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I'm still not fully recovered, fuck I can't remember the last time I was sick for so many days, but at least I was able to finish the chapter. To give you an idea, I took this piece of plot from one of my favorite Fics, 'The Rising Son'. If you haven't read that fic I recommend you to do so, but unfortunately it seems it's permanently abandoned. But to give you an idea, the scene is quite simple. Jon arrives at Starfall in search of his mother who he thinks is Ashara Dayne, but discovers he is wrong, in the original Fic nothing happens between these two characters, but I decided to give it a more 'fun' twist. I hope you enjoy it.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


"I'm sorry, I'm not your mother."

Jon had come a long way to get here, he had run through this scenario in his mind about a thousand times. He had mentally prepared himself to hear whatever answer the woman in front of him had to give him. But still, he couldn't help but feel an immense sadness and disappointment overcome him when he heard Ashara Dayne say that she wasn't his mother. Letting out a disappointed and faded sigh, Jon said to her.

"I was afraid you were going to say that. But... I just needed to be sure, I'm sorry for coming unannounced and for wasting your time, Lady Dayne. I will excuse myself."

Disappointed and tired, Jon quickly turned and moved to leave the place and return with Kirena to fly north as soon as possible and finally get some answers out of his father. But before he could leave, he was stopped by Lady Dayne as she shouted a desperate, 'Wait' behind his back as she quickly rose from her seat and moved to stand in front of him and stopped him from moving any further by placing her delicate hands on his torso.

"Wait, just a second, please." She told him as she lifted her gaze to his.

Gods, he really did look like Ned. Though taller and with a much more pronounced beard and a much more developed body than Ned showed at his age.

At that thought and having her hands on his muscular chest, Ashara quickly removed her hands from his torso as if they were burning and avoiding his gaze due to the embarrassment of being lost in the moment, she asked him.

"You really came all this way just to ask me if I was your mother?"

"Not exactly." Jon answered her as he scratched his beard and explained his situation further, though without telling her everything. "I left Winterfell some time ago and I did so for many reasons. You could say that even though that was the place where my brothers and father were, it never felt like home or rather, I never felt like I fit in there. That's why I set out on a journey of self-discovery, I wanted to see if there was a place where I could fit in. I know that probably sounds foolish, but..."

"No no no, it doesn't sound foolish at all." Ashara told him quickly, wanting to show her support. "I'm sure many people wish they could do the same, but not many have the courage to do so." Her words caused a charming, appreciative smile to appear on Jon's face and Ashara had to avert his gaze again at how handsome he was. So, she decided to hide her childish attitude by asking him. "And were you able to find this place?"

"In a way. I'm sure I could have stayed in there and lived a long and peaceful life, but it was the same thing I could have had if I stayed in the north and I still need to find out a lot of things about my past."

With an understanding nod, Ashara asked him. "Did Ned tell you that I was your mother?"

"No, not really. I was only guided based on the rumours that you two seemed very close during the Tournament of Harrenhal. And since the dates matched, I decided to give it a try. After all, I had nothing to lose."

"I'm sorry." Ashara told him, "I feel as if you've come all this way in vain."

"Don't be. It's not like any of this is your fault." Jon told her.

Leaning closer to him and placing a hand on his cheek, Ashara said, almost sounding motherly.

"Looks like you've had a hell of a journey, doesn't it?"

"It was. Although it was worth it." Jon replied, allowing himself to sound proud of himself.

"That's good." Ashara told him, feeling happy for him.

Having met Jon and having him in front of her made her think about a lot of things. More specifically, about her daughter. And how maybe she was doing the same thing Ned was doing to the boy standing in front of her, making her think she was doing wrong after all.

Or she could go so far as to do something as radical as Jon and run off in search of her father. Allyria needed to know the truth and she had to be the one to tell her.

Her expression must have changed quickly, for she heard Jon ask her.

"Something wrong, Lady Dayne?"

She quickly flashed him a warm smile again, though this time much more forced before telling him.

