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Small update, since this is not the 'weekly' update per se, since that would be the new story with Rhaella. But, I had this idea of writing Jon and Dany's wedding night, so I hope you enjoy it, I'll see you soon with the new story.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Daenerys was trying to swipe the keycard over the lock on the hotel door so that she and Jon could gain access to their rooms. She had a bit of difficulty doing so as she was currently in the arms of Jon who was carrying her in classic nuptial style and by his own words did not plan to let go until they reached their marriage bed.

Which was their King size bed in the royal suites of one of the most luxurious hotels in Kings Landing, so she had no complaints with that. Finally managing to unlock the door, she turned back to Jon with a bright smile as she tucked the key card into the inside pocket of his coat before wrapping her arms around his neck again.

"Shall we?" Daenerys asked with a slight smile as she raised an eyebrow at him.

Jon returned her smile and finished opening the door, pushing it open with his foot, to allow them to step inside. Jon carried her into the room and again used his foot to kick the door shut and close it behind them. Finally, the newlyweds were completely alone, in a luxurious and spacious room, with a huge bed in the middle of it. Jon turned to look at her with eyes full of adoration and a big smile on his face as he said.

"Finally alone, my beautiful wife."

When she heard him call her wife, she felt her heart begin to beat rapidly against her chest and she felt butterflies in her stomach again, the same way she felt them the first time she saw him. She was totally and completely in love with this man, and now that they were husband and wife, she was officially Mrs. Snow.

She couldn't have been happier about it.

Tightening her grip around him, she said with a mischievous smile. "Alone at last, dear husband. And what do you plan to do to me, since you have your docile and dutiful wife, at your full disposal?" she asked him with a slight blush on her cheeks and her voice coming out with a tone of innocence.

Jon's smile seemed to grow even wider, but this time taking on a more wolfish and dangerously hungry look, his eyes darkening with lust as he watched her completely at his mercy, trapped in his strong arms. She felt his long, slick fingers begin to rub her with a light, teasing touch. Jon slowly leaned into her, placing deceptively tender kisses on her forehead and cheek until he reached down the side of her neck and lightly bit the side of her earlobe, drawing a gasp from her at the slight pain, before telling her in a deep, husky voice.

"I plan to kiss you a lot dear wife, I plan to worship every part of your delicious body, I plan to eat you and savour your sweet scent" Daenerys couldn't help but let out a shuddering sigh at hearing his sinful promises, but Jon didn't stop there. "And when you're tender and wet for me, I plan to stick my cock in that warm, tight little pussy of yours, I'm going to pound your cunt to satiation and cum in it until you overflow with my seed. And I plan to do the same with that pretty little mouth of yours and to close the night, I'm going to fuck you in the ass."

Daenerys let out a moan as she heard what her husband had planned for her on their special night and as always, Jon never let her down. She felt a shiver run down her spine just imagining the catatonic state she would end the night in, though that wasn't strange to her, because of how incredibly dominant and wild Jon was in bed, but she wouldn't change it for anything. Quite the contrary, she already felt her tiny panties begin to moisten at the mere thought of him ravaging her.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Daenerys used her grip on his neck and pulled him to her, her bright violet eyes burning with excitement as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his greedily. Jon grunted in surprise, surely not expecting her to be so aggressive, as she always took a much more submissive role in the bedroom, but he quickly got over it and kissed her back, slipping his tongue between her lips.

Daenerys stifled a moan in her mouth, their wedding had been magical and utterly perfect, as she had carefully planned it for several months. Her family and friends were present, she felt like the most beautiful and lucky woman in the world as she walked down the aisle where the most handsome and wonderful man in the world awaited her, it was even better than she could have imagined. But even with all that, as glamorous and special as their wedding had been, she never overcame the feeling of being alone in Jon's strong arms as they kissed, every time she was with him it felt just as magical as the first time, she only needed him to be happy.

"I love you, I love you so much Jon" she told him once they broke the kiss.

Jon finally released her and allowed her to stand on her own two feet, he ran a strong rough hand of his over her soft cheek, caressing it as lovingly and gently as he could. Daenerys could not help but lean into his warm palm, resting her face against it and kissing it lovingly, as she heard him say.

"I love you too love. And I will until the end of my days" just as at their wedding, Jon again sealed his promise with a kiss, which she did not hesitate to deepen as she felt Jon's hands begin to work on her dress.

Jon reached out and slowly pulled the zipper down the back of her dress, revealing more and more porcelain-colored bare skin until it stopped just above the curve of her bottom. When he finished, Daenerys parted her lips and looked up at him with a small, promising smile. Grabbing the shoulder strap of her dress, slowly and teasingly, she pulled it off her shoulder. Then she did the same on the other side and her violet eyes darkened as she stared at him.

