erotic and still maintaining a slight summer island accent, despite having lived for many years now in Kings Landing.

The seductive woman extended a slender, delicate hand toward him in greeting. And Jon of course was quick to take it, before bringing it to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of it. "A pleasure to meet you too, Alayaya. And let me tell you, you are just as beautiful as in the pictures and videos" Jon told her with a knowing smile. Which Alayaya didn't hesitate to return it, before telling him with a smile. "I'm a big fan of your work too, Jon. Believe me when I tell you that I've watched every video of yours and have been anxiously awaiting the day when we can finally work together. Let me also tell you though, you're not an easy man to reach out to. You've become so popular in such a short amount of time, I think every woman on the platform wants a piece of you, literally speaking." She finished by saying with an amused smile.

"My apologies if it seemed like I was making you wait, believe me I wish I could have worked with you sooner. But as you said yourself, these last few weeks, have been pretty hectic. And to be fair, it takes a lot longer for a man to recover than it does for a woman," Jon finished.

With a tentative look in her eyes, Alayaya moved closer to him, until her soft, large breasts were pressed against his torso. Alayaya lifted her left hand and ran one of her long fingernails, down his right pec and slowly sliding upward, and lifting her gaze to him, she said. "But you are not one to tire, Jon Snow. I've seen you go for hours; I have videos to confirm it."

Amused by her words, Jon playfully replied, "You should see me after the cameras go off, love. All you wicked, insatiable women, always make sure to drain every last drop from me. There's a limit to what a man can take."

His words had the desired effect and managed to draw an amused chuckle from the beautiful ebony woman. When her lovely laughter died down, she told him, using an exaggerated mocking tone, along with a cute pout. "Oh, poor little guy, Jon. He gets his cock sucked dry, night after night." Her hand slowly moving down his pec, until she reached her new destination and could palm his cock through his pants, starting to rub it quickly, making him let out a slight moan. "It must be hard for this boy, what a hard life he must have. Although he doesn't seem to shrink from my touch. Mhh, quite the opposite, I think he's excited." Alayaya wrapped her right arm around his neck, making him lean towards her, tucking her face into the side of his neck, she bit his earlobe, before whispering into his ear. "I think it knows; it knows that tonight it will be sucked dry again."

Letting out a deep growl, at her seductive words and at the feeling of her erotic body pressed against his, and the sensation of having her hand rubbing his cock. It was too much for him to resist, wrapping a strong arm around her slender waist, making sure to hold her in place. Jon leaned over her and captured her succulent, thick lips in a hungry, tongue-filled kiss. Resting his hands on her hips as they kissed, Jon began to slide them down, until he grabbed a handful of her full, round cheek, giving it a firm squeeze. Making Alayaya stifle a moan in his mouth, as he continued to rub his cock through his pants.

When they finally broke apart for air, Jon rested his forehead on hers and said, " You're all the same."

Making the beautiful chocolate-skinned woman laugh, finally removing her hand from his cock, leaving it already almost painfully hard in his pants, she said to him. "Are you going to invite me in, Jon Snow? or are you going to make me suck your cock out here?" Before finally adding with a mischievous grin, “I wouldn't mind if that were the case.”

Laughing at her unbridled attitude, Jon replied. "As tempting as that sounds, I think I'd get in quite a bit of trouble, if we actually did that. So, why don't you just come inside?"

Jon stepped aside and gave her room so she could pass, of course taking advantage of the moment to glance at her lush body. For this visit, Alayaya had donned a peach-coloured mini dress, which did an excellent job of clinging to her curvaceous figure. Leaving her long, toned legs exposed, as well as her arms and shoulders, the dress was only held at her shoulders by thin straps, revealing a generous amount of cleavage. Alayaya finished off the look, with high heels of matching colour, which gave her an elegant and sensual demeanour, also helping her round butt to stand out to a more.

"Nice place" She commented, scanning his luxurious apartment.

"Aye, the view is wonderful" Was Jon's reply, never taking his eyes off of her.

Feeling his intense gaze on her, Alayaya turned her face so she could look at him over her shoulder and with a smile, beckoned him with a finger to come closer to her. Drawn to her, like a moth to a flame, Jon took long strides until he positioned himself behind her and wrapped her seductive body in his arms, pressing her against him.