"It's just... I think there's something you should know." Taking a deep breath, Ashara continued. "Those rumours were indeed substantiated; your father and I were close during the tournament at Harrenhal. We chatted, danced, laughed and eventually ended up sleeping together. Of course, this was all long before all the wars, Brandon's death and his father's death. When Ned was just the second son, when he was not engaged to anyone, when he was allowed to love freely. Ned declared such love for me, said he would marry me and take me to the North, ask his father for a castle where we could both live and rule together in his name. And I believed him, I really believed his words. Though perhaps I can't put all the blame on him, after all, who could foresee all the horrors that would follow. His brother and father murdered, he would have to become the new Lord of his house, the mad King suing for his head along with Robert Baratheon's, with him having to take his brother's place and marry Lady Catelyn Tully. In the end Ned Stark chose duty over love. He chose Catelyn over me. That's why I never told him about my pregnancy."

Jon's eyebrows seemed to shoot up over his head, his gaze instinctively going to her belly. Though it had returned to its natural state, completely flat. But just the same, that didn't stop him from asking.

"Does that mean you and my father had a...?"

It only took a nod from the beautiful woman for his suspicions to be confirmed.  

"A daughter, I named her Allyria Dayne. I managed to get her legitimized with my brother's help and she can be my daughter in name and blood."

"That's good. A child needs a name." Jon told her before asking. "And does she know who her father is?"

This time, Ashara shook her head. Feeling bad and like she had been wronging all these years to keep the truth from her daughter.

"You think I should tell her?" Ashara asked him, her voice coming out with a slight tone of desperation.

"It's not an easy decision to make, especially after all this time. And while I'm sure you've tried to do the best for your daughter all these years. I don't think it's good to keep a child in the dark for so long." Jon told her, before he added. "But either way, it's still your decision. If you ask me to, I won't say anything."

Nodding at his words, Ashara told him.

"Thank you, for everything, Jon. I think I needed to hear that. I've kept the truth from Allyria for too long, she deserves to know who her father is and choose what to do with that information."

"My sister is lucky to have you, Lady Dayne. You seem like a wonderful mother."

Her words caused a bright smile to form on Lady Ashara's face before she asked.

"How would you say your relationship is with your siblings during your time at Winterfell, Jon?"

"Wonderful, I love my brothers and I like to think that they still love me, even though I left them without a word." Jon said, these last words coming out with a slight tone of regret, but recovering quickly, he spoke about his brothers in more depth. "Robb is the older brother, he always liked to act like one. He could be a bit cocky at times, but he was a great brother and a better man, a worthy heir to Winterfell. Bran and Rickon are the youngest, as curious as they are mischievous. My little sister, Arya, I probably shouldn't say this, but she’s, my favourite." He couldn't help the smile that formed on his face as he said that and remembered his little sister. "And last there was, Sansa. She was a perfect Lady, pitifully as she grew up, she was influenced by her mother and grew further and further away from me, but she's still just a child, I'm sure she'll grow out of it."

"You say she was influenced by her mother. How was Catelyn Stark with you?" Ashara asked him.

"Well, I can't say that my presence in Winterfell was to her liking. The best I can say for her is that she was tolerant of me, most of the time. But none of that matters, I know my brothers and if Allyria should ever decide to travel to Winterfell. I'm sure they would all welcome her as if she were one of us. After all, father always taught us that 'the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives'."

"Sounds like something Ned would say." Ashara said with a slight smile, before making a surprise proposal to him. "I'd like you to stay in Starfall, you need to recover from your long journey. I bet you haven't had a nice hot bath and a proper meal in a long time."

"Can't say that I have." Jon shot back.

"Let me fix that. And besides, I'd like you to meet Allyria, I'm sure she'd like to meet one of her brothers."

"I'd love to meet her too." Jon replied excitedly.


Ashara led him through the long passages of Starfall, the castle was one of the oldest in Westeros, even older than Winterfell. And they were also very different, where the Stark's ancestral home was made mostly of black stones, Starfall seemed to have been built with a beautiful off-white marble that only seemed to glow when the sun reflected off the castle. Although the castle was not the only thing beautiful about this place, for Jon that title could easily be taken by the woman walking in front of him.

The moment Jon learned that Ashara was not his mother, he could begin to see her with different eyes, there was no doubt why Ashara was called 'the most beautiful non-Targaryen woman in all the Kingdoms' or 'the maid with the purple eyes'. Because of her time serving as a maid to Queen Elia, though her eyes were not the only thing that stood out about the woman, as beautiful as they might be. Ashara's smooth, flawless skin had taken on a tan colour surely due to the intense Dornish sun, with a long, dark mane, along with a beautiful face that looked both angelic and seductive especially because of those reddish, full lips.