Suddenly, she let go of the dress, dropping it to the floor. Jon's mouth went dry as he gazed at her beautiful figure, it never mattered how many times he did it, he was utterly convinced that he had married the most beautiful woman in the world. Perhaps they were right when they said that the Targaryens had stolen their beauty from the gods because his wife did not seem of this world, left only in her sexy white lace lingerie, her breasts were full and perky, not overly large, but enough to fill his hands, giving way to a slender waist that widened into wide hips and thick, muscular thighs. Of course, the detail of the classic lightweight white lace wrap around her right leg was the icing on the cake, his wife's beauty could only be described as ethereal. His sexy little angel, and she was all his.

Unable to resist any longer, Jon wrapped his arms around Daenerys, hugged her with a big, smug smile, sliding his hands down her back, grabbing her ass, making her let out a squeal of amusement. He lifted her easily, carried her to the bed, where he sat her on the edge of it. Leaning forward, he kissed her passionately for several seconds before reaching behind her back and unclasping her bra. Grabbing her breasts with his hands, he squeezed them hard, making her moan. Daenerys felt her hot core throbbing as his fingers pinched and pulled at her hard, sensitive nipples.

Pulling away from her lips, Jon pushed her back, laying her face up on the bed. Lowering his head to kiss, bite and suck on the tender skin of her breasts, her hands tangled in his curls, holding him in place as she moaned and writhed on top of him. Jon slowly began to descend on her, kissing his way down her body until he reached her panties. He kissed her wet center, just above her clit, causing her hips to jerk toward his face. Grabbing the waistband of her last remaining garment, he quickly ripped them off her body and tossed them aside.

As his hands moved to her mound, Daenerys bucked her hips slightly with a quiet moan. He smiled, knowing exactly how needy she was for his touch, but Jon had a different plan in mind. His hands continued to slide down her thighs and shins to her feet. Climbing onto the bed between her legs, he rubbed his hands up to her knees before leaning down and placing a kiss on the inside of her joint. Daenerys did not hesitate to spread her legs for him as he slowly kissed the inside of her thigh. Slowly inching closer and closer to his warm core, Daenerys ran her fingers gently through his hair, her nails gently scraping his scalp.

Looking up, he watched her face as she lay with her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted as she gasped with growing anticipation. Her breath hitched as he kissed around her lips, his fingers squeezing her hair. As her arousal grew, he could taste her excitement with every breath.

Jon, deciding he had teased her enough, kissed her lips before sticking his tongue out and flicking it up and down between them. Daenerys' long nails scraped his scalp as she let out a hiss and pushed him forward. flicking her tongue out quickly, she pushed it into his depths and moved it along his smooth walls. Moaning, Daenerys jerked her hips, pressing herself against his face. Jon withdrew his tongue, the taste of her arousal covering his mouth, before licking from bottom to top, with the tip of his tongue, gently teasing the outside of her swollen clit, knowing how sensitive she was.

Daenerys gripped his hair tightly and shook her hips as a shuddering moan escaped her lips. Chuckling, he pressed his tongue against her swollen nub and rippled it.

"Oh fuck" Daenerys moaned, her legs shaking around him.

Sliding a hand under her body, Jon plunged one of his fingers into her depths as he continued to press his tongue against her clit. Daenerys gasped and moaned as he drove her slowly to her peak, her hips jerking as her hands squeezed his hair. His erection throbbed in his pants with excitement as he slid a second finger into her tight core, her warm, soft walls squeezing his fingers as his fingers moved in and out of her. Pressing his tongue more firmly against her clit, Daenerys shuddered and gasped.

"Jon!" she moaned desperately.

Watching her face, Jon wrapped his lips around her swollen clit and sucked lightly. Daenerys' body tensed, her legs shaking around his head. Gripping her hair almost painfully, she flattened herself roughly against his face as a shuddering moan left her lips. He continued to tease her with his lips, tongue and fingers as she climaxed, her arousal coating her chin and soaking his hand. After a surprisingly long time, Daenerys collapsed limply on the bed, panting as her body continued to shudder and quiver.

Jon couldn't keep the smug smile off his face as he sat up and pulled his fingers out of her. Moving up on his hands and knees, he kissed her stomach, her breasts and neck. Wrapping her hands wearily around his neck, Daenerys pulled him down for a slow, sensual kiss, her tongue dancing with his, not caring for the taste of her own arousal. Running his hand down her side, Jon cupped one of her breasts and massaged it gently. Daenerys moaned into his mouth before pulling her lips away from his and looking up at him with a sensual gaze.

"You're overdressed husband" she told him.