"You know, I have a confession to make," Alayaya told him, resting her arms on his and resting her head on his shoulder. "The first time I saw you, I thought you'd just be one of the lots. A pretty boy with a nice cock, but the more I watched your videos, I could tell there was something different about you. And now that I have you in person, I can confirm it. There's something special about you, Jon Snow."

Intrigued by her words, Jon asked her as he began to leave loving kisses on her head and slowly begin to descend upon her. "And what would that be, love." Alayaya tilted her head to the side, giving him a better angle to properly worship her.

"Hmm" Alayaya let out a placid moan at his attentions, before saying. "I haven't figured it out yet, but definitely, there's something" To then widen her eyes and look at him with an amused smile, "And I'm not talking about your friend who's poking me right now." After saying that, Alayaya started rubbing her ass against his crotch.

Jon had his face buried in the hollow of her neck, enjoying kissing and biting her beautiful caramel skin, all the way up to the level of her ear and whispering to her. "And whose fault do you think it is."

With a smile, Alayaya stretched her arm back to grab the back of his neck. Turning her head, she pushed him down and sealed her lips against his. As they kissed, she pushed her ass against him, further stimulating his growing erection. Jon didn't keep his hands to himself, sliding his hands down her stomach, he cupped her firm breasts through the thin fabric of her dress, making her let out a moan, which she stifled against his lips.

When they broke the kiss, Alayaya was finally able to express her thoughts, telling him. "I think you were a King."

A confused and amused Jon, asked her incredulously, "A what?"

"It just makes sense, Jon. You have the aura of a King. Haven't you ever wondered, why all those women spread their legs so willingly for you? Why are they so attracted to you? Or why they always end up submitting to you in the end?" She questioned him, before answering herself. "It is because it is your right, a King takes what he wants."

Jon didn't know what to make of that, he was almost sure she was just playing with him, but a small part of him thought she was actually being serious. But in the end, he decided to take it lightly, so he just decided to play along.

"So, am I a King? Or was I a King?" Jon asked her.

"You have the aura of one." Was Alayaya's simple reply.

"Well, now you have me curious. If according to you, I was a King in ancient times" Jon said, feeling that the conversation had taken a strange turn, but he was having fun. Besides, he could keep groping Alayaya's delicious body in the process, so he continued the conversation by asking her, "What were you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I was a whore" Alayaya answered him matter-of-factly.

As soon as Jon heard those words, his hands stopped, his expression became even more quizzical for a few seconds before he looked her straight in the eyes and spoke. "I'm sure you wouldn't have been a whore, Alayaya."

To which the latter replied, "I don't mind, especially if I were serving someone like you." Turning around, so that she could face him face to face and again reach down a hand to rub his cock and say to him. "It would be an honour to worship this royal cock, after all it is only natural to kneel when in the presence of a King."

Following his words to the right, Alayaya began to kneel down slowly. Jon quickly realized her intentions and tried to dissuade her, but it was only in vain. "Wait, Alayaya, we should head upstairs, I'd also like to have fun with you off camera, but I've never done it before filming, it feels unprofessional."

Ignoring him completely and already positioned on her knees, Alayaya said to him. "Please, my King. Call me Yaya."

His cock throbbed as the beautiful ebony woman reached for his belt. With quick, nimble fingers, she opened the front of his pants and reached out to pull out his hard length. Stroking his shaft lightly, Alayaya opened her mouth and swallowed half of it. Keeping her eyes locked on his, she sucked hard as she backed up to the tip, then paused to swirl her tongue around his swollen glands. When she pulled away from him, his cock was covered in her saliva and throbbing in her hand.

Alayaya gave him a smile, before taking his head between her lips and ran one hand from her stomach to her prominent breasts, pushing them up, presenting them to him and almost causing them to slip out of her tiny dress. Moving the other hand to his shaft, she began to move her head, taking him deeper and deeper each time.

Running a hand through her long dark hair, and already deep into it, to pull back, Jon said to her. "A good whore, I could take it all."

