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All characters involved are over 18 years old.


The driver drove them for a long time, Jon had to endure sitting uncomfortably in the middle of the two gigantic men, though fortunately after a few more minutes they finally seemed to arrive at their destination. Jon watched as the huge grilled gates, which had a golden 'L' in the middle opened to let them through but was surprised when he noticed that the driveway seemed to be just another road, it took them another few more minutes to finally reach the front door of the great Lannister Manor.

They really are disgustingly rich.

Was what Jon thought, seeing the huge structure, as he got out of the car. The gigantic men escorted him inside, if the manor was already extravagant on the outside, it was even more so on the inside. It looked more like a historical building, than a place where someone would actually live.

Unless you're a Lannister....

Surely there was no one else in Westeros who liked to show off their wealth more than a Lannister. Every corner he turned his gaze, there was ostentatious or very old decoration, from statues of golden Lions, old suits of armour and especially banners of the ancient Lannister coat of arms which of course was a Golden Lion. It was also filled with old paintings that were framed in wooden frames, very well preserved. Most of them showed ancient and most illustrious members of House Lannister, among them Kings of the Rock, former Lords or also the most renowned Knights, even he could recognize some of them, as he always liked stories of ancient knights and warrior Kings. He was surprised when he saw a painting of what appeared to be a dwarf with a scar across his face, to become immortalized despite the fact that he was a dwarf in the old days, Jon wondered what his story would have been, certainly an interesting one.

They continued walking, until they came to what appeared to be the living room, though not a conventional one, not of course not. The room appeared to be twice the size of his entire apartment, and like everything else, it was extravagantly decorated, the chairs seemed to be made of gold and the finest furs. Jon thought that this would be where he would be meeting Cersei or maybe she would have some sort of office, although on second thought she would definitely have an office in this place, he was sure she would have enough space to fit a football pitch. Jon was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt himself being roughly pushed forward, angrily he turned to give the guy an angry look, but the guy didn't even flinch just saying.

"Keep moving."

Jon straightened his shirt and kept walking, following Sandor who was now walking ahead of him, leading the way. They passed a considerable number of corridors and countless rooms, until finally they seemed to reach what appeared to be their destination and a main room, as this one was more isolated from the rest and the door was larger than the others and of course as it should not be missing, it had the symbol of a Golden Lion engraved on it.

Sandor opened the door, but he didn't go in but turned to him and motioned him with his head as he said, "inside."

Jon didn't have a good feeling about this but looking at Sandor and the other man at his back, he didn't seem to have a choice either, so he decided to go inside. And sure enough, the room was just as extravagant, luxurious, and spacious as everything else in this house. From the expensive wooden floor that was decorated by luxurious reddish carpets, to the spacious and extravagant bed that had red and gold decorations.

This was definitely someone's private chambers, and he didn't see any doors that could lead to another room, so confused he turned to Sandor to ask.

"Hey, what am I supposed to do-" Jon was abruptly cut off when the man's only response was to close the door behind him, leaving him alone in the middle of the room.

Letting out a tired sigh, Jon figured the only option left to him was to sit and wait, the room was so large it had its own furniture, so he chose a large comfortable chair to sit in and waited. Minutes passed and no one seemed to be coming, and he was beginning to get bored, it was then that he saw a tray in the distance filled with what was surely a very expensive variety of drinks and wines. Jon was tempted and thought how upset they would be if he took the liberty and if it would be worth it, when he decided that no one would have to know and was about to get up to walk to the drinks, he heard the door open which forced him to sit down again.

Jon turned to the door to see who it was, only to see a stunning and beautiful blonde enter the room, she was wearing a tight red dress that spectacularly highlighted all her killer curves, the dress came a few inches above her knee, showing a good amount of her long and toned legs. Jon knew immediately who it was, he had seen her countless times through the TV and in several of the most popular magazines, but Cersei Lannister was undoubtedly much more impressive in person, easily one of the most beautiful in all of Westeros.

She walked with grace and elegance worthy of a Queen, her long black heels echoing against the wooden floor, until she finally sat down on the other chair across from him, crossing her milky legs. The woman stared into his eyes for several seconds, as if she could somehow see right through him. Until she finally looked away and leaned back on her couch and spoke.

"Bring me my Arbor Gold." She commanded, with a dismissive wave of her hands.

Jon looked to his sides confused by her words and wondering if a servant would emerge from somewhere. But that didn't seem to be the case as Cersei spoke again.

" Can you not understand a simple command?" she asked curtly, then mockingly added "or are all Northerners really all cock and no brains?"

Yes, she was definitely Myrcella's mother.

