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It's not always about the smut.


Jon Snow was shrouded in darkness and surrounded in his own filth, waiting for others to decide what to do with him, a thought crossed his mind. Wondering if he might be in the same dungeon as his fath- Ned Stark, had been locked up.

He kept forgetting that Ned Stark was not his father, he never was. He wasn't a Snow either, he wasn't even Jon. Aegon Targaryen was the name he was given, by his mother or his father he would never know. An Egg, he would rather remain a Snow, than a Targaryen. He had no idea how to be a Targaryen, all his life he was a Snow, everything seemed easier when he was a bastard. He had become a man being a Snow, he had won wars being a Snow, he had been elected Lord Commander being a Snow, he had been crowned King being a Snow, he had met Daenerys Targaryen being a Snow... Daenerys Targaryen had fallen in love with a Snow, they had both fallen in love.


He couldn't even say her name out loud, not after what he had done, if he lifted his hands, he could still see them covered in blood, her blood.

How did all this happen... How could I let this happen... She was gone. You did it, you killed her, you stuck a knife in her heart.

His conscience consumed him and tortured him, every day every hour and every minute he spent in these cells. Like Ned Stark, his own mistakes led him here. He had been betrayed; they had been betrayed.

He abandoned her when she needed him most. She had saved his life, and though it cost him one of her dragons, she never blamed him for that. She led her armies to the North, to fight his war. She fought and bled for the north, and what did she get in return, nothing... only scorn and rejection. Arya had put it so well, they needed her, and they used her, they used their armies, their dragons and when they no longer needed her, she was no longer one of them, she could not recognize her sister, when she said those words so coldly.

But the betrayal of the North and the Starks was not the only one she suffered. Her own advisors betrayed her. Sansa, who had sworn to keep the secret of her identity, did not hesitate to tell Tyrion and he told Varys, who had taken the opportunity to tell all the Seven Kingdoms. Daenerys killed him for that.

She should have done the same with Tyrion.

The thought of the treacherous Lannister made his blood boil. She didn't know at what point, the cunning, intelligent dwarf she met and accompanied to the wall, became a drunken fool, excuse of a Hand. Who's every plan he suggested ended in disaster, his battle strategies were foolish and ended in failure, and his advice led Daenerys more and more to her ruin.

But despite all that, Jon knew what really triggered it all, it wasn't the scorn and rejection of the North, or the betrayals and ineptitude of her advisors, or even the loss of the people closest and most important to her. No, he knew exactly the reason she fell into madness, it was his rejection. When she was most vulnerable and alone, she turned to him, only for him to reject her as well. He had pushed her away, he had left her alone, alone... with her fear, her anger, her hatred, and her suffering.

And all that led her to do what she did, the massacre at Kings Landing, Jon watched as the very woman who freed the slaves, the woman who overthrew tyrants and slavers, a woman who had been beaten, chained, sold, and raped. And yet despite all that she had suffered, she fought to create a better world, where no one would ever be chained again, where she would not allow injustice against the vulnerable, where women would not be sold and abused in exchange for favours or power. That was her dream, that was why she wanted to be Queen.

Now all was lost, that dream and the possibility of a better world, turned into ashes, the ashes of a city that had surrendered, the ashes of innocent women and children. Jon saw the destruction and carnage, unable to do anything, he could not stop it, he could no longer reach to her.

When the smoke cleared, Daenerys stood over a devastated city, giving a speech about conquest, no longer liberation. He should have gone straight to her, but he made a mistake again and went to Tyrion first, perhaps if he had gone straight to her, the thought of killing her would never have crossed his mind. The dwarf may have been a terrible hand and a terrible advisor, but there was a reason he had survived this long, when his own life was at risk, he would whisper the right words to save his own skin. And he had fallen for his scheme.

You are the shield that guards the kingdoms of men... Who represents more danger to the people? To your sisters... She is fire and blood, that is her nature.

Jon slammed the hard iron bars angrily, enraged at how incredibly stupid and manipulative he had been. He should have gone straight to her, should have hugged her, should have assured her that it was all Cersei's fault. That he was going to stand by her side and never push her away again, they would rebuild everything, and everyone would see her for who she really was, as he still saw her.