And her beauty was only highlighted by the light blue summer dress that the beautiful Lady of Starfall wore. Although this was meant to be a formal dress and not at all revealing, due to Ashara's slender and curvaceous figure made the fine silk dress cling deliciously to her incredible hourglass figure. Making her enormous bust stand out more, along with her wide, captivating hips that added a curvaceous sway to her apple bottom with every step she took.

"Here we are." Jon heard Ashara say, snapping him out of his trance. Looking up from her prominent butt to her eyes, hoping she hadn't caught him staring. Though that seemed to be the case as the beautiful woman gave him a playful smile, Jon scratched his head nervously before the woman took pity on him and deciding not to say anything, preferring to open the door where his half-sister was supposed to be.

Jon entered the room after her, finding inside several beautiful young women who were apparently receiving their lessons, much like the ones Sansa was taking at Winterfell. But one woman stood out among them all, especially when she rose up and with a radiant smile said.

"Mother!" The lovely young lady practically ran up to Ashara and greeted her with a hug, when they parted, she finally seemed to notice his presence and shifted her attention to him. Curiosity imprinted on her face and a wistful expression on his as he watched his half-sister, more specifically, her eyes. Allyria had inherited the beautiful cheekbones that her mother had, but she had certainly inherited her father’s eyes.

"Mother, you didn't tell me we'd be having visitors." Allyria said, a pretty blush colouring her cheeks.

Ashara gave her daughter a strained smile before turning to the septa and the other maids still in the room and telling them.

"I wish to speak with my daughter alone."

Both the septa and the maidens nodded and quickly rose to their feet, obeying their Lady's orders.

Clearing her throat, Ashara finally spoke.

"Jon, this is my daughter, Allyria Dayne." Hugging her daughter around the waist, Ashara took a deep breath before continuing. "Allyria, this is Jon Snow, the son of the Warden of the North, Lord Eddard Stark and your half-brother."

Allyria turned her gaze quickly to her mother before turning back to him, an expression of surprise and shock on her face, managing to compose herself after a few seconds, she said.

"So, that means..."

"Ned Stark is your father, my dear." Ashara finished saying for her. "I'm sorry, for keeping the truth from you for so many years, I thought I was doing what was best for you. But meeting Jon, made me realize that I wasn't being fair to you."

Hearing her mother say those words, made Allyria quickly embrace her and raising her gaze to her, she said. "I couldn't have asked for a better mother; you have always been more than enough for me. But still, thank you for telling me."

Ashara shed a tear and hugged her daughter again; Jon watched the heartwarming moment with a smile of his own before the women parted and Allyria asked.

"You think he'd like to meet me?"

"Of course, to Ned Stark there is nothing more important than his family. And I'm sure he'll be more than happy to hear from you, as well as our brothers." Jon told him.

With a bright smile on her face, Allyria asked him. "How many siblings do I have?"

"There are six of us in all, four brothers including me and two sisters."

"Can you tell me about them?" Allyria asked him excitedly.

"Of course." Jon answered her, though it was at that moment that Ashara suggested.

"Why don't we better have this conversation over dinner. I'm sure Jon would enjoy tasting the delicious and very spicy Dornish dishes."

Jon couldn't say no to that and together with the two beautiful Ladies, they headed towards the dining room.


Jon had come all the way to Starfall in search of his mother and although he hadn't found exactly what he was looking for, he wasn't disappointed. After all, he had found a sister, Allyria Dayne was a more than lovely girl, kind and sweet, he was sure that in time she would become a wonderful Lady, just like Sansa or her mother.

Unable to contain her excitement, she had asked him a thousand questions about him, about his brothers and what it had been like growing up with them. Unable to say no to her, Jon told her everything she wanted to know. And before they had finished dinner, Allyria declared her intentions of wanting to travel north and meet her father and half-siblings. Ashara was not against this idea, but in exchange for making such a long journey to the gigantic, frozen country, she mentioned that the King planned to hold a new tournament at Harrenhal, where all the great lords would be present. Most likely, Lord Stark and his sons would also be there.

Allyria seemed excited at the idea and also asked him if he planned to attend the tournament, to which he replied, saying.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything, but first I need to go back north and settle some business."