Jon got up and walked over to the tray of drinks, now up close he could analyse them better and by this point he wasn't surprised when he found bottles that could easily be worth the same as his apartment. Turning to Cersei he saw that she wasn't paying attention to him, so he slyly took the bottle of Arbor Gold and took a couple of sips straight from the bottle, he wasn't much of a wine lover, always preferring beer, but it was still a bottle of Arbor Gold, it wasn't every day he could afford it and what made it better was that it was Cersei Lannister's Arbor, plus he justified it by saying it would help him put up with the woman.

Having indulged himself, he poured a cup for Cersei and returned to her, where he handed it to her. Of course, she did not even deign to thank him, instead she reproached him.

"Took you long enough." She said, as she sipped her wine a bit dramatically.

Jon didn't bother to say anything instead he just sat back down, waited for Cersei to finish her drink before he could finally speak. When she finally set her glass aside, Jon decided it was best to start by introducing himself.

"I don't think we've formally met yet, I'm Jon Snow by-" he was interrupted mid-sentence by Cersei when she decided to speak.

"So, you're the man who fucked my poor sweet Myrcella while you filmed it for the entertainment and morbidity of the rabble." She said, with an accusing look.

"Ehh.. well, actually that was Myrcella's idea-" Jon tried to defend himself and explain the situation, only to be interrupted again by the woman.

"That's what you do? You corrupt and expose naive young girls and then record them and upload it to the internet and make money off of them" she accused him directly.

"What? No of course not" Jon said bewildered at being accused in such a way, before calming down and trying to explain the situation, "look ma'am".

"Don't call me ma'am" Cersei said curtly, before telling him the way he had to call her, "Madame Lannister, to you”.

"Okay, look Madame Lannister" Jon said before continuing, "your daughter just like me is of age, and she is not a naive child. And the decision to record that video was on both of us, I didn't persuade or force her into anything, and I would never do something like that to any woman."

The woman stared at him again with her piercing green eyes, they were so similar to Myrcella's, but at the same time very different.

"Maybe it is true what you say," she said, Jon perked up at hearing that thinking he could get out of this without repercussions, but his joy was dampened when she spoke again, "but that doesn't take away the fact that you insulted and humiliated House Lannister with your actions, by recording that embarrassing and humiliating video with my daughter."

Jon bit his lips to hold back the laughter as he heard how she said 'House Lannister' as if they were still living in medieval times, but fortunately he was able to hold back the laughter and smartly didn't comment on that.

"I'm sorry if I offended you or insulted your 'House' by making that video, I didn't think about the repercussions there might be" he said, doing his best to sound apologetic, although it wasn't really the case and seeing that she didn't seem very convinced by his words, he decided to add without thinking too much about it, "if I could do something to make up for it, just say so and I'll do it" he offered very foolishly.

And when he saw the sinister grin forming on the woman's face, Jon knew he had made a terrible mistake and regretted having said that. Cersei took another sip of her sweet wine, this time seeming to enjoy it even more, as if the whole situation had gone exactly as she had wanted it to from the beginning, she leaned back even more on her couch as she shifted her legs, now placing her left over her right and giving him a quick glimpse of her black lace panties.

"Take off your clothes." She commanded, as naturally and directly as when he ordered her to pour him his wine.

The room fell completely silent, Jon's gaze shifting incredulously in all directions as he licked his upper lip, not knowing exactly how to react.

"Ahhh, I beg your pardon?" Jon asked still dumbfounded.

"You heard me, take off your clothes. You humiliated and did whatever you wanted with my poor daughter, you made her take that huge cock of yours, you fucked her like a savage and in the end, you denigrated her, covering her beautiful perfect face with your filthy seed, marking her like she was yours. Now for your insolence and insult towards House Lannister, you will be duly punished" she explained naturally, as if any of that made any sense.

"Uhh, punished?

"Yes punished, I myself will see to it that you are properly punished, just as you did with my daughter, I will do whatever I want with you and you will be able to do anything about it. Once I think you learned your lesson, the punishment will end" she explained, with a sadistic smile on her face.

" And what if I refuse" he asked.

"Well, the punishment will come one way or another, you can choose to have your punishment handled by me or it can be done by the gentlemen who escorted you here. I don't know if you've had the pleasure of meeting them, they're not very talkative those two, but the Clegane brothers are very effective at settling scores and it would certainly be a shame to see that pretty face of yours ruined. It would certainly break my little Cella's heart, but accidents happen, don't they?" she said amused before adding, "besides she can always go and obsess over the next pretty face she meets, so she'll be fine, but you on the other side how well would you cope, since after all you are just a pretty face and an average cock."

Jon gritted his teeth hard to the point of pain, not so much at the insults if not more at the fact that the bitch dared to threaten him so openly and without any fear of retaliation. Though surely there would be none, the Lannister’s were one of the families with the most money, power, and influence on the continent. So, Jon had to think very carefully about his next decision, although he was tempted to turn his back on her and prefer to face his goons, he knew that the chances of coming out of it unscathed were very low. Although he knew how to defend himself as he had attended a militarized school in the north, but he also knew that these guys were not just muscle, no doubt they would also have experience in some kind of combat, someone like the Lannister’s would not hire a simple bouncer to be their bodyguard.