But it would all come crashing down when he saw her again, standing in front of the throne, uncaring of her actions, not a hint of remorse. She spoke of memories, with a smile on her face, as if she hadn't just set an entire city on fire. Jon reminded her of what he had done, murdered innocent people, children burned alive, but Daenerys dismissed him as if it was nothing of importance.

She approached him, talking about how the two of them should rule together, over everything and everyone, they would decide what would be good or bad, she said as she looked at him with a big smile on her face. But it was no longer the warm, loving smile he had fallen in love with, there was no longer any sparkle in her eyes that once conveyed so much hope and passion. She seemed hollow and broken. Jon's heart broke at the sight of her like this, guilt and self-loathing overwhelmed him, his Dany was gone, and it was all his fault.

As he plunged the knife into her heart, he felt like he was plunging it into his own heart as well, Jon Snow had not died that day at the wall, not really. Jon Snow had died the day he put his knife through Daenerys Targaryen. He didn't know how long he lay there beside her, holding on to her lifeless body. He only parted from her, when his dragon came, Jon hoped she would burn him alive for what he had done, and he wished it too.

But dragons are intelligent creatures, she always said. Smarter than some men, death had been a mercy that apparently according to Drogon, he did not deserve. The dragon looked at him with accusing and hateful eyes but did not kill him. Deciding that he deserved to live out his days knowing and regretting the crime he had done, he took Dany's body and left him alone.

Grey worm was the one who found him after that, quickly asking him about his Queen. Jon confessed what he had done, provoking the wrath of the Unsullied, he beat him and confronted him for his actions, Jon did not defend himself, he no longer found any strength in himself to do so, if anything, he deserved it. The only thing he hoped was that the eunuch would beat him to death, giving him the mercy of death, but like Dany's dragon, he did not kill him. The Unsullied ordered him to be dragged to the dungeons and left there.

And there he stayed, he wasn't sure how long he had been down here, it could have been days, weeks or maybe even months, there was no way of knowing. His only visitors, apart from the rats, were the occasional Unsullied who came to throw him a piece of stale bread and a bit of water, to keep him alive. He never spoke and Jon never tried to demand answers from him, whatever Grey worm, was planning for him was taking its time. Jon didn't know why he just didn't execute him and get it over with. Being alone in the dark, though, seemed a fitting punishment. A part of his mind thought.

Maybe this was how Dany felt when he, abandoned her.

Jon's self-loathing grew with every second he spent here, but not only that, his anger and hatred for the people who betrayed him grew just as much. He was too stupid not to see what Sansa had become, now looking back it was all too easy to see that she always hated that the Lords made him King instead of her. Perhaps she even tried to get rid of him from the beginning. Not telling him about Littlefinger and the Knights of the Vale, taking every opportunity to question his authority, hating Daenerys from the moment she saw her and revealing his identity. But what hurt him the most was Arya's betrayal, if Jon thought there was anyone in this world, he could always count on it would be his favourite sister, but Arya sided with Sansa, never trusting Daenerys, never even giving her a chance. He didn't know how to feel about Bran, or whatever he had become. He was only sure of one thing; he was no longer that boy who had once been his brother. Maybe Ned Stark or Robb, had made mistakes trusting people who could have been allies, but neither of them were betrayed by their own family.


Jon heard the door open; he didn't take much importance thinking it would be another Unsullied, but he was surprised when he saw Tyrion standing in front of him, free and unchained, looking in a good condition and dressed back in fine clothing, but what caught Jon's attention the most was to see the pin on the Hand, back on his chest.

Tyrion begins to speak saying that, in order to appease everyone, a compromise was made. He will be sent to the Night's Watch. He also mentioned that his sisters wanted him to be pardoned and released from his crimes, but the Unsullied insisted on taking his head. So, the King had to make a decision that made neither side happy. That part got Jon's attention.

"'What King' he asked.

"Bran 'the broken', the first of his name" Tyrion replied with pride and a slight smile, which was quickly erased when he heard Jon's dry snort.

"That's the stupidest nickname I've ever heard" Jon said, with all honesty "So, you made Bran King, and he made you his hand, I salute you Lannister. Looks like you talked your way out again."

"The great lords of the realm were the ones who made Bran King" Tyrion told him, but was ignored by Jon.

"I figure Sansa also got the independence she so longed for" Jon said, "Always thinking she's smarter than she really is. I wonder if she took it from you, in the short time you were married."