Alayaya gave him a defiant look, and grabbing his thighs, used them as leverage to propel herself forward. Her chest heaved as she felt herself retching and squinted. Pulling back slightly, she took a deep breath before moving forward again, forcing a couple of inches of his cock into her tight, spasming throat as she choked and gagged hard. Long, thick gobs of saliva fell from her lips as she tugged on his legs, slowly and determinedly pushing her lips closer to his base.

Jon looked at her in pleasant surprise, not expecting her to go so far and get so deep into the role, despite there being no cameras. She was absolutely determined to swallow his entire length and watching her literally fucking her own face with his cock had him harder than a steel rod. As she moved forward again, his hands reached out and ran through her long hair as he let out a deep groan.

Again and again, Alayaya gagged on his length, her lips stopping just an inch from his base. Pulling out completely, she looked at his shaft and spit it out before stroking his slimy, saliva-covered length with her hand. Parting her plump lips, she thrust forward again, her other hand grasping his ass and pushing it forward. Even as she shook her head from side to side, she simply couldn't finish swallowing the last inch in her throat.

"Fuck, my king. You're so big" Alayaya told him, pulling back just enough so she could catch her breath. "Please grab the back of my head and make me take you, make me swallow this magnificent cock all the way down my throat. Please use your whore."

Unable to refuse a request like that, Jon grabbed the back of her head with both hands, waited until she began to thrust forward again before pulling her towards his base. Alayaya had her eyes tightly shut and tears welled at the corners of her eyes. A stream of saliva ran down her chin as she choked on his girth. When she reached the point where she could go no further on her own, Jon planted his feet and pushed her head down, forcibly pushing the last inch and a half into her throat and pressing her nose against his pelvis.

Jon moaned at the exquisite sensation of her tight, hot throat spasming wildly around his cock as he held her in place for several seconds. As soon as she began to pull back, he relaxed his grip, and she slowly withdrew completely.

Alayaya's breasts quivered and jiggled as she took deep breaths and coughed to clear her abused throat.

" Such a good little whore," Jon said, complimenting her.

Alayaya flashed him a smile and looked up at him with a bright, lustful look in her chocolate eyes.

"Your whore, my King. Your whore for your personal use." Alayaya told him, opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around his head again, bringing one hand down to bury it between her legs as she gave him an expectant look.

Smiling in disbelief, Jon grabbed her head before pushing her down, taking his cock back into her mouth and down her throat. He started slowly, gradually picking up speed until he was brutally fucking her throat. Alayaya took it all willingly as she furiously touched herself. More tears ran down her eyes, smearing her makeup as loud, wet gagging sounds filled his living room. From time to time, Jon would hold her down with his cock buried deep in her throat until she was squirming before letting her rise to take quick, deep breaths.

Increasingly, his movements became faster and more aggressive as his climax grew. Alayaya's eyes remained closed, looking as if she were in her own little world as he continued to use and abuse her tight little throat. Finally, Jon could hold back no longer.

"You've proven yourself to be a first-class whore, Yaya. And as a reward I'll let you choose where you want it" Jon told her as he spurted out of her mouth, droplets of thick, slimy saliva dripping from his shaft and her bruised lips.

"In my mouth, I want to taste it, my King. Let me taste that royal seed" Alayaya told him, gasping for breath as she continued to touch herself.

Smiling, Jon inserted his cock between her lips and drove it straight down her throat. With short, quick lunges, he held her head in place and pounded her throat mercilessly. He continued, desperately chasing his own orgasm as she began to pull back from lack of air. A moment later, Jon buried himself as deep as he could and came directly into her throat.

Alayaya writhed and shook wildly, not trying to escape his grip, but as she reached her own climax. Jon pulsed several times pushing large amounts of cum directly into her stomach, before finally pulling out, pulling his length out of her mouth. Alayaya gasped desperately for air, her mouth open in a silent scream as she rode her orgasm. He stroked himself roughly, his cock continuing to throb as long, thick streams of cum painted her face and landed in her mouth.