Jon raised his gaze to the woman, who was still waiting patiently for his answer, looking very confident as if she already knew which path, he would choose. He stared into her green eyes, those eyes that were so like Myrcella's, but at the same time different, as if they were missing something, and that's when he saw it. Cersei did not look at him with that glow of adoration and love as Myrcella did, she looked at him as if he were just another servant or a simple servant serving under her and Jon imagined what it would be like if she could see him the same way Myrcella did, what it would be like if she turned the Lioness of the Rock into her kitten the same way she had done with her daughter.

So, Jon made his decision, though he knew it would not be as easy as it had been with Myrcella since Cersei seemed a much more experienced woman, but Jon took it as a challenge, promising and assuring himself that at the end of the day the wolf would subdue the lioness.

He stood up and as he kept his gaze on hers, Jon began to undress, causing a smirk to appear on her face, she took a last sip of her wine again, as she continued to watch him over her cup. Jon began by undoing the buttons of his shirt, until finally taking it off and tossing it aside, revealing his shapely torso and chiselled abs, to which Cersei's only reaction was a thin smile. He followed with his shoes untying the laces and removing his socks as well, to finally start working on his pants, unbuckling the belt, and dropping it, he stepped out of them lifting his feet one after the other and pushing the garment aside using his feet. Now only in boxers, Cersei looked at him expectantly holding the now empty wine glass against her lips, Jon grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down, leaving him completely naked, his still flaccid cock dangling from between his legs.

Cersei analysed him with a critical eye, her eyes roaming over every part of his body until she paused for several seconds on his cock, finally standing up and beginning to approach him. She was a tall woman and in her high heels came almost to his eye level, she ran a hand down his shoulders through his arms and back up his torso and back down to his abs. She was analysing him as if he was an object she had just bought and wanted to make sure the product was to her liking, and it felt more so when Cersei held his cock in her warm soft hand as she rubbed it gently, making it harden, Jon gritted his teeth not wanting to let out a sound.

"I'm going to have quite a bit of fun with this." She said with a smile, as if she had found a new favourite toy. To then lean into him, bringing her face close to his, for a moment Jon thought she was going to kiss him, but instead she leaned to the side and licked him from his cheek to his ear so she could whisper, "Don't worry, you'll be able to have fun too. Once you learn your place."

Having said that, she let go of his cock and pulled away from him. Jon couldn't help but admire the woman as she walked back to her seat, that dress of hers clung to her body like a second skin, he marvelled at the sight of her round shapely ass fluttering slightly with each step she took, until finally making her way back to her chair and sitting back down.

"Come to me" she commanded and when Jon barely took the first step, she stopped him before instructing him how he had to do it, "No no, not like this. You have to do it like a good pet when it runs to its Mistress, get on your knees and crawl to me."

Jon was very tempted to send her to hell, but he managed to swallow his pride as he repeated to himself that he had to be patient, his time would come, and he would repay her for all this humiliation. So, he got down on his knees and began to crawl towards her, until finally he was kneeling in front of her.

Cersei uncrossed her legs giving him a direct view of her black panties then with an amused smile on her face, rested the sole of her heel on his forehead.

"Take off my heel" She ordered him.

Jon again obeyed, removing the heel, and freeing her foot.

"You like my feet, bastard?" she asked mockingly, as she rubbed her foot against his face and emphasizing the words 'bastard'. Surely referring to the insult his name had formerly been associated with, even though it was now just another surname, but what could he expect from a woman who kept referring to her family as a 'House'.

"They are very beautiful, Madame," he answered her in a dry voice.

"Hmm, come to think of it. Given your situation I think it would be more appropriate for you to refer to me as your Mistress, don't you think so bastard?" she asked him, as she continued to rub her foot against his face.

Jon didn't respond so Cersei insisted, "Come on say it bastard, or I'll throw you out of my chambers."

"You have beautiful feet, Mistress" Jon said, his voice sounding very low due to his pent-up anger, but that didn't seem to faze Cersei who only smiled complacently.

"Good boy, very good boy" she complimented him mockingly before ordering him, "Now worship your Mistress's feet."

Jon was already trapped in this situation so he decided to make the best of it, somehow, he would get Cersei Lannister to let her guard down the same way Myrcella did. He started by taking her left foot and began by skilfully massaging it. He wasn't that fond of feet, but all women loved to have their feet massaged so he learned how to do it and Cersei seemed to be no exception as it wasn't long before he heard slight moans of satisfaction escape from her as he rubbed his thumb against the insole of her foot.