With a smile, Jon stood back up and began to undress, first he started by removing the elegant coat he was wearing, sliding it off his shoulders until he let it fall like a heap to the floor. Then he began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing more and more of his muscular chest, and ripped abs, Daenerys really felt so lucky to have such a handsome husband. With an amused smile, Daenerys stretched out her feet so that she could touch them to her husband's solid and defined body, with the same amused smile, Jon took one of her feet and brought it to his lips where he kissed and licked it, drawing a small laugh from her, until she was forced to push them away.

Jon continued to undress, unbuckling his belt, and dropping his pants along with his boxers, finally being as naked as she was. Daenerys looked hungrily and longingly at his huge hard cock, fingering him to come to her and he didn't hesitate to do so. Jon climbed onto the bed and up her body, sucking and biting the skin of her stomach and breasts as he went. Positioning himself between her legs, he ground his erection against her, causing them both to moan. When he leaned down to kiss her again, she reached down and took him in her hand, lining him up with her entrance. Once he was there, he slowly and easily sank into her hot, wet pussy. Jon moaned into her mouth as he bottomed out, Daenerys hummed in pleasure at the wonderful sensation of being stretched to the limit by him.

"Gods, you're so tight, Dany. You're always so fucking tight for me," Jon told her as he pulled away from her lips.

"And you always feel so big inside me" she moaned, stroking his cheek, Daenerys gave him a sultry look as she bit her lip and asked. "Fuck me, Jon. Please, I need it."

Daenerys loved the dark, lustful look he had in his eyes as he watched her. Jon was always such a stoic man and in control of his emotions, but when he was with her, he never seemed able to control himself. And that was something she loved, to have him lose himself in the pleasures of her body.

Jon claimed her lips in a demanding kiss as her hips began to move back and forth. Starting slowly, he pulled back a couple of inches, before thrusting inward and pressing his pelvis against hers, exerting delicious pressure against her aching clit. With each thrust, he pulled back further, gaining speed each time he slid inside her. Now, he was backing up until he was halfway out of her, thrusting rapidly and moving his hips as he pushed inside, causing wonderful friction on her clit as he bottomed out. Daenerys moaned and growled against his lips with every movement. Jon pulled his mouth away from hers, breathing heavily, and let his head fall to rest on her pillow next to hers.

Daenerys lulled in his ear as he continued to thrust into her, she ran the fingers of one hand through the back of his hair gently, her hand running up and down his spine, her nails sliding along his skin. Turning her head, she began to suck and kiss his neck, feeling a sudden, primal need to mark him.

"Harder, fuck me harder, Jon" she moaned in his ear, nibbling gently on his earlobe.

She could feel Jon's chest rumble as he growled in her ear and began to thrust harder and faster, her body jerking each time their hips met. Daenerys wrapped her legs around him as a loud, rhythmic slapping sound erupted between their bodies. Her body began to tense, her nails leaving long red marks on his back as an orgasm began to grow inside her. She continued kissing, sucking and biting his neck as she whispered dirty words in his ear, intent on driving him mad with lust.

"Oh, you feel so good, Jon. Don't stop" "I love it Jon, don't stop" "Yes, my love. Fuck me, make me yours" "Pound that pussy, love. It's yours, it's always been yours, from the first day."

The words gave way to grunts each time Jon's big cock slapped against her. Her nails dug into his skin, her legs tightened around him, and her breathing turned to gasps as her release rapidly approached.

"Jooon!" she screamed his name.

Her arms and legs pinned him down, keeping him buried deep inside her pussy, which convulsed around him. Daenerys gyrated her hips, pushing herself against him and pressing her clit hard against his body, trying to prolong the pleasure. Throwing her back, she moaned, and her body shuddered as she came down from her euphoria. Finally, her body relaxed, and her arms and legs released Jon. As she lay there, breathing raggedly, basking in the afterglow of one of the most powerful orgasms of her life, Jon sat up on her arms and kissed her affectionately. Daenerys kissed him back, enjoying the moment.

Jon finally pulled away from her lips and placing a strong hand on the back of her neck helped her quickly off the bed until she was on her knees before him, his huge, still hard cock covered in her juices rising intimidatingly above her. Grabbing her head, Jon pressed his glistening cock against her parted lips and pushed himself into her mouth. Daenerys moaned as he began to fuck her face before her orgasm ended, his head bumping against the back of her mouth. After a few thrusts, Jon pushed his hips forward hard, forcing his thick head down her throat. Daenerys gagged, her shoulders hunched as he withdrew and did it again and again, brutally fucking her throat as he desperately pursued his own climax. The rims of her eyes turned red as tears ran down her cheeks and long, thick strands of saliva dripped down her chin.