"I know you're angry and I understand, I know you loved her" The dwarf began to speak trying to sound sincere and sorry, as he moved closer to him. "What you did was necess..."

The arrogant and confident Lannister was cut off in the middle of his sentence as he got close enough to his cell, close enough for Jon to be able to reach him. Even half-starved and having been confined, for weeks, Jon maintained his strength, at least enough to overpower the dwarf. His hand closed tightly around the last Lannister's throat, cutting off all air circulation, as he stared at him with hate-filled eyes.

"What I did, was the worst mistake I ever made, and I will pay for it for the rest of my life" Jon told him, as he enjoyed watching the little Lannister squirm, trying to free himself from his grip, as he looked at him desperately almost pleadingly, he reminded him so much of Baelish.

"Do you think you can talk your way out of this one Lannister?" Jon asked him dismissively, "I could kill you; it would be so easy. But I'm not going to. You know, why? Why I don't need to, you're going to fail again Lannister, the same way you failed Daenerys. Sooner or later, you're going to fail to this city, and people will tear you apart for it, my only regret is that I won't be here to see it."

Having nothing more to say to him and not wanting to hear another word from the dwarf again, Jon loosened his grip on his throat. But not before grabbing him by his collar and pulling him forcefully towards him, making him slam hard against the bars of his cell, causing him great pain and dropping him to the floor watching him writhe in pain, as he struggled to catch his breath again.

"Go, get the hell out of here Lannister. If I see you again, I will not hesitate to kill you, myself."

Tyrion scrambled to his feet as fast as his crooked legs allowed him and ran off.


The next visit Jon received were guards telling him the same thing Tyrion had come to inform him, he would be released and taken back to the wall as penance for his crimes. He was given the opportunity to take a bath and a more proper meal, donning his old clothes Jon made his way to the port, where a ship would be waiting to take him to Castle Black. Jon stops for a moment, to see another ship sail away, taking all the Unsullied, with Grey worm leading them, he gave Jon one last hate filled look.

You should have killed me when you had the chance.

Arriving at the port, Jon noticed three figures waiting for him. The first he saw was Bran, now wearing a crown on his head, and for the first time he could see a hint of emotion on his face, as if he was anxious at the thought of seeing him kneel before him.

I'm not fucking kneeling before you. Jon thought, before turning his attention to the other two people with him.

Sansa and Arya were at his side, dressed in sleek, fine leathers and were standing proudly, and even seemed to have the same look of satisfaction imprinted on their faces.

"Why did you attack Tyrion" Sansa asked, breaking the silence.

"That's all you have to tell me” He replied.

"I'm sorry, for revealing your true identity" She said, trying to sound apologetic, but it didn't take long for him to try to excuse herself "But only so that you can-"

"Stop, just stop" Jon cuts her off, tired of hearing lies, " You don't regret it, you're not sorry. You got what you wanted. You're a queen now, wasn't that what you always wanted?"

"I did it for the good of everyone, I did it for us for the North" She tried to insist, trying to sound as sincere as possible, but it sounded like pure horseshit to Jon.

"You didn't do anything for anyone's sake Sansa, you only did it for your own benefit" Jon pointed out, before adding, "You know once you don't see your little sister anymore, it's really easy to see through your lies."

"Jon, we are your family" This time it was Arya who interrupted, trying to support her sister. But she quickly regretted it when Jon sharply snapped at her, as he had never done before, making her back down.

"Daenerys was my Family!" Jon shouted at her, "She came to save us, she came to save our home. But that didn't matter to you, I meant nothing to you, you didn't care how I felt about her either. If we were really family, you would have supported me, you would have treated her as if she were one of us." Taking a tired breath he added, "You know I always knew that someday you and Sansa would get along and learn to love each other like sisters, but I always thought it would be when you both matured and see past your slight differences. But I never thought you would become close, because you would both become cold hearted bitches."

For the first time in a long time, he saw his little sister show some sign of emotion, she seemed genuinely hurt by his words, but Jon no longer felt any kind of empathy for his once favourite sister.

"And you," he said, turning to Sansa, "You just couldn't stand it could you? Seeing a Queen in her own right, so much more beautiful than you, loved by her people, with real power. After all you've been through, you're still an envious, spoiled little girl. Who can't stand that someone is better than her."