Allyria was clearly put off at the thought of him leaving Starfall so quickly, but he assured her that they would see each other again soon at the Tournament and he would be sure to introduce her to all of her siblings. After that, they said their goodbyes for the day and Jon was led by one of the maidservants to one of the guest rooms. Though Lady Ashara was kind enough to give him the Royal chambers, where a large bathtub of hot water awaited him, something he was quite grateful for.

Jon stayed in the tub until the water cooled, finally getting out of it. Jon walked to the bed where a new change of clothes awaited him, some more in keeping with Dornish fashion, not exactly his style, but he wasn't going to turn them down. Just as he started to change, Jon heard someone knocking on his door, followed by Ashara's sweet voice asking him from behind the door.

"Jon, may I come in?"

"Of course, it's open." Jon answered her as he finished pulling up his pants.

Ashara opened the door and Jon watched her walk in holding a decanter of wine in her hands. Jon was approaching her to greet her, but stopped when she suddenly let out a very surprised and feminine squeal as she turned to turn her back to him as she said.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were still naked."

An amused smile decorated her face, at his childish attitude at simply seeing him shirtless. But not wanting to tease her about it, he simply turned his back to her as he finished dressing.

On the other hand, despite her first reaction, Ashara couldn't help but replay in her mind the vision of a shirtless Jon Snow.

He was certainly much more muscular than Ned was at his age.

There didn't seem to be a single hint of fat on his body, everything appeared to be muscle on top of muscle, though she also didn't miss the many scars and bruises that decorated his body. Unable to resist the temptation, Ashara decided to sneak one last peek and turned her face over her shoulder so she could once again observe Jon's naked body, though this time she could only catch a quick glimpse of his muscular back before he finished dressing. Ashara quickly turned again and waited for Jon to speak to her.

"You can turn around now."

Still with a blush on her cheeks and avoiding his gaze, Ashara told him.

"I wanted to talk a few things over with you before you leave for the north and I brought some of the best Red Dornish I have. You can't leave without tasting it first." She finished by saying as she shook the bottle.

"Sounds great, have a seat while I bring out a couple of glasses." Jon told her before moving to where the glasses were. Taking two, Jon returned to Ashara's side and she took it upon herself to pour them both. They both raised their glasses and clinked them in a light toast before Ashara asked the first question.

"What do you plan to do once you leave Starfall?"

"As I said, I plan to return to the north. I wish to see my family again, it's been quite some time and after that, I plan to get some answers out of my Father about my real mother." Jon replied as he took a sip of his wine.

"Why is it so important for you to know the identity of your mother?" Ashara asked him.

"Because I think a lot of things will make a lot more sense once I know her true identity." Jon answered her.

"I don't know why Ned just wouldn't tell you, I never took him for a man of many secrets."

"I think so too, that's why I think there are more important reasons why he hides her identity from me." Jon told her.

Not knowing exactly what to think of that, Ashara simply told him.

"Anyway, I'm sure you'll end up finding out and when you do, I hope you can find all the answers you're looking for." Jon nodded at her kind words and they both finished the rest of their drinks; Ashara enjoyed the slight burn in her throat before suggesting to him with a smile. "Well, why don't we talk about more fun topics."


At some point in the evening, Ashara had completely lost track of time, she had simply continued to chat and drink along with Jon. Really, she couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun in the company of another man. Though it's not like she'd had much of a chance to do so either, she really didn't get hardly any visitors at Starfall, aside from her brother and as serious as he was, she could never convince him to relax for even a second.

Now that she thought about it, she hadn't had many fun times to herself these past years. Because her whole world always revolved around her daughter. It could also be said that having an illegitimate daughter with a stranger made all the marriage proposals she once had, disappear completely and those who had not withdrawn their proposals, were not at all likable men or men with positions far below her. In fact, since she had shared those nights together with Ned at Harrenhal, she had not slept with anyone else.

She really had been very lonely these past few years. And the fact that Jon looked so much like Ned wasn't helping. Well, a much prettier and taller version of Ned. She thought as she recalled the image of a shirtless Jon Snow. Gods maybe she'd had too much to drink. You need to get a grip, Ashara, the boy is young enough to be your son.

She chided herself, but that didn't stop her from ogling him anyway. Jon looked incredibly handsome in the Dornish linen shirt, the pronounced muscles of his arms pushing against the fabric while the loose collar showed off his shapely collarbone and the tops of his strong pecs. Shaking her head, Ashara finally figured she'd had too much to drink and decided to put a stop to it before she does something she might regret later.