"Hmm, not bad bastard. Go on with my other foot." Cersei ordered him.

Jon moved to her other foot, removing her heel, and starting to work on it, Cersei let out another small moan of satisfaction and leaned back when she felt him rub her foot. Jon decided it was time to make a bolder advance, Jon leaned over her foot and kissed it, Cersei couldn't help but let out a louder moan when she felt his mouth against her foot. Jon watched as she returned her gaze to him, just in time to see him lick her toes and run his tongue between each of them, then take her foot into his mouth and play with her toes.

"You are such a naughty boy." Cersei said trying to sound like a reprimand, but Jon could the small hint of a smile on her face, "Do you enjoy kissing my feet that much, bastard? No this feels more natural for someone like you, you only serve to please and serve your betters."

Be patient, be patient, be patient.

Jon repeated to himself like a mantra, as he continued to worship and lick her foot, only releasing it to do the same with the other. He licked, kissed, and sucked each of her toes, as if he really loved doing it. But he knew his efforts were not in vain and the confirmation of that, was the puddle of wetness he could see on her panties every time he lifted her feet and the slight gasps of satisfaction had turned into clear moans of pleasure.

So, Jon decided to make another move, this time starting to move up on her, holding her feet in his hand, instead of continuing to lick them he started kissing his way up, leaving kisses up her ankle until slowly working his way up her long slender legs. But this time Cersei stopped his advances, grabbing him tightly by the hair and forcing him to raise his gaze to her.

"Did I give you permission so you can kiss me there, bastard?" She yelled at him.

This time Jon tried to play his part, telling her with a smile, "I apologize, Mistress Lannister. I only meant to worship you properly."

Fortunately, Cersei seemed to swallow his deception, as she flashed him a satisfied smile at his words, "I knew I had a good feeling about you" she said happily.

"Well, I will grant you your wish. Since I am a generous Mistress when my pets are well behaved" she said sounding haughty, "you can lick me, and you better not disappoint me."

Jon continued where he left off, moving up her calves, until he reached the inside of her toned thighs, his hands rubbing the outside moving further and further up her thin red dress. Cersei slowly spread her legs for him as he moved up, but Jon wanted to take more control, so he put his hands around the back of her knees and forced her legs further apart. Cersei didn't complain about this, so he continued, finally reaching his destination, leaning down to her he placed a kiss on the front of her wet panties as he inhaled the scent of her arousal. He heard Cersei let out a gasp and moan as she flexed her legs and back, trying to rub against his face, but his hands held her in place.

"Don't tease me, you bastard. Lick me" she demanded desperately, and Jon wasn't going to make her wait.

Releasing one leg, Jon used his free hand to push her panties aside, allowing him to stare at her slit, unlike Myrcella who was completely bald, Cersei had a small strip of blonde hair that sat above her glistening folds. He felt her flex again in impatience, Jon lifted his gaze to her and grabbing her leg again, he gave her a smile before suddenly lunging forward, sealing his lips around her clit.

"Ohh, fuck!" Cersei cried out, tilting her head back as she dropped her cup to the floor and her hands searching for something to cling onto.

Jon wanted to bring her to an explosive orgasm as quickly as possible, so he attacked her clit aggressively, his tongue lashing at the throbbing nub. Cersei finally found something to hold on to, grabbing two handfuls of his hair as she pushed his face into her needy pussy while jerking her hips as much as she could. Jon ignored the pain he felt from Cersei's tight grip and just focused on driving her as fast as possible towards her climax. He looked up from between her legs and watched in satisfaction at the expression of excitement on the lioness's face. Seeing the haughty and pretentious Cersei Lannister, losing herself completely in the pleasure he was giving her made him feel powerful.

And he was just getting started.

"Fuck, don't you stop. Don't you fucking dare stop, I'm close" she cried.

Her hands somehow managed to squeeze his hair even more painfully as she reached her powerful climax. A gush of arousal bathed his chin as he crushed his tongue against her clitoris, undulating it wildly. Cersei spasmed and writhed on the couch, her head tilted back as she let out a long, shuddering moan.

Cersei collapsed onto the couch as she gasped heavily, but Jon wasn't going to give her time to recover. Releasing one of her legs, he plunged two fingers into her dripping core, pushing them in and out as he massaged her tight walls. Pressing against the top of her wet, soft pussy, it took him a little while to find what he was looking for. When his fingertips touched a slightly rougher area of skin, Cersei let out a shrill moan, her hips jerked hard again, and he felt her muscles tighten. Smiling against her slit, Jon pressed his arm over her hips, preventing her from moving and rubbed his fingers against her sensitive spot once more.

"Oh, fuck. Wait, that's too much" Cersei gasped, as she squirmed.