Unlike Arya, he enjoyed seeing the look of indignation on Sansa's face.

Finally looking over to the boy on the wheelchair, who watches the whole exchange. Who had returned to the same imperturbable face as always, he could no longer even see a trace of humanity in him.

"You're not King," Jon told him, staring into those empty eyes, "You're not even Bran. I have no fucking idea who you are or why you're doing all this. But I really don't care anymore, you and the Imp can take the seven kingdoms to hell. Or is it six kingdoms now, isn't it?" he added turning back to Sansa.

"Good luck ruling over an 'independent' North. Without the help of the other kingdoms to provide the resources it needs. A North that is on the verge of starvation and collapse after all the wars it has suffered" Jon said approaching Sansa and looking her as close as possible in the eyes with a mocking expression, "You know just like me, it may take them a while, but sooner or later the people will see you for what you really are. They will see that they are being ruled by Cercei Lannister's daughter, and not Ned Stark's daughter."

Sansa struggled to keep a calm face, but he could easily see fear creeping over her. With nothing more to say to those he once considered his family, he continued his way. Passing them without giving them a second glance. He heard Arya call out his name, but he ignored her, they were no longer his siblings, they were no longer anything to him.


Jon arrives at the wall, unable to believe that after all he had been through, he would return to this frozen hell.

Walking inside, he sees a familiar face, the giant red-haired man greets him with a strong and overly friendly hug, Jon found himself returning the hug to one of the few friends he had left.

Pulling away the redhead looked him over for a few seconds before saying, "Come on, you look like you could use a good drink."

With a dull smile he nodded.

As they made their way towards their former Lord Commander's solar Jon was reunited with another old friend, one that Jon knew he hadn't been fair to, but that didn't seem to matter much to Ghost as he gleefully ran towards him almost knocking him down in the process.

Jon smiled genuinely as he hadn't in a long time, as he pats his loyal companion, "I missed you too, kid. I never should have left you."

Ghost finally got off of him and joined him inside next to Tormund. They both grabbed a seat, with Ghost lying at Jon's feet, the red-haired man poured them both a drink of northern ale, Jon took his drink in a single sip and extended his glass towards Tormund for a refill.

As he refilled his glass, Tormund asked him. "What happened down there, you look even worse than when you came back from the dead, and I didn't think that was possible."

Jon quickly finished his second glass again, his expression turning dark and depressed as he replied to his old friend. "Nothing, nothing happened."

Of course, Tormund didn't believe him, letting out a not convinced grunt but decided not to dwell on that, simply pouring him more ale.

"I'll be leaving for the north tomorrow, with what's left of the town free" Tormund informed him, before offering "You're more than welcome to join us."

Jon nodded indicating he had heard his proposal, Tormund stood up, and began walking towards him, stopping beside him, and placing a hand on his shoulder as he said, "You're one of the toughest sons of bitches I've ever met. Whatever happened, I know you'll get over it" Finished talking, Tormund walked away.

Jon stayed there drinking alone, thinking about Tormund's words. Could he survive this? He could accompany the free folk, beyond the wall. He could find a good woman, have children, live a decent life, until he turned grey and shriveled.

Jon let out a snort, knowing it was impossible for him to have that, maybe the old Jon Snow would have wished for such a life. But he was no longer that person, he was a warrior without a war to fight, a leader without armies to lead, a King without a crown, he was a dragon alone in the world.

Jon remembers one of the best moments he spent with Daenerys on the ship, when they simply talked, while they were still naked, and she lay her head on his chest. Before arriving at White Harbor, Daenerys asked him if they could run away from everything, if they were just Jon and Dany. Where would he take her?

Jon only had to think about it for a few moments before answering, he told her he would take her beyond the wall, he would build a house for her, they would hunt and fish for food and at night he would make sure she was always warm. Daenerys rewarded him with a big smile, saying it was a nice thought, though she would prefer a warmer environment and that was when he told her about Braavos. About a comfortable little house, she wanted a red door and a lemon tree outside, that was all she needed to be happy. And of course, him to warm her bed.

Jon poured himself another drink, as he remembered what he could have had. He kept drinking and remembering the times he spent together with Dany, until he finished all the ale.

The only woman he could see himself living a normal life with was gone. There was no place or anyone else for him anymore.