When they were done, they were both breathless, and Alayaya's face was a saliva and cum covered mess. Just the sight of this ebony goddess' gorgeous face covered in his white cum, creating a magnificent contrast, was more than enough to get him hard again in just a couple of seconds, especially when she told him with a seductive smile as she collected the traces of cum that had spilled down her face using her fingers before taking it to her lips and swallowing them with extreme pleasure.

"Did I serve you well, my King?"

Jon had to make a herculean effort, lest he be tempted to take her right there and send his job to hell, but fortunately he was able to control himself and tell her, "You were much more than just fine, love."

Alayaya gave him a satisfied smile at his words, "I'm happy to hear that, my King. But we're not done yet." She told him, doing the work of pulling his pants back up and re-tying his belt. When she finished doing this, Jon was quick to extend a hand to her, helping her to her feet.

"Thank you, my King" she thanked him, still deep in her role. Oh so Jon wanted to believe, "Now why don't we head to your rooms, so I can give you the full service." Alayaya told him, using the grip she had on his hand, she led him upstairs. Of course, Jon just went with the flow, unable to tear his gaze from her hypnotic sway of her hips as he walked behind her.


Entering his room, which as usual on days when he brought one of his 'special guests', this one looked more like a filming studio than an ordinary bedroom. There were cameras positioned at every possible angle, ready and prepared to capture every erotic moment and angle of the sinful acts that would take place within these four walls. Two large light panels were positioned in the corners of the room, to provide better illumination, as the natural light coming through their windows was mostly insufficient.

"Why don't you get everything ready while I get ready" Alayaya instructed him, before adding. "Let's show people how a King fucks and uses a whore."

Jon heeded her and moved quickly towards the main camera which was the one positioned right in front of his bed, just at that moment, Jon watched as Alayaya began to undress and forgot everything he was doing just to contemplate the show.

Jon watched intently as she unzipped her dress and slipped the straps off her shoulders, revealing inch after inch of smooth, dark chocolate skin. When the dress reached her wide hips, Alayaya shook them back and forth tantalizingly as she pulled it down her legs and let it fall to the floor. Leaving her now in only her sexy semi-transparent black lace lingerie, Alayaya sat on her bed and crossed her toned legs and giving him a sexy smile she said, "Whenever you are ready, my King."

With an amused smile, Jon grabbed the main camera and lifted it up, pulling it off its tripod, as he always did to make his presentation.

" Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well. Personally, I'm great, and how can I not be when having such good company, last time we had two wonderful and beautiful female guests, I hope you have gone through their profiles and enjoyed their content. But today is a new day, and we have a new guest, I'm sure many of you already know her. So, why don't we stop with the mysteries and say hello to our audience, love" Jon said, finally turning the camera towards Alayaya, who waved towards the camera. "Hello loves, I'm happy you've decided to join us, and I hope you're ready to see me get fucked raw, by this amazing, beautiful man." The beautiful dark-skinned woman said, looking at him with lustful eyes and biting her lower lip hungrily.

Fuck, this woman is definitely something else. Jon thought amusedly, as he shook his head.

Before he could continue with introductions and classic light conversation, before getting to the fun, Alayaya beat him to it, suggesting. "I know you like to ask a few questions before we get into the action, but why don't we skip that part, and you join me. I'm sure our viewers won't mind."

Thinking about it for a few seconds and coming to the conclusion that she was right, Jon put the camera back down on its tripod before he could start stripping and joining her, but before he could even start, she interrupted him again.

"No, please. Let me" she told him, standing up and passing the camera and taking him by the hand, pulling him along with her. Now both facing the camera, Alayaya began to unbutton the buttons of his shirt as she told him, "Remember, you are a King. You shouldn't bother with such trivial tasks, not when you have someone else to do it for you."

"So, I shouldn't bother dressing or undressing, by myself?" Jon asked her with a slight smile. Alayaya finished unbuttoning his shirt and finished taking it off, tossing it over his shoulders, before answering him. "Of course not, you should always have a beautiful and willing woman, ready to serve you. Fortunately for me, I can be that woman today."

Alayaya ran her hands over his chest and abs, before kneeling before him again, unbuttoning the front of his pants. When his button and fly were open, she grabbed the waistband of his pants along with his boxers, and pulled them down his legs, letting his hard cock spring free.