Jon used his fingers to touch her vigorously, Cersei resisted wildly, but finally a high-pitched moan left her throat as she soaked his hand and the bed, a wet sucking sound echoed in the wide room coming from his fingers moving rapidly in and out of her slit. Only seconds later, Cersei was screaming again as she reached a sudden and violent second orgasm, her juices spraying his arm and a bit of his face. Despite having already reached her climax, Jon continued to rub her walls frantically, extending her colossal orgasm until finally it was too much for her and using the grip on his hair, she pulled him away from her extremely sensitive pussy.

A layer of sweat now covered Cersei which made her skin glow beautifully and the sight of her trying to catch her breath made her a tremendously erotic sight. His cock now fully hard, throbbing with desperate eagerness to bury itself in those hot, tight depths where his fingers had been, but Jon knew it was not yet time.


Jon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Cersei's pleased and satisfied laughter, she giggled for a couple of seconds still keeping her eyes closed until she stopped abruptly and opened her eyes to fix her gaze on him. Using her feet, she wrapped them around the back of his head to draw him to her, staring at him she said.

"I'm going to make you mine, bastard." She declared with a big smile on her face before licking his face again, tasting herself on his lips, releasing him from her grip with her feet she commanded, "Be a good boy and go to bed. And wait for me there."

Jon thought that after two powerful orgasms her attitude would change at least a little, but that didn't seem to be the case, as she appeared to be the same and even seemed more excited. As he passed her side heading for the bed, he felt a hard smack on his ass that made him jump a little. He turned to Cersei and saw that she was looking at him hungrily.

"You've got a great ass, bastard. You'd better get used to it, as I'll be spending quite a bit of time, smacking and having fun with that magnificent ass of yours." She told him, sounding like a promise.

With a disguised snort, Jon continued on his way to the huge bed and lay down on the large pile of pillows. He watched Cersei stand up and begin to move closer to him, her hips swaying exaggeratedly as she lifted the tight dress over her head and let it fall to the floor, giving him a perfect view of her large, full breasts, her dark pink nipples hard with arousal and leaving her in only her black lace panties. But not for long, as Cersei turned around and gave him a sensual look over her man before bending halfway around her waist, her breasts dangling and swaying beneath her as she grabbed the waistband of her panties and slowly pushed them down her long smooth legs. Jon marvelled at the sight of her perfect round ass, and her dripping pussy as they were fully exposed to his view.

It could easily be said that the Lannister women were uptight bitches, but just as easily it could be said that they were among the most beautiful women in Westeros.

Now completely naked Jon thought she would join him, but that was not the case as Cersei rounded the bed and went to her nightstand, opening the second drawer looking for something, Jon could see a lot of toys and sex objects. Which he really hoped she wouldn't use on him, otherwise he would have to call the whole thing off, fortunately the object Cersei pulled out wasn't as hardcore compared to what was in there, but no less problematic. Cersei held in front of her a smooth black rope, no doubt an object she had used many times before given the expression on her face.

"No more tricks from you this time, bad boys who don't know how to behave, won't be get to touch me" she said, as she climbed onto the bed and sat on his waist on her knees, before ordering him, "hands up."

Jon hesitated to obey, he had to think of something fast, if he allowed her to tie him to the bed, he would be completely helpless and unable to attack her and all the humiliation he had suffered so far would be in vain, but before he could think of anything, Cersei spoke again this time more plaintively.

"I said, hands up!"

Jon had no choice but to obey, he clasped his hands together and raised them towards the head of the bed and Cersei leaned over him to begin to bind his hands. He had to think of something fast, as he had predicted earlier, he had definitely done this before and had experience as the knot she formed was very firm and tight, leaving him completely immobilized from his hands, but even it was hard to think of anything as his vision was filled with a pair of large pale breasts, having Cersei leaning over him. But it was at that moment that the idea was put in front of his nose literally, so Jon went for it.

Jon leaned up and took her hard nipple in his lips, as he thought Cersei lost focus on her task and let out an unexpected squeak, before it turned into a smile.

"Oh, you can't keep your hands or mouth to yourself can you" she asked, surely feeling completely irresistible, so Jon decided to boost that ego.

"You're so fucking hot" he told her, as he let go of her nipple, only to attack the other one.

Fortunately, it seemed his plan paid off, as Cersei pulled away leaving her task half-finished as Jon gave her nipple one last strong suck, "What a naughty boy, but that will cost you again. You must learn to control yourself and because of that, you can't cum until I say so, understand?" she told him as she moved down him, leaving a trail of kisses down his path, on his stomach, abs until she reached the height of his cock.