Jon stood up, stumbling a little on his feet, fortunately Ghost stood up and helped him steady himself, "Good boy" he said to him, as he walked outside, accompanied by his wolf.

He walked towards the courtyard, until he stood in front of the elevator that would take him to the top of the wall, Jon stares at him for a few seconds, before finally stepping into it. But before he can do so, Ghost gets in his way, preventing him from moving forward, Jon gives him a sad smile and kneels at his side, so he can pet him and rest his forehead on his oldest companion's.

"Wait for me here, Ghost" he commands, making his loyal friend sit on his paws, "You're a good boy, the best" he tells him, as he affectionately strokes his head.

Jon leaves his wolf there, as he enters the elevator and closes the door, signalling one of the few remaining guard members to bring him up, Jon watches his wolf all the way up, until he gets high enough and can no longer see him.

Sorry Ghost. I think I'm going to leave you again.


Standing on top of the wall again, Jon remembered the first time he came here, standing so high that Jon thought this was what the Targaryen’s felt like when they rode their dragons. Until he rode a real dragon himself, standing on top of the wall, it couldn't compare one bit. Flying above the clouds, everything seemed so insignificant from up there, he felt powerful, unreachable, although he was also sure he would have felt very lonely, but he never experienced that there was always someone by his side.

He could still clearly remember the bright smile on Dany's face when she saw him riding Rhaegal, joining her in the skies. She could only imagine how lonely it would have been for her, to think all her life that she was the last Targaryen.

Who could love a Dragon. Jon remembered hearing her murmur several times.

Jon had loved her, loved her as he had never loved anyone. If he closed his eyes, he could still see her clearly, as beautiful, and fierce as the first time they met. He could remember every detail of her, from the softness of her skin against his hands or the tenderness of her lips against his. Her sweet scent that Jon loved to breathe in every time he woke up next to her, to the intoxicating scent of her arousal as he fell to his knees to worship her. He could perfectly remember the sound of her laughter, with which she delighted him when he told her of the pranks he played as a child with his brothers, or the erotic way she cried out and moaned his name against his ear. He could remember there was no better feeling than being inside Daenerys Targaryen, hearing her moan that he filled her like no man had ever done before, she always wrapped her limbs around him, making sure he never pulled away from her. The way she looked at him so intently, eyes so full of love and lust, as she told him she felt complete with him inside of her. Jon felt the same way, for the first time he felt complete, he felt like he belonged with her. There was no doubt that they had been made for each other, that sooner or later they were destined to meet, they were destined to fall in love, he would give her the family she always wished for, they would have numerous sons and daughters, they would rule together, until they grew old and grey like King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne.

But a sudden cold wind chilled him to the bone, snapping him out of his dreams, reminding him exactly where he was. He was no longer in the warm bed with Daenerys, the future they might have had together was no longer possible, he was alone at the edge of the world.

Jon's legs eventually gave way, making him fall to his knees, having to prop himself up on his elbows to keep from falling completely, as his head hit the hard floor made of ice. His body began to shiver, as Jon began to cry desperately and pitifully.

"I'm sorry, Dany. I'm so sorry" Jon said, regretting from the bottom of his heart, that he had failed her, that his fears and mistakes had cost him the life they could have had.

Feeling weary, broken and with no reason to keep on living, he struggled to his feet. And he walked to the edge of the wall, as he had done many times before, but this time he didn't look straight ahead. This time, his gaze fell downward, gazing into the abyss.

His feet rested on the edge of the wall, the tips of his toes practically in the air, he only needed to take one more step and it would all be over, he knew it was the coward's way out, but he no longer really cared. There was nothing more for him here, this way there was a small chance he could see her again, though Jon knew it wasn't very likely. He knew exactly what awaited him on the other side.

Only more darkness and loneliness.

Jon raised his foot ready to take the next step, but stopped when he heard an overwhelming voice speak out.

"You disappoint me."

Jon turned abruptly, looking all around to see who it was, but unable to find anyone.

"So much potential, so many gifts, all wasted."

"Who is there, show yourself" Jon shouted, angrily.

"You failed; the imposter sits on the throne. The traitor wears your crown. You lost your pair."

"Who are you?" Jon demanded to know, baffled that he could find no one there. Only for a torch to ignite out of nowhere, with a fire so incandescent and bright, he had to cover his eyes.