Her eyes followed his bobbing cock, licking her lips as she stared at him. Alayaya tilted her head and looked him in the eyes as she stuck her tongue out and ran it along his shaft.

"You were blessed by the Gods themselves, my King. What a magnificent cock you have." She said, her lips so close to his cock that he could feel her warm breath running across his sensitive skin.

Placing a kiss at the base of his cock, she ran her tongue along the underside of his length again, flicking it when she reached the head. Taking it in her hand, she held it up and ran her tongue up and down its length. A moment later, she leaned over him and opened her lips, letting a long trickle of warm saliva flow from her mouth to drip onto the head of his cock. Jon dropped his head back and moaned as she rubbed her palm over the wet head and spread her saliva all over the thick shaft of his throbbing cock.

Alayaya stroked his length several times before leaning down and taking the first few inches of his cock into her mouth, her plump lips stretched around his girth. Jon ran his hands through her thick, dark hair, but this time without forcing it, letting her freely move her head up and down his length at her own pace. Sucking hard and swirling her tongue around the head, she lifted her hips a little, trying to push the entirety of his shaft into her hot, sucking mouth. A few moments later, Jon couldn't help but feel disappointed when she pulled away from him, but only for a few moments as she kissed her way up his body until she claimed his lips in a passionate, but brief kiss.

"Fuck, I can't wait any longer, my King. I need to feel you inside me; I need you to fuck me, please, my King." Alayaya pleaded with a seductive tone, which he couldn't resist.

Jon wrapped his arms around her tightly and easily lifted her up, carrying her to the bed behind them. The moment he set her down on the mattress, Alayaya pulled him down with her and kissed him passionately, his hands did not stay still and quickly reached for the clasp of her bra, finally unfastening it, and removing it. Leaving the glorious dark skin exposed, her hard light brown nipples came into view. Tossing the bra to the side, Jon reached for one of her soft breasts in his hands, marvelling at how soft they felt as her mounds easily filled his hands. Unable to resist the temptation to lean forward and take her erect nipple into his mouth.

Alayaya moaned and ran her fingers through his curls as he squeezed, cupped, sucked and licked her wonderful breasts. The smell of her arousal reached his nose, making his cock throb needily, and he wasn't the only one, since using her grip on his hair. Alayaya, pulled him away from her breasts and made him pull her face up, where she captured his lips in an aggressive kiss.

"Please, my king. Don't tease me."

With a smirk at her obvious desperation, Jon made her wait no longer, bending down to grab the waistband of her lacy panties, he pulled them down her long, seductive legs. When he rose again, hovering over her, he pressed his cock against her hot, soaking wet slit as he leaned down to kiss her on the lips again. She moaned into his mouth as he pushed his cock inside her tight core, his girth stretching her walls.

"Fuck, you squeeze me so good, Yaya. You're such a good little whore, with a slutty pussy, made to be fucked raw" Jon moaned as he moved in on her.

"Made to be fucked by you, my King. My pussy was made to please you" Alayaya said, closing her eyes to savour the sensation of feeling truly filled for the first time.

Jon smiled complacently, along with his cock swelling as he listened to her adorations. Alayaya noticed this and smiled back at him.

"I have never felt so full. You fill me so good, my King." She said before lowering his head to give him a kiss.

Feeling his cock deep in her depths, she gave him a moment to adjust before she began to move, rocking her hips gently back and forth. Alayaya moaned into his mouth as he moved his hips, her soft, hot walls hugging his length tightly. Before long, they were forced to break the kiss so they could breathe.

"You know, I might actually have to make you mine, I'd tie you to my bed and make you my personal bed warmer, I'll be sure to use you every night." Jon told her with a playful smile.

"Like I told you before, I really wouldn't mind" Alayaya shot back, looking up at him with a smoky gaze.

Once she loosened up a bit, Jon picked up the pace, her caramel-coloured breasts jiggling on her chest from the impact of his hips slapping against her thighs. With how tight she was and the excitement of the situation, Jon knew she wouldn't last long.

"Fuck, I'm going to ruin this pussy" Jon growled, fucking her harder and harder. "I'm going to make it mine alone, my personal cum dumpster."