Cersei rested her hands on his knees and spread his legs so she could kneel between them, slowly and teasingly ran her hands down his thighs, until finally grasping his hot, thick shaft between her hands. She wouldn't say it out loud, but this man had certainly been blessed with one of the best cocks she had ever seen, his shaft was straight as an arrow, long and thick, and ended in a flared tip that throbbed a furious red, almost looking angry for still not getting his relief, no doubt used to having his way with all the women he had encountered before. She would take care to train him nicely, she lightly held the base with her fingertips, tracing the back of her fingernail along the stiff, veiny length.

"I said, do you understand?" she asked him again.

Jon gasped, his hips jerking again. His breathing became rapid and heavy as he stared at her. Cersei smiled to herself as she wrapped her other hand around the top of his cock and kept the other at the base, marvelling that despite using both hands his swollen head remained just out of her reach.

"Yes, I understand Mistress" Jon replied gritting his teeth.

"Good." Cersei replied, as she leaned into him and opened her mouth, wrapping her large red lips around his shaft. Jon gasped noisily and even tried to push his hips up, but she pushed them back down. Closing her eyes, she let out a genuine moan as she sucked and bobbed her head expertly, swirling her tongue around his swollen glands.

"Bloody fuckin' hell" she heard Jon curse.

He tried again to move his hips, but her hands held him in place. Cersei stuck out her tongue and shook her head from side to side as she rubbed her thighs, her throat ached and her lungs burned, but after a long time she enjoyed sucking a cock.

She had waited so long to find a right man she could let herself go with, all the men were always eager to please her and obey like real puppies, she had had fun with them, but sooner or later she always ended up bored with them. She had always wanted to find a man who could become an equal, at least in bed, and Jon Snow could become that man, though it remained to be seen. Even as she began to run out of air, she didn't want to stop. Unfortunately, her body had needs that she could only ignore so much.

Finally, she pulled away from his saliva-covered cock and took the opportunity to take a deep breath. A small smile formed on her face, though, as she watched Jon's body sink onto the bed.

Poor thing, he was really struggling, it almost made him feel sorry for him, almost....

Cersei didn't give him much of a break, the moment she caught her breath, she put it back in her mouth. Instead of swallowing him as deeply as she could again, this time, she bobbed her head up and down his entire length. Enjoying the grunts and groans she drew from Jon each time she took him all the way in.

Her quick, relentless movements brought him rapidly towards his peak. She felt his head swell, his breathing become ragged, and his muscles tighten.

But just as she was about to make him climax, Cersei pulled away from his cock and firmly grasped the base of his length, feeling his rhythmic pulsing in her grip. It felt like a hot iron bar in her hand, the tip darkening to a furious purple colour. He jerked his hips again trying to find any stimulation, but she gave him none, Jon moaned in disappointment at not being able to reach his orgasm.

"Ohh, I bet you want to cum don't you. I can let you" she said tantalizingly, as she left lights kisses on the side of his swollen angry head, "I can let you cum inside my mouth, I'll be sure to drink every drop. All you have to do is say you are mine; you belong to me and no one else."

Cersei left kisses all over his throbbing cock, keeping him on the edge of his peak as Jon resisted falling over the edge, gritting his teeth tightly, he managed to say.


Cersei pulled away from him and felt the snort he let out against his cock, then said with a smile he couldn't see, "I love the ones who play hard to get, it's always more fun when they end up breaking."

Pulling away from him, she straddled his lap again, trapping his cock between her stomach and pussy, she rolled her hips, rubbing against his length. To then grab his hair roughly and make him lift his gaze to her.

"Since you refuse to have your release, I'll have mine" she said, as she continued to wiggle her hips, covering his already saliva-soaked cock with her arousal, "Oh and don't even think about cumming while I fuck you, because if you do, the real punishment will begin."

Having said her threat, she reached up and brought one hand down to line him up with her entrance. Tucking her head between her lips, she paused and looked down at him before telling him with a smile.

"Rejoice bastard, you're about to taste the royal cunt."

Suddenly, Cersei dropped her full weight on him, driving his cock deep inside her. Jon gasped deeply at the pleasurable sensation, feeling her flutter around him from the sudden, hard invasion. Cersei took a few seconds to adjust to his size, but as soon as she was ready, she began to rock her hips back and forth with him buried deep in her tight, hot pussy, her perky breasts jiggling with her movements.

"I feel your cock throbbing inside me, Bastard" she told him as she bounced on his cock, "Wouldn't it be easier to release it all inside me, don't you want to fill my hot cunt with your dirty bastard seed?"

Jon shook his head, unable to utter a word as he made a heroic effort not to cum.

Cersei leaned over him, pressing her breasts against his torso as she again gripped his hair tightly and pulled his head back as she began to ride him faster and harder, she kissed and licked from his jaw to his ear.

"I know you want it, Jon. All you have to do is say the words and you'll be mine." Cersei whispered to him with a moan, "I'll fuck you every day, you'll be my personal fuck toy. And if you are good boy, I might let you fuck me with that big hard cock of yours, I'll let you fuck my face even. Anything those common bitches did for you, I'll do even better."