"I am the one who created you, son of fire. My champion, you were always destined for greatness, the strongest of all warriors, the greatest of all Kings, he one who would unify the world and bring the dawn."

"But the Great Other also has his own machinations, you were supposed to be raised by the three knights. Taught in the art of the sword by the best, you would rescue your Princess and conquer Essos, before arriving in Westeros. But history went awry, you were raised as a shadow of what you should have been, without name or pride, afraid to take what is yours. You repressed your true nature, rejected it, became fearful of it. Of whom you really are, of what you were always meant to be. And that's why you lost, that's why you lost her, and because of that. Chaos, war, and famine will cover the world again. Because you were weak."

"It can't end like this, don't let it end like this" Jon spoke with determination, before dropping to his knees, remembering the time he did the same before the ancient tree, when he begged and cried for the gods to make him a true born, "Please, I beg you. I know I failed you and I failed everyone, but if you give me another chance, I will not fail again. I know who I am, I know what I must do, and I will not hesitate to do it, to save everyone, to save her."

"It's too late for this world, there's no way of fixing it. You must go back, don't let any of this happen. Be who you are meant to be, save your princess, claim the crown, claim the dragon."

"I can't send your body through time, only your mind. Exactly six years in the past. You will keep all your experiences and knowledge; you will be the only one who will remember this world. Let it serve as a reminder, of what will happen if you fail."

"I will not," Jon declared firmly. Before asking, "What do I have to do?" willing to do whatever it takes, to get another chance to make things right. And even though he was literally talking to a celestial flame, he swears he could feel a smile coming from the God, when he told him.

"Kill the boy, Jon Snow. And let the man be born."

Jon knew exactly what he meant, and turning around he faced the abyss again, but this time he no longer saw an end or a way to escape his torment. He saw hope, an opportunity granted to him by the gods, an opportunity he would not squander. Taking a deep breath, he took the next step and let himself fall. As he fell towards the emptiness, only one thought crossed his mind.

I'm going to find you, Dany.


For a few moments Jon thought he was really dead, everything was dark, and he felt nothing. But shortly the sensations came back to him, a bright light was falling over his eyes, forcing them open, and if that wasn't enough, he felt someone start to shake his arm, and he also started to hear, more specifically someone shouting his name, and the voice was very familiar.

"Jon, Jon! Oi wake up man!"

Jon was finally able to open his eyes, and struggled to sit up, it felt like when he had come back from the dead. He began to scan his surroundings, quickly noticing that he was in his old room at Winterfell, he lowered his gaze to his bare chest and saw that it was completely clean, not a single scar.

"Are you all right?" Jon heard someone ask, reminding him that he was not alone.

Turning to see the other person in the room, he was surprised when he saw Robb, he looked young, with his classic carefree smile and most importantly he was alive.

Jon smiled happily as he approached him, so he could give his brother a tight hug, unnerving him a bit in the process.

It did work, I really came back.

After a few seconds, Jon pulled away from him and said cheerfully, "I'm better than ever, it's just that. It's good to see you, brother."

"We saw each other yesterday" Robb pointed out to him, still clearly confused by his behaviour. Asking him again. "Are you sure you're feeling all right?"

Jon stood up and began to dress, as he asked him, "The King, how long until he arrives at Winterfell?"

That question seemed to confuse his brother even more, "What, Jon what the hell are you talking about, what King? no King is coming to Winterfell."

I still have plenty of time. That's good.

Looking at his brother he said, "Robb, go to the stables. Tell them to prepare me a horse, when I'm done getting ready, I'll meet you there."

"Jon, what are you talking about, where the hell are you planning to go?" Robb accosted him trying to get answers out of him, but stopped when Jon turned sharply towards him, for a second Robb thought it was someone else and not his reserved brother.

Jon put a hand on his shoulder and said again, "Robb, I need you to go to the stables and tell them to get a horse ready for me, can you, do it?"

For some reason, Robb only found himself nodding at Jon's command.

"Thank you, brother," Jon told him. "I'll tell you where I'm headed when I find you there."

Robb nodded again and headed for the door, to head for the stables, but also to inform father.