Alayaya gasped as her walls fluttered around him. Supporting his weight on his elbows and toes, Jon slammed his throbbing cock against her, plunging his length into her heaving core. Too soon for his liking, he felt himself approaching his climax. Just before he reached his peak, Alayaya cummed, letting out a shuddering moan as her core tightened around him. With a grunt, Jon slammed his cock as deep as he could and released a torrent of hot cum, filling her with his potent seed. As he came down from his peak, Jon continued to move his hips, keeping himself hard.

As Alayaya came down from her climax, she looked up at Jon with wide eyes as she realized he was still hard and still fucking her. Jon smiled at her, wrapping his arms around her body and turned them both so that he was on his back, and she was on top of him. When she continued to look up at him, he slapped her ass hard to get her attention.

"Come on, be a good whore and ride your King's cock" Jon told her.

With a moan, Alayaya straddled his hips as she leaned down to kiss him, lowering her hips, she trapped his throbbing shaft between her wet folds. Moaning into his mouth, she rolled her hips, gasping as his hard length rubbed against her clit.

Sitting up, Alayaya lifted herself up and lined him up with her entrance. Jon lifted a hand and squeezed her breasts as she slowly sank down on his long, thick shaft. Running her long fingernails lightly over his chest, Alayaya rose and slowly lowered herself back down, moving her hips as she bottomed out.

"Yessssss!" she hissed, biting her lips.

As she leaned down to kiss him, Jon slid his hands from her breasts to her ass. Alayaya moaned into his mouth as he squeezed her soft dark globes firmly. Drawing her knees up and planting his feet on the mattress, Jon began to thrust into her as she rocked against him. Alayaya broke the kiss, gasping slightly as she rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes. Wanting to convey all her desire, affection, and lust she felt be reflected in the sway of her hips and the tight grip her pussy had on his cock.

"Jon," she moaned. For the first time, calling him by name.

With one hand still clutching her ass, the other caressing her back, he moved this one to caress her cheek. Opening her eyes, Alayaya stared into his stormy grey eyes and kissed him passionately. She pulled away with a smile, stood up and began to ride him harder. Jon's hand slipped from her cheek to cup one of her breasts as she rose up and then threw herself back down on his cock.

Jon pushed inside her, his thick cock filling her with deep, hard thrusts. They both gasped loudly as they climaxed in unison. Just as Alayaya felt the heat explode from his core, a blissful euphoria washed over her, his cock throbbing hard as he exploded, his cock buried deep in her depths.

Collapsing onto Jon's chest, Alayaya buried her face in the hollow of his neck as she trembled through her climax. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight as his cock continued to pulse inside her. Finally, they both relaxed until they were out of breath.

After a few minutes, Alayaya rolled onto her back, finally causing his flaccid cock to escape her, but she didn't stay away for long. For she quickly crawled back to him and snuggled against his side, her head resting on his chest.

"I need to get up to finish the video" Jon told her.

With a groan of complaint, Alayaya clung to a more on him and told him, "Do it later, stay in bed."

Jon heeded her and decided to stay in bed next to her. After several minutes of calm, his brain was able to realize that all this time that they had been doing this role-playing, she had been the one giving all the orders, and he had been following them obediently. He couldn't hold back the slight chuckle that escaped him.

I really am a slave to the women in my life, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.


Well I'm a day late, but I hope I've made it worth the wait. See you in a few days, with the next chapter of The White Wolf and his Queens. 


Daeron Targaryen

Hot damn, I hope Jon meets Dany soon.

Gian carlos Navea meza

Me encantó este capítulo. ¡Alayaya siendo una puta al servicio del Rey de los Siete Reinos no suena tan descabellado! Si aún no has encontrado una chica para interpretar a Nymeria, sugeriría a Emily Ratajkowski


I do have someone in mind for Nymeria, but you can leave your suggestion in the Discord when I create the post.


Damn 🔥.. Waiting for Rhaenys Catelyn Elia Talisa


We will soon see Catelyn, for Rhaenys it will take a while. Elia and Talisa, I don't know if we will have them in this Fic, but without a doubt they will be in other Fics.


In white wolf ?? when can we expect new chapter 0f that story