Pulling out briefly, Daenerys took a deep breath to clear her abused throat for a moment before pushing it back into her mouth. In one continuous thrust, Jon pushed his throbbing cock all the way down her throat, his balls slapping against her chin. Sensing his climax fast approaching, he fucked her face with short, quick strokes as a wet sucking and gagging sound came from her mouth.

With a deep grunt, Jon buried his cock as deep as possible in her throat as he cummed, thrusting his head forward and grinding his nose against her pubic bone. His cock flexed and pulsed as it went straight down her throat to her stomach. Daenerys' throat continued to spasm around his shaft, milking him unwillingly.

As soon as he finished his climax, he pulled out of her throat and let her breathe. Daenerys fell to her hands and knees, coughing chunks of his semen and saliva onto the floor as she struggled to clear her throat and catch her breath. Jon knelt down in front of her and asked her a little worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

""Yes" she told him, her voice sounding a little rough, "I just need a minute to catch my breath.""

Jon helped her to her feet and hugged her, holding her in his strong arms as he rubbed her back soothingly, "I'm not done with you yet, love. There's still the grand finale" Jon told her, reminding her of his words and what he had planned for her.

Before she could answer him, Jon picked her up and carried her back to the bed, laying her face down on the mattress. When she tried to get up on all fours, Jon pinned her down and straddled her wide ass, his knees on either side of her hips, pinning her down. Spreading her buttocks apart, he looked at her puckered little hole and filled his mouth with saliva. Opening his lips, he let the saliva flow from his lips and onto her tight pink hole.

Daenerys gasped and turned her head to look up at him with pleading eyes. Jon leaned forward, holding her by the shoulders as he pressed the head of his cock against her ass and pushed forward hard. He'd played with her ass before, but he'd never had more than a couple of fingers inside it. Now as it was his right as her husband, he was going to claim every part of her. It took some force before the head of his cock opened her hole enough to accept her swollen head. Daenerys moaned noisily and kicked her feet behind him as he entered, stretching her last virgin hole with his big cock.

"Yes, Daddy!" she exclaimed as he slowly pushed more and more of his length into her tight, hot hole.

Jon chuckled at the nickname, rarely did Daenerys call him that, but he certainly enjoyed it when she did. He continued to push his cock into Daenerys' tight ass, watching as her tight hole stretched around his wide shaft. Daenerys moaned and gasped as he inserted half of his cock into her beautiful ass. He marvelled at how incredibly tight and hot her asshole felt as he squeezed his cock. Jon didn't stop until he bottomed out in her, his thighs resting on his wife's bulging buttocks.

Jon paused for a moment, giving her time to get used to him before he began to move. Slowly at first, he pulled his cock out of her, his tight ring clinging to his shaft as he withdrew halfway. Sinking back into her just as slowly, they both groaned at the sensation. He continued that rhythm for long seconds, until he began to thrust harder and faster, revelling in the sensation of her tight passage squeezing his length.

Jon began to fuck Daenerys at a decent pace, pulling his cock completely out of her for a moment and spread her cheeks, watching her little hole open up for a few seconds before it began to slowly close. He pushed his cock inside her and then pulled it out again, watching her asshole stretch and close a couple of times. Once he got bored of watching, he pushed until he bottomed out again and then really started to go to town on her cute little ass. Driving his cock inside her like a jackhammer, Daenerys squeaked and grunted every time his thighs hit her firm cheeks, a pre-emptive slapping noise between their bodies.

Jon was so focused on watching his fat cock pierce her stretched starfish that it took him a moment to realize that Daenerys' moans and squeals had been muffled. Looking up, he saw that Daenerys had pulled one of the pillows under her face and was biting it as if her life depended on it. Jon smiled at that as he continued to bugger her, it wasn't long before he felt Daenerys suddenly come, screaming into the pillow as her ass clenched and spasmed wildly around his cock. The amazing stimulation pushed Jon over the edge. Grunting, he slammed his cock against her as he filled her ass with his cum. When he was done, he pulled out of her and watched as a trail of white cum leaked out of her gaping hole as it slowly began to close. Smacking her ass, he watched as the cum eventually escaped from her and also drawing a weak gasp from his wife, before he heard her say.

"Hold me Jon" her voice coming out barely louder than a whisper.

Jon lay down behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he pressed her back against his strong chest, placed several loving, soothing kisses on her face and shoulders.

"I love you, Dany. You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world."

That put a smile on her face and leaning back, she reached out a hand so she could draw his face to hers and leave a tender kiss on his lips, "I love you too Jon. You make me the happiest woman in the world, you don't know how grateful I am to Rhaegar for forcing me to take that journey" she told him with a bright smile.

"Me too" he replied with a smile, before finally the couple drifted off to sleep.


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