"I think it's pretty late now and maybe I should let you get some sleep. You have a long journey back home." Ashara told him as she stood up, though she stumbled slightly in her haste.

"You're probably right." Jon told her as he too stood up and quickly walked over to her and helped her up. Ashara was grateful for the gesture by taking his hand and couldn't help but lean back against him as he walked her towards the door. When they reached the door, Jon turned to her and finished by saying. "Thank you for the drink and the company, Lady Dayne. You make splendid companion."

"Please, call me Ashara. And I should be the one thanking you, you made me see that I wasn't doing things right with my daughter and thanks to you she will be able to meet the rest of her family. And you're great company too, Jon Snow." Ashara told him with a charming smile, before it slowly faded and she confessed to him. "I haven't had many visitors lately; the nights get a bit lonely for me."

"It's a crime that a woman like you has to spend her nights in solitude." Jon told her as he tightened his grip on her waist and instinctively pressed her against him.

"You definitely inherited your mother's charm, Jon Snow." Ashara told him both amused and flattered. "Thank you for everything, Jon really." Ashara told him, wanting to say goodbye as soon as possible, she took his face in her hands and gave him a kiss on each cheek, but instead of releasing him and leaving as she should have. She didn't move, having his face so close to hers and his strong arm wrapped around her, she just wished she could stay that way a little longer.

And without thinking, she began to slowly bring her face closer to his and Jon made no attempt to pull back, on the contrary it was he who closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against hers. Ashara groaned in surprise and stiffened for a few seconds. But slowly, her shoulders relaxed and her lips began to move against his. She felt his hands begin to slide up and down the back of her dress, his hands moved to her ass as her large breasts flattened against his chest. As soon as he cupped her thick, full globes, Ashara pulled back and stared at him.

"We shouldn't." She said softly.

"But you want to." He answered her softly.

Ashara swallowed as she stared at him. Her mouth opened, as if to express her denial, but no words came out of it. Smiling, Jon leaned forward and kissed her again. This time, she didn't hesitate to kiss him back, nor did she pull back when Jon grabbed and squeezed her ass. Instead, she moaned into his mouth, her hands sliding over his chest and shoulders.

"I can't believe we're doing this." Ashara told him breathlessly.

 Jon simply smiled at her as he squeezed her cheeks tighter and pulled her closer, his hard shaft squeezing her thigh. Inhaling deeply, Ashara moved her hips forward on instinct, then bit her lip as she realized she really wanted this, she really wanted to fuck Ned Stark's son.

Fuck it. She deserved this, she needed this.

Suddenly, she grabbed his head and pulled him into a desperate kiss as she practically ripped his shirt off with her hands. Jon did the same and slid his hands down her back and reached for the laces of her dress, ripping them easily. Sliding his hands inside the back of her dress, he caressed her soft skin as Ashara ran her hand down the front of his pants and caressed his large, prominent bulge.

Moaning as her hand ran down his length, Jon finished removing the straps of her dress. The top fell down until it hooked over her wide hips, exposing her large breasts. He wasted no time in pulling away from her lips and burying his face in her soft, padded mounds. Opening his mouth, he took one of her ample areolas between his lips and his tongue circled her thick nipple. With a moan, Ashara reached for his pant laces and quickly untied them. Within seconds, she was pushing them down his thighs and grabbing his exposed length.

"Gods, that's big." Ashara gasped. "Mmh, I'm really going to enjoy this."

Ashara gave him a lustful look as she placed her hand on his chest and pushed him down onto the bed until his knees touched the foot of the bed. With surprising strength, she pushed him back onto the mattress, where he landed on his back and bounced a couple of times.

Giving him a sensual smile, Ashara grabbed her dress, and moved back and forth as she pushed it, along with her small clothes over her wide hips until she was at his feet. Not bothering to remove her high heels, Ashara took off her dress and swaying her hips, climbed onto the bed and crawled between his legs. Her round heart shaped ass swayed behind her, Jon swallowed saliva as she pushed his member against his stomach and kissed the base of his shaft. His cock jerked eagerly at the soft touch of her full lips, causing Ashara to giggle. Sticking out her tongue, she slowly licked him from base to tip before kissing the swollen tip.

"Oh, you taste so good, Jon." Ashara told him just before taking him between her lips, her tongue swirling around his head.