For a second Jon was really tempted to give up, the need to cum was unbearable, but his pride however prevents him, and he managed to stay quiet. Cersei took this as a 'no' and began to ride him even faster, her breasts bouncing deliciously as she practically jumped on his cock. She moaned and gasped in his ear as she sucked and bit his neck, no doubt leaving a mark.

Cersei had gotten too excited just sucking his cock and having him inside her, it felt even better. So, she wasn't surprised when she felt herself close to a new climax, her hips jerking as she ran to his peak, she stopped riding him and instead sat on his lap and leaned over him as she rocked her hips. She moaned and gasped as she felt his clit rub against his groin and quickly reached her peak.

"I'm going to cum again Jon, you're going to make me cum again" she whispered, as she gasped and moaned lewdly in his ear, "Say it, say it and you can cum with me, I want to feel you fill me with all of his hot cum."

Jon groaned at her words, but as Cersei tried to tempt him, he was just focused on getting out of this damned knot. Fortunately, after much struggling, he felt the bind weaken around his knuckles as Cersei reached her climax. With a smile, Jon released himself from his bonds as she trembled on top of him, and he felt her walls flutter wildly around him. Now with his hands free and Cersei weakened by her orgasm, Jon wrapped his arms around her, holding her by her hips, he rolled them both over so that he was now on top of her, Cersei looked confused by the sudden change of position.

"Now it's my turn bitch" Jon told her sharply, his mind lost in lust and the desire to find relief in the glorious blonde's body beneath him.

Cersei moaned as she felt his hands roam her body frantically, touching, grabbing, and squeezing everything he could reach. Jon pressed her against the mattress with his weight, making her let out a gasp as she felt his throbbing erection against her still sensitive pussy.

"Wait, wait, I just cum" Cersei said weakly, but he ignored her.

Jon grunted as her hot wet lips wrapped around the head of his cock again, Cersei arched her back lifting her tits into the air and gasped loudly as he plunged his cock balls deep in a single thrust. Jon thrust inside her hard and fast, a slapping sound echoed throughout the room as their thighs collided, panting heavily from the exertion of his thrusts, it wasn't long before Jon was nearing his climax. Cersei let out only continuous moans as he pounded her again and again in a desperate attempt to cum.

With a deep grunt, Jon finally reached his peak, burying his cock deep in her center as he exploded. White lights exploded behind his eyes as he let jet after jet of hot cum spurt from his tip, painting her walls white. Unbelievably Cersei wrapped her legs and arms around him, moaning in his ear as she stroked the hair on the back of his head. Flexing his muscles, Jon pushed his cock deeper into her body with each pulse of his cock as he continued to cum.

"You bastard, you cum too much in me" Cersei said tiredly, trying to sound indignant, but failing miserably, "Get off me" she whined, when it was her who still held her arms and legs around him, only to ask incredulously when she felt him throbbing inside her, " Are you still hard?"

"Shut up" Jon told her, before leaning over her and capturing her lips in a dominant kiss and was beginning to thrust inside her again, but this time at a more controlled pace. Separating from her lips, Jon moved against her neck and sucked hard on it, trying to leave a mark and then whispering in her ear, "I'm not done with you yet."

Jon pulled away from her, making her let out a disappointed moan that put a smile on his face, and it only grew bigger when he saw the large puddle of cum escaping from her lips. Jon moved to straddle her chest and leaned forward with his hand on the headrest so that his rock-hard length was directly over her face.

Gripping it by the base, he slammed his heavy cum and saliva covered cock against her pretty face creating a meaty slap, Cersei put on an indignant expression, but made no effort to shake him off. With his balls resting under her chin, his shaft covered the full length of her face with the head well past her hairline.

"Kiss him" Jon commanded, rubbing the underside of his cock against her lips.

Cersei squinted graciously as she gazed at the impressive pillar of flesh resting against her face, before pursing her lips and placing tender kisses along its underside. Before finally breaking the spell, she was in and scowling, "Get your filthy cock out of my face, bastard. I swear you'll pay for this, for I am Cersei Lann..."

Tired of listening to her talk, Jon thought there were better uses for that little mouth of hers. So, stepping back, he waited for the moment when she opened her mouth again and pushed forward, interrupting her in mid-sentence and instead of letting out words, only the sound of a loud gag left her mouth.

Grabbing those golden locks roughly, Jon began to thrust back and forth, fucking her face slowly, the head of his cock pressing against the back of her throat. Jon slid easily down her tight throat and Cersei showed no signs of nausea or discomfort. Even with the full length of his cock lodged in her throat.

Fuck, Lannister women are made to take my cock.