Jon finished writing and sealing the letters for his brothers. He wasn't too sure about this at first, but finally decided. That if he was given a second chance, his brothers deserved it too. Obviously, he didn't write everything to them because, even if he did. It would only make it much harder for them to believe his words and they would simply take him for a madman. The most important and informative letter was the one he left for Ned Stark, although he still bitterly resented the man, for never telling him his who he really was. But he still was his uncle and when he returned to Westeros with Dany, he would rather deal with him than with Roose Bolton.

Now ready, he left his chambers and headed for the stables, a plan already forming in his mind. He would ride to White Harbor where he would take a ship to Essos. Fortunately, Daenerys told him about the rich and powerful magister who took her and her brother in. Also, that he was the one who gave Viserys the idea to marry her to Khal Drogo. Only this time, Jon would not let that happen, he would arrive in time and save her.

When he finally reached his destination, he was glad to see the stable boy and Robb, waiting for him next to his horse. But there was someone else beside them, Lord Stark.

"Jon, what is the meaning of all this. Robb tells me you are planning to leave" Lord Stark approached him and demanded answers.

Jon began to tie the little luggage he carried to his horse, while giving Robb an accusing look, causing Robb to shrink back. Jon continued at his task as he answered Lord Stark.

"I'm going to White Harbor, from there I plan to take a ship to Essos" He said, as he took the reins of his horse and led him out.

"Why are you going to Essos" Robb asked. But he was interrupted by his father.

"Jon, I don't know why you're acting like this. But stop all this now, you are not going to White Port, certainly not to Essos" Ned Stark spoke sharply, a tone he rarely used with his sons. "That's an order" He added warning him one last time, when he saw that Jon would not stop.

Reaching the outskirts of the courtyard, Jon got on his horse and swung it around to face his uncle. "By what right does the wolf, commands the Dragon" he told him, causing Lord Stark's eyes to widen in surprise and all the blood to drain from his face.

"I'm going to Essos to save my family" He continued speaking, seeing that at this hour the courtyard, was almost empty and no one close enough to hear. "And when I do, I will return to Westeros to take what is ours, with fire and blood. And you Lord Stark, you will have to decide whether you will support your idiot and drunken friend, or your own blood."

Robb could not understand Jon's words, or why his father was so affected by them, "Farewell Stark. Next time we see each other, I'll be wearing black and red" Jon said, bidding him farewell with an amused smile. This time, father didn't try to stop him.


An inconsolable Daenerys, leaned on the railing that pointed to the large and beautiful garden of Illyrio, her brother had told her of his intentions towards her. He planned to sell her to some Dothraki Khal in exchange for an army. Though she begged him not to, her brother as always ignored her, pointing out that she would have to do whatever he commanded. Stating that he would happily let the Khal and his entire army and even his horses rape her, if it meant he would get his crown.

A sudden movement brought her out of her sorrows, as she saw a figure emerge from the shadows, it was a man. Dressed in black furs and with a hood covering his face, and with a sword at his waist. His first thought was that it was an assassin sent by their enemies, she should run inside and alert Viserys and the guards. But she stopped when the mysterious figure, removed his hood revealing an unexpectedly handsome face, with long dark curls falling to his shoulders. He also looked young, perhaps only a year older than she.

Daenerys felt his deep, penetrating gaze upon her, and could not help but be captivated by it, as if the man could see deep inside her. But what surprised her the most was to see, the large smile growing on his face, it was nothing like the lustful and mischievous smiles she received from most men when they saw her or more specifically her body. It was a smile of excitement and happiness, so genuine that it made her heart race to be seen that way. And finally, she heard him speak, his voice was deep and washed with a strong accent unfamiliar to her, though Daenerys would never fully understand his words, she would never forget them. No matter how many years passed she would never forget the first words spoken to her by the man with whom she would spend the rest of her life.

From the man who saved her from her terrible fate, the man with whom she brought the dragons back to the world, the man who would be by her side when they returned to their homeland, the man with whom she would rule Westeros, for 75 years, one of the longest and most prosperous reigns in the history of Westeros. Her King, her husband, the father of her children.

"I found you, Dany."

The end.



“I found you Dany.” Be still my heart.


Kinda cringy. I wouldn't call this a fix it. You just dumped all the bad decisions and terrible character development at Jon's feet and made him the reason for it all. Dany has plenty of guilt of her own to answer for during the run especially in 7 and 8. She wasn't just some angel who never did anything wrong before her bullshit turn.