Moaning around him, Ashara bobbed her head a couple of times before letting him fall from her mouth. Climbing up his body, she sat on his lap, her soft, naked lips parting around him to embrace his shaft. Reaching up, Jon cupped her magnificent breasts, caressing them as she moved her slick lips along his shaft. Ashara moved until her head pressed against his entrance, threw her head back and moaned lasciviously as her lips stretched around his girth.

"Oh, gods. Yes!" she hissed.

Slowly, she sank down on top of him, her suffocating depths adjusting to his considerable size. When her ass rested on his thighs, she leaned down and kissed him passionately. After taking a moment to adjust to his size, Ashara rose and lowered herself onto his cock, her tight lips clinging to his shaft. Pulling her lips away from his with a loud moan, she sat up, giving him a glorious view of her bouncing tits as she rode his length.

"Jon" she moaned sensuously.

Grabbing her hips, Jon helped her bounce as he moved his hips, thrusting his towering erection into her twitching core. With every gasp and moan that escaped her lips, Jon felt a primordial need to make them louder. When Ashara unexpectedly cummed, her body trembled and her hips jerked in an unsteady rhythm.

Enveloped in a haze fuelled by alcohol and lust, Jon rolled her onto her back and drew her to the edge of the mattress so that he was standing on the floor. With his hands on her shoulders, his hips pounded forward with powerful thrusts. Ashara, still in the midst of her climax, clawed at the sheets as his relentless pounding prolonged her orgasm. Jon grunted and groaned in pleasure as she spasmed around his shaft, rapidly bringing him closer to his own climax.

Although he could feel himself rapidly approaching his peak, he simply could not fall over the edge. Ashara, on the other hand, had a wild look in her eyes as she seemed to move from one climax to the next. The bed beneath her was soaking wet, and her arousal soaked his shaft and thighs, adding a wet slap to the cacophony of her moans, groans and gasps that filled the room.

On the bed, Ashara writhed, her body jerking back and forth, her prominent tits bouncing wildly with each savage thrust. With a loud savage scream, Jon ascended at a torturously slow pace toward his own peak. Sweat dripped from his face as his lungs burned from his furious ramming. Collapsing on top of Ashara, he hugged her body tightly, her tits crushed against his chest as his energy waned. Wrapping her arm and legs around him, she muttered nonsense as her nails dug into his skin.

Finally, Jon fell over the edge. His cock swelled inside her for a moment before a torrent of semen flooded her depths. His hips jerked forward, driving his throbbing length deeper into her core as he filled her. It was easily the longest and most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. When it was over, he nearly collapsed on top of the busty dark-haired woman who was still trembling beneath him.

Minutes later, when he regained some of his strength and his senses, Jon climbed onto the bed properly. Ashara dragged the pillows and blankets over to them and snuggled up next to him as he made himself comfortable.

"Jon" Ashara murmured softly beside him. Making Jon hum in doubt as he turned to look at her, she looked like a mess, but at the same time incredibly beautiful. "Please stay a little longer."

With a smile, Jon leaned over her and kissed her, this time more slowly and lovingly before lying back down next to her and answering her.

"You don't have to ask me twice, but I must warn you, my Lady. Your nights are going to become very demanding." Jon told her with a wolfish grin as he took her hand and pulled it towards his renewed erection.

Ashara looked at this in shock before sighing to herself, but loudly enough for Jon to hear.

"Oh, the vigour of the youth."

 No sooner had she said those words than Jon pounced on her again, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth as he squeezed and massaged the other. It wasn't long before he was sliding his cock back into her suffocating depths.

Jon ended up staying two more weeks at Starfall, he spent the days with his half-sister and the nights with Ashara. Though he didn't stay long enough to learn that he had left Lady Dayne with child, he would no doubt be in for a big surprise the next time he met Ashara at the Tournament of Harrenhal.


I am happy to finally get this chapter out. I hope to finally recover and get back to my best and be able to write normally again, I hope to see you soon with a new update that according to the poll will be The Conquest of the Dragonwolf. Until then.



I hope you get better soon. Awesome Chapter as Always

Daeron Targaryen

Maybe make a chapter 2 with her daughter


Please more one shots like this.. picking popular fanfiction & adding sexual content to it..


Great piece. Jon/Ashara is among my favorites as she’s probably the hottest milf in the asoiaf universe. A continuation would certainly be appreciated. Hope you’ll make a speedy recovery!