Pulling out of her mouth, he gave her a moment to catch her breath, before pushing his cock back inside her mouth again and down her throat easily. He moaned at the pleasure of feeling her tight throat wrap around him, hugging his cock and massaging him as she swallowed. He pushed her hips up and down, fucking her face briefly before pulling out again. As much as he loved fucking Cersei Lannister's mouth, he still had something better in mind.

Pulling his cock out of her, Jon leaned forward, grabbing exactly the object he needed to make his task easier. Cersei looked up at him and saw him holding the same rope she had used on him.

"Don't you dare" she warned him, but Jon could easily see the excitement in her eyes.

Holding her hands easily, as she put up no real resistance, Jon tied them together and unlike her, there was no way she could escape. Getting off her, he rolled her onto her stomach, with his unusable hands he made her raise her ass for him, as her face buried into the mattress, even in her position she is straining to sound insolent and haughty.

"You think you're going to get away with this, you bastard. Once I'm free- Ahh."

Cersei was interrupted by her own moan as his hand slammed against her ass, the thick, pale globe rippling violently.

"Gods I wish I had a camera, what would people think if they saw the proud and refined Cersei Lannister, moaning and wetting herself when she gets her ass smacked" Jon asked her.

There was a moment of silence before he spanked her again, her skin was already starting to turn pink.

"They would call me a whore" Cersei gasped, as she jerked her hips.

"That's because you are" Jon told her amused, "but don't worry, I won't let anyone else see this side of you" Jon continued, his voice taking on a tender tone as he gently caressed her ass, "I will be the only one who can see this side of you, I will be the only one who can enjoy it, because you will be my whore, won't you?" Jon continued, spanking her hard again.

"Please," the great Cersei Lannister pleaded softly.

Jon grabbed a handful of her golden hair and pulled, forcing her to arch her back impressively. Cersei gasped in excitement as his hand slowly moved up to her breast. He touched her prominent breasts roughly before sliding one hand up and wrapping it around her throat.

"Don't worry Lannister, you can cum as many times as you want, after all I am a generous Master" Jon whispered hoarsely in her ear, before lining up with her dripping entrance and quickly plunging into her depths. Cersei gasped heavily, her eyes darkening with lust as she moaned.

Jon slammed into her roughly from behind with lunges that echoed throughout the room, lifting one hand Jon dropped it to her lush cheek. His length jumped with excitement, as he felt her depths spasm around his shaft as he slammed into her.

"You like that?" Jon asked her.

Cersei leaning back on his chest now that Jon was no longer holding her by the hair, turned her head so she could look up at him.

"Fuck me, please, Master," she pleaded.

Gripping her hips, Jon pulled back before thrusting back in, Cersei moaned against the mattress, biting at the bedclothes with her teeth. Picking up the pace gradually, Jon gasped heavily as he thrust back and forth rapidly, each impact of his thighs causing her thick cheeks to ripple wonderfully. Moving his hands to her ass, he grabbed her thick cheeks, kneading them roughly.

"Smack me, please Master" Cersei pleaded him.

Jon raised his right hand and spanked her this time more lightly.

"'Harder'" Cersei begged him.

With a smile Jon gave her what she wanted and brought his hand back down sharply, his skin rippling from the impact, and making a pink imprint appear in the shape of his hand. Cersei let out a deep, lascivious moan.

He did the same again this time with his left cheek, Jon grabbed her hips and struck her hard. Cersei let out another pleasure filled scream as her walls clenched tightly to his length. His thrusts became more furious as he neared his peak, her clenched depths wanting to extract every drop he had left.

Desperately, he rammed her fast and as hard as he could, Cersei's body pushed back into the mattress by the force of his thrusts, her bottom wiggling wildly. Going as deep as he could, Jon groaned as he flooded her depths.

"OH MY GODS!" Cersei cried, as she reached another orgasm.

Jon collapsed against her back as she trembled beneath him, with each pulse of his length, he moved his hips forward, unconsciously trying to come as deep as he could. Finally, they both collapsed in a sweaty, panting heap.

When Jon rolled onto his back, he pulled Cersei against his chest spooning her against him as he untied her.

"You cum in me again" Cersei told him between breaths.

"Yes, it felt too good" Jon answered her with a smile.

Cersei turned her head over her shoulder and looked at him for a few moments, before a small, but sincere smile appeared over her face as she told him, "You're too arrogant for your own good, you know that?"

"Something tells me you like that," Jon told her.

She didn't answer him but reached out an arm behind her to grab the back of his neck and pull him to her and press her lips against his. The kiss was a heated one, their tongues dancing around each other as Jon pressed her against him, cupping her firm breasts as she pushed her ass against him, rubbing her ass against his worn cock.

When they finally separated Cersei looked him in the eyes before saying, "Don't let it go to your head."

"Too late" Jon told her, before leaning back into her and capturing her lips, not being able to get enough of